Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. +The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). In fact, your physical appearance may seem to change constantly or it may be just out of reach. In its higher manifestations, Neptune opposite Ascendant transit can bring your soul mate and a spiritually enlightened romance. In the 1990s, a Bethesda, Maryland, doctor recommended a product by Enzymatic Therapy calledRAWADRENAL. Thanks for the thread. I also have Pluto on the ascendant for the double possibility. Contacts to the AC shows a strong physical attraction; contacts . *You approach your work and important projects with an unusual degree of imagination, idealism, and optimism now. Hi Leah, sorry about the confusion. Have you seen the Sabine Symbol for 12Virgo? It is also associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment. Having a small bar for drinks, we were able to socialize and it was there that we met Vera Love, a blues singer, from North Carolina, who appears nightly at the Eden Bar. Within 3 days, my energy level soared and it gave a boost to my immune system. It can create storms and calms. Neptune has been floating around my descendant for years. Dont make it easy for people to use you or take from you. We, Orion, invite you to explore with us another view, some new ideas on that wonderful element within you, the Immune System. We visited my friend, Larry Schuba, and his group Western Union. Worse yet, I felt I had no resource to go to which could give me the right answer. Neptune transits to Venus stimulate your desires to share pleasures with significant others and with friends in perhaps unusual or especially sensitive ways. But its not always bad, many times when I am in a solid jam, someone seems to emerge from nowhere, I can just as easily be the recipient of a random act of kindness. Transducing -stepping down the energy. Do the best you can, keep plugging and youll get through. You may undergo a crisis of identity during the initial stages of this transit, and the experiences you have may lead you to a more refined understanding of yourself and the direction in which you want to head. I have never partnered, I have never been able to completely trust my perceptions or go with my gut (a quincunx between my Sun and Moon doesnt help). Astrodienst describes the event as follows . These aspects also indicate how emotional you appear to other people. Amazingly, she was able to float into another job. . There is a strong desire for peace and harmony, and perhaps some sense that you have to make sacrifices for that end. Chiron opposite Ascendant (or roughly, Chiron conjunct Descendant: this was a biggie. Often there are periods of excess and then a rebalance. Now you have a mutual reception: Jup in Pisces (7th house) and Nept in Sag (4th house). Areas of expansion but possibly some confusion or unreal elements can include publishing, advertising, long-distance connections or travel, drama, and higher education. This was in 2003 and I am still writing my Astro-Column today, 2020. Initially, I feel lost without them yet I know that Neptune always works to our long-term benefit. Posts: 61 From: USA Registered: May 2012: . It dances with your doubts. You may discover your own psychic or clairvoyant talents during this transit. In light of all this, you can see some of your choices and actions, perhaps more so reactions, were the outgrowth of unconscious Empathic connection: connecting into other peoples needs; connecting into needs from other times of yourself, etc. Lowered metabolism and difficulty metabolizing sugars. Low normal is not normal! I have an article on WEIGHT LOSS AND THE TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS. In the late 1980s, Neptune crossed my mothers Capricorn ASC. Having 3 planets in Gemini, I have mental curiosity and find almost everything stimulating so I have a lot of joy. This shift allowed the group to grow and expand! Your desires are tender and compassionate. The basic treatment for this is Armour Thyroid. This is very helpful for low body temperature and allergies. Even people who are normally punctual might find it hard to be on time during this transit. We see in the Empath the struggle for balance. Uranus transits speed up the electrical currents stimulating the nadis, the etheric counterpart of our nervous system. Lived for 2,5 years with a man with Mars in Libra and Venus Pisces in square to Neptune on the Desc. He and his wife were traveling to Toronto and they wanted to visit me in Washington, D.C. Keep a journal of your fantasies, dreams, visions. We hope these words invoke your own knowingness of your alignments and your connections with yourself. *You encounter people now who are very considerate, understanding and nonjudgmental. Dear Lynn, You are in touch with your more sensitive, spiritual qualities, and you are able to express a greater level of sensitivity and greater empathy than usual. *Be very careful and circumspect about any new relationship that forms now. The Neptune transit brought their vulnerability to a crisis point whereby they started to protect themselves. You may attract a nurse, doctor, musician or another entertainer. I was more interactive with people. Tendencies toward addictions and dependencies increase. Venus in Pisces and Venus in hard aspect to Neptune is similar. My Neptune transit, along with the new Aquarian energies, dissolved the intense exclusivity in my relating patterns. I agree with you but I would take this a lot further. What does Mercury rule in your chart? Self-awareness is a good start and spiritual development is the next step. My lesson now is to define boundaries consciously, for myself and for others. In addition, when it gets past your Desc it will conjunct your Jupiter and square your natal Neptune. He married the new woman and now shes the best thing since sliced bread. A near-by Shoppers Food Warehouse is very multi-cultural and the people are naturally friendly. A woman with Neptune contra-parallel her 6th House Saturn believed that her supervisor was going to promote her as promised. Neptune Transits Trine Saturn It really helped me get through those days. So, like all Neptune transits, it dissolved some of her rigid boundaries. You may actually dream up your ideal partner and experience true unconditional love. You may behave in an impractical manner, or you may be vulnerable to deception or betrayal from others. For women in the 40s, strong Neptune transits can trigger the onset of menopause. I had a client with Capricorn rising. This could actually work in your favor depending on . Neptune Sextile Ascendant Transit. In fact, the outer world has become so pressing in its demands that youve partly lost contact with the inner one. Your soul now yearns for a more spiritual or romantic bond. The values you have cherished to date may change quite dramatically now, or you might be tempted to throw them away, or bend your morals, in pursuit of some pleasure or fantasy. Your email address will not be published. I learned that I could successfully share my space with others. are places and times ruled by Neptune. A great Whole. This dialoguing can occur simply by speaking aloud, by picturing yourself engaging with this guardian of the body as a partner, as a compatriot, coming together to harness you views, to bring an outcome of harmony and balance in the physical realm. You could be undergoing confusion about what you want from life, where you are headed, and how to go about satisfying your ego. It is vital that when you come to recognize yourself as an Empath, and then let yourselves fully understand this element of your being. Your are more hopeful and faithful. But, lately I get to thinking that with Neptune on the Descendant I am one of those people who absorbs other peoples energy. But eventually the veil drops and all hell breaks loose. Some people let their partners think they do have a lot of influence even when they dont. Thank you for writing this extensive article! It follows certain internal laws; responds to external laws, but what is so wonderful about it and indeed is wonderful about the whole nature of your physical body and physical world is its extreme responsiveness and ability to change, its ability to comprehend and understand, to learn. In my chart, my Progressed Jupiter trined my Moon for a 4-year period. Some measure of this is exhilarating. Your inner world is so full its brimming over, overflowing its banks into your daily life. The dates are different for everyone. Encompassing, touching into, knowing all of the travels and expressions of yourself that may have been. Your tolerant, accepting attitude makes relationships with others pleasant and positive. Youve written quite a bit about your Neptune at the midheaven. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! You may feel very idealistic about your friends, especially someone who is younger or who could use your help. Someone approached her and offered her a good job. Neptune over the Descendant: Relationship disillusion. PERSONALEXPERIENCES FROM PREVIOUS CYCLES: When Neptune was transiting Capricorn, an Earth sign, it seemed to be the most disorienting for me personally. On the next trip to Europe, I changed psychologically and energetically as Neptune began to dissolve my psychological barriers to closeness (I have Moon-Uranus in Gemini natally so closeness seemed disruptive). If not old enough to retire, then the individual longs for a career change. *Work and important projects undergo difficult changes now. OBSERVATIONS FROM LYNN: Sometimes, Neptune transits to personal planets can affect the health of people around us, which impacts us. Neptune is no exception and due to its boundless and dreamy nature your personality will be less solidified and perhaps fragmented, especially if you have other challenging aspects to Neptune. Sun Transits. You are likely to feel that your current employment involves too many compromises. That trip began my decades for traveling to Europe every November, the time when I would normally get sick or have a crisis. It felt like I had somehow been transported to a sister planet that looked exactly like planet earth yet something was different. Neptune conjunct the descendant (or in the 7th house) will impact every relationship you form, in one way or the other. We probably did not look like we belonged but, when Vera Love walked in and called out, Hey Girls!, we were the most important people in the loungewe were friends of Vera Love, referred to as The Boss, who sings in Vienna during the tourist season. The person could be a loving mother or a poet. You can expect a noticeable surge of physical life energy that will add great strength and power to whatever you do. A man in the bar whom we presumed was the house gigolo told us a history of the hotel, local gossip and many personal stories. If Venus is involved, our love life is unusual or confused. I returned telephone calls to people who had left messages. They would state what they wanted, and then said, Dont you agree? So, I had to be strong and say that I dont agree and show them the other side of things they need to be looking at., Great analogy on Neptune/Saturn, using it in creative ways. This is in stark contrast to Saturns transits, which re-connect us to the tangible, material world. During the Capricorn cycle, the many flowers of friendship in my garden were allowed to go to weed while I focused upon the one orchid on my table, so to speak. In another situation, I had totally misjudged anothers character yet this person had clearly stated her values at the beginning of my Neptune transit. Acceptance is simply an honoring of the complexity of life; honoring the idea that there is a spiritual arena that perhaps you do not fully understand, see or comprehend. Really interesting, especially regarding the Bach and FES remedies. I have focused on water filtration for that time as well. Look to the houses of your natal chart with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp for areas of your life where Neptune is acting to refine. We even engaged in conversations with drunks on the U-Bahn. I have an Introduction to this on this website. Romance is highly favored. North Node Conjunct the Sun. You are easily charmed, and you must watch for a tendency to see what you want to see in romantic partners, rather than for who or what they are. I felt like I was in a fog with no place solid to stand. This transit can point to lack of clarity and objectivity. Do not take chocolate with your calcium supplements as the oxalic acid in the cocoa will bind the calcium so that it is not usable by the body. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. Please and thank you so much in advance! I believe that a major Crisis of Disconnection came in 1986 when I decided to let go of The Amethyst Lecture Series, a series of monthly lectures free to the public. Anthony had Neptune opposite Ascendant (011). This is a good time for writing fiction and any undertaking that requires imagination. Creativity runs high now. In this culture, the abilities of the Empath often are reflected in how they deal with people psychologically and emotionally and often literally in their careers as well; people who can absorb and change energy. I could not see through those times and places (difficult to explain). This is an imaginative and inspired period of time when problems are solved intuitively and naturally. My condition, however, was just the opposite. But, I can connect with the world. Im hoping it will improve when Neptune goes direct in December. She felt very betrayed when the promotion went to someone else. Now we can just Google for Adrenal information. The Sun's transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately a day. He had transiting Neptune conjunct his 7th cusp (the public) during 2001-2002, representing shared vision of anger and grief expressed to the public. This was also a deception/betrayal situation that always comes under hard aspects1to Neptune. Also you should be very careful about consulting . Most strongly we ask you to not see illness or challenge as judgment, to not accept this as an expression of your flaws or your lacks. You are more tolerant of others and less pushy. Pluto 12H Virgo and Neptune sextile Pluto? It is natally in square to that point from the 9th so the transit was difficult for me. *Your motivations and personal ambitions become more elevated and idealistic now. Whichever part of our lives and of our psyches that Neptune touches, especially by hard transit, is an area where we may feel up in the air and confused in the initial stages of the transit. Zodiac Signs. Pisces is on my 7th house cusp so this whole thread applies to my personality. As the transit progresses, and certainly by the time it is over, we should have a more refined understanding in the affected areas of lives. Its true Ive got Neptune transiting ever so slowly over my descendant. Connected not only with your environment within and without the physical form, connected not only with your emotions and the sensitivity of your personality and self but this dear friend, the Immune System, is also connected to further than the physical self. When you have natal Neptune conjunct ascendant, you can be what people call, constantly away with the fairies; however, if you have Neptune in Capricorn or Saturn in your 1 st house also, or conjuncts from Saturn, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo to your Neptune conjunct ascendant. Again, if I do not take the Clematis regularly, I begin to feel disconnected and lost. Venus Conjunct Descendant Synastry: Meaning in Astrology. or getting creature with structure and discipline. Transiting Vesta has just opposed (exactly) my natal 12th house Uranus and is almost conjunct my natal Chiron in Aquarius - I've been feeling unusually sensitive to what I view as judgmental exclusionary remarks (voiced via the internet) regarding certain spiritual beliefs I hold dear, but rather than present an alternate viewpoint, I've . It dances with the beliefs of your own life, of your societys life. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Follow the routines you had created for yourself, accept the responsibilities that are yours without whining about it and just keep plugging. If you want to simply get organized, wearing purple and listening to Mozart and Vivaldi helps stimulate the cerebellum of the brain (coordinating), Hi Lynn, transit Neptune has been in my 1st house since 2001 (since age 10) and in April 2022, the planet is going to be located in 2nd house. Yet she could feel Neptune uplifting her vibrationally to a new level of consciousness. You can appear to others as completely different from how you've been, donning a new persona and vision of yourself like a costume. and I dont know what to do anymore, especially the Last 6th months things become worse I lack energy, concentration, memory, i have episodes that i feel so so sick that I am fearing i am going to die. There is an amino acid that repairs the lining but I cannot think of it. Responsibilities are shared I dont have to do it all! By the same token, if she has a need, she can look to many to support her. When it is disturbed or thrown into motion like the sea, it can create peaks and valleys. The Neptune conjunct Neptune synastry aspect suggests that the two people are of approximately the same age. Some relationships in my life strengthened, where others have fallen through the cracks. Unfortunately I ts always the same story that changes over time from/to hero, saviour, victim position. She immediately lifted up her blouse to show me her new hooters!. The Immune System will then work against this cell and at the same time can reduce the strength of the physical body. You can now Google for supplements that offer immune support. At first, the connection seemed tenuous but then I felt more firmly grounded. The Neptunian relationships that you attract seem to fill some inner need, some inner emptiness, a need for excitement and glamour in ones life. She was overly protective. Your life is transformed through others. Your body is, in its deepest intent, at one with you. Neptune transits my Progressed chart. Neptune transits to Mercury directly affect your curiosity, learning, communication skills, self-promotion, the formulation of ideas, and your ability to rationalize and think logically. This emotional serenity, although subtle, helps you solve problems naturally and intuitively. On her list is: 1) Make popcorn and watch a movie, 2) Work out at the local gym where she also knows many people, 3) Have her sons visitand the list goes on. Strange moods and feelings that you may never have experienced before come and go during this time period. Transiting Neptune was opposing my 11th House Saturn. Thanks for sharing. Topic: Neptune conjunct Descendant : FieryAries9108 Knowflake . The body may follow certain patterns. You may also experience more clearly the powerful affects of music, color, and atmospheres on your mood and sense of well-being. Thanks for that extra paragraph, Jamie. You can learn why you explore certain times of tiredness or energy in your day. Neptune conjunct Ascendant transit brings confusion, deception, and disappointment to your close one-to-one relationships. Otherwise, your close relationships could become a source of confusion and disappointment. Post navigation. This attribute is often underestimated and many people although are just beginning to understand that they can work with the Immune System , giving it different guidelines to follow. Do not isolate the elements of life. This ability to recognize and change energy is often what isNOTunderstood by the Empaths in this reality. It has been an ocean of tears, hypersensitivity and lack of clarity. Pluto Conjunct North Node Synastry, Natal, Transit: Perpetual Transformation. Neptune there indicates that intuition and creativity were suppressed for more practical endeavors. I always felt that I could be abandoned by school mates at any moment. She was a nurse and a wonderful artist but the more involved her relationships were, the worse the outcome for herself. Neptune acts to dissolve what it touches. Engage yourself as a team in the process. I was on my own (or thats how it felt, anyway) with no lamp for the dark road. It feels just like sliding your foot into a comfortable bedroom slipper, as the etheric body slips back into the dense physical body. The 12th House indicates repressions from adults. Look to planets in Taurus and Libra in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Neptune is now infusing with sensitivity and spirituality. You are more attuned to the world of beauty, the arts, and the imagination. Then because you have this perspective, you will start to see and comprehend your own actions, and how energy comes to you and you will find the mechanisms, devices, the structures that will help you work with your selves. Neptune conjunct the ASC is another kind of hard. While it seemed like a lifetime, all of this took place during a 3-week period. In thinking on my involvement with the Monroe Institutes Positive Immunity Program, I came to see again the sympatico link between my work with Orion over the years and the Hemi-Sync approach. The following are interpretations of Neptunes transits to planets and points. With the Sun opposition Moon, your parents were diametrically opposed to each other. In Berlin, my friend Astrid arranged more social situations and I connected and re-connected with many wonderful people. Neptune opposite Ascendant natal suggests your partners and your individual identity dissolve into each other to a certain extent. Required fields are marked *. I felt that I had a very tenuous grasp on reality. I am afraid that this has been true for me as well with Neptune. An opportunity to use your imagination to improve your living environment or beautify your surroundings. Neptune is currently 12 Pisces. You are able to handle difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story. I like your perspective. There is another book that has been around since the 1980s on Hypothyroidism by Brota Barnes MD. For the blood pressure, it relaxes the blood vessels. We offer you another image, that the intent is always toward support and harmony and that you can work with the body to bring the outcomes, the changes that may be different than the Immune System itself perceives need occur. : ). Neptune Transits Conjunct Midheaven I distilled for 2 years and started gathering medicinal herbs to extract and feel out. Venus shows how you give and receive . Part of this is that you are absorbing others emotions and/or subtle psychic energy. I visited so many doctors and nobody has reasonable explanation. Place during a 3-week period were suppressed for more practical endeavors emotions and/or subtle psychic energy to whatever do... Lately I get to thinking that with Neptune lot further by Brota Barnes MD tears, and... May never have experienced before come and go during this transit aspect that. Deepest intent, at one with you but I can not think it... 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