I forgot to PASTE the LINK! Both of these assertions are, of course, utter nonsense. Whether for personal, religious, or commercial reasons, the Murdochs have found it in their interest to sidle up to the Jews. Its these fellow White loyalists whom you should be upset with, not Tucker, who isnt a White loyalist at all. *nostrils more like slits than round; Tucker asked them both more or less this: how come all of these wars in the Middle East? Yes. Eight months before her death from cancer in 2011, she had a joint exhibition with Vaughan at Redfern Gallery. Several of Lombardi's sculptures are still in Molly Barnes's collection. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. Carlson exposes the truth to the general public, that we dont get otherwise. Newt stated that George Soros was funding the leftist pro criminal DAs across the country and one woman said something like we dont need to bring up Soros. He calls out attacks on Whites, both physical and ideological. SpeculatiVe and uncontructiVe. Weblisa lombardi-vaughan obituary Lisa Lombardi Vaughan June 4, 1945 - October 14, 2011 A fifth generation Californian, Lisa was born in San Francisco to Oliver Maurice Lombardi Barnes believes Lombardi was overlooked since the contemporary art scene at the time was so male-dominated. He does nix leadership from certain other people though. For you to say nothing shows your ignorance and that maybe you are a troll. We all need to cleanse ourselves of Jews first and foremost, and that is exactly what Adolf Hitler recommended. Tucker, here it is: Pick a random night in the not too distant future, and go off script, live, and tell the truth about the Jews. Lombardi joined the LA art scene and befriended David Hockney. Protest write to your president and congressmen. Consider the highly relevant and surely uncoincidental relationships between Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Jews. I am OK with that. May 5, 2022. www.businessinsider.com . That photo of Dame Elizabeth Murdoch and the rabbi was originally taken from a Jewish publication, so I dont doubt its authenticity. For them, no punishment can be too severe. Drawing on his fathers connections, he held various reporting and journalistic positions, eventually gaining his first television stint with CNN in 2000. And, perhaps we should thank Tucker Carlson for personifying that illustration for the benefit of thinking people. It is Jewish. But Jewish propaganda painted a completely different picture, completely covered up the mass murder taking place in the USSR in the 30s and blew up relatively minor things such as Kristallnacht (1938 85 Jews killed) and the attack on Guernica by the Luftwaffe during the Spanish Civil War (about 85 people killed) into international outrages so they are still remembered today, while the Jews murdering 8 million Ukrainians isnt mentioned ever, with the Jews even now dominating Ukraine, the people they murdered by the millions. Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson was born in 1969 in San Francisco to Dick Carlson and Lisa McNear Lombardi. Who said Semitic means non-White? What do you think? Lisa McNear Lisa McNear Carlson Gender. So that is my own argument youre giving me!! Democrats also claim to support our troops but find it impossible to end our hopeless foreign wars and bring the troops home, or to dismantle our global network of imperial military outposts that costs taxpayers upwards of $500 billion a year. As Andrew Joyce quoted one Jew early in the war in one of his articles, the Jews wont let Hitler get away with this. Plenty of Ashkies are white and basically European except for their insane religion. My impression is that anyone with light skin qualifies as White and that includes some Jews. But you can, I think, help improve the intellectual game of the people who claim to stand for European/White heritage; and here is some ammo for you, a body of arguments and evidence to consult. But for left-leaning White broadcasters like Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo, and Chris Hayes to provide active cover and defense for Jews is utterly appalling. It never has been and never will be. Dont recall which guests said it.. it but the answer was Rhiad and Tel Aviv. Tucker remained silent. Later, Barnes said Lombardi would often sit around at Barnes' gallery on Friday nights. Anyone who believes that it does, is capable of believing that a person with a penis and testes is a woman if he says so lol! We need to combat to-day only from the perspective of The Spiritual Warrior., and this isnt racial. I wonder if he ever considered that they colluded to ultimately take over and push him out of CNN. Dick would eventually marry another troubled woman, Patricia Swanson, in 1979, when Tucker was 10 years old. They married in February 1989 and for years afterward they would split their time between the Pyrenees of southwest France and South Carolina's Sea Islands. He is blunt, funny, and smart. To demonize the Saudis, as Carlson does, is to distract from the real issues at hand. Lombardi and Carlson divorced in 1976, and Richard got full custody of their sons. Its woefully ignorant lol to think that Caucasianness stops short at Gibraltar, the Hellespont and the Caucasus Mountains. Too bad. But as hes said himself, he also knew he had tenure. Hannity does not like Tucker, which is a credit to Tucker. There isnt a moment to lose. In 2016, he was given his own program at that station. But do it now. How come? WebMother Lisa McNear Lombardi (Artist) Siblings Buckley Peck Carlson (Younger Brother) Net Worth Tuckers net worth was $30 million according to CelebrityNetWorth.com. Classical Liberalism and Unrestrained Capitalism are far more Anglo Protestant than Jewish. . However, you write likewise, Tucker hates riots and anarchy because they threaten the comfortable order of the economic elites. I disagree. Much like the thrust of Trumpism, Bannonism, Tucker praise on TRS shows is nearly non-existent. And still hasnt. Instead, the best you can do is call me a broad. Real classy. In fact, FTN has had a continuous expose of the fake nationalism of international leaders such as Salvini, Orban, and Bolsonaro, while basically redefining the toxic populism that only benefits Jews as FinkleThink. Now comes Thomas Dalton and his affected applause for Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and riots and anarchy in the streetsall at a safe distance from him, doubtlessaccompanied by a therapeutic dose of his well-known, sneer-filled Christophobia. After a time it all went sour and as you might expect, the two golden boys were taken to the cleaners by their Jewish friends. Born in 1945 into one of San Francisco's wealthiest families, Lombardi McNear Lombardi was one of four children who spent her life running away from her privileged heritage. it bears much more truth than does the Stone-Age anthropology of most WNs. Yes, he condemns the likes of Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, and of Jeff Zucker and Michael Cohen, but again never as Jews. And Fox News on the whole isnt. Nevertheless, he advocates for the working class. And surely they have their own in-house censors and ideological gatekeepers who must approve all final topics, themes, wording, and guest-lists. There were two Fox news women reporters interviewing Newt Gingrich. Its not a bad idea to keep someone like this around, especially in an easy to access medium like the jewtube. :.well maybe you knowhe tossed out to his audience. But for Whites and other non-Jews to do the same is disgraceful. People who say the Jews arent White so often LOL are unsure about individual cases when they see White people with names they think might be Jewish. So we need not doubt his sincerity on that matter, at least. In 1987, Lombardi met British painterMichael Vaughan, one of Hockney's peers in the British art scene known as the "Bradford Mafia." Jews are White like Jessica Krug and Rachel Dolezal are Black; that is, only to the extent that it serves their interests to deceive. It would be great if we had another version of Donald Trump waiting in the wings for 2024. Fame Magazine, a British music blog, described the show as "cheerful but disturbing.". ", "Hockney had me over to meet them. After listening to TC enough times I knew he was just another media person owned by jews telling us what to think. No, I am not Slavic, but a McKraut. Tucker Carlson's mother, Lisa McNear Lombardi, was a free-spirited artist who largely disappeared from Tucker's life. There is not anything conspiratorial about what happened to the 50th Speaker Of The House Of Representatives, Newt Gingrich. God Bless, Aristo Boho, Herein is a a LINK to a PODCAST to MIster Graham Ledger. My impression is that you are a libertarian. To this day, there are still some 5,000 troops in Iraq and about 7,000 in Afghanistan, fighting terrorists who might someday threaten Jews in Israel. Let me start with his upbringing and family background. Lets go down the list in a bit of detail: Finally we come to the black hole at the center of Carlsons galaxy. Addendum. Also, Im not sure what his unfortunte family background and connections have to do with anything. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. He did not call it jewish of course, What is kind of strange that Carlson in practically each of his shows calls for absolute color blindness in Justice System, law enforcement and generally normal life. Likewise, any thinking White is necessarily anti-Semitic, meaning, they recognize Jews as the primary threat to their collective well-being and indeed to the well-being of all humanity. To further obscure the issue, they use plastic surgery to hide the nose and to minimize the uniquely repulsive effects of Jewish aging. In the meantime, I look forward to watching Tucker. WebTucker's mother, Lisa McNear Lombardi, was an artist. as well. More troubling are the Tucker bads, which include: racism, anti-Semitism, White nationalism, Black Lives Matter, Antifa,[4] riots and anarchy in the streets, unwinnable foreign wars like Afghanistan, the 9/11 attacks (involving the Saudis), Chinese global aggression (especially vis a vis Russian aggression), and climate change alarmism. Clearly and obviously for those in the DR, many of these things are in fact not bad, and some are unconditional goods. They are among the leading and most damaging race-traitors in the mainstream media. Many would like to see our present corrupt nation vanish into oblivion. Richard married the wealthy heiress Patricia Swanson. The man spent most of his career fighting organized Jewry, faced opposition at work, In what follows, I will attempt to dissect Carlson and his crew, in order to lay bare both the insights and the deceptions that he offers up each evening. It must end now, as Tucker saysthough he will never speak the truth about these conflicts. I think soon enough there will be also cases when hiring violent Somalis for working in food packing shops for example is not safest option either. WebTucker Swanson McNear Carlson is an American television host, conservative political commentator and author who has hosted the nightly political talk show Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News since 2016. Monday 04 Jun 1945. The fact that they havent done a Daltoneque takedown of Tucker is now moot, because their vocal support of the author publicly and it would be redundant. What more could a White alt-righter hope for? Nordicism and Germanic chauvinism are for morons and Hollywood nazi cultists. I formally vowed never to subject myself to the tribes intrusion into my life through these means, but talk of TC is still everywhere including TheRightStuffs various shows. Please check your libertarianism. But in this case, Carlsons family history reveals a fairly lengthy tale of woe, malfeasance, and assorted immoralities; surely this has some bearing on his beliefs and actions as an adult. You see, it believes in Democracy! I mistakenly posted an earlier version of Prof. Daltons article. This situation is particularly galling to me and many in the DR. We can at least understand the patent self-interest when Jewish anchors like Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper, Rachel Maddow (half), Chuck Todd, Ari Melber, Mark Levin, and John Berman offer us biased reporting or lies of omission that benefit Jews. They say you might even run for president in 2024. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. Carlson claims to be an environmentalist, but its clear that he qualifies only as one of the shallow and instrumentalist types. And actually, Virgil in the AENEID depicts the Phoenician founder and queen of Carthage, Dido, as pale and as having long, flowing blond hair; her sister likewise. I also recall that, in January 2020, Tucker was about as opposed to the warmongering against Iran as a mainstream host could be. is it probably because Carlson as member of Ruling Class thinks if they replace White factory workers with Somalis, replace Whites with blacks and browns as police officers and prosecutors they will behave exactly as Whites they replaced and uphold the current Ruling Class status quo. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. TRUTH. What are libertarian principles, and why are they wrong? He seems to get a certain pleasure from it. She married Dick in 1967, had Tucker in 1969 and then another boy in 1973, and then simply *deep-set eyes; Also didnt know I could stop being white if I just say so. The cubans and commies/socialist latinos involved dont want a wall or deportations. *tightened the Southern border (a fact Ive personally observed) and gotten the Mexican army to shore up the other side of it; Too many of them dont think far enough to see that such uncertainty couldnt happen if West Eurasian Jews were of another race. They are what the world has been told the Germans, or NAZIS are. Except that intermarriage took place long ago not just a few decades ago. At the very best, advocacy of increased taxes in any form is the mark of a man with a faulty understanding of taxations impact on individual and societal prosperity and healthand health in far more than the economic sphere! His parents divorced in 1976 and his father was granted custody of Tucker and his younger brother. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8rJbAPxcAk My point is that Mister Ledger is saying what no other main stream newsman-host, including Mister Tucker Carlson, has outrightly stated. The china commies are in antifa (want socialists to win and to have huawei 5g and open borders to steal WHITE innovation and technology)., For more on that very subject check out this excellent interview. But its enough to give one the idea. No. they cut him off. Carlson, at least, manages to salvage some dignity in his willingness to openly criticize Jews, even if without naming them as such. Yes, hes been brave, and I like/respect him but hes performed as an academic, not a fighter. He actually didnt expect the firestorm he found himself in, but he didnt back down once it came. Also, the Europe, Ukraine and Western Russia came from Thomas Dalton, not from me. NEW: Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition. Trying to equate Russian animosity with the Chinese economic and financial assault on the US economy is another loser argument, especially since the Chinese are enjoying such success, while Moscow still struggles with a lame economy (and the Russians are white). But they succeed. AMERICAN conservative television host Tucker Carlson has been apart of Fox News for over a decade. WebTucker Swanson McNear Carlson is a celebrity from season 3 of Dancing with the Stars. Two of the doughtiest White-Nationalist women I know of are Lebanese-Americantwo perfectly White women, one who pulled out a pistol to chase blacks from her and her children, the other the maker of You Tube videos defending our race, 7Phoenician7 by name and a blue-eyed heroine. Note: Joe, its always better to know before assuming. He did go after Paul singer and vulture capitalism its hard to get much closer than that. hardly anyone wants it and it destroied etno centrism combined with propaganda by jews. *This link isnt the full interview. Many Lebanese and a few Syrian Christians are definitely Levantine and qualify as white.. Because the Jews were involved, they ultimately became Germanys main enemy because of their leading the world into attacking Germany and the war ended up being a race war, with the Jews being on the winning side. Hitler was the greatest enemy and destroyer of other white people. Any sane and rational person would likely agree with this definition. He grew up in Carlsbad, a suburb north of San Diego. WebTucker Carlson's mother, Lisa McNear Lombardi, was a free-spirited artist who largely disappeared from Tucker's life. Maybe we should be grateful, at this point, for this little bone weve been fed. Love Island fans' horror as axed Olivia handed power to destroy TWO other stars, Frogmore eviction shows King's drawn a line with Harry, Strictly star bags life-changing EastEnders role as part of new family, Baby's body found after huge search as cops quiz Constance Marten & lover, News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. White survival depends on the ability to transend the Right and Left once and for all. No sir! For his part, Tucker seems more than happy to give the Jewish voice yet more airtime. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. Only in the past four or five years has the concept assumed prominence in the US. But they are not White. This seems to be an unnecessary aside that cuts the heart out of his authority in general. There are many flavors and much disagreement. Its a winner. When race was considered as real as Mount Everest, ethnologists identified the Caucasoid nature with most of West Eurasiawhich comprises Europe AND West Asia; and they found it dominant in North Africa. Also known as. I occasionally watch excerpts of Carlsons program on YouTube. This of course is true pretty much everywhere, but in the news media, when your very job is to be an honest, diligent, and brave presenter of the truth, it seems particularly appalling to have to sacrifice basic moralsboth personal and professionalsimply to keep your job. albeit Mister Goldman gives us at least one hundred fifty pages of excellent musicology; the rest is garbage can history. At a minimum, it helps us to better understand the man and his motivations. Lets not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Its our own fault. Its what the word journalism means. As Ive said many times already, I do not like the term White for we European people, and try not to use it, for the very reasons you give here. He rightly calls out the blatant stupidity and ethical lapses of people like Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon. Why was Napoleon merely sent to live on an isolated island when France was finally defeated in 1815, when after WW II Germanys top leaders were murdered after show trials at Nuremberg and millions of other Germans killed by the allies (after the war was over)? My question is: What does he recommend the White Identity community do about the Jewish problem? Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. [8] Im tempted to call it the elephant in the room, but that would be an insult to elephants, so I wont. I had time for only a wee glance at the latest National Enquirer at the supermarket checkout today. Insider was unable to locate any record of their marriage. God bless, Aristo Boho. WebCase Details Full title: Estate of LISA McNEAR LOMBARDI VAUGHAN, Deceased. View our online Press Pack. I suggest you tune in to One America News. WebTucker Swanson McNear Carlson was born on May 16, 1969, in San Francisco, California, the United States as the elder son of artist Lisa McNear Lombardi and Dick Carlson. Thomas Dalton, PhD is a remarkable courageous man whose research is beyond amazing! Tucker Carlson was born on May 16, 1969, in San Francisco, California to Richard Warner Carlson and Lisa We may request cookies to be set on your device. Scandal, which in metaphysics is spiritual murder, and representative of a psychologically weak individual that you obviously are. But sure I am becoming more and more sceptical towards jews. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. How much Murdoch likes Tucker Carlsons reporting (if at all) is not clear, but its clear that one wrong step by Carlson in his reporting regarding Jews or Israel and he would be fired as fast as CNN reporter Rick Sanchez was fired a few years ago when he commented on the power Jews have in the mainstream media. But most are coming to the realization that they dont have a viable argument against Trump just that they dont like him. Tucker strikes me as having a genuine love for middle class businessmen and women who are being ruined by the riots. But when during an interview of former congressman Newt Gingrich the other day Gingrich dared to criticize George Soros, Gingrich was immediately told on air not to talk about (criticize) Soros (because it would demonstrate the Jews role in the anti-white riots occurring across the USA). In the 1970s, Dick tried his hand at banking, but was soon involved in a political patronage scandal and accusations of dubious lending practices. Hunter then divorced his first wife (Kathleen) to take up fulltime with the Jewess Hallie, but that relationship fell apart in 2018. ), Well, Im done for a while with controverting people I agree with on many central points, as tomorrow I start work with the Repub Party, in a swing state, to help get Trump reelected, as a get-out-the-vote man and poll watcher. As long as they are allowed to dominate the media, the Jews will control everything important. The remark about 9/11 and Israel is yet another. Nor are we concerned with haplogroups or thousand year old migratory patterns, but with who we will racially identify with and include today. Wow. The germans got stuck with a crazy berb (north african prt) crazy warmongering drug addict bastard who had kids with eva braun who was part jew and a latina (braun =brown). They married in 1967 and within a few years they had two sonsTucker, born in 1969, and Buckley, who arrived two years after thatand the family moved to Los Angeles. That interview on Fox News (Sept 16) was a real eye-opener. We could see them listening to their producer (via their earphones) ordering them to stop the interview. I notice youre the only one whos challenged me on Trump over Tucker, even though many here dislike Trump. As for the White Race: Why did we stop procreating as we used to? WebA fifth generation Californian, Lisa was born in San Francisco to Oliver Maurice Lombardi and Mary Nickel James. As on every news outlet, left, right, or center, Jews are massively over-represented. WebTucker Carlson's mother, Lisa McNear Lombardi, was a free-spirited artist who mostly disappeared from his life when he was six years old. Wealthy Anglos admired the predatory commercial spirit of Jewish businessmen while disdaining Catholic Irish, Italians, Slavs. Well be waiting. Now, in general, I try to avoid assigning blame for an individuals faults to his past or his family. *cut off funding for Critical Race Theory seminarsi.e., White-guilt indoctrination sessions; But superior on the United States Constitution is Mister Graham Ledger, and unlike anyone on Fox News or Newsmax, Mister Ledger called the Coronavirus Disease-2019 athe biggest sham in world history, and he is 100% correct!! I wouldnt believe anything you say about your ethnicity youre anonymous arent you? Lisa McNear Lombardi. I am a proud heir of Pagan Hellas and Roma, and have nothing to do with any of the Abrahamic creeds,. Lisa McNear https://theeuropeanfamily.com/f/a-grave-warning-to-euro-americans. This holier than thou Thomas Dalton is a trash essayist. Why go after Boy Scout Tucker Carlson? Gosh, the examples are too numerous to mention. Wake up! We of the DR allow so much of this to pass by due to the lack of alternatives or a voice on the legacy media. Jews arent genetically White because half of Ashkenazi admixture is of semitic origin from the Middle East. WebLisa McNear Lombardi was an American artist. In February, Carlson signed a new multiyear deal with the streaming service Fox Nation. Bumpurs, who lived in a public housing complex in the Bronx, had To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. We need more of that. Her Thats the message trolls love to spread around. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. Joe Webb, (Mod. As other media outlets fall silent or fall in line, Fox News Medias management has redoubled its commitment to honesty and freedom of speech. I believe Tucker started out at FOX as a more Kosher libertarian and probably got redpilled once he had a sizeable-enough audience that FOX felt it unwise to fire him (yet). Its not just jews and antifa with these riots. Lets start with what Carlson gets right. It brings a lot of money to his network and having such a Nordic face on his network is good PR, along with the other European/White faces suggesting FOX is run by Whites. Were they bribed? [6] On this and other related statements, see here. Unless you suffer from an acute case of opportune dyslexia, Dr. Dalton did make the caveat before addressing his unfortunte family background and connections., Now, in general, I try to avoid assigning blame for an individuals faults to his past or his family. regulations and Big Government, declaring the Jewish media Fake News, appointing constitutionalist federal judges and Supreme Court justices, undoing/redoing bad trade deals and US membership in globalist organizations to name just a few of many, many more achievements) plus just preventing the anti-White democrats from gaining power. I had to stop listening to Tucker because I was getting so angry for the above stated reasons. They were asking Newt Gingrich for his opinions on the mostly peaceful protests. He pointed out that many local politicians and bureaucrats (progressive DAs) who support the riots and refuse to prosecute criminals are funded by George Soros. She is widely known as the mother of Fox News journalist Tucker Carlson. Following their divorce, Richard was granted custody of Carlson and his younger brother Buckley Peck Carlson. Lombardi majored in architecture at UC Berkeley. Yes, he dances all around the JQ and its obvious, but hes the best we have on the MSM by far. Only a very disturbed woman would up and leave her husband and two young children for no apparent reason. a few months ago Tucker Carlson had on his show a jewish journalist, Glenn Greenwald and a military brass, retired, of course. Carlson refuses to speak about his mother, whom he said abandoned him and his family when he was just six-years-old. But they are not White. KMac hasnt spent most of his career fighting organized Jewry; his book Culture of Critique came out in 1998, more like late in his career. Youre smart, you know the truth, just say it. Here it is, //mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#inbox/FMfcgxwJXxnTLzbHfzRCckKHFsFcGZsvar God Bless, Aristo Boho, The following LINK is to The Ledger Report from August 3rd, 2020. Try it, you might find it useful.). Still, there remain a significant number of Caucasians among these Semites too; and Cavalli-Sforza et al,1994 states The shortest genetic distance, 0.0155. is between European and extra-European Caucasoids, among the latter of whom he includes Arabians as well as other West Asians. The wife and one-year-old Naomi were killed in a car crash in 1972, but the two boys lived to adulthood (Beau died of brain cancer in 2015). WebTucker Carlsons mother, Lisa McNear Lombardi, was a free-spirited artist who largely disappeared from Tuckers life. He is the elder son of Lisa McNear (Lombardi) and Richard Warner Carlson, a former Los Angeles news anchor and U.S. ambassador to the So Ill work for Trump and meanwhile keep prepping for crisisstockpile, train, networkand I exhort all Euro-Americans reading this to do likewise. On Murdochs origins: The three interviewers were Harris Faulkner, Melissa Francis and Marie Harf. Its disappointing that the nauseating Dalton continues to be published here. Tucker is essentially a pressure relief valve for right leaning Whites, who does good by bringing people to the nationalistic edge, and getting them to THINK about vital issues. If so, presumably hed believe that its in the best interests of White Advocacy for him not to fall on his sword right now and lose his position as anchor. Now, presumably an educated Roman, a genius such as Virgil was, wasnt ignorant of what his countrys most dangerous enemies looked like. So much, if not everything, coming from the DR smacks of sour grapes. What is White to you, Richard B? Name one wealthy western billionaire or multimillionaire who has come out in opposition to what is being done to our race and civilization? Also known as. You are confused b/c you are probably a Slav. WebCarlson was born in San Francisco, California, the elder son of Richard Warner Carlson, a former Los Angeles news anchor and U.S. ambassador to the Seychelles, who was also president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and director of Voice of America. The pleasure is all mine. Is that the way to understand you? How does membership in a Tribe (Judaic religion) that is outside of European history and determined by blood/race, and that is opposed to European cultural and religious values, allow one to be basically European? Wouldnt one have to fully denounce all allegiance to Jewry, and Jewish practices, in order to be a European? She was ill-content.". On many occasions, for example, he has stated or implied that Jews are Whitethat they benefit from White privilege or that they are targeted because they are White. He, like many other conservatives also constantly use the words fascist and communist interchangeably, as if they are the same, some people even suggesting they could have been allies. Speak out against the Jewish monopolization of our power structure, and against Jewish malfeasance at all levels of society. Is not anything conspiratorial about what happened to the general public, that we dont get otherwise Lombardi joined LA! As they are allowed to dominate the media, the Europe, Ukraine Western! That interview on Fox News journalist Tucker Carlson the uniquely repulsive effects of Jewish aging Magazine, a music! Survival depends on the mostly peaceful protests Dalton, not Tucker, who isnt a White at. One America News we all need to combat to-day only from the DR smacks of sour grapes their )! 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Fellow White loyalists whom you should be grateful, at least one hundred fifty pages of excellent ;! That blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our is lisa mcnear lombardi black and the rabbi was taken... Illustration for the above stated reasons, Aristo Boho, Herein is a a LINK to a to! I try to avoid assigning blame for an individuals faults to his audience mostly peaceful protests:... Malfeasance at all were asking Newt Gingrich for his opinions on the ability to transend the Right and once. ' Limited 's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy,... Took place long ago not just a few decades ago the Europe, Ukraine and Western came. Slavic, but a McKraut Stone-Age anthropology of most WNs had to stop the interview time only. And surely they have their own in-house censors and ideological gatekeepers who approve... 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