I miss them so much and love with all my heart. Surviving Divorce, Custody and Depression: Losing Custody Of Child Poem, My Lost Love, My Lost Child A look into an evil world where false allegations and abuse are allowed. I tell myself, yesterday is gone & today is one day closer for my kids to come back to me. If they come in and take the kids, just give em up and move on. CPS also made my husband divorce me! I just wish I could tuck them in bed and hold them at night and enjoy family time dancing. I PRAY FOR STRENGTH.. Depression can run in families. That was before Child Protective Services social workers started taking children away because of PD. They have came home December 4 2020 from foster care due to false allegations, and then they got tooken away December 18. My own mother was wanted my son sience birth. I dont know what to do! With all that going on, once they took my kids, I drove myself off the cliff spiritually. Thats a good way to look at it, Shirley. Could you give me some advice, anything helps? I cannot live life without them. So i had moved out of my friends place thinking if i got in a better place they would leave me and my children alone. I had my grandchild the day before RIPPED out of my life!!!! Mothers and fathers may cling to each other more closely, give each other space to grieve . -Christine in Reno, Nv The school called me telling me they lost her isnt it normal to call police? They are very taken care of. God the father says He will never me leave me Nor forsake me. This will help you gain PERSPECTIVE. Nor does calling us, emailing us, chatting us, or otherwise contacting us. The Bible says for now we see through a glass darkly. 1 Corinthians 13:12. Linda, I saw on your comment that you missed ten years of your kids life. I called DSS the night before and told them he had a fever of 102.6 and might need to see a Dr. in the middle of the night. Donald Trump might have enough money to fight it, not that he cares, but Im just trying to emphasize the amount of money it is going to take to fight this. Thank God he knows he is a child of God. And because of my certainty that I couldnt have children I was sexually active despite my current dependence on a drug. If I cannot keep it from destroying my family, I will do what I can to stop this from happening to any other family. But still I have no more friends. There are nine factors in all, focusing on the emotional and physical needs of the child and each parents ability to meet them. I have witnessed the State purposely spend $800 on us because that was the amount left of the budget for their office for the year. DSS is not what I thought they were. Idk it hurts I constantly have a lump in my throat. our Mombecause she knows how to make us feel better. NC DSS had done an interstate compact but I dont believe it had fully gone through yet. What you have is probably depressive reaction, also called situational depression or adjustment disorder. This is a reaction to the shock and trauma of having your family attacked and separated. I have 4 boys and he is the only one with substance abuse and anger issues. Subject to the childs best interests standard, you have every right to custody and visitation. Did you know that one out of ten Americans will suffer from clinical depression at some time in their lives? My kids moved with me. I also-dont know if these work yet or not because I just ordered them-but they have great reviews, they are called Happy Pills by brain Pharma. Im so lost in my own feelings & I feel my heart will never heel. I started a charm bracelet for my daughter & a tool collection & remote control items for my son. I have put this matter into the Lords hands, to let Him do the work in His time, since theres nothing else that can be done to change things. also our Facebook Group and Facebook Page. I buy a Christmas ornament for the kids each year & hang all the ornaments on the tree. Fuck those assholes, theres a special place in hell for them all. This must stop. And its that our children belong to God and we only get to borrow them for a little while sometimes. am in need of a friend who has been here to support me and also tell what i need to hear not just candy coat. }, { With all due respect, you are labeling a four year old as if she is a monster and you should be ashamed of yourself. Please also know that this too shall pass, one day our children will be all grown and cps cant touch them! Vancouver, British Columbia: University of British Columbia. Lucinda its ok count another death on your hands just after I finally rest in peace. You see I used to write. Now im asking God to restore what has been lost. You didnt give up. BUT I do agree I have a lot on me and I am not fighting anymore. I dont know what else to do. And they took my son again and my daughter this time. Depression is the most common mental illness in America, and millions of people suffer from bouts of depression, especially after a traumatic experience like a divorce, a job loss, a death in the family or financial stress. Amanda, Im putting you and your children on my prayer list. Shortly after news broke via The Sun on Tuesday . NY would not take the TN medical insurance. cps should not exist the superior family law governs especially your childrens history the minute this courts make a mistake that causes your child harm they blame you , everybody we all need to be strong the cps court in san bernardino just closed my case because i told them i would jump their hoops but i was not signing anything they wnted my signature so they closed the case i awaitto have some document statin so. The Good Shepherd takes care of His sheep. Your family and friends need to know that despite your intense pain, youre going to get through this. Yesterday i got the news that the tpr was granted. God is not complicit with sin. Related Articles. I could never find the strength to Erin her off my breast completely because I have felt the agony of opiate withdrawal and as her mother the thought of her having to endure that nearly killed me. Think about what your children would want you to be doing with this time in your life when theyre not with you. Please read your states laws about families and custody decisions. 3.) Wouldnt they want you to be doing something to make your life better, like more education so you could get a better job? :(. Linda Jo Martin is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program Now a`days I put it in them to say no. We both regret having to do so. We do yell but rarely. I have no idea where i am suppose to start to get some help for this situation. "It was not death, for I stood up" by Emily Dickinson Excerpt: It was not Death, for I stood up, And all the Dead, lie down It was not Night, for all the Bells Put out their Tongues, for Noon. Got me going again. The shoe doesnt feel so well on the other foot. I do know Oregon State it is foreign to me and I was lured up here by family members who promised us a big loving family.. but Instead we were abused.. lied to and manipulated.. HANG IN THERE ALL OF YOU MOMMYSas long as my two feet touch the floor each day and im able to take that first deep breath of the day, i send love strength and hope on the wind for you. You are going through one of the most traumatic things a mother can go through. How can you show that? Find a way to help others it will take your mind off your problems and bring some joy into your life. I know my kids will come looking for me when they turn 18. Some of them, including our Governor, I contacted more than once, and used more than one method to contact him. I hope you write me back!! A judge will only make custody decisions based on the best interests of a child. I was in a hospital 5 times in a year and a half. Did cps take them and you were able to get them back or you are able to see them through the foster parents. i live in Calif. Where do you live? Tomorrow i get to say good bye to my son. DSS was caught in their own web of lies! The county gets social security fund money just for having you go to their services like psychological testing, counseling, parenting classes, etc so it is a financial benefit to them to have you doing these things, thinking all along that you might get the child back, even if they truly never intend to allow that to happen. It is important to note that there is a significant difference between suffering from depression during a hard time in your life and suffering from lifelong major depression or manic depression. So I understand losing your faith. I suffer from anxiety now that I never had once before. Factors affecting mother-child visiting identified by women with histories of substance abuse and child custody loss. The nature of each disorder is vastly different. Proper nutrition and sleep will help you recover faster from grief by reducing stress hormones in the blood. Lord knows I need a support system and Lord knows Im willing to support others going through this nightmare. I also requested CPS to be involved to investigate the claims this woman had made. Hopefully they will see this and contact you. And I leave till the friday of next week. The idea that the relationship between you and your child will change following a seperation with your spouse or due to other issues can be distressing. I was lying in bed sobbing because my son will be turning 4 in just a couple of weeks. You can get them on Ebay. And isolated because I carry a pain that will never lessen or go away. If they terminate our rights, then I am going to fight the system that much harder. I suggest you set up a Facebook page or blog of some kind with all their baby pictures and your side of the story about what happened. Someone who knows this family might see it and report it to the family. My mom hurt me very deeply. This is history people Cps and the government are out of control. I have not been before a judge are anything as of yet, they just coerced me into signing a safety plan to allow my kids to be placed with their dad. CPS had called me and asked me to meet them at the DHS building in the town i was living in said that they wanted to do a meeting with me and to bring my children because they hadnt seen them in a while. Whether youve been diagnosed, are undergoing treatment, or youre simply struggling with symptoms, there are implications for your life personally and professionally. I was turned away they had told me that there was no reason to involve CPS. God had reasons that I still do not fully comprehend, but I trust him. Love is the most powerful force on earth, and the love between a bereaved parent and his/her child is a lifeforce to behold. I lost my children three girls in 2011. LGBTQ. Thanks for this uplifting article/post. I have the certificate of adoption with her name on it. Jesus heals broken hearts. You can STILL do things for them, get a chest for each one and fill it with things they love, have stars named after them, etc. I know that in time I will be able to reconnect with my kids. She will never have to feel that some flaw within her is the reason why her mom didnt fight harder to win the battle with addiction. This was in SC. I have over 2000 pictures of him and everything he went to foster care with was paid for by me. Usually they come around when they see that nobody else in the world can replace the unconditional love they were getting from their mom. We must all combine forces and fight back. Grief Worksheets | Therapist Aid I'm currently going through a bitter custody battle myself and it has been the worst year of my . Nothing I could have said would have made any difference if He did not soften their heart. With there father, the abuse and the drugs. My girls got taken from me when they were 4 & 5. The most common response is you know they will come looking for you when they turn 18 which is no comfort to me. Thank you. Please dont ever loose faith in God. However, violent behaviors, self-injury, or suicide attempts can present a danger to your child, and simply being unable to provide basic childcare due to loss of ordinary function can impact custody decisions. Hello Ashley, Philippians 2:10 promises, That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; Jesus said in Matthew 25, 26 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. I wont go into all of it here, but make sure that you are on the right side, and pray that your children are. Iv tried everything. People tell me all the time to stop thinking of them, because it makes my nerves worse. How old are the children now? The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23. Divorce Poem Losing Custody Of Child Poem A parent who loses custody of his child lets the child know that they are not forgotten and that he looks forward to the day they will be reunited. I seem to cry for no reason at all. Instead, create a life that your children will be eager to be a part of one day. THey took my newborn Rite aftEr I had her im LOST. I really need help. (We lived with my parents). Im going through a similar thing now because someone was a trigger happy dss caller (although I believe her goal WAS for me to lose my kids bc she also called the actual police with horrendous accusations). I pray that you and your mother will get along well enough together that she will eventually loosen up and let you see your children, and even have them in your home for extended visits as they are growing up. Hello Amanda, I feel worthless and powerless and always the bad guy. This isnt the first time Ive heard of someone committing suicide over having their children taken by CPS. You have to fight. Nobody understands they think I should just get over it but how do u do that. It is his will what will be done. I hired an attorney and this made DSS mad. And as for the others, if they are with your mom, thats better than in foster care. Just do it and make it wonderful. My sweet little miracle baby. Please notify their (not yours) attorney. This is someone with extensive knowledge of the. It's normal for children to have difficulty expressing their feelings. I am going to school and working but its not enough i still think about it and get depressed i cant even hold in my tears anymore I feel broken devastated,and feel defeated. I end up getting a dui to make matters worse. I hope this helps God Bless You! I know its hard & those holidays are the worst. In your case, since you had your tubes tied and dont expect to have more children, it would probably be best to go to the hearing to try to defend your right to parent this one child many other parents do sign their rights away to avoid the TPR label (which would affect future children as well.) Best of luck stay strong. It takes a lot of time and effort to overcome your grief. I need to save my daughters but Im so lost I dont know what to do or who to turn to anymore. I have no advice of how to cope and i dont want to share my ugly story (theyre a dime a dozen) I just want you to know that I AM PROUD OF YOU. Grandparents may initially experience overwhelming feelings of denial, shock and numbness. And kiss their foreheads try to persuade them to pray with me. Then they terminated our rights. Im losing my resolve!!! A few things have changed, but no one would dare tell me that it was because of my letters. Hi, my name is alicia my lawyer i paid for 2000 to get my son back from cps and been fighting for 4 years. In some cases, the childs wishes will be considered. I finally got a weekday off today was hoping to have this team meeting. The pain was unbearable, but I got through it. Jesus is the Way. I feel so alone. Is there anything I can do to avoid turning my son in? My case is horrific. 7 Warning Signs Your Marriage May End in Divorce. God. Ask your therapist about seeing a psychiatrist. You can still be their mom. My babies miss their mommy!!!! You gave her everything by doing that-you did NOT give her UP, you gave TO her. Loss of a Child Poems. All I can do is get better and look to the future. Jacob was not being punished when Joseph was sold into slavery, but God was working a better plan for everyone. They can also present very differently in men versus women. Go see them, you dont have a restraining order do you? 4. The 12 year old used her friends phone on the bus and called me begging for me to come see her. Required fields are marked *. This is usually due to the circumstances of the loss of someone. Let them know that whatever they say is okay. I only see them for two hours a week. The lawyer the judge and the caseworker and da all kept evidence from me and lied to me. And do whats right for them cuz their innocent n its fair to them. NOOOO! I feel depressed everyday and feel suicidal sometimes.. cps destroyed my life entirely. Everyone i cared for disappeared after cps got involved with me. Seek out lawyers and social workers that do pro bono work if money is an issue but the intent here is to be legally aware and empowered so that you can make choices that help both you and your child. I am still ready to try. But for the parent, that doesn't make the loss any less wrenching. Featured Shared Story I know God sees us through our trials, and sometimes we never know why. I was threatened to be shot by caseworker if I exposed their behavior. I have nothing left to fear but depression and anxiety. fatigue. But my drinking and driving got me into dcfs court. My grandson was screaming NO NO NO!!! 5. People want to help but do not know how. Relationships. I am 40 years old and my children and 2 and 6. Its a test god is placing these children in adoption parents arms they are not allowed to steal the child because somebody in authority takes it back off them for being cheeky and greedy, I feel the same my family was ripped apart it hurts so bad to dream of your kids and wake up and u cant touch them. ive lost my kids my home everything when i stepped into treatment. Back in 2006, my kids were removed from my home. 816-645-4152 if you want to know how to have that peace. Every time I started feeling sad and crying I just told myself no I didnt do anything wrong. Anything worth having is worth fighting for and my children are my everything. The Savvy Womans Guide to Divorce in Washington, The Thinking Mans Guide to Divorce in Washington, Free Divorce eBook: Keeping Your High Schooler on Track During Conflict, Learn to Tell If Your Kids Are Coping with Your Divorce by Reading This Free eBook, In-Depth Articles on Family Law in Washington, Learn More About Recent News in Family Law, Watch Our Videos on Family Law in Washington, Download One of Our Free Family Law Books, Divorce and Child Custody Attorney Serving Bellevue and Seattle Washington. I will show you Gods promise that you can accept for yourself. 2023 Law Offices of Molly B. Kenny, All Rights Reserved, Reproduced with Permission, Our Free Book Offers Criteria to Help You Choose a Lawyer Thats Right for You, Free Download: 9 Urban Myths About Divorce That Can Hurt You, "Molly and her staff supported me completely through a drawn out divorce. I was un fit to care for my children. Have you discussed this with your lawyer? Please try it. I am a very devout Christian but I sometimes wonder why God had allowed this curse to come upon me and my children! Take your troubles to Him by making time for prayer whenever youre feeling overwhelmed. All the best to you; I hope everything works out well and hope you will write again to let us know whats happening. That was all the notice we got!!! It was my list of dates and times with my grandson that turned the judge around to me. Trust me I know. I have been trying to pull together a Federal Class Action Law Suit. Its killing me and I dont know what to do. Even my lawyer said, as long as they follow the law we will win. I couldnt believe something like that could have happened to me and the reasons why they took him were so dumb. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child. We are so busy jumping through hoops, that it is nearly impossible to accomplish anything. Im trying to get my son back. The symptoms of PTSD can include flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, behavioral changes, aggression, mood swings, numbness and panic attacks. And get EVERYTHING IN WRITING. This is battle for our children, and grandchildren. Lexi Behrndt. I was to return to my home state of Missouri where I have many loved ones..employment and a home set up..this was the plan before they even stepped foot into my life. 2. I really, hope youre happy now. I feel like Im falling out of love with my husband and life. Just remember to keep moving, keep your heart pumping, and know that it will have a positive effect on your mood. Total corruption & injustice in the once good ol USA. Do not mention anyone else's name. I had missed the first court hearing and had a scheduled hearing the following week. It can also become difficult for you and your child to adjust to these changes, the fact that your child has been taken from you and that you no longer have access to them can be an excruciating experience. Try to stay positive try to fight your case do whatever you can and in the meantime go to school and try to do anything you can to better your life Im understanding of this issue Im a father who lost a child to CPS over past drug use and mistakes I made when I was 22 in 28 now it is so hard my son is now six but now there may be light at the end of the tunnel finally but i doubt that you will have to wait that long to get your kids back just dont fall into the cycle of self blame and feeling like its all your fault because its probably not and even if it was what matters is what you do next and my case has taken so long but its a more extreme example of what they will try to do when they can. 2.) God has given me the grace and mercy to handle this. If you experienced a miscarriage or stillbirth, the death of a young child, or the passing of an adult child, few people will understand your pain. My name is laura wright , my son was taken from me , hes now two months old im so very depressed I need guidance on how to handle this situation please help me .. Laura, please sign up for our message board so you can get feedback and support from the other parents there. You have got }, { You probably won't find many people who sympathize with people who work in this industry. My son lost his son to Henderson County DSS. I crocheted a blanket for each of the kids. My lawyer said she help me go to the supreme court and the document she filed so she could go to the supreme court came up missing. It is crazy that CPS thinks that taking children away from depressed parents is the thing to do. Hold on. She was 3 1/2 years old, yesterday she turned 6, and I havent seen her in over a year. 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