Human design is intended to give you the user manual to this vessel to more efficiently reach your potential and life purpose. cancer, scorpio or pisces. Ancient soul here to create a new earth and share unconditional love. Now Im human with a life lesson of the golden rule. And by extension, I encourage you all to identify as exactly what the council views you as; and that is human. This balance between the right and left hemispheres in the brain gives them a unique position in the universe. Saoirse Clare Host Bio: Saoirse Clare is an energetic mentor for Starseeds, creator of the Starchetype System, and author of the book "Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide." Her mission is to help Staseeds understand their journey a little more clearly through coaching, podcasting, and clarifications. Arent we all being tested isnt that why we came? I am always cold too. Yes? Here we attempt to define the types of starseeds and provide common physical and spiritual characteristics of each. Fortunately, Andromedans are extremely gifted at accessing the Akashic records, which can help an Andromedan starseed discover their true purpose after reincarnation. Moreover, you can guess the faade of people although they are extremely nice to you and all. If there are lessons to be learned, they are to be learned now, not by identifying with something that no longer exists. We all fall roughly in line with one of these, and each has its own specific strengths and weaknesses. You dont have to think about the pros and cons of helping someone. My gut still tells me something huge is going to happen but dont know what and feel I need to be completely aligned with something to reach that event. Do you have also have memories of yourself just sitting there and chill with the vampires? This includes Venus, which brings us to our Venusian starseeds. Then your experiences will not come Home. Good luck. Some believe whales and dolphins come from the seas of Mintaka originally. No one can be in charge of every minor detail. You need to know when to stop to recharge your energy. They look like an ocean during a storm with sunlight coming through breaks in the clouds sort of. Theyre also incredibly gifted at divination and channeling. Theyre the open-hearted healers; they can feel and heal at the same time. Arcturians are other-dimensional, advanced star beings that incarnate on earth frequently. Something knew that if I only radiated my Light, jealousy would arise. Usually yes , but in different family roles. Starseeds have the incredible ability to let go of anything with ease, if only you let yourself do so. Know that you are here on Earth to create a path for the spiritual awakening of other people. In this post, we dig deep into each starseed type, its traits, unique spiritual gifts, home civilization, and interesting facts you might not know. Challenges:The biggest challenge of the ruler is giving up control. Everything that they built led to their own demise because of their greed. 4. This section explains the 11 starseed types and their corresponding traits. Let us know in the comments section below! Life isnt a static experience. The reason its civilization died out? Theyre the ultimate non-conformists and cant be placed in a hole by any system. Its said she was the one who awakened Venusian starseeds to perform their very specific duty. I also discovered that if certain family members in your cells / DNA or fields of experience left a strong impression on you, then sometimes you adapt so that you place your own soul experiences in the Planetary Source of Origin of that person. you could also be a light worker which is the same thing as star-seed, Earth angel. Thank you so much, be blessed always. They are are the epitome of inner peace who can spread positivity in a room without even trying. To help ALL ascend into the higher dimensions. It is a system that works off of the premise that based on your birth time (it actually uses 30 days before your birth day), your soul chose this vessel to incarnate into. They are here to advance and innovate, to move the world into a brighter, better future. The formula is simple, your insight and supernatural skills aid you. OR find out which star system youre from, or whether you have other soul origins by purchasing a soul origin profile from Allorah. Here are 9 of the most common Starseed types: Sirian These Starseeds originate from the planets Sirius A and Sirius B and are part of the Old Soul Starseed category. If youre an old soul especially, you might have lived hundreds of past lives across many different galaxies and planets. You are always the first to stand up for literally anyone. Now that Venus as Sister Soul will soon in December 2020, energetically collapse with her twin sister the Earth, Venusians will be able to experience their Venus on Earth, within themselves. Ive also read books in which Polarians were the first spiritual beings on this planet from a higher dimension. You find the words better than I do though. that I no longer live on Venus (has also become uninhabitable in terms of habitat due to star war) and that I no longer have to conceptually transform the earth into a Venus. As a native Earth soul, you experienced your original incarnation after coming from Source on this planet. My heart and soul is leaping with excitement right now. Ive always maintained that starseeds come in all different shapes and sizes. Thank you for your lovely comment! The Twelve Starchetype Imprints serve as a guide for how all Starseeds can thrive and find community while being of highest service to humankind. Thank you so much for your help. Saoirse Clare McGovern serves as an energetic mentor for Starseeds who are in the midst of their awakening process so they can live the life of abundance they are destined for, making her the perfect person to be talking with. "Augur is an open, global prediction market protocol that allows anyone to create a market for anything. Most likely to be INFJ, INTJ, INTP, INFP or ISFP personality on Earth. In my life experience it seems a Lot of things have been shoved under the rug as things we DONT TALK ABOUT, I feel this isnt the way. However, you are free to not identify with them. Family-oriented. I encourage you to do some shadow work and understand why you feel the need to be better or above everyone else here. Their secondary mission involves bringing divine harmony, love, and peace to all those who walk this Earth. Our True Origin now tries to bring in Its energies of many experiences with other Starbeings. However, they are not. Lighworkers teach us that maximum spirituality can only be achieved by living with the utmost kindness. Labeled as revolutionary by The Oprah Winfrey Network. Your mind works deeper than anybody else. The main mission of Orion starseeds is to make the people understand how the world works both physical and not. Charlotte is a renowned Trauma Psychotherapist, Astrologer, and Founder of Typically Topical. We need scientists and scholars just as much as we do the rebels and creatives. I know Im a starseed. Shah I gotten this far so just to believe in my intuition. Hoping for some clarification. This includes Earths societal pressures, the urge to keep busy with unnecessary noise, and the clinging to things that have kept you stuck until now. Your soul falls into one of these four types. Saoirse Clare is an energetic mentor for Starseeds, creator of the Starchetype System, and author of the book "Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide." . Dont forget that this list isnt a complete list of ALL types of starseeds, but the ones that most often incarnate on Mother Earth, aka Terra. ie;- Mother,Father ,Sons or Daughters, also Grandparents, Change on each incarnation. Theyre often driven by the need for perfect and getting things done, which is why theyre so keen to assume control. The types of starseeds is to spread love and peace as well hand emanate Archangel. They were all about the love, unconditional love, and are on earth to spread more of it. Its what makes the game of life so interesting. The Warrior, above all, needs to learn patience. Their biggest lesson is in allowing their process to occur naturally. In addition, most starseed souls continue with the same body but some wander and jump into othersthese are called wandering souls. Oddly enough, Im a psychotherapist in training too. I just learned about the other me. But do you know that there are many different types of starseeds walking this Earth? Starseeds are essentially just visitors who incarnated on Earth to help guide people into their spiritual awakening. Castle12D 367 subscribers Subscribe 93 Share 1.6K views 2 years ago I recently came across a website called. Could relate with few but still dont know Im which one just know one thing believe in love n compassion very spiritual n love to help others, I actually resonated with the Hadarian traits very strongly, even though I havent heard of them before. I have learned this far in my journey that there are some amongst us, whom are older than what is currently understood on Earth whom have had several incarnations on several planets and dimensions. The Maverick wont just accept things because thats the way theyve always been. Sirians find it difficult to open up. So if I am a starseed soul, did this soul jump into this body when it took its first breath as a baby? I didnt know what that was until many year later. The Kings and Queens amongst us are the leaders of our world. Some Martian starseed traits include: Andromedan starseeds are from the Andromeda galaxy outside of our own. You want to bring them Home, but because they dont always belong to your true Home, you cannot place their love or lack thereof . And each of us can be defined by a soul type and soul archetype. There are 12 types of Starseeds, all of which you can learn more about here. My God! The Lyrans who arent incarnated on our planet are typically found in the higher dimensions in the sixth dimension and up. Two races of ancient beings called Felines and Avians also come from Lyra and helped establish much of the ancient world on Earth including Atlantis and ancient Egypt. I am truly grateful for your time research and information.. do you know anyone who does divination on this after reading im feeling like a few of these resonate. I dont feel that way anymore so I feel talking about things is the only way we learn from others experiences. Although your starseed abilities may still be dormant, your soul knows that it has a connection that goes beyond the Earth. Unlike the other starseed types, lightworkers are not associated to any star, planet, or galaxy. Theyre relatively secretive and unlike other starseed types, are most likely to have both positive and negative races here on Earth. I feel like I relate to the pliedian. A starseed losing sight of their light and purpose is nothing but detrimental. Sirius B is a water planet that is supposed to house dolphins, whales, and merpeople. They need to learn compassion for where people are at on their journey and be accepting of their limitations. 1. It is totally okay to experience worldly feelings. They can barrel through earth-bound limitations, fears, worries, and obstacles like never before. What is an Archetype? Perhaps a test is why youre here, but I dont feel that is my path. Our uniqueness is our currency in this life and beyond. This kind of conquest thinking can lead them biting off more than they can chew. Others believe life existed in this dimension on Mars many years ago because of the discovery of water on the red planet. Sign up by clicking here or the button below. Unless youre a brand new incarnation, youre likely to have called many different places of the universe your home. Your skill is bringing to light to the world through your creative talents. Its the same with Starseeds. Can u tell me how to find out which started I am? I have a question. They feel very much attached and protective of Mother Earth and Gaia. do we travel together? They can exist so much within their inner world that they isolate themselves from those whore able to help them. I still have the recording of my session and days after that session I even integrated the spot the Armageddon started. Avian starseeds live in a realm where everyone is just more energetically fluid and detached from physical realities. Click Here to Begin the Next Chapter of Your Spiritual Evolution. Read more about the Dogons connection to Sirius here. Finally the puzzle pieces have fallen into place. These types of starseeds possess a multitude of supernatural gifts such as clairsentience, light working, and spiritual cleansing. I have a witch ancestor who has contacted me in dreams, divine blood, and fairy blood or Queen Mebd. Its likely theyre still incarnating at this moment in timebut its possible were on the cusp of a new star child being born. Hard to say. They struggle to express emotions. . If you feel drawn to multiple starseed types, its possible youre a hybrid starseed; one that has gathered energy from multiple star systems. Dig Deeper: Sirian Starseed Am I One? Great article . It can represent the end of a long search. , I would like to learn more. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian cow-goddess of love and motherhood. They have an incredible sense of bravery to break their limits and set new standards for themselves. The same goes for abilities. So hard to pick where I feel I relate the most, I think Im a little bit of everything all rolled into one. Your preferred method for communicating with outer realms and cosmic entities (and.with people here on Earth!) But its possible some of them may crossover with one another. Have a wonderful day! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Dear Charlotte, Thank you so much for all this priceless information! The Warrior can sometimes be guilty of making rash judgment calls. Are you ready to let go of the past and embrace your unlimited potential? I certainly enjoyed every little bit of it. Its specific to an individual at a particular time. They most likely incarnate as female on Earth, and exude intense feminine energy. Feline starseeds value rich experiences that can help them grow. I also do tattoo work. And all your dream is trying to tell you, is that you are surrounded by individuals not connected to the collective consciousness. An indigo child was most likely born between the 1950s and 1980s (so not technically a child anymore!). Whats interesting though is that they have one starseed characteristic not seen in any other type of soul; theyre free from karma. Long before Earth came to be what we know today, it is believed that Maldek was a planet in our solar system with an endless supply of water and greenery. Hi, In recent years, it was discovered that Sirius is a two-star systema fact the Dogon tribe in Africa has been saying for years! There are tarot readings on Youtube that can help you explore this side of yourself more if you feel drawn to do so; type in starseed tarot and a few readings should come up! Looks dont have much to do with a souls spiritual evolution or awakening. Pleiadians are a type of starseed from the Pleiades star system. Which one do you think you resonate with the most? It made me feel uncomfortable to label and categorize. Some believe when we die, we pass through the Arcturian realm during the process of return. Thats life. 32 Major Signs Your Soul Is From a Distant Light System, Are You a Pleiadian Starseed? My favorite color is purple, pink, blue, white, grey, and black sooooooooo yeah. Its setting standards. 32 Major Signs that Confirm You are One, Pleiadian Starseed Am I One? I also have blue eyes with flecks of gold in them. She shared a profound out-of-body experience with her husband as he made his soul transition, where she was taken to her galactic home and shown the true nature of human existence: to give and receive Universal Love. Its a compulsion to make the unknown known. Its a fascinating practice. They love listening in as much as they love giving out profound sentiments. They question everything that doesnt have a clear reason. I always wondered but recently it is getting too much of a deep feeling that, I do not belong to this place, I want to go back my home, why all others in my family are so different and complicated? I am eager to find out what to do with my new awakening. I can relate to a few of the starseed types. Challenges:The main challenge of the creative free-spirit is to get over their internal self-judgment. Weaknesses:The Magician has high expectations. It means being able to heal and protect the people around you. I am very drawn to transmutation and evolution . sacred geometry, natal charts (signs, degrees etc), Often very confident, with a high drive for success, Wants to live in a world where spirituality and science can blend, Know they have a purpose, but might not know what it is, Act child-like, innocent, but not childish, Observers, tend to blend into the background whilst they watch others, Empathic, but guard emotions due to previous trauma and conflict, Have a strong desire to travel the world or visit 1 place in particular, Love anything creative or science related, Might feel drawn to spiritual jobs: tarot readers, writers, reiki healers, counsellors, artists, teachers, musicians, Interested in meta-physics, spiritual practices, May suffer from deep rooted anxiety or depression if not in alignment. Every August, you can connect with the high-vibrational and loving energy of the Sirian race during the Lionsgate Portal. Thats incredibly accurate. ], How to Find Your Angel Number: 2 Simple Steps (By an Expert), What is a Starseed? Weaknesses:Mavericks can be fighting so hard for a cause that they veer away from the facts and drift in zealotry if they lack proper self-awareness. No matter what you resonate with, know youre absolutely not alone in your line of thinking! But sleeping is my favorite thing to do because its the only time my mind is at rest. This will help you figure out which type of starseed you are. It just Happens! Not so. Some people believe the Annunaki are demons, evil aliens that are controlling the masses, etc. The Sage (The Free Thinker and Innovator) 5. Did your soul really originate on Earth? You are in tune not only with your emotions, but with other peoples feelings as well. Typically Topical bridges the connection between this world and the unknown. Moreover, they lived on a planet called Nibiru and sources claim theyre the same as the grays or reptilians. Also I am intrigued with volcanos and am drawn to the element of fire and the moon and to dragons. I am gona continue to do research. Do any of you star seeds have a rainbow aura? I just took what I learned from all of them and made my own pillar. Disclaimer: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Associated with dragons, draconian starseeds are a reptilian subrace. Avians are optimistic souls. Learn how your comment data is processed. I sit and watch stars and wait for something extraordinary to happen. Do you really want to colour within the lines? You can check out Allorahs article on how to look for signs in your natal chart here. Very drawn to astrology, spirituality, meta-physics, space, astronomy, Skilled healers, extremely gifted in arts, creative fields and counseling. Pleiadians are drawn to water animals i.e. When we share our stories with others, and with the world, we allow ourselves to be seen for who we really are. They are now here on Earth to guide humans not to make the same mistake they did. Part of your Earth planes existence is to release anything that no longer serves you. The original inhabitants of brightest star in the Earth's sky, Sirius A, are said to have come from Vega (in the Lyra constellation). Thank Again Donna Kay. in-tune with the earths energies and feel shifts in seasons, etc. It can sometimes take the joy out of their passion and make them hard characters to deal with. A crystal star child is highly empathetic, deeply spiritual, and has a close connection to Mother Earth or Gaia. Leaders take on this responsibility, willingly. Blue Rays are said to be highly sensitive souls that are empathic in their nature. Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, has a home in Arcturus. This hibernation mode typically acts as a self-defense mechanism, a cocoon until youre ready to awaken. They both involve the dead eating the living, in order to keep moving forward. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian goddess born of love, motherhood, and fertility. have a strong connection or affinity with cats (these people prefer cats over dogs! The Warrior is the one who never gives in. And that theres another civilization inside called the Agarthans. Slit of my unanswered question have been answered, but so many new questions now. Theyre simply reference points for your character. . There is always room for deviations and exceptions. Thank you and blessings always ? Wow, how remarkable. I relate to three different starseed types. It can cause them to become very insular, forgoing any sense of personal kinship with those around them. Crystals on the other hand emanate from Archangel Gabriel. Maybe you felt a few resonated, which makes perfect sense. If you are a starseed, you are naturally drawn to astronomical elements because you are born from stardust. Have a wonderful day! This was INCREDIBLY enlightening, but do you have any information on Leonid starseeds? These mystical beings are emotionally, mentally, and physically far more advanced than we are, existing in the 5th dimension only. You could be just as proficient at writing, drawing, and music although youll tend to gravitate towards one more than the other. Remember when I said Orions have bad races too? As an old soul, youve been around the cosmic block many, many times and likely been soul family to many different star races. Starseeds have often lived many past lives. The Pleiades consist of seven bright stars. I too believe that we need all the help we can get in taking care of and loving our planet but its difficult to decide what to do personally. The message received while channeling this system was clear: where we come from as Starseeds matters less than what we are here to do in this incarnation. Thank you ? They can, however, maintain small starseed characteristics as a human being e.g. If you were to research the Annunaki online, youll find all kinds of conspiracy theories out there. Indigos are those with empowerment from Archangel Michael. As Venus I come from a family with another Venus, Pleiadian, Lyrian and Orion. Is there an exercise you can recommend to find out which one I am? I have a perfect Leo in moles on my left elbow, and generally constellations all over my arms. Their commitment and bravery can also be their undoing. This is due to their karma cycle and their interference with Earth beings in a previous past life. They find it incredibly hard to trust others and delegate tasks. (Signs, Mission, Traits & More), Orion Starseed Am I One? The Teacher in me carried the concept of Love to teach it as such. Purpose: They dont serve a soul group mission or purpose, but rather are placed on Earth to serve a very, very specific purpose only known to themselves. Dig Deeper: Orion Starseed Am I One? There are a lot of posts online that claim starseeds must look a certain way, but a soul seeking expansion and evolved consciousness isnt likely to be picky about what characteristics and traits they are re-born with. Pleiadians are here to help the human race evolve, ready for the Golden Age transformation. The Reptilian race, Lifgarians, grays and other draconians come from Draco. Weaknesses:The creators perfectionism is their biggest weakness. Aside from empowerment, their main goal is to spread love and peace as well. What is a Starseed? After the destruction, there were those who were rescued to Earth. But, they may feel a tug of war during their waking lives about what theyre supposed to do versus what they want to do. Maldeks are one of the last two starseed types who originated from a dark past. If you were born between 1980s to late 1990s, its possible you are a crystal child. When I looked up at the constellation of Orion I long to go home. Purpose: Arcturians are strong-willed beings, who naturally command leadership. oceanography, marine biology, natural resources and ecology, Are most in-tune with their Earth mission and purpose, Feel alienated, regardless of what planet or star system they are one, Often are highly rebellious and dont follow norms, Very sensitive and in tune with their emotions, Lead a natural lifestyle; avoid chemicals as much as possible, Gifted in lucid dreaming, astral travel and channeling, Often a magnet for problems or problematic people, Strong manifestors, ability to manifest quickly and effortlessly, Keepers of ancient knowledge; love anything to do with history, Drawn to magick, advanced technology and metaphysics, Love food, drink and pleasure (good time people), May have a feeling of being stuck here as they cant go home, no matter how many times they reincarnate due to the downfall of the Lyran planets, May have a connection with cats or ancient Egypt, May feel drawn to travel to Egypt, the closest connection they have to home, Often incarnate as fire signs: Sagittarius, Leo or Aries, Can be power and money hungry if out of alignment, Commanding and confident personality type, Chameleon like effect; can blend into most environments, Strong sense of duty to their career or mission, May entertain a dangerous or very physical job e.g shark diver, mountain climber, adventurer, Expert in body language and communication, Limited psychic ability and spiritual healing powers. Great work! I was once an alpha draconian too. We have been on many planets, incarnating in a way of: When youre in Rome, do as the Romans do! Hi Mikayla , It feels like home to me. Challenges:The Warrior is always in need of their next big challenge. Super, that about your downloads! Feline starseeds are those who can never stop developing themselves. The reason I say were? A kind deed is a kind deed. Theyre not power hungry and rarely seek possessions, rather they value personal freedom. As your internal compass and intuition become stronger youll learn to decipher what your mind vs your heart is trying to tell you. Email I know my akashic download. Ancicent Egypt, African tribes, and other people have legends and connections with the Star Sirius and with good reason. Your high levels of empathy can even cause you to become people-pleasers, especially when you fail to set boundaries. have a love for canines: dogs, wolves, etc. They now help humans build and create. take great pleasure in good and exotic food, beverage, sexuality, etc. But, of course, I could be wrong. Lightworkers are special starseed souls who come from a variety of planets, realms, and star systems. Spreads love easily. Known as the most benevolent of all types, Andromedan starseeds are souls that originated from the Andromeda Galaxy. These are sometimes known as the Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal Children. There are some Draconians who are selfish and some say evil, while others are here to help wake humanity and raise consciousness. Hi Zoe, I hope you see this. Pleiadians come from Pleiades, a beautiful star cluster known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45 in the Taurus constellation. Earths galactic neighbors, only 2.5 million light-years away! The Magician is the most spiritual of all archetypes. Orion starseeds originate from one of the most known and well-documented constellations in the universe. I used to have dreams flying, observing earth. I feel the same feelings.. im indigo children When a starseeds time here is done, you will be called back to your original home in this universe, or to another dimension where your gifts are needed. Veru sensitive and empathic as well. They are true knowledge seekers, and whilst most believe this only applies to scientific fields, I believe they just love to learn, regardless of the subject. And Founder of typically Topical bridges the connection between this world and the unknown, worries and... Be better or above everyone else here lived on a planet called Nibiru sources. To tell you always the first to stand up for literally anyone you, is that they have incredible. 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