In Southern Louisiana the loup-garou, or rougarou as pronounced in Kryl Louisianais, would become tied to the tradition of Lent. We can only hope Ruston, LA never decides to build a Grunch Road. Every year in October, there is a festival held in downtown Houma called the Rougarou Fest. Once the rougarou settled into southern Louisianas swampy shadows, it took on some aspects of local Native American cryptids, such as a legendary Choctaw shapeshifting owl-witch. The Rougarou has also been tied to the story of the Deridder Roadkill. Its rumored that Lutins can take any form, including cats (especially white ones), hobgoblins, elves, and other strange creatures. In the late summer of the early 90s (actual year up for debate), I was riding my bike. The student waited 5 more minutes to see if the sounds would return but the encounter was over. Its popularity has seen it placed on shirts, mugs, in Hollywood and even seen roller coasters named after it. This beast first sighted in 1963 is reminiscent of the popular DC character known as Swamp Thing. The brave friend stated that something in her mind told her to look ahead. Apparently that was a thing they did back then. Honey Island Swamp Monster Variations also associate it with animals such as pigs, cows, and chickens . The Rougarou, Beast of the Louisiana Bayou, Gets a Makeover One man hopes to turn the wolfish cryptid into a mascot for saving the state's imperiled wetlands. Long, thin arm attached to a 6 to 7 foot frame. In another variation of the story, the half man half wolf monster targets and kills Catholics that have failed to follow the rules of Lent. 1990-1992 (early 90s) St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. Catholics are told it will hunt down and kill them if they don't obey Lent. Back in the 16th century, theyd regularly blame various crimes on loup-garous. I'm considering creating a documentary on the legend of the Rougarou when I get some more free time in the future. Rougaroux Rum, manufactured by donner-peltier distillers in Thibodaux, Louisiana, has a special praline-flavored version called Rougaroux 13 Pennies. Create a free website or blog at Whether the Rougarou is truly a cryptid stalking the streets at night just waiting to pass its curse on to the next unfortunate soul, or whether it is merely a tool used to scare Catholics into keeping Lent, it is clear that the Rougarou has left its mark on Southern Louisiana. I remember he kept repeating something to the effect of look, Im not sure what I saw. At that time the only reference I had to Bigfoot was a few TV shows and a book I checked out a few times from my schools library. I am a journalist from Louisiana who has always been fascinated by folk lore and its cultural impact. 2023 Atlas Obscura. Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day. Your email address will not be published. Nothing is going to hurt me. The student also stated that he did not want to alarm the creature by running off. Once the human is cursed, it is permanent. No, you dont become a Rougarou from a bite or scratch, or from losing a bet. An unknown creature has been mutilating and killing animals and perhaps humans in southern Louisiana; some locals attribute the attacks to a rougarou. The Cajuns (also known as Acadians) are an ethnic group that makes up a significant portion of south Louisianas population. If you decide to attend the festival or find yourself around the swamps, make sure to remember the tricks and tactics we covered in this article. The creature in question was described by the officer as being an eight foot talk, bipedal hominid, dark hair (not fur), and massively build. The only credibility I can give to these reports is that they ran in the paper. The commuter stated Unlike the sloth, it was man-like. Full report can be found on Report #514. Louisiana has the most unique culture Ive discovered in the US and thats saying something being a native of Appalachia. He slowed down when he saw it because he got the impression that this was not a man. Origins of the Rougarou lie in 16th Century medieval French Folklore. The article contained a short anecdotal account of an unnamed Laplace man that in 1983 saw something correlates with what Mr. Nameless saw. Variations also associate it with animals such as pigs, cows, and chickens, due to the fact that wolves are not often seen in the area. Rougarou. Offer subject to change without notice. I realized that parts of our folklore and our oral traditions were getting lost, he says. Your email address will not be published. By the end, youll know the scariest rumors circulating in cajun land. In this version, the Rougarou is in human form during the day, only transforming at night, meaning he could blend in with society and no one would ever know! This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which may not be specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The basic tale of Rougarou is one of a half man, half wolf that prowls the Louisiana swamps, looking for Catholics that have broken Lent or broken Catholic rules in other ways. There are a large variety of tales surrounding this particular swamp creatureand they will all give you the creeps. You are responsible for all Content that you post, email or otherwise make available via the Phantoms and Monsters Site. At the time of the encounter the officer had no working knowledge of Bigfoot or sasquatch, but having a degree in anthropology left no doubt in the officers mind what he saw was most defiantly not a large, naked, human being. Only you can prevent forest fires, and so only you can save Louisianas wetlands.. When travelling down the interstate or the backroads in Louisiana, youll see lots of beautiful scenery. The three adult men surveyed the area from the inside of the truck. Louisiana monsters have been the subject of controversy for years. There is also a Native American story of the "Rugaru." In an attempt to keep occupied and at home during these various phases of the Covid-19 pandemic, on a whim I decided to search out Louisiana based Bigfoot sightings. The few folks that lay eyes on these creatures are simply catching an interloper just visiting. Generations of youngsters have heard the scary tales. In some cases, they are your loved ones coming to greet you and bring good fortune. The cousins were ridding toward the creature when they spotted it walking on side of the road in their direction. Rougarou Sightings According to a lady from Louisiana, a local child was being chased by a dog when he decided to cut it with his pocketknife. So normally I dont believe it till I see it but in this case I saw it before I even heard about it and now I totally believe it. Fair Use Notice: Rougarou announce 2023 TCL schedule. Terrebonne Parish resident Jonathan Foret was a type of kids. If your keys go missing without explanation, it could be a Lutin! Trey Iles Baton Rouge. The Rougarou is a legendary creature that is often depicted on shirts, cups, and other forms of merchandise. The full moon hangs high over the Louisiana swampland. He might even be neighbors with the Honey Island Swamp Monster, which is also known as Louisianas bigfoot of the swamp.. According to some other accounts, the process of transferring the curse involves the willingly human drawing the blood of the Rougarou. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Loup is French for Wolf, and Garou refers to a man that transforms into an animal. I believe that people are seeing these poor mangy bears instead of werewolves. A recent novel called The Sentence by Louise Erdrich. We love meat too, but come on. Disclaimer: Driving west on Airline Hwy. For Foret and many other Cajun residents in the area, the real possibility that climate change will eventually force them from their homes is particularly upsetting. Some months prior to this her entire family told her they hear a woman screaming at the top of her lungs, followed by a gurgling noise coming from the woods. He has the body of a man, head of a werewolf, and sharp teeth that can seamlessly tear through flesh. Other more out there schools of thought would suggest that these creatures or of a different origin, Alien, Spirit, even faerie. Its a hybrid mixture of escaped circus chimpanzees and alligators which now live in the swamps of St. Tammany Parish. The report suggests that these two encounters took place in roughly the same area. Despite being a monster of legends, just like its cousin the werewolf, the Rougarou has its weakness. There she saw standing next to a tree 25 feet away a creature that she described as being extremely tall and white. The Rougarou has even been made into an action figure, part of a series that also features Sasquatch and the Yeti. He told me how past the railroad track, near the lake they had some deer in a fenced in area. The Giants body appeared to be covered with reddish hair. Louisiana is a lovely place to visit. Theres a lot of blue tarps still on roofs everywhere, says Foret. Wow, this is most definitely going to be my art project gonna be difficult but I'll get it done. Required fields are marked *. It now craves human flesh and overturns small boats to devour and feast! These Louisiana monsters claim they feel lethargic and drained if they dont get the proper serving size of blood in on the regular. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. Considering how many hunters love senselessly killing wild boars, we really cant blame the swamp monster. It is said that you can protect yourself against the Rougarou by laying 13 small objects by your doors. According to Cajun folklore, the monster is said to inhabit the swamps and sugar cane fields around the Acadiana and Greater New Orleans regions. At this point, you are probably wondering just how the legend began. Another spooky tale of the Rougarou involves a married couple. Im not making this up. The basic tale of Rougarou is one of a half man, half wolf that prowls the Louisiana swamps, looking for Catholics that have broken Lent or broken Catholic rules in other ways. Did your house get ransacked during the night? That festival is cool because it links folklore to current issues and things that people need to be aware of, Rabalais says. In France during the 16th century, they used to blame various crimes that were committed throughout the villages on the Loup-Garou. It was enough just enough working knowledge for me to form an opinion. We all have a notion that this world is a lot stranger than it seems on a surface level. When the child saw the dog transform into a man, he dashed home to tell his family. It is said that you can protect yourself against the Rougarou by laying 13 small objects by your doors. Legend says a group of albino dwarves isolated themselves from society in the woods just outside of New Orleans. They look for blood donors who are willing to sell them blood, and yes, they drink it. At this point, the beast is forced to retreat as its human form begins to resurface. The source of storms and an (occasional) kidnapper, the massive ancient beast has inspired muscle cars and jet fighters. Scary Bigfoot Incident Near Daniels, Maryland. He was only about 100 yards away when it crossed so a person would not of had time to get far enough to disappear into the swamp. Dont believe us? And as the stomping grounds for the rougarou have disappeared, so have tales about the beastuntil Foret made it his mission to save both. The dog was urging the boy to attack, and eventually the boy pulled a knife out and slashed the dog open. 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Years later, as a middle school teacher, hed mention the beast to his students only to learn theyd never heard of it. The cousins decided to turn around and go back the direction they came to avoid a close encounter with this unknown, imposing, bipedal creature. I hunt all over america and even in Africa a couple times ive run across crap that has made me avoid entire states and run across other things that i tried to stalk and kill one of these things i tried to kill is a loup garou i lived in deep louisiana until i was 11 i know about these things your gonna need some back story for this i subscribe to the idea that they are cursed humans and will have the curse till they die like wherewolves and the loup garou may even be a wherewolf because the only time ive ever found a claim of one that i couldnt easily blow off the description was the same as a where wolf like a humanoid grizzly bear on two legs with lots of steroids that aside i was doing some hunting one night for hog and saw a huge animal walk out stood 6 or 7 feet tall on two legs couldnt make out fine details due to light but i took a shot at it after i saw enough to realize it wasnt human i shot it in the head with a 45-70 those of you who dont get that its a rifle capable of taking large game like an elephant with one shot very strong round and for those of you who are gun people ill give some specs it was a 500 grain soft lead bullet hot loaded on 72 grains of powder (that doesnt sound like much but i shoot black powder in it not smokeless and no its not a muzzle loader it shoots brass cased bullets like a normal gun) anyway i hit it in the head and it got really pissed of and started to charge from about 200 yards away i shot it again in the chest and it ran off i spent the night tracking it mind you this all happemed at about 10 i only quit when i lost blood trail and foot print trail right around daylight i went home and that night there was a story of a man whos body had been found with two large holes that resembled bullet holes but it was ruled out because there was no trace of any lead or powder and he was drained of all his blood that chalked it up to a satanic ritual now to me it sounds like i killed a loup garou but hey maybe its still out there and just really pissed off. Some sources claim the myth originated in medieval France, when belief in werewolves would have been far more prevalent. Apparently, when a person changes into a Rougarou they forget how to count past 12 (probably since they only worry about midnight and the moon at this point). Thu 06/01/23. Do you have a favorite? Heed our warning and be on the look out for cajun folklore monsters when youre roaming the wildest parts of the bayou state. The two young women decided they would go to the car together. The seminary student had the urge to run back to the monastery to tell someone but a thought emerged NO. Thats what we in Louisiana call the Rougarou, cher. Loup is French for Wolf, and Garou refers to a man that transforms into an animal. The French Catholics claimed that you would be turned into a loup-garou if you did not follow the rules of Lent for seven consecutive years. The Rougarou at Cedar Point is a prime example of Rougarou supernatural popularity. About four weeks ago, PB and his 5-year-old daughter were walking along their long dirt driveway that leads to their home. A close friend of the family who was on . He flagged me down to speak with me. This way, his spell was broken, making him able to turn back into human form. These loup-garous became a fear for many people in the country, leading to them earning their place in legends passed down to children. To kill some time before his date, Mr. Nameless decided to take an evening cruise down Peavine Road to the lake. For this reason the Rougarou has been dubbed the Swamp Monster by . The dark figure crossed the road from the passenger side to the driver side, so it was traveling due south when it crossed the road. DATE. Past participants have described the festival as fun, and until COVID it had managed to attract a decent crowd each year. For decades, the equivalent of one football field of coastline was lost per hour; while the rate has slowed, the regions long-term prognosis remains grim. A human would have a substantial amount of trouble walking through the terrain. Foret is now director of the South Louisiana Wetlands Discovery Center, a nonprofit that educates students, in the classroom and on field trips, about the challenges of sea level rise, climate change, and living in a coastal communityone still recovering from 2021s Hurricane Ida. Ruston doesnt have a swamp, but if it did. In the official report the officer filed he was honest, but kept the details to a minimum, it was a very tall dark figure, with no description of clothing. The unfortunate person is under the spell for 101 days. Official Post from Deborah Hatswell BBR Being Believed Research & Investigation In this article, were going to highlight the top 9 Louisiana monsters from folklore and legends. The different versions of the Rougarou beast are as many as reported sightings of the beast. A Police officer and his partner, responding to a neighborhood prowler call. Thanks for sharing it with us! Since the dawn of time, people have been telling stories. The Legends Of The Rougarou In Louisiana May Send Chills Down Your Spine Since the dawn of time, people have been telling stories. Part of a different origin, Alien, Spirit, even faerie lethargic and drained if they dont the. And so only you can protect yourself against the Rougarou has its.! So only you can save Louisianas wetlands Variations also associate it with animals as... Only credibility I can give to these reports is that they ran in the late summer of the involves! These loup-garous became a fear for many people in the country, leading to earning. Louisiana has the body of a different origin, Alien, Spirit even! Recent novel called the Sentence by Louise Erdrich he kept repeating something to the effect look. 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