However, Brandons dad said that after the call ended, he kept trying to call Brandon but that he wasnt picking up the call, which means the phone was in working condition but not being answered. However, his car was found on a seemingly random gravel access road facing the wrong direction. What happened to Brookelyn Farthing? Swanson, 19, disappeared in May of 2008 after running his car off the road in rural western Minnesota. The son couldnt have been sober if he didnt know the area he was in if he lived there his life. This is one of those cases where there seem to be more questions than actual facts, so a lot of judgments and theories probably will come down to intuition. There was no damage to the car and no signs of any injuries sustained in the accident. 2.30 am (approx) 47 minutes into this particular phone call, Brandon suddenly exclaimed Oh shit! and went silent for the rest of the call. [] so often I come across a case (such as the disappearance of Brandon Swanson) that I absolutely cannot get out of my head sometimes because of the how, sometimes []. Of course, we may never know for sure, but his disappearance seems very intentional. There was no sign of him at the scene. Me and my dad was fighting over my mom helping me with money all the time. He called his parents asking for help, and they set out in their pickup. Hypothermia can set in very fast. I dont want to be rude or anything, but all over the internet i only came acros the searching that took over years from volunteering. Pingback: Brandon Swanson Sleuth Be Told. This requires police in Minnesota to begin immediate searches for missing adults under the age of 21, as well as any older adults who have been reported missing where there are suspicious circumstances. One finger on each of her hands is noticeably curved. I therefore do not rule out other motives which might be at play here. While his friends observed him consume a few alcholic drinks, they said it was not eough to mae him appear intoxicated. My thought is, he fell into a cistren/well that is unmarked or unknown. Usually in a situation like this close relatives would be the first to be questioned/ruled out, so I assume that his father was, although as you say there isnt much information on this at all so its not actually that clear. Brent Swancer is an author and crypto expert living in Japan. Considering all of the searches that have been done..I tend to believe that he may have been abducted and taken away from the area..For the family, I would never give up hope that someday he will be found..May God bless.. And I completely agree with you for the family, I sincerely hope that someday there will be some kind of answer to all this. I think Brandons mom would do anything for Brandon. Assuming his phone was on and operational the police couldve called his carrier and started a trace. [25] Damascus Dreams. Its a good question, as potentially that wouldve ruled out a lot of scenarios. My two cents. Who ever is taking those pictures with him frustrated, hes not happy with that person. What gets me now is..If he was heading back to Marshall after having a few drinks in Canby to celebrate end of classes..He would have known Rt. I would love to see the cell phone records, if any cellphone tracking happened and the results, and any lie detector or witness testimony of the parents whereabouts that night. Not being in a car, his remains will probably never be found. Swanson had just completed a year-long technical school programme in wind energy. call he made to his father probably drained the battery on his Motorola slvr phone. Yet more theories are that Brandon was either hit by a car or picked up by an apparently helpful driver who turned out to have a malicious intent. It was a cold night. And since the phone cut off directly after the expletive it lends to the idea that something happened suddenly. Yes, that could possibly have been the case. The authorities say that there is neither any evidence of foul play, nor any evidence that Brandon would have staged his own disappearance. Searches of the river didn't produce his body, however, and there's no evidence to support any theory. Brandon had mentioned passing fences and hearing nearby water, his father recalled. Swanson has never been heard from again. the minute brandon decided to walk on his own, the person/people start following him. Nineteen year old Brandon Swanson lived in Marshall, Minnesota with his parents. Dont worry, what youve written doesnt come across as rude or offensive. Nineteen year old Brandon Swanson lived in Marshall, Minnesota with his parents. Brandon was last seen on May 14, 2008 leaving a friend's house. In the morning, Swanson's parents reported him missing to police, . After looking into some theories, I have come up with my own. Wonder if his phone dropped the call? What is known is that at around 4 AM, Brookelyn called her cousin to come pick her up from the house, but as the cousin had had too much to drink, she couldnt. 14th May 2008Midnight (approx) Swanson left the get-together in Canby shortly after midnight. Your email address will not be published. Yet again, the main problem with these theories is that of evidence or, more specifically, the big fat lack of it. The car wasn't anywhere near the place Swanson said it was; he had been twenty miles away from there. I think there has been discussion about how those last words were actually said, but nothing conclusive has ever been decided unfortunately. I just wanted to include this theory here as its just as likely as the other theory and they are both similar in nature. Also, it says the conversation was 45 minutes long. He lived with his sister, who cared for him (a job that included moving him around the house, to the toilet, outside for fresh air, etc). It was determined that there was no evidence at all that he had met with foul play or that he had had any desire to want to suddenly run away. When Brandon Lawson vanished in 2013, it left authorities baffled and his family in shambles. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. This week on the podcast, Ethan and Marisa discuss the strange and still unsolved disappearance of 19 year old Brandon Swanson. Im a volunteer firefighter and we deal with a lot of car vs ditch simple reason Im in the marine town of New Bern craven county and the Marines do not know how to drive on gravel roads. I dont live in the area (or in the states) but after looking on google maps, about where his car was found (Lyon Lincoln road, Porter/Taunton highw 68). In some areas in Lincoln County, the water had been 10 feet (3.0 m) deep on the morning of the disappearance, but . What an interesting read. The only thing that has ever been found is Brandons car, which was discovered around twenty miles away from where he told his parents he thought he crashed. Youre right that this case could really go any way. Shortly after 2:00 a.m., Swanson suddenly swore and the call ended abruptly. I moved 400 miles from home. They stated that he didnt believe it would and instead would go straight to voicemail. Efforts to call back also reached a seemingly operational phone that was simply not being answered. Either they killed the kid for some reason and made up this story.or the kid thought the whole thing out made his parents believe he was looking for them and said oh shit hung up the phone and just took of on his own . Brandon's Law, named for Swanson, was passed later in 2008. I looked over all the stories on Brandons disappearance, and none of it makes sense. This has included over thirty dog handlers from nine different states. The man she had been with, whose identity has been withheld, was questioned and he told authorities that he had stepped out, leaving Brookelyn alone on the proch smoking a cigarette, and that when he had come home at 7AM the living room was on fire. If you believe you have important information regarding Brandon Swansons disappearance or his whereabouts, I urge you to contact Lincoln Countys Sheriffs Department on (507) 694-1664. But if his dad ran him off and Brandon had left..Then he wouldnt have any fear in calling his mom, at least to let her know he was ok.. On May 14, 2008, nineteen year old Brandon Swanson disappeared from Marshall, Minnesota, approximately at 2:00 a.m. Its shelter if bad weather comes, and it WILL BE FOUND, you on the other hand might not. In addition, some comments I have seen from the mother include that she felt very early on before the first 24 hours were up that something terribly wrong had happened and You know, Im not sure Brandon is going to be found in my lifetime. These are just not the normal kind of things mothers say about their missing children. Most of the stories are rumors, the most likely of the stories is the river explanation. Sorry for my English. My dad had said some mean things to me, and I left four 5 years before speaking to them. Whoever Brandon saw with their car lights, they may have been the ones to help him and took him back to wherever they planned to take him as a motive to either harm or rob him. If something dangerous was imminent, it seems unlikely that Brandon would actually hang up the phone. When my phone dies or is off & people call, it still rings 4 times before going to voice mail, just like it normally does. I do think theres a concern about promptly searching for people who perhaps want to be missing or have left an abusive situation and dont want to be found, but I dont think this is quite the place for that conversation. As you say, its all very odd. The sheriffs' office obtains Brandon's cell phone records and it revealed that he had been calling from the vicinity of Taunton, 25 miles from Lynde. He has never been seen or heard from again, and the lack of evidence in his mysterious vanishing has puzzled family, friends, authorities, and websleuths alike. Thanks for taking the time to comment Geo. Road signs? In the call he tells the operator that he has run out of gas and is in a field. Rural. Pepper, and the "Paul is Dead" Conspiracy Theory. I came across with this reddit post. Looks like another mystery within the mystery. On some occasions, these people who have stepped off the face of the earth have reached out one last time to make contact with those they knew and leave chilling messages that possibly hold clues buried within them, but which have never been figured out. The river, which is up to 15 feet deep in places, was running high and fast at that time. Authorities were also a bit perplexed, as the route Brandon had been traveling was very familiar to him and that he had always taken a very specific route to and from school each day, so it was a mystery as to how he could have gotten so hopelessly lost and how his car had ended up so far off of that path. It is not known why he went there, and he had not mentioned it to Melissa or anyone else. The phone wasnt shut off however, as the father also said the phone continued to ring when he tried calling back. I cant understand why Brandon wouldnt just shut his car door as hes walking to meet his parents, though Im sure theres a simple explanation its something I feel a little hung up on, something that gives me pause for thought. Shortly after, Brandon exclaims; Oh s***. His father believes he hears Brandons foot slipping and the phone goes dead. If anyone knows where to find more details let me know. To summarise the video, Annette confirms that after the oh shit! from her son the phone line didnt cut off. Its also important to note that Brian Swanson didnt get the impression his son was intoxicated whilst on the phone with him; Brandon seemed his usual self despite being frustrated about his situation, there was no slurring of his words or any other telltale signs that he may have been drunk.Nancy Scott interviewFor anyone interested in hearing Annette Swanson speak on the situation, I found a snippet of an interview she did with Nancy Scott which can be viewed below. Among the many mysterious vanishings out there, a few of them have left behind very chilling clues that only serve to make them even more ominous and frightening. The temperature at the time of his disappearance was 46 F, or 8 degrees Celsius, and dropped to 39 F, or 4 degrees Celsius. I shed light on unsolved mysteries and shocking crimes. A number of other theories have been considered, including the idea that Brandon might have hidden in an abandoned structure to escape the cold and then succumbed to hypothermia, or that he was attacked by an animal and taken away. Loads of missing people that disappeared without a trace are found later, sometimes much later, in a body of water or bed,even. Nothing. On March 12, 2009, Brian and Annette Swanson spoke before the House to help expand the Minnesota's Missing Children's Act so it can help missing and endangered adults.The law requires Minnesota police to begin an immediate search for missing adults under 21, as well as older adults who are missing under suspicious circumstances. What Happened to Brandon Swanson? Brandon's Law, named for Swanson, was passed later in 2008. He had his oh shit exclaimation at 2:00AM. My name is Julie Fidler. Its in totally different direction, not even the opposite direction where his car was found! The Disappearance. Such a sad case. [], [] happened with Brandon Swanson, it happened with Elisa Lam, and now its happened with a man named (by the British Journal of []. Despite extensive searches of the area where his vehicle was found, Brandon Swanson has not been located and his disappearance remains unsolved. He said that he knew which direction to head in as he could see what looked like the lights of a town. So, case closed. Police came to break up the fracas, but according to his friends Michael was nowhere to be seen, and at the end of the evening he was still missing. Swanson is a 2007 graduate of Marshall High School. It is possible that Brandon was murdered in some way, possibly by another person from the party? I think its pretty obvious to say that someone took Brandon back to their farm and harmed him and maybe buried him somewhere out in the field where he may never be found I dont mean to sound so morbid but we all know that people do this in rural areas when its not very safe, especially driving alone at night and not knowing where youre at after a wreck. as kidnapper takes his phone, he points a gun at him. Donations are accepted but not expected; the site remains free-access to all. Given his location, it could have been slightly more likely than my other explanations. As stated above, Swansons phone records showed he was 25 miles away from where hed told his parents he thought he was. As his parents were on their way to help, the cell phone connection went dead at 3:10 a.m. An answer might be that Brandon dropped the phone, causing the battery to fall out and so ending the call that way. If so, it would make it even less likely for him to botch his location by such great lengths. The well idea could be possible, although I would imagine that it would have been found during one of the searches. Maybe his Phone, or Someone else called the parents saying Something worrying. One fairly well-known case that I have covered before but seems worth mentioning here is a case covered by David Paulides in his Missing 411 series of books and revolves around the strange call made by a 19-year-old college student named Brandon Swanson. Hi my name is Chris, and I was looking for feedback on Brandon Swanson case. I pretty sure Brandons alive and well. It's a difficult case for many reasons. And Im guessing the landowners doesnt wants police with search parties destroying their crops? Thats why he said oh shit. If he hung up, that says a lot. The phone Motorola Slvr, according to Wikipedia has a talk time of 6 hours and 42 minutes and a stand by time of 350 hours, a very long time. If it phone battery died that says a lot. . The authorities received over seventy-five tips about Brandon, but none have borne any information that has led anywhere near to finding him. Everything I say is a guess, of course, but in May in Minnesota, that river was probably freezing. That makes me think that somebody knows what happened to him. However what are the odds, of the phone being fully charged when he had left? This story is about Douglas Swanson Jr. When Government Agencies Secretly Work in the Field of the Supernatural and the Occult, About That Time Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Supposedly Saw Aliens on the Moon. On March 20, 2009, almost a year after his disappearance, the Marshall Independent reported that Jeff Haase of Search Rescue and Recovery Resources of Minnesota was the new search organizer for the Swanson family. IntoxicationIts not believed that Brandon Swanson was drunk at the time of his disappearance. As a crime writer I find this case fascinating and disturbing, and I have looked at countless theories around what happened that night. Its genuinely tragic for Brandon Swansons poor family and friends, and hopefully one day theyll have an answer. Thats an interesting scenario, and one I dont think Ive come across before. I very much hope that his parents find out what happened to him, so they can stop wondering. But it still interesting, he hasnt shown up at all. And if he was picked up by someone, surely he would tell his dad, who he was on the phone with at the time? But I really feel in such cases as these most of these wind up revealing foul play. Alternatively, you can submit an anonymous tip to the FBI via this link: They stayed on the phone a bit longer and Brandon said he could see the lights of the town in the distance and also that he could hear running water. When Brookelyn did not show up for an appointment the next day and did not answer any calls or texts they contacted authorities. Also, if someone had just offered to give him a lift home, why would he swear at all? A search was launched involving hundreds of people and trained dogs, which would go on for around 4 months meticulously going through a 100 square mile area without finding the missing man or even any trace whatsoever of where he had gone. He ended up instead heading over to stay with his brother Kyle after getting a call from Ladessa and arguing some more. But I think it was probably more of a oh sh-t! something completely unexpected has just happened. Though their is a third option to bear in mind. Is there any new leads in this case its 2017 I was just wondering.And this case is quite disturbing I really hope answers can be found. BRANDON SWANSON - THEORIES (MINDSHOCK TRUE CRIME PODCAST CLIPS)Examining different theories in the Brandon Swanson disappearance.LISTEN to the FULL PODCAST here - this channel to get access to perks: FREE TRIAL - MINDSHOCK - FACEBOOK - - - - - No one had any idea of where he had gone off to, until at 2 AM Michaels boss got a rather disturbing call from the missing man, in which he says, They are following me. I know its 2008 technology, but was he and his parents familiar with the area? It takes effect July 1, 2009. My theory: A young boy is walking alone in a dark road at 2am, looking for the light of . 3) The father says Brandon exclaimed Oh shit! and his phone then turned off. The authorities received over seventy-five tips about Brandon, but none have borne any information that has led anywhere near to finding him. I was thinking, possibly he stated oh ####.then hung up. The idea that the lights he saw were a drug deal isnt likely. He was the one who took his wife home, while he dealt with Brandon. My mom spoke with Brandons dad when he was calling land owners for permission to search. Subscribe Today! Brandon Lawson was 26 years old when he went missing on August 9, 2013. More than one. Not long after this there was a series of cryptic messages, which read HELP LOL OUR, another saying what stood aloof, and the last reading, Eldridge bro. After that there were no further communications and all efforts to call or message Michael remained unanswered. Yes, its definitely a very sad case. Confessions of a Hitman (Confessions) Luc Picard. . According to Wikipedia, the average walking speed is 5 km per hour. It is unclear whether she knew these men before the party, but her sister Paige would later state that she had known everyone there. As well as trying to call their son, Brian and Annette Swanson continued to look for any sign of Brandon or his car. This requires police in Minnesota to begin immediate searches for missing adults under the age of 21, as well as any older adults who have been reported missing where there are suspicious circumstances. Some people do have very strong ideas about what happened, but I suppose until any more evidence comes to light, these are just ideas and theories. Celebrating in the context of the description indicates alcohol intake and possibly some recreational drugs. It can happen. My thoughts are that since his Dad said in the SAR report in that secret 47min call, Brandon told his Dad he was crossing fields and hopping fences. Source: He had driven off the road, was intoxicated, and was trying to figure out where he was when the call cut off. Monday is Brandon Swanson's 28th birthday. Thats the first and only time Ive read anything like that about this case to be honest, so I have no idea where thats come from. From everything I have read Branding on was walking along the road speaking to his father and unless the road intersects the river then it is an unlikely explanation. What was the meaning of those cryptic last messages? Did they locate his car? His parents were unable to find him, so Swanson said he was going to walk to the nearby town of Lynd, Minnesota, where he could see lights. Homes? These theories have major flaws, however; if a person has time to register danger, swear down the phone and then end a phone call, surely they would have time to get out of the way of an oncoming vehicle? Hopefully therell be an answer one day, but until then there are really more questions than answers. Although there were some accounts that he'd been drinking alcohol that evening, investigators don't believe he was intoxicated or otherwise impaired when he disappeared. Thanks for your comment. Theories Regarding Brandon's Disappearance #1: Brandon Swanson fell into a river and made it back out Since the river was examined and Brandon's body was never found, officials believe that he made it back out of the water and resumed walking. rumors from people in the area of Marshall, is he owed lots of money to some drug dealers. After looking at google maps to get a better idea of where Brandon was.I think we can already answer some of these questions if we think a little. I would love to get more police report related information about this case. Jeff Haase is the founder of Midwest Technical Rescue Training Associates, a nonprofit organization that teaches technical rescue skills to public-safety providers.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Pingback: #41 Strange Disappearances | Weird Tales and the Unexplainable, Pingback: Heres The 51 Creepiest Mysteries That Remain Unsolved To This Very Day | Viral Hot Topics, Pingback: Heres The 51 Creepiest Mysteries That Remain Unsolved To This Very Day - Weight Loss Diet 2 Fitness. It seems there are many fields and farmsteads etc. I researched the phone, it was prone to battery problems. Since Brandon's 911 call was of such poor quality, it's frustrating trying to figure out what he was saying and what, if anything, was happening to him in those moments. In spite of all the searches using state of the art equipment and techniques, and all of the theories and hours of investigations and searches, we are still no closer to knowing what occurred that night, or where Brandon Swanson is now. When he took off walking, my guess is that he found himself trespassing somewhere he wasnt wanted. 68 onto Lynn Lincoln County Road after midnight..The following day, authorities used cellular phone records to locate Swansons car. Swanson's case remains unsolved. Just before the Oh Shit, Brandon said Not another fence, his Dad heard him climb a fence then seconds Oh Shit the sound of him slipping on rocks was at the same time. Brandon told them he couldnt see the lights at all, so he got back into his car and started flashing his own headlights in the hope that maybe they would see him. Also that authorities search in the wrong direction, and his missing probably is a staged and a false flag. Others think he simply left town for personal reasons. Brandons LawAnnette and Brian Swanson advocated for the state to legislate Brandons Law, requiring law enforcement to investigate missing adult cases more promptly, assessing if the missing person could be in dangerous circumstances, and conduct an investigation to establish if the person is indeed missing and if theyre endangered, regardless of their age. It took effect almost two months later on July 1 st . Brandon left the party around . The problem with this theory however, is that there would be some trace if he had fallen in, and so far nothing has been found at any point of the river. Both sides got increasingly frustrated, and Brandon eventually said that he was going to start walking towards the town of Lynd, to a friends house. Im certain he found him and dealt with Brandon that night. If i look to your country the USA, al of the missing persons (including on interpol) are a widespread all over the country, and al these cases are far from different than that of Brandon Swanson is. The disappearance. If he was even a little impaired I dont think its that strange that he made a wrong turn. I have 4 kids, and Ive been accused of showing favoritism. A third theory suggests that Shaffer might have died by suicide. Why doesnt he know the area better he grew up there? This boy is missed in an area of approximately 20/30 miles, that to me feels realy realy weird, and never i find such an odd missing case like that of Brandon. I dont think its that odd. Vanished Without a Trace: The Mysterious Disappearance of Brandon Swanson | YARO Crime | Lost in the Night: The Search for Answers in Brandon Swanson's Disap. The result? Its definitely a possibility, and would fit the admittedly few facts that we do know for sure. The next day the car was found 20 miles from where the parents where looking for him just sounds crazy none of them knew the area where they lived . Numerous searches have been conducted of the area and bodies of water surrounding the location where Brandon's car was found. Aleister Crowley. After getting to the location which he had described, they started flashing the cars headlights so that Brandon could start walking towards them. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! And if he was picked up by someone, surely he would tell his dad, who he was on the phone with at the time? 60 minutes/5km is 12. What they lived here at least 10 years maybe more and they dont know the area? He said that he knew which direction to head in as he could see what looked like the lights of a town. Im not being funny, Im just trying to come up with an explanation. Her books are available on Amazon. At the time of his disappearance Brandon was 19 years old, 5'6" and 120 lbs. Hes in the middle of nowhere, sees some lights, which he thought was the town, walks toward it and then realizes its not what he thought it was. Yet again, the main problem with these theories is that of evidence or, more specifically, the big fat lack of it. As you say, it wouldnt explain the phone call, but it might explain the lack of evidence. If something dangerous was imminent, it seems unlikely that Brandon would actually hang up the phone. The truth may well be something that we currently consider to be far-fetched. To me James the father left a lot of information out..Him and mom should be checked out more thoroughly.. we all need to realize one thing, brandon is 55 and around 130 pounds. These theories have major flaws, however; if a person has time to register danger, swear down the phone and then end a phone . He was returning from a party when he crashed his car in a ditch and called his parents for help. after reading all the facts n stuff, my conclusion is this, i think hes being watched/followed at the time he recked his car. How long have Brandon lived in those places? If the person is not found within 30 days then Minnesota law enforcement is required to begin taking DNA samples, getting access to dental records, X-rays, photos and fingerprints if possible.Brandons parents were concerned about the initial response of law enforcement when they had first tried to report their son as missing, and their attitude that he had a right to be missing and he was probably still out from the night before, despite Annette telling them she knew something was seriously wrong. I grew up in a small town near where Brandon disappeared and remember seeing all the missing posters and people searching in fields for him. 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Their is a third option to bear in mind rule out other motives which might be at here... Is an author and crypto expert living in Japan per hour good question, the...

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