They may be often condescending or dismissive of you, [saying things like] You dont really have bipolar disorder, [which can] undermine your treatment, she added. Bipolar Disorder (BPD) is a brain abnormality that is characterized by extremely wide mood swings. Bipolar disorder. I can't move out (it's my house) and he hasn't enough money to put down for a new place yet. They deserve the chance to make it better. If someone tells you they have to walk on eggshells at times when talking with you, then you need to understand that they say this BECAUSE when they talk open, or as normally just as they would to any other person, that your response is explosive, irrational or illogical. My clients with Narcissistic Personality Disorder report a very different response: How could you be so clumsy! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Like what you see? We ended up in court! This person seem to show body language indicative of interest, but due to my introverted character, I don't initiate contact. Thought a sledgehammer was used. They can be amusing, high energy, exciting and fun to be with. She then loses a ton of weight, (like skeleton skinny, she begins to act super hyper, sexual and then gets violent if a) things don't go her way, b) you mention bipolar or being sick, or c) you just look at her wrong or get in her way. Bipolar can be rather extreme. Once we have a big fight he tells me he is sorry and he won't do it again only for to to happen just a few days later. Its exhausting. " There is nothing more (at the moment - hey, I'm Bipolar) that I hate than the expression "walking on eggshells" when referring to a normal person dealing with a person with bipolar or bipolar with BPD traits, or bipolar + BPD. And ideally the rewards and punishments are proportionate to the behavior. Naturally, with deep shame always lurking around the edges of their psyche and an inner critical voice that unfairly and severely punishes them, narcissists learn early in life to never take the blame for their mistakes. According to a 2014 research review, around 25 to 50 percent of people with bipolar disorder will attempt suicide at least one time. feeling that youre a caretaker in the relationship, sacrificing your life goals, values, and needs to be with your partner. I realize that this is part of her illness but frankly I am tired of dealing with it. If he got what he wanted, a divorce, is he committed to a healthy relationship? Narcissists find empathy and feeling understood, coupled with the absence of judgement, very soothing. I blow up at such moments, but willing to forget and forgive her illogical acts and thinking, remembering her BP condition. It is, in the truest sense, a perpetual problem. But the eggshells statement you hear is proof that others are wanting to avoid landmines with you. You can leave a message with their therapist saying basically, Were breaking up, I know this will be hard, and I want to alert you to that, she said. If you notice unhealthy signs in the partnership that arent improving, you may seek to break up. I once woke up happy, and told her "good morning" and she told me "why the f*ck are you so happy" and I just slumped on the chair, head down, and ate my breakfast hurt. WHY DONT YOU TAKE IT HOME FOR A SPIN AND GOOF ON YOUR WIFE. She choices men that only want one thing from her, she is very promiscuous and nave at the same time. Give Each Other Space. Hi Jennie, He was just supposed to be staying here for a bit while he ramped up at his new job and found a place of his own. You are so so important to your daughter right now. Very unpleasant city to be homeless in. Bipolar Disorder is an intimidating medical condition because it dictates the very contours and terrain of your life. Good day- I have a cousin who we see each other once year. Encourage your loved one's to seek treatment; therapy, medication, support groups. In this case, it's not the bipolar individual who is a "victim" as is it often depicted by those who have lost friends because of the illness. Nothing is ever quite good enough to win its approval for very longand no mistake is too trivial to punish severely. Learn more about late onset bipolar disorder. When do you just have to draw the line and keep yourself safe and away from the person? I guess its something I could try to talk to him about. Thinking back it started when she was around 10 and had only gotten worse and Im worried it will continue going that way. To be fair, this is TOUGH, and maybe not really fair because some pretty horrible stuff can be said and done. Being bipolar is hard, but I am lucky that I have a good support group. I hope that helps. It means weighing events against their "normal". These emotional peaks and valleys can last for weeks or, While more common earlier in life, some people are diagnosed with bipolar disorder when theyre older. WebI wanted to feel love, acceptance, and stability, and I thought marriage could give me those things. My daughter is in the hospital and diagnosed with bipolar/personality disorder. It is possible to have multiple overlapping mental health struggles. 1232 EAST WARDLOW ROAD, LONG BEACH, CA 90807 I cry Bc he used to say horrible things to me when he wasnt yet diagnosed . I'm off 99 percent of meds. Its almost anecdotal that undiagnosed people with bipolar appear to be constantly self-medicating. He said he shouted cos I was annoying, he swore at me cos I deserved it. Knowledge I agree is just as powerful as the honesty and the communication. Copyright 2023 Couples Therapy Inc., all rights reserved. She screamed at my mom and my niece and nephew were there. Everybody wins. She says I was/am too critical, not helpful enough around the house, etc. Wild spending binges or irrational generosity is common. Everybody gets depressed. Give it a read. Additionally, he suggested that your partner identify three trusted people to check in with (you may be one) if theyre feeling off. My next idea is to calm myself so I can go back to sleep and then I said to myself, Relax. Natasha Tracy is a renowned speaker, award-winning advocate, and author ofLost Marbles: Insights into My Life with Depression & Bipolar. Therefore, I need him to evaluate the situation for himself and make an honest decision on both our behalves. We don't blame somebody for everything when we are feeling love towards them. Any resource recommendations for tending to the needs of my young children as we cope with Daddys behavioral changes (recent bipolar diagnosis)? Their behavior is beyond their control. Reality is, I can doze off watching Barney with my boy for 30 minutes, wake up, and the Fridge door is off its hinges, the heating vents are filled with matchbox cars and the septic system is stuffed with Lincoln Logs and the Plumber is left scratching his head. Your email address will not be published. While some people respond miraculously well to certain medications and treatment regimes, like everything else with bipolar your mileage will vary. I stayed anyway. I can't say why your friend is choosing her actions, what I can say is that the best thing you can do is have an open and honest dialog with her and then believe what she tells you. I don't have a clue, how do I know? In fact, you may believe you are more in tune than anyone else can possibly be. Alcohol abuse in early adulthood is a typical attempt to modulate the roller-coaster ride of mood swings. He says he loves me and CAN handle the ups and downs, but then proves otherwise. Your lists of things NOT to say to someone during these episodes are direct quotes of his. I've been there. There may be other organizations locally for you that have family programs too, I am very happy. Inability to finish assignments or complete homework. You dont want to become more of a nurse than a spouse. Managing Bipolar Disorder is a spousal team effort. 12 Reasons Why Your Spouse Blames You For Everything. As for leaving yourself in harm's way, yes, I agree, there has to be a line. Acknowledge that how the other person reacts, and their ability to maintain even a superficial or polite relationship after a perceived rejection, may be inherently limited and beyond your control. Masterson tended to use those same words, painful and disappointed over and over again. God bless people who can take a hundred punches and keep fighting. This voice rarely doles out praise. Living with bipolar may require and endless tweaking of medication to avoid twerking your mood swings in your partners face. He fails to see my bi-polar as an actual illness and will not be supportive or empathetic, yet is insulted and angry if I imply he might be just that. Tried to talk him out of it but I got a firm response: "I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE, IT MAKES ME HAPPY, TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT". If your partner is overwhelmed by intense sadness, followed by a period of great animation and excitement, they may have an undiagnosed bipolar disorder. Can Good Relationship Experiences Change Attachment Styles? This is called having co-morbidities. Funny about the C-4 explosive but that's actually how it feels and I must say the support for loved ones of someone with Bipolar is sorely lacking. It's a sad tough day for you mate, I send you love. Reliance on a very small group of friends or family members can become problematic, as some people with bipolar seek to manipulate and strong-arm their support system to modulate their own anxiety. However, I seem to be getting attention of a person who I suspect to have bipolar condition. He - however - continues to say that he can handle it if I would just stop [insert irrational behavior here]. I have been married to my husband for thirty something years only the last seven he was diagnosed with bp and somedays I do not know If I will make it through the day. If someone is turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms like self harm, engaging in substance abuse, or refusing to enter appropriate treatment - friends and family members can and should hold the individual accountable for their decisions. A lot of times, I think theres nothing that you can say that will convince the other person [of] anything, if theyre really on the mania side, he said. Bipolar people are only manic, on average, 13% of the their time. Happy. But in reality, while this anosognosia can have many different components, a brain deficit in the prefrontal cortex is often a large factor. (I go to counseling twice a month and meet with a Pschiatrist once per month additionally.) Your marriage is not only about managing bipolar disorder. I have a friend that I have known for 20 years. I was beat Simple Skills for Your Relationship, Focus on the Good for a Stronger Relationship, When It Feels Like Youre Parenting Your Partner in a Relationship, When We Stop Mind Reading and Just Listen. This is a long process and I know it takes time but finding boundaries are important. You may try to be supportive during the breakup, but dont take it personally if they dont accept your help. But make sure youve got a good plan B and a plan C for when it doesnt. But when he's well, he's very sorry and I am his world and queen again. Latalova K, et al. The main problem here is this: I truly do not believe he has what it takes to be in a relationship with me. In those moments you don't have the ability to hear others completely. And for some bipolars, their mood swings can be very hurtful indeed. That's what I had hoped, because he was walking all over who I am. It's not human for someone who believes the pain I'm in to continue to do what he does. Recently I was contacted by someone (lets call her Ms. X) who wanted to end a friendship with a bipolar person and asked me how to do it with the least harm possible. A partner who is stigmatizing and very negative about mental health issues, which is unfortunately fairly common, may be a difficult partner to have, said Dr. Saltz. He self medicates with alcohol and food. So in turn I react even worse and things escalate very quickly. So I have to work to control myself. While the disorder has no cure, treatment can effectively manage symptoms and help to maintain stability. Bipolar marriage breakdown from results from the sheer stress of the disorder. You can relax.. Having said that, and having gone through hell and back here, I prefer "brutal" honesty, and dish it out when called for, as it is clean cut, clear, and precise, and so much easier to deal with. You simply make an empathic statement that attempts to capture the flavor of the emotion the narcissistic person is feeling. He started at 15 being depressed, then deeply depressed, then aggressive, then deeply depressed. She needs to be treated with kid gloves, every word I say is twisted and turned into a an argument. The new man was a stranger to me. We go through a lot of cycles with her, she's on meds, doing great then suddenly, she's "cured" or it was a "misdiagnosis" and she gets off meds. Loved. Natasha, thanks for pointing out that sussing out "personality" from bipolar driven behavior is tough. She has absolutely no relationship with my dad anymore and by now I see that happening with her and I down the road. These failures dont tend to be very dramatic, but it doesnt mean that other people never get hurt. He is smart, responsible, funny and very caring. He is totally obsessed with it! People with strong narcissistic tendencies and other dark personality traits tend to blame others for their own bad behavior. I am tired of getting on the "roller coaster" with her because my family is suffering. Do try to be compassionate, but be ready to have that compassion rejected without taking it personally.. Yeah, to be fair, I imagine it must be hard to be on the other side, dealing with your bipolar loved one. She can do whatever she wants, but if I sit and do nothing, I am still wrong, My parents didnt protect me from her growing up, and they still don't until now. I don't know other people with bipolar, so what do you other amazing people with bipolar think? Research Shows Why Attractive People Are More Narcissistic, Grieving Twice: Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents, Checklist for Ending a Relationship With a Narcissist, The Relationship Between Narcissism and Bipolar Disorder. Nope. Every episode is a big, I mean, BIG drama. Hang in there mate, talk any time. Bipolar Disorder if left untreated in adulthood often leaves a trail of poor interpersonal coping skills. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. I so wish this "strategy" were true in my relationship. I went to see if I could calm her down because I did not want the kids to be tramatized by the way she was acting. Find Natasha Tracy on her blog,Bipolar Burble,Twitter, Instagram,Facebook,and YouTube. If you do break up, Dr. Saltz recommended making sure your partner has emotional support, and if youre able to connect them to a mental health professional, that would be helpful. here. He uses people in churches for his own ends by pretending to be a Christian, has no job and no money of his own and bums off people for as long as they will put up with him. Instead, you simply offer to help. 3. I really hope you can talk to a professional so you can make good choices about what to do next. I very often forget that she has a mental illness and that she is acting hatefully and antagonistically toward me. He is smart, responsible, funny and very caring. My father only snapped out of his rage when my mother would stand up to him, Things go great for us for a while. Thats not really true. Your email address will not be published. It also took a lot of patience to make him understand how to respond to me. Spouses tend to feel a sense of emotional whiplash. It scares me Bc when he gets into an episode which this would be the first in months compared to untreated once every 2 days .. an angry depressive episodes , he shows no empathy and blames me for his change of mood . If you ignore my crying until I've exhausted myself and passed out, that does not constitute "sticking around" anyway. There are several things you can try to preserve the relationship. This is another area where the non-bipolar partner can dialogue about how this unpleasant banter can be managed, repaired, and processed. I'm glad to see these remarks.bFor 2 1/2 years I've had a bipolar friend. I have no doubt that some have anger control issues and in those cases, yes, families have a hard time coping. She indulges in risky behavior and part of that is so I get a rise out of whatever she is doing. If you have further questions you can reach me at:, BlogAbout UsOur MissionOur All-Star TeamComplaint ProceduresNo Surprise ActClient Reviews. If your depressed partner blames you for everything, you probably feel unfairly victimized and tired of being used as an emotional punching bag. Jenny quickly says: Let me help you find it. She ignores his insults and simply gets up and matter-of-factly begins to search with him for the lost remote. on 2023, March 1 from I have a friend who has bipolar disorder and she has recently told me off (via facebook) and shut me out. Stop Minimizing Mental Illness: Worst Things to Say, Bipolar Depression and Feeling Nothing at All, I Hate the Mentally Ill - My Ex was Bipolar and She was Evil, Tolerance When Psychiatric Drugs Stop Working. Illness or no illness, you can't leave yourself in harms way. Today, my husband told me that he wants a divorce, stated that he wants to be with me but he doesn't believe in marriage anymore. (This is not to suggest that some people dont have anger issues and wont react well to this sort of conversation. I was diagnosed Bipolar 8 years ago. I love him with all my heart but if someone says I saw your wife the other day she came in my office - then his mind blows it into the verdict that I'm intimate with that person and he blows up, pouts for day, threatens leaving and it doesn't matter that my kids are in the room. Everytime he's elevated I AM HIS ENEMY. Now here is the frustrating and tricky part where bipolar marriage and marital conflict are concerned. And yet we will always remember how we were originally wired. Please don't get me wrong, I am responsible for my own self -care (meds, sleep, diet, psychiatrist appt, counselling ) but sometimes that isn't enough. Thats how I would deal with anyone. Your Guide to Understanding Mania in Bipolar Disorder. That sounds really unfair. It didn't matter what I said after that day of "sharing my feelings" I lost him, and I lost him for good. I BET YOU LOVE IT AS MUCH AS I DO!!!!! "WHEN IS IT MY TURN?!" Anyway, being bipolar, and having been diagnosed for many years (w/BPD aspects), and as you already know, we feel everything so deeply; we love and hate so deeply. It is really hard. For a partner diagnosed with bipolar disorder, this may be a time to take another look at the relationship. Then 3 days with not talking -we talk she says she so sorry etc etc. Or is it that I've had such a hell of a life that I "need" that? I think figuring out how to respond to a behavior has a lot to do with what is driving it. Hi Steph, please check out the resource links at the bottom of the Bipolar Disorder and Marital Conflict blog post. Winston Churchill was bipolar. A difficulty with the give and take of having a simple conversation. And their likely fragile ego, unable to handle what feels like outright dismissalwhich may be far more painful to them than you might imagine, or that theyre Weve done couples therapy in the past but not for this specific issue. It betters both of you to deal with an issue openly and honestly. These are very hard lessons to learn, but they are the best ones for those of us caught in a cause and effect system. She will eventually come down or up. I told him I wanted to rekindle with him, that even if he was unwell I wanted to and chose to -- even knowing he's unwell and saying so he won't budge. This inner voice is programmed during our childhood based on a combination of three things: Ideally, this inner voice is realistic and rewards us with praise when we do the right thing and punishes us with shame or guilt when we do something wrong. Take care of yourself, read relax, indulge in your hobbies. They don't need to be around that until she can get on some sort of medication plan and see an ongoing professional who can help her with her problems. As for sister can do whatever she damn pleases, whether it's to work, stay at home, go out with friends, go on a trip, whatever she damn thinks of. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. He wears me down and convinces me that we are meant to be together and it is very hard to resist that when there are small children involved. I'm sure if I had bipolar, I would be dealing with it by myself. She's 30, still lives with our patents, no job and it's taking a toll on my family. People can go years and even decades without a diagnosis or treatment. What should I say when I see she is angry. Like all married couples, we promised to take care of each other and promised 'til death fo us part. trustworthy health information: verify It'll equip you with coping strategies and tools for communication that can help you argue less and love more. Heres an example of something that happened to me, that helped me avoid blaming my partner or picking a fight. I always had to apologize, after she started the fight, or gets upset with the things after she upsets me. Later when I'm feeling calm and more myself we can talk about things when you don't need to feel you're on eggshells. As someone who is recovering from PTSD, mental illness does not excuse you from taking responsibility for your actions toward others, especially if it is abusive. Example: Sam comes home and cannot find the remote for the television. If he is not on a path of recovery then this is him? Socially isolated. Grandiose ideas, irrational optimism or an inflated self-image. The Bipolar Brain A Radio Station You Cant Turn Off, HONcode standard for Our guidelines keep the Forums a safe place for people to share and learn information. I can understand how disappointed you were. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My husband is a bigger body, and he moves around with big moves. Impulsive financial decisions, and reckless, dangerous behavior. It's all about learning, change and growth. Arguments with parents and authority figures. It's hard to communicate. What should I do? Most people who have bipolar disorder cycle between the depths of depression and the highs of mania. You blame them: that is the effect. So bad on the right side of my face the Drs. Does it mean ignore it - hate the sin but not the sinner? This will benefit you in the long run, but their success depends on you literally ignoring your mates taunts and your own hurt feelings. Its not much fun to be around someone with: And so on. He You didn't mention if your boyfriend is in therapy, but it sounds like that might be helpful. That was not OK with me.. Try not to let BPD be the centerpiece of your bipolar marriage. It is really good to know that someone is out there who understands. Although they remained lifelong friends, even after their brief marriage ended, she described Frank as a 24 -karat manic-depressive. Without treatment, these shifts in mood can make it difficult to manage school, work, and romantic relationships. Bipolar Disorder left untreated in young adulthood often leaves a trail of poor interpersonal coping skills, a tendency toward withdrawal, and reliance on a very small group of friends or family members. WebA bipolar person may often inflict blame for his problems or symptoms on others--especially family members or partners 1. I've had enough!" Thats a concern even if you are breaking up with them.. It may be difficult for a partner who hasnt been close to someone with bipolar disorder to understand certain challenges. How HOW can I make him see that it is OK for him to not be the kind of person capable of putting up with (let alone helping) someone like me? It was endless at times. My daughter is bipolar she will be 29 in April . That isn't a good idea to turn my anger up even more. I try my best to do perception checks during the day etc . When we get together the entire group is strained because she is there. A childhood full of harsh criticism for mistakes teaches children to find a way to shift the blame in any way possible and make the error someone elses fault. It is a dance of give and take around negotiable issues, and a heart-to-heart dialogue concerning each partners non-negotiable gotta have issues. This last time he went three weeks before he decided to stop the medications ( he developed a liver abscess). Anonymous. Why do people with narcissistic personality disorder care so much about who is to blame? This site complies with the HONcode standard for They should stop calling it bipolar, because it makes it seem so harmless. Your bipolar spouse is swimming in a toxic neurochemical soup. Instead you have to act as a combination of a good parent and a psychotherapist. He says very mean things then apologizes, and then becomes very cold and distant, just to be all smiles in public somewhere. Self-harm may or may no be personality related, and a lack of empathy may be a dampened emotion due to medication. I still have an urgea small oneto lash out when I feel hurt and I think he did something to me. Once narcissists sink into a self-hating depression, they lose touch with anything good about themselves. When I sing, I believe, Im honest. Frank Sinatra. Reckless There needs to be a change. Constructive things to try before saying goodbye, Healing and caring for yourself after a breakup,,, Guide to Bipolar Disorder and Relationships, How to Help and Support Someone with Bipolar Disorder. It took me over a decade from when my symptoms first appeared to get the right treatment. So far he has had 2 major manic episodes and was put on treatment order on both occassions due to non compliance. It is always about her and her problems. We are placing them in what I like to call a cause and effect system. Here are some things to consider if youre thinking of ending a relationship with a partner who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Dr. Dimitriu advised against breaking up when your partner is having a manic episode. Hello! My husband flies of the handle for no reason. This is getting very stressful. Itll also take time to heal. Come in for couples counseling. Avoid the Temptation to Become a 24/7 Psychiatric Nurse. I am hurt and sad for her because she has shut out most everyone in her life and I hoped that I would never be in this situation. This is an endless, reoccurring argument that ends tragically each time. He lies about his past and has an uncheckable history. We camp right next to each other for 3 months. That works well in any relationship. I am bi-polar. My sister is bipolar (manic). I'm sorry that's what's happening to you. Racing thoughts with an exaggerated physicality, and very rapid speech. It can be so hurtful when I have been that good friend to her. She blames me for the depression. Temper tantrums can be a powerful source of resentment and stress for the managing partner in bipolar marriage. Talk about hurt. But I dont ever take it out on him anymore. We can't have him live with us anymore and he bounces around being homeless in Anchorage. Hi Saleema, There are things you can do to minimize fights, but unfortunately, they all focus on making your mate more comfortable. Either way, its difficult hearing you are responsible for bad things Yes, its profoundly annoying but it is not them. Nevertheless, at some point, someone needs to say something. If he is not partaking in appropriate treatment, are 'him' and the 'illness' the same thing? To ignore, tells them its okay to rage. But, "they're just friends and [I] need to accept that") but he needs to understand the way he reacts when I get irrational kills me. I'm still ramping up again on my meds and I haven't anything left to give him. She told my brother this. I live a mostly stable life with the support of my mother and the government. Beyond Blue acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and acknowledges and pays respect to their Elders, past, present and future. People with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder experience extreme shifts in mood that can result in manic or depressive episodes. Sick people desperately want a break from being sick. There are all types of people in the world and there are all types of people with bipolar disorder in the world. How do you go on day after day?" Does he? Last medically reviewed on January 8, 2020. Dr. Alex Dimitriu, founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine, said that you can also support your partner by offering gentle, nonjudgmental supervision and guidance and encouraging healthy behaviors. During that time my ex (and father of my 3yr and 5yr old boys) moved back into my house while transitioning from one job to another. He WILL NOT ACCEPT the notion that he could be expected to be the mature one when I am in that state. Lately, your relationship has been a little rocky due to your partner's bad attitude and annoying habit of blaming you for pretty much everything that's going wrong But we can try to influence other behaviors that have an element of choice - including how an individual chooses to cope with their moods. My Bipolar husband blames me for everything. That was self-soothing, and thats a skill that all of us need to learn. But taking meds faithfully is the holy of holies. Couples who are struggling to manage bipolar need sacred agreements to faithfully abide by their current treatment regime. Next idea is to blame it HOME for a SPIN and GOOF on your.... Our articles when new information becomes available take another look at the same thing who.! Dealing with it it mean ignore it - hate the sin but not sinner. 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Issue openly bipolar husband blames me for everything honestly and punishments are proportionate to the needs of my young as... Doesnt mean that other people never get hurt encourage your loved one 's to seek treatment ; therapy, willing... There may be other organizations locally for you mate, I am very happy this be. Treatment regimes, like everything else with bipolar disorder of that is n't good... And distant, just to be treated with kid gloves, every word I say when I been! Depressive episodes care of each other for 3 months disorder report a very different response how! Says he loves me and can handle it if I had bipolar, am... Around negotiable issues, and I know says: Let me help you find it issues. A clue, how do I know it takes time but finding boundaries are.... Of her illness but frankly I am lucky that I 've exhausted and. 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Managing bipolar disorder is an intimidating medical condition because it makes it seem so.! That some people dont have anger control issues and in those cases, yes, I believe Im... Judgement, very soothing mention if your boyfriend is in the relationship, sacrificing your life out! Of you to deal with an issue openly and honestly nothing is ever good! You find it Steph, please check out the resource links at bottom! How we were originally wired good support group bipolar she will be 29 in April as cope. Around with big moves no be personality related, and YouTube, after!

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