JAD: Because, you know, that Ive got these two kids, right? Well think about it, this is nature and nurture slamming into each other. The show is known for innovative sound design, smashing information into music. And so, they just had to hold on for the entire winter. That, in a sort of ass backward way was Michael's question. It's against the rules. You know? I mean, when you look at the records, you don't see huge spikes in mortality. My home village was 10 miles North of polar circle. Well, there was an expert on reptiles named G. Kingsley Noble. We inherited this beloved show that we first fell in love with as listeners. Enhancing public understanding of science and technology Yeah, we're exploring questions of lwhat can you pass down to your kids and their kids? Radiolab is an outstanding radio show broadcast out of New York City on WNYC. And I've got say, I'm feeling pretty good about this show so far. The results are obvious to you. ROBERT: They could eat twice, three times as much. You can imagine these toads are like, "Dammit, fine. I could have turned out like some of the other kids. And he would basically turn the heat way, way up in these aquariums until they had to go underwater. _. Radiolab is on YouTube! But wouldnt it be nice if thats how it worked? So heres the backstory. ROBERT: And it just so happens this town is a perfect place to dig. Nice, cool water. BARBARA HARRIS: No, I've only had somebody call and say they regret that they didn't stay on birth control. And when she had a baby. Four or five steps later, we are in JAD: So almost instantaneously, the mother's tongue has reached into the baby's brain cells. Its so good that it makes you not want to trash the house, you know what I mean? "To Whom It May Concern, I have been doing very good. JAD: Wait, when you say they can choose to be sterilized, you mean permanent? So yeah, she keeps me busy. LULU: A really good radiolab about this called Inheritance. Like, "How did this happen? To fellow named Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, chevalier de Lamarck. If you've already had a kid, you can be sterilized. ROBERT: So you think you can get deep down? Well, it was a zoo where there was all sorts of experiments going on. JAD: Famine again, and these changes would just bounce back and forth. And The other day someone was whistling and I was like, "Stop it", and it just hit me, I was like, "Oh God, I was him", it's never appeared until now. More brain cells? JAD: And what about the four kids that weren't raised with Barbara? When they got another call from a social worker saying that same mother, Destiny's birth mother, had given birth to another child. She was totally an oops kid. After I've gotten to know so many of the women. [ARCHIVAL Clip, News: Barbara Harris says she's convinced more than a dozen women], [ARCHIVAL Clip, News: Have accepted her offer to be sterilized in return for money.]. If they see methyl groups sitting on that bit of DNA, they are pissed. That was it. His example with humans was a blacksmith. OLOV BYGREN: Well, for cardiovascular disease JAD: Olov told us, take heart disease. More what kind of stuff? FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: He had no idea about DNA. Yeah, thats it. Thanks to Frances Champagne and Michael Meany and Sam Kean, who writes about Paul Kammerer in his book, . And then they're going to basically revel at that particular spot and turn on that gene. JAD: His big idea, as you might know, is that what a person does in their lifetime could be directly passed to their kids. CARL ZIMMER: This second channel of heredity. And I told Destiny I was thinking about this and asked her about it. Then 275 words will cost you $ 10, while 3 hours will cost you $ 50. PAT: But at that point just two of the six boys were living at home, Brian and Rodney. JAD: Even if it helps, it's horrifying. They willed the neck to get longer, the muscles to get bigger. Yes. And, I mean, I have straight A's and I'm making it work. PAT: Barbara tried to get a law passed requiring just that. CARL ZIMMER: I just have to read this to you. The authoritative record of programming is the audio record. Olov told us, take heart disease. That's against the rules. [laughs[ Exactly. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: This is real physical-chemical interaction between what's going on in the environment and what's going on with the DNA. Edward Condon Session III American Institute of Physics. PAT: But she says she doesn't feel that way anymore. We have experts even in very specific fields of study, so you will definitely find a writer who can manage your order. Birth mother's name was actually the same as me, so, Barbara. She's 22 now and she's never even met her birth mom. That was amazing. Could you just tell us what you are doing now? JAD: It's writer, Sam Kean again, and here's, he says, what you need to know about the midwife toad. They both say that they actually often forget that they're not biologically related. That's interesting. PAT: In this magazine article, Barbara even said, quote, "We don't allow dogs to breed. And in one day, we can imagine, he gets curious. CARL ZIMMER: To build these terrariums and aquariums and stock them with animals. Were there any consequences? Move on to the next cage yes, no? That kind of 30 years? I'm the founder and director of Project Prevention. JAD: People can't just will themselves into a more perfect form. Michael and Frances looked inside the brains of these rats and what they saw was that the rats who had been licked a lot as babies, they had more stuff in their head. JAD: No, not brain cells. Through all the training that we had to do and first aid, fingerprinted and had a background check done. If you have a starving daddy, it turns out that the baby actually gets some sort of health benefit. You have to look at one cage, say, are they licking? I went to the hospital and picked him up. CHARLOTTE ZIMMER: Radiolab is supported in part by the National Science Foundation and CHARLOTTE and VERONICA ZIMMER: The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. You're finishing college, right? ", SAM KEAN: "They can respond to the environment.". And right now, I'm student teaching. Like, mine are bigger, you know." Mamaw was the one I'd come to see. Still, that's a burden that, he's carrying a big burden there. I had a little basketball for her. JAD: Michael was in school and he got interested in a very, very basic question about how things get passed down? It's a very different kind of front line, where urgent work means moving slow, and time is marked out in tiny pre-planned steps. You're not leaving this hospital unless you have long-term birth control.". Radiolab 50.3K subscribers Subscribe 29 1.5K views 6 months ago On this episode, the case that pushed one Supreme Court justice to a nervous breakdown, brought a boiling feud to a head, and. Your boys will first grow taller and taller for the next few years, and when they get to be about 9, 10 years old, they're going to stop growing just for a few years. In RadioLab a laboratory setting is used, in which the player receives radioactive stones that emit alpha, beta and gamma radiation particles. But I take it that we have more control over our destinies and our kids' destinies than we would've thought. ], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: Like you said, when you were in your addiction like she is], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: I didn't say I'm God. MICHAEL MEANEY: That activates maternal behavior. Taylor Swift's Never Getting Back Together. US $53.6 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for VCM II Main Cable VCM2 16pin Cable VCM 2 OBD2 Cable VCM ii IDS V101 Data Cable at the best online prices at Free shipping for many products It's a small forest area, very beautiful. Copyright 2022 New York Public Radio. PAT: But were getting ahead of ourselves here. It happens. CARL ZIMMER: Well, it was a zoo where there was all sorts of experiments going on. Not only that. ROBERT: You wonder, where did that come from? DESTINY HARRIS: That's my little girl. PAT: Last I heard she was living on the streets in LA. ROBERT: Telling some genes to turn off now, other genes to turn on. Honestly, I think it never seemed like she was anything but my real mom, if that makes sense. He thought that you could kind of engineer societies by changing the environment. And she says oftentimes the women who want help have a really hard time finding it. OLOV BYGREN: It was very interesting discovery. She filled out the forms went BARBARA HARRIS: Through all the training that we had to do and first aid, fingerprinted and had a background check done. Oh my goodness. [chuckles]. I know! Were just talking about toad, I thought. BARBARA HARRIS: Since birth. Radiolab branded apparel and accessories are available at the Official Radiolab Online Store, aka the Swag Lab. The results are there. ROBERT: I think what's weird here is that is that we started trying to make a difference in our children and now we're surprise attacked by our grandparents. Are you nine? ROBERT: A few years later, there'd be a harsh winter. He stuffed himself silly; 9, 10, 11 years old, so he's a happy grandpa, you the grandson, you then would have. Or is it? If you start smoking when you're 10, 11 something like that, you end up having children with more problems. JAD: What happens, it'll get stuck to one little part of the DNA and now that little bit of DNA FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: Is very difficult to get at. PAT: Could you just tell us what you are doing now? Right away, people accused her of targeting women at their weakest moment and enabling their drug abuse. Assuming that you can survive the ordeal, and you grow up, and you have kids of your own, the data seems to say that your kids will benefit from your suffering. PAT: And that number, by the way, has grown a lot. I think the Swedish data are really, really strong, and very reliable. I wont say too much more except it includes one of my favorite kind of scientific parables that like Ive ever heard. I got to say this is spooky. OLOV BYGREN: They didn't have grains. The critical part of this Is that all these changes wake up this little gang of proteins. Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. Accuracy and availability may vary. ROBERT: Which turn out to be an interesting thing to look at it because the people in verkalix who were farming SAM KEAN: Trying to eke a living out of the soil. ROBERT: Interestingly, the church has also kept track of the farmers' SAM KEAN: How much they were growing each year. Because we had already had to upgrade from a car to a van, from a condo to a home. The sperm carries these marks to the next generation. You know what they're going to go do with that money. JAD: So I guess you could say to yourself, "Seven out of eight of these kids did all right?". But she says she doesn't feel that way anymore. JAD: So, in the end, where do you come down on this? Females seem to hate laying eggs in the water, but is that the end of the story? PAT: And she says oftentimes the women who want help have a really hard time finding it. PAT: Destiny says one day, she and her mom were in the car, and her mom said DESTINY HARRIS: She said, "I don't know, you know, maybe they'll grow bigger? You just have to weigh it, is it worth it? She said, "Well, she's just beautiful and she has lips like a baby doll." She'll be two in January. And at first, it didn't go so well because, you know, if you're a land toad and you're trying to have sex in the water, it's kind of hard. ], [ARCHIVAL Clip, Panel: Sterilized? What they decided to do first was to try to figure out which rat was which, which meant, interestingly, counting all the legs. OLOV BYGREN: Higher frequencies of heart attacks. He thought that because theyre swinging hammers all day, they got big bulky muscles, and then theyd pass the muscles to their children. We neuter them.". Kammerer thought, "Wow.". Yeah. I said, "This will be the last one. Yeah. So, the thought is, when those little boys in verkalix were really, really hungry, their hunger started a chemical process that reached all the way down to the DNA inside the boy's sperm. They decided to explore this question. JAD: If they see methyl groups sitting on that bit of DNA, they are pissed. SAM KEAN: And he would basically turn the heat way, way up in these aquariums until they had to go underwater. [laughs]. You are not God. Radiolab: From Tree to Shining Tree LISTEN Three guests: Suzanne Simard, a professor of forest ecology and teacher at the University of British Columbia, Jennifer Frazer, a science writer that has a blog called The Artful Amoeba, and Roy Halling, a mycologist. JAD: But that you supposedly can't get to. Just to be sure, we asked Frances Champagne what she thinks of this data. Then choose either Section II OR Section III and answer all questions in that . PEJK MALINOVSKI: And we have a lot more grain here. OLOV BYGREN: It's a small forest area, very beautiful. Its an idea thats been kicking around for me since my kids were born. BARBARA HARRIS: "I want to thank you for your support and kindness as always." So then over the next 70 some odd years, Lamarck basically became the poster boy for, like, the big dumb idea, the idea that you want to believe in but that you know isn't true. New York Public Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often by contractors. JAD: In any case, these books tell you when each of these folks died, how they died. Basically, the midwife toad has a strange habit for toads. PAT'S DAD: Calling in to help read the credits. JAD: But wouldnt it be nice if thats how it worked? ROBERT: Well, that's the good news, but unfortunately there is some bad news here. The way she saw it, the state, the federal government, somebody Should say, "You're not doing this. And she told Barbara, "There's something you need to know about this baby.". FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: So, we have our rats in the lab and JAD: They thought, "Let's just see if we can figure out how it is the rat mothers pass down their parenting skills?". Welcome to the Grammys of government-funded research. 01:04:34 - Once a kid is born, their genetic fate is pretty much sealed. [foreign language]. LULU: In a very real way, we've been thinking a lot about inheritance. No, she was an oops kid. ], [ARCHIVAL Clip, News: This could mean sterilization, it could mean getting an IUD.]. You're eight, sorry. But were getting ahead of ourselves here. So Barbara and her son got in the car and drove across town to the foster home where Destiny had been living for the past eight months. He was really one of the first grand theorists in biology. JAD: How do those cycles perpetuate? In this episode, originally aired in 2012,we put nature and nurture on a collision course and discover how outside forces can find a way inside us, and change not just our hearts and minds, but the basic biological blueprint that we pass on to future generations.Support Radiolab by becoming a member ofThe Labtoday. OLOV BYGREN: Well It's one-fourth, we can we say. And even though they look basically nothing alike. SAM KEAN: This is what's called the slow growth period. So then the one that's in trouble, so thats one of, So I guess you could say to yourself, "Seven out of eight of these kids did all right?". One time, and I'm on flighter. And I didn't find a single case of someone saying that they regretted what they've done. That's a lot of people. SAM KEAN: He was really one of the first grand theorists in biology. ROBERT: Okay, so lets get going and stick with your boy, Lamarck, just for a sec. CARL ZIMMER: I know what I'll do, I'm going to set up a terrarium for them and I'm going to make it hot, really uncomfortably hot. Can you say oh my goodness? Knock it right off the DNA. ROBERT: Rewrite their their blueprint? JAD: Look, in the end, what do I know? Maybe like those methyl things we were telling you about with the rats. This was a really radical place at the time because you have to remember that people studying animals up till now, they were basically studying preserved specimens, and so on. And the incredible thing is, those marks stick around. This is spooky because it's like JAD: It means what if grandpa has a bad day? But with the midwife toad, the female SAM KEAN: Lays her eggs on land and then the male midwife toad comes along SAM KEAN: And actually kind of sticks them to his back legs, like a bunch of whitish grapes, and then hops around with them basically until they hatch. MICHAEL MEANEY: Known as transcription factors. He had one remaining midwife toad. JAD: And thats wrong [laughs].Thats not how it works. Like Id be like, Weve got the keys, were gonna trash the house., Anyway, we think about that all the time and I was just talking to Lulu about that and she was just like, You know, theres a radiolab about this.. I'm so proud and I have four years clean. Saying the mother had given birth to a baby girl, did we want her? I have to be creative.". It might be a mixture. And well just let the old yahoos from whom we inheritedededed inherited it take it away. PAT: Which I find kind of hard to believe but, then again, I must have read at least 100 news articles as I was reporting this story. by Nolan Moore. So were getting close to the moment of truth, because there it is. The reason they're more aroused is that the mom's licking activates the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the pup. SAM KEAN: Well, he thought it might have been an assistant trying to frame him because he was Jewish. They won't grow much on the outside, but on the inside That is the time where the sperms are developing. I mean, I'm married to a Black man. VERONICA ZIMMER: My name is Veronica Zimmer. Radiolab is on YouTube! PAT: Even though Destiny's mom was doing all sorts of drugs during her pregnancy and the doctors told Barbara that Destiny was going to be mentally and physically delayed DESTINY HARRIS: Not feeling the way I'm supposed to feel. As he's doing his rounds, he stops by the midwife toad terrarium, he looks down at that little male toad with grapes stuck to his legs and he wonders, "How adaptable is that little guy?" They began to grow these all puffy things on their hands. The neural chemical signal that gets activated during licking, is serotonin. They lived longer lives, something like 30 years on average. She actually emailed me afterwards and adjusted that number down a couple hundred. PAT: And by this point, she's 37 years old. It's such a surprising result. LULU: So far. I mean, youre just youre saying a lot of things that are really impressive. Were just talking about toad, I thought. JAD: So this whole debate, two totally different ways of seeing life. Because there is more data, more information about the people of verkalix, going farther back into the past than you can find almost anywhere else on Earth. I don't like to upset people. We had an expression here, "Dig where you stand." JAD: Thanks to Olov Bygren, reporter Pejk Malinovski and KARIN BORGKVIST LJUNG: Karin Borgkvist Ljung, and I'm a senior archivist at the National Archive in Marieberg in Stockholm. JAD: Its an idea thats been kicking around for me since my kids were born. I like you, I get the sense that there's a lot of warmth in you. DESTINY HARRIS: And that could have very easily have been one of us. It's such a surprising result. Barbara tried to get a law passed requiring just that. MICHAEL MEANEY: Mom's licking activates serotonin. And Barbara and Destiny walked me out to my car. All jokes aside. Apparently, those grandkids SAM KEAN: Were less prone to diabetes. In this episode, originally aired in 2012, we put nature and nurture on a collision course and discover how outside forces can find a way inside us, and change not just our hearts and minds, but the basic biological blueprint that we pass on to future generations._Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab today. PAT: She did. He said, "If you were a boy, and you starve between the ages of 9 and 12, and then you went on to become a father, then a grandfather, your grandkids". He works at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden where he studies population data. So moms licking activates serotonin, and it's released onto brain cells in the hippocampus. LYNN PALTROW: The women who I've worked with, who've had a history of drug problems, aren't like the examples that she gives. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: I mean, when you think of Kammerer, there was a report in science outlining a theory about how Kammerer's toads got these characteristics FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: that invoked these epigenetic inheritance and imprinted genes and it made it plausible. Move on to the next cage, yes, no? BARBARA HARRIS: Yes, she has the same name as me. JAD: You know, inside these cells, in the center, coiled up in little spools, is the DNA. In my naive mind, I didn't have a clue what a big deal this was. This is what's called the slow growth period. They suddenly had to get by on a tiny fraction of the food that they were used to. It would be wrong to think that they represent all women who use drugs while they're pregnant. JAD: Hey, wait. JAD: So he's got to live his life as a toad with all this baggage on him? This is nice and quiet. On the one hand, she says, immediately, cheques started arriving. BARBARA HARRIS: This is 750 and this is 200. Catch up with new episodes and hear classics from our archive. More brain cells? In this episode, originally aired in 2012, we put nature and nurture on a collision course and discover how outside forces can find a way inside us, and change not just our hearts and minds, but the basic biological blueprint that we pass on to future generations.Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab today. Oh actually, real thing, before we go, Latif. Plus, find other cool things we did in the past like miniseries, music videos, short films and animations, behind-the-scenes features, Radiolab live shows, and more. She's not offering treatment, she's not offering counseling, and there are programs that do that. Were there any consequences? JAD: Or very many of them right at all, but, you know, his basic idea seems to be true. Or is it? The lady knew why we were there. He's the guy who told us about Olov's work. What does it look like? ], Sterilized? So he actually went to Vienna. We ask deep questions and use investigative journalism to get the answers. Well, so here's the thing. I mean, they didn't have porridge. CARL ZIMMER: Around 1908, he started publishing all of these results. A few years later, there'd be a harsh winter. Listen Jan 27, 2023 Birthstory A sperm, an egg, two wombs, four countries, and money. Yes, but creating an assumption that there is a class of people who don't deserve to procreate, who aren't worthy of procreating the human race, leads you down a path that we should have great concern about. Its a terrible thought! That is a bad way to start a kid's life but that's just the beginning of the kid's life. I just didn't think. But the results are very clear. And he says, "This isn't a nuptial pad, it looks darkened but that's just ink.". And again, Barbara thinks, "Come on, but if this little girl is here, she should be with her brother and sister. Yeah, it drifts into something like a shopping channel. And, you know, there was kind of antisemitism growing at this time, so he thought that someone had framed him, and six weeks after Nobel published his results in Nature, Kammerer sent a letter to Moscow. Very easily. ], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, Jad Abumrad: Yeah, lets read.]. CARL ZIMMER: He was revealing it with experiments. Is that a genetic hatred of whistling that I just had? That was it. And as of 11:01 a.m. on Tuesday, when were recording this, we have not broken the show. And I packed up my stuff, it's pretty much done. He extended this idea to people. JAD: I want to start with a parental day dream for a second. Here, Kammerer's was saying, "You can do this even on a physical level.". It was something they acquired during their lifetime. JAD: Actually, the idea itself is pretty old. PAT: Isaiah would sleep and he would scream. Its gonna get messy. She started to wish again that she could have a daughter. ], You get them $200 each, which they can spend on crack. Its a terrible thought! We spay them. DESTINY HARRIS: Honestly, I think it never seemed like she was anything but my real mom, if that makes sense. ], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: I'm going to go out into the streets and offer addicted women money to use birth control. SAM KEAN: And at a time when you're not making the best decisions anyway. We'll just get one more.". You're finishing college, right? Don't you see, somehow the mother's tongue is getting all the way down in there and going [mumbles] and messing with the baby's DNA. That's really impressive. PAT: And I just felt like it was in one of those moments that contains everything that's good about us as people. In this episode, originally aired in 2012, we put nature and nurture on a co Actually, the idea itself is pretty old. And in one day, we can imagine, he gets curious. ", PAT: In other words, "Could I pay women who have drug problems to stop having babies?". SAM KEAN: It does, it does make kind of a folk sense. I want to start with a parental day dream for a second. JAD: Or does it get passed on such a deep level that doesn't even require teaching? She should be with me. BARBARA HARRIS: And I knew that the only way I was going to get a daughter was if I went and became a foster parent and asked for one. [laughs] Can you say, "Never, ever?" [laughs] "This may hurt you my son, but I'm doing it for my grandchildren.". ROBERT: Cause we were talking to science writer, Carl Zimmer, and he told us that back in the early 1900s, this tension between Lamarck and Darwin got extra tense. And if you haven't, you can choose to have an IUD, or an implant put in which will last for several years. PAT: Lynn has become one of Barbara's fiercest critics. That doesn't matter. It's just a mind crushing tedium. JAD: So heres the backstory. JAD: Yeah, like you can help them overcome you. She's 20 months old. CARL ZIMMER: Just until they hatch and then 'til they go off. Were less prone to diabetes. They decided to explore this question, They thought, "Let's just see if we can figure out how it is the rat mothers pass down their parenting skills?". He is passionate about scholarly writing, World History, and Political sciences. Or is it? This assignment is from the free science education website Science Prof Online(ScienceProfOnline.com). Truth is, we dont know precisely how this happens but somehow the experience of starvation marks the DNA. I mean, the idea that they could be constrained by their DNA, that maybe one of us gave them a bit of DNA thats gonna hold them back? And so, you could only see one nuptial pad, and it all comes down to thisand all of that was just about to fall apart. They like to hang out in the water and the females like to lay eggs in the water. JAD: That is impossible, so far as we know, but there seems to be this layer on top of the genes. ROBERT: Kammerer, for one, was sent off to work as a sensor for the Austrian military. Because theyre reaching for the tops of trees. BARBARA HARRIS: "She's born and tested positive for PCP crack and heroin." And I've got say, I'm feeling pretty good about this show so far. But a few of us make a habit of it. Because the Soviets, they believe in Karl Marx's idea that human beings were an improvable species, that if you can change the conditions around people, you change the people. Your support helps Radiolab continue to provoke, delight, and keep audiences curious. About 30 years ago-. I said, "No, no, that's okay." Like, mine are bigger, you know." JAD: Many years later, he and this woman. She did. I wouldn't want to put it up to chance, because what kind of life is that? I don't like to upset people. SAM KEAN: It seemed to have been passed down for multiple generations. Then she goes, "Oh wait, I didn't give birth to you. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: You know, you've got all these chemicals around. [2] Cause we were talking to science writer, Carl Zimmer, and he told us that back in the early 1900s, this tension between Lamarck and Darwin got extra tense. How much of you will echo into the future and how much of you won't? BARBARA HARRIS: It was just no baby should have to come into the world like that. We went to the foster home and went in. And I knew that the only way I was going to get a daughter was if I went and became a foster parent and asked for one. About olov 's work to have been an assistant trying to frame him because he was Jewish includes... Saying, `` dig where you stand. to frances CHAMPAGNE: this is n't a nuptial,. My stuff, it 's like jad: so I guess you could say to yourself, ``,! Old yahoos from Whom we inheritedededed inherited it take it that we first fell love... Austrian military baby girl, did we want her olov 's work kids... Institute in Sweden where he studies population data so, in which the player receives radioactive that! Then choose either Section II Or Section III and answer all questions in.... Transcripts are created on a physical level. `` help them overcome.! Tested positive for PCP crack and heroin. of these folks died, how they died at the Karolinska in! 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