IN terms of his preaching we do disagree. These John MacArthur reckless faith quotes will make your faith stronger. Im afraid I have had more than enough of this kind of depressing legalism and self-righteousness pride(and before you jump in yes I admit I can all too easily be the same).. At the risk of over-blogging (I dont want to be a bore), have you seen this just the introduction. Cool name, cool Church I knew that it was one of the fastest growing mega churches in the USA, and had heard a little of its pastor, the dynamic Stephen Furtick. He is a ministry collaborator with TDJakes health and wealth and modalist ministry, he collaborates with Joel Osteens humanistic ministry and with Brian Hustons new wave prophecy ministry. Furtick though is unapologetic..he boasted in a sermon all the proceeds go to feed hungry children..mine!. It is sometimes quite difficult to know how to answer you because of the way in which you misrepresent what is being said. If he has lots of money good for him, if he has a nice home- good for him. I can write the e-mails. Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. The staff expected to have their concerns heard andconsidered. Paul Guay was a pastor at John MacArthur's Grace Community Church (GCC) who had been molesting his daughter, Wendy since at least 1979. MacArthur argues that confessing Jesus Christ as Lord is a necessary component of free grace theology. For all who oppose success in serving Jesus Christ!!! I agree that the greatest threat to the church comes from false teachingas you will know if you read this blog. An unknown man clad in black confronted Grace Community Church pastor John MacArthur during service on Sunday, Aug. av. John Fea | February 10, 2023 1 Comment. If we believe that the message in our books is from God, and we feel it so strongly, then we dont really need to promote it, do we? (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images), Fox News Flash top headlines for January 3. [41] MacArthur compared the assertion that sexual orientation is a born trait to a hypothetical bank robber's protestation, "I keep robbing banks, but I'm a robber. Radio Scotland Abortion Debate Edited Highlights,,,,,,, Elevation Church The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, Most Read Wee Flea Articles in 2017 THE BLOG OF DAVID ROBERTSON. Sitting in a restaurant in Charleston, North Carolina, we were delighted to meet a group of four men, who included a young man from the UK, who was working for a church called Elevation in Charlotte. When asked why he marketed his book (or to be more accurate why the church paid thousands to market his book), he was unapologetic, if he didnt believe the message he wouldnt market it. Conclusion: And now I wait. I fail to see where the legalism is in any of my comments. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Wendy Guay's friend, Lisa Ward, was a witness to an attempted abuse by Paul against herself and his own daughter back in 1979. My own view is that he didnt handle it particularly well even when forced to act. G White this is the mega church you are setting up as an example in opposition to Matt Chandler? (Note the attempted injection of humour!). We only do pale imitations of what is not great anyway! PS. We welcome another new contributor, Edward Benitez, as he biblically critiques a sermon given by Steven Furtick. Given that is neither what I wrote, nor what I think. If you were not speaking about Chandler then why write it here? During the event, MacArthur accused the Southern Baptist Convention of . Join Transformation church Sunday service at 11AM with Michael Todd, Live Stream (April-24-2022). If I had said that I wasnt happy with any mega church, that would have been a fault as well. The digressive discussion of church trappings in some ways diminishes the toxic nature of this actual ministry content its danger isnt in size or wealth or me focus, it is in the false gospel it promotes he is not qualified to preach. A prominent elder at John MacArthur's Grace Community Church (GCC) has resigned, stating in email leaked to The Roys Report that his "conscience and convictions" were not aligned with other GCC elders. Its not loving, judgemental, take the beam out of your own eye, it aint wrong to be rich, youre just jealous, hypocrite. Can I suggest an alternative standard? Drawn from over fifty years of intense Bible study and regular expository teaching, John MacArthur's verse-by-verse study notes, book introductions, and articles display an unwavering commitment to interpretive precisionwith the goal of making God known through His Word. Very pleased with the approval of an $800,000 settlement and total win for my clients, @johnmacarthur and @GraceComChurch, on behalf of @ThomasMoreSoc. In 1969, after graduating from Talbot Theological Seminary, John came to Grace Community Church. The Church of England's compromise on same-sex relationships is disastrous for everyone. Weve been getting those kind of signals for the last number of weeks., A year ago, when county officials were trying for the fourth time to obtain a court order to shutter Grace Community Church, MacArthurissued his own declaration against the county, which he argued was impeding on his congregations free exercise of religion by criminalizing activity directly required by our faith. He went on to state the church has moral and religious obligations to continue allowing our congregants to gather in our sanctuary to worship the Lord., The utter unnecessary deprivation of all our people by completely shutting down the mutual love and care that sustains our people in all the exigencies, pressures, and challenges of life was cruel, he said. rm. Its also a nasty wee trick to complain of someone remarks as being provocative, misleading and snide. But again, whilst it is not my style, I dont see why it cant be done well, reverently and to the glory of God. "[34] Regarding eternal security, he states, "It should never be presented merely as a matter of being once saved, always savedwith no regard for what you believe or do. Well, given that many years ago I encouraged one of our young people to complete his studies at Spurgeons College and accept an internship at First Dallas Baptist, it would have to be that one. Its just name calling which again results in self-justification and does not really contribute to any discussion. Earlier this year his church was embroiled in a scandal over their handling of a child sexual abuse case. It is wonderful stuff Matt and Tim Keller are two mega church US pastors who I listen to every week! Having said that I followed the mega church scene in the USA I was aware of what was going on in Dallas and in other places too. So I was pleased to see the topic addressed here, particularly as there is another story breaking about Mr Furtick in North Carolina even as I write this. [21][22], MacArthur argues that modern "visions, revelations, voices from heavendreams, speaking in tongues, prophecies, out-of-body experiences, trip to heaven, anointings, miracles all false, all lies, all deceptions attributed falsely to the Holy Spirit." And I wasnt using any of the debating society tricks of tu quoque and ad hominem in anything that I said. Just a couple of verses from Ezekiel (which I am currently reading), the context being God restoring his people: The remarks immediately following that statement seem to suggest that you are and illustrate the way in which you denigrate those with whom you disagree. Your reply was typical of the kind of legalistic posts which I regularly get sent. In case you missed the news, Christianity Today is reporting on a pattern of spiritual abuse on John MacArthur's Grace Community Church in Los Angeles. MacArthur also refused to enforce mask and social distancing guidelines for congregants. Rather than ignoring these churches and individuals Scotlands born again believers need to stand up and contend for the faith. or redistributed. 4, 3-4). (At this point I am of course aware of the same danger for myself and it certainly does act as a warning to me! [18] Furthermore, he believes that we are obliged to render full submission to scripture above all else and that "[t]o mishandle the Word of God is to misrepresent the One who wrote it. One other thing is that success can get to ones head. Furtick preaches a different gospel. The church that is spending $130 million on redoing its downtown campus? Your lack of apology (at very least regarding your amazon remarks) has only served to highlight the arrogance and childishness that you displayed in your replies. Your email address will not be published. MacArthur told church members ahead of his sermon that many people contracted COVID and it probably went through our church in maybe December or January. The pastor said he and his wife, Patricia, enjoyed our own bout with COVID for about a week and a half.. Elevation Church were accused of getting 'volunteers' to come forward during the 'spontaneous' baptism services, in order to encourage others to get up out of their seats. For me there is no doubt that some of Scotlands independent churches and ministries, need to be investigated re their finances..question is who does it?. "We are not heard for our many words, but for the cry of our hearts." Its mainly a forlorn appeal but can we say to the mega churches please stop it! . And after 63 years of sacrificial kindness to our city, to be repeatedly threatened with court-ordered efforts to shut Grace Community Church down when no one is sick reveals an inexplicable preference for a mostly harmless virus over the life-enriching and necessary fellowship of the church., As for MacArthurs own battle against COVID-19, the 82-year-old pastor was absent from the pulpit on Dec. 27, 2020. [4], The grandson of Canadian Anglican minister Harry MacArthur (died 1950) and son of Baptist radio preacher Jack MacArthur (born in Calgary, Canada)[5] and Irene Dockendorf, MacArthur was born in Los Angeles. I know of Alistair Begg from his Hamilton Baptist days but not much else. Opinion Mark Wingfield. It is not really a battle between science and the Bible. However, I was somewhat alarmed by the endorsement of Matt Chandler as a good example of how the gospel should be preached and lived. I wasnt doing that either which a plain reading of the text will confirm. David, you try very hard to always get the last word and I knew that the question you asked was loaded. Their influence has been growing and recently . "[23][24], In 1983, MacArthur first published his belief in the doctrine of "incarnational sonship." I note you dont answer my questions about Dallas Baptist Church. It is the Bible watered down by a mixture of Waltonesque homespun wisdom, pop psychology, stand up comedy and an unhealthy doze of how to missiology. 1) There is no name calling followed by misrepresentative, deceitful and sly go figure! The point you made about Matt Chandler was that he does not live as a Christian (how can you know that? I simply stated that the book on my Amazon feed was priced at 30 and I was not going to pay that. ", Grace Community Church parishioners make their way to Sunday service in Sun Valley on Sept. 13, 2020. If he is doing wrong it will come out in the wash but just to hate on a pastor because he has money is stupid. Perhaps then a mature and open discussion could then take place. [42] Furtick responded to this comment in his 2016 book Unqualified: How God Uses Broken People to Do Big Things. An apologist and blogger is claiming that Matt Chandler's sermon was censored during a rebroadcast. It never occurs to me for a second to not fulfill it. Name calling really doesnt constitute argument does it? I'm a bank robber."[41]. He has been the pastor of Grace Community Church, a non-denominational church in Sun Valley, California since February 9, 1969. John MacArthur is wrong about so much more than keeping women in abusive marriages. Then you will remember your evil ways and your wicked deeds, and you will loathe yourselves for your sins and detestable practices. He has misgivings about Neo-Calvinism and he gave his reasons for those misgivings. I have reread the comments by G Whiteand my own responses. One expression of faith creates refugees; the other resettles them. As for your other points, Matt Chandlers church eventually acted only after a number of Christian magazines and websites had highlighted their initial inaction. I have nothing to be jealous of as regards Furtick. The screenshot below is from page 4 of Elevation Church's helpful Spontaneous Baptism How To Guide. If your love is put off by answers you dont like, then like the BeeJees I need to ask how deep is your love?! MacArthur denied the charge, as attested on two tapes recorded in 1989 when he was asked to reason together with the IFCA man.[35], MacArthur advocates Young Earth creationism in his book The Battle For the Beginning (2001), and in his sermons. I hear the anti christ will also be a great orator and just as charismatic. Can I assume that you are now withdrawing the remark about Matt Chandler not being a good example of how the gospel should be preached and lived? We even had the background high pitched sentimental organ music towards the end as he told the (with a tear in his eye) the sad story of his dad, especially when he turned up to hear his son preach for 24 hours to mark the publication of his latest book. You equate him with the false teaching of Furtick and Elevation Church. Doubtless it was intended as a joke but I dont think taking a salary of millions more than is necessary to live, work and provide for ones family, is a joke especially when there are hungry children, and many hungry for the Word, who do not receive it because of lack of money. Stay informed with the latest from CBN News delivered to your inbox. Haters will hate This is a classic example of 1 Timothy 5:13 Whites equation of Chandler with Furtick being one such example, your comparison of Matt Chandler with Scott McKenna being another. All rights reserved. 4) Yes my point about the megachurches was that they were not per se bad. 2) Its also not advisable as someone who professes to be a Christian and follow Christ to swear. Would you add John Piper, Tim Keller and Alaister Begg to your bonfire? I replied tongue in cheek and its unfortunate my smiley emo didnt indicate that. A point you also mentioned. I will always call that out, and I refuse to be intimidated or bullied by those who just cry foul or moan about not being nice. [52], Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California, Independent Fundamental Churches of America, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Theology and Ministry: An Interview with John MacArthur", "1998 Gold Medallion Book Awards Winners", "Voice of Calvary Legacy - The Legacy - Page 3", "When should a Christian fight for his country? (You can read the follow up five years later! "[30] MacArthur holds to the dispensationalist school of premillennialism, a pre-tribulational Rapture of the Church, and a literal Millennium. Thats hypocrisy, and no, that doesnt constitute name calling. Didnt appreciate the joking about drug use. The trouble is that these churches are so massive and wealthy that they can afford to send their pastors all over the world, exporting their dodgy theology and even dodgier ecclesiology. In 2019, at the Truth Matters Conference, during another word association questionnaire, MacArthur was given the prompt "Beth Moore". It has that effect on people to go from 14 to 20,000 so go sit underneath the ministry until you can see what he sees. [45] His major contention was that there was no justification for closing down churches over a disease with 94% survival rate according to misinterpreted data from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). MacArthur, 83, was preaching Sunday service earlier this week when he. And now I have to go and read his recommended book I hope its not as bad as the reviews suggest! issued his own declaration against the county, John MacArthur Warns Christians to Stop Making 'Alliances With Satan' in Remarks on Religious Liberty, Falsely Accused: John MacArthur's Grace Community Church 'Cleared of COVID-19 Outbreak', but Battle Rages On, 'It's Tyranny': Pastor MacArthur Will Get His Day in Court, Fighting CA Shutdown of Churches, Historic Win: John MacArthur Claims Victory in Lawsuit Over Church Restrictions, After Asbury Shutters Revival Services, Outpouring Moved to Lexington Arena: See Full Video Here, 'I Prayed in the Name of Jesus, and He Answered': Heroes Rescue 17,000 While 'Saving Aziz' in Afghanistan. If you are going to reply that something is pathetic can I suggest you avoid capitalising everything. (function(d){var f = d.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT')[0], p = d.createElement('SCRIPT');p.type = 'text/javascript';p.async = true;p.src = '//';f.parentNode.insertBefore(p,f);}(document)); on Elevation Church The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. But I find it astonishing that you cite it here in a massive church (and smaller churches) there are bound to be people who are sex abusers and the church will not always handle that well. John MacArthur Takes on the New Apostolic Reformation & Rick Perry's Prayer Event This is a portion of the transcript from John MacArthur's sermon from October 23, 2011 . Surely there are members in the congregations of the mega churches who intend to be sincere, and big doesnt have to be bad. One such person who has joined the ranks of GTY is Cameron Buettel, author . And what is your position, from Scripture, on the subject? Because Elevation Church certainly dont want to. Los Angeles County sued the church over its refusal to close down, and the church counter-sued, claiming that the County was violating rights to freedom of religion. Cho discovered that Grace Community Church advised women to stay in abusive relationships and worked to have the church apologize for past mistakes. I stated that the danger comes from false teachers AND from those who allow the word of God to be compromised by turning a blind eye. "Many of you are praying for Pastor Johns health due to his absence from the pulpit during the second service. So it wasnt all bad. I made no comment on how Matt Chandler lives as a Christian. See what mine own hands have wrought. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. John Fullerton MacArthur Jr. (born June 19, 1939) is an American pastor and author known for his internationally syndicated radio program Grace to You. False teachers and those who allow the Word of God to be compromised are like a cancer in the church; some who preach flat out heresy are like the aggressive cancer and are easy to spot quickly but others who compromise a bit here and turn a blind eye there are akin to the slow growing tumour thats often not picked up until great damage is done. They make their workers and volunteers sign a confidentiality arrangement that they will not disclose anything about the finances of the church, or they will be sued. These views raised controversy within American evangelicalism and were challenged in print by non-lordship dispensationalist theologians Charles Ryrie and Zane C. Hodges, who argued that MacArthur's ministry was teaching a form of works-based salvation. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. But it takes a lot of hard work, time, and money to do what we do. I wonder if you thought the same and you told me that in order to come across as thinking that you mentioned one which you thought was ok/good. Im not rich at all but Im also not jealous of someone who has far more people and more money. Do you still endorse it? I repeat again that I am aware of the failings of the mega church system and celebrity pastors. You were rightthat was not very mature. I think it is a good thing that a church grows within a decade from a hundred to 20,000 people and I would love that to happen in Dundee, or Edinburgh. What is there to apologise for? A decade later, he announced he had retracted this view via an article from Grace to You. (By the way I would suggest that you learn what is name is). In your second post you again make the false claim that I set Dallas against Chandler. New Calvinism quenches that desire, and true dedication to a distinctive Christian life.. [31][32][33], MacArthur believes "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9). Its a nasty wee trick to try and shut someone up by complaining that they always try and have the last word if they reply then of course you are proved right and can feel self-justified. But in this instance let me assure you I am not mocking. He teaches a completely restored Israel shall inherit physical ownership of the land of Canaan on the earth. As for ES Williams book yes I have heard of it and read several reviews -Im afraid I wont be spending the 30 on a book which just seems to want to attack and tar everyone with the same brush. The writer of Hebrews 12:14 states frankly that only those who continue living holy lives will enter the Lord's presence." If theyre charities (and I suspect many of them will be) then theyre monitored by OSCR, and will have to submit yearly, independently audited, accounts. [16][17], Central to MacArthur's theology is a very high view of scripture (the 66 books of the Protestant Bible). Due to his absence from the pulpit during the event, MacArthur was given the prompt `` Beth ''... At 30 and I wasnt happy with any mega church US pastors who listen... Are going to pay that Getty Images ), Fox News Flash top headlines for January 3 question asked... Comes from false teachingas you will remember your evil ways and your wicked deeds, and no, would... Tricks of tu quoque and ad hominem in anything that I wasnt happy with any mega church US who... Wrong about so much more than keeping women in abusive marriages you will remember your evil ways your. Of being idle and going about from house to house I would suggest that you learn what is position. 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