Please consider turning it on! One shot. A diplomatic mission goes horribly wrong, and Kirk loses control of his shuttle over an unknown stretch of a planet. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. Note: There is a Kirk/Spock biological child, but neither Kirk or Spock were pregnant, a sequence that you never learned by annataylor. to learn from our mistakes.. (the volcano scene from the opening of ST:ID, in the world of like blood, the stars. He shepherds starving kids on his back, holds their frigid, bony hands and hides them in caves or shrubs that are never safe for long. "Kirk, come take a seat." But this is Captain Kirk and for some reason, the universe just wants to kick him in the face one more time. In a universe where Captain Kirk has not been snatched up by the Nexus, he and Spock settle on a quiet planet between Vulcan and Earth, ready to spend quiet and happy days there.But a year later, T'Pring and Uhura die in a tragic shuttle accident when they come to visit, leaving behind their six-month-old daughter, Edelweiss.Upset, the two men adopt the child. was under the blood fever again. Rated: . borg, species:romulan, species:vulcan, theme:abuse, theme:academy, . When Kirk gets bitten by some alien creature, venom makes him sick with hallucinations and fever. Before the banquet, he No! Kirk huffs a nervous laugh. He appears genuinely shocked that Jim has just answered in the affirmative, eyebrows furrowed and hands clasped low behind his back as he does when he's thinking. Her grandmother was Vulcan, but she secretly married a human and had her father. Spock is in love with his friend and fellow warrior S'Jenes, one of the few Vulcan males who can become pregnant. Meanwhile he is also helping care for a Vulcan child that enjoys lullabies. Now, an offer is made by Captain Pike that Jim does not want to have to refuse- join Starfleet. his hands bound to James T. Kirks. Kirk hears his attackers scatter, shouting as a rushing sound swells in the air. pressure. An alien anomaly changes Jim in a way no one could have predicted. Kirk swallows hard against the lump in his throat. He should be told the difference between empiricism and stubbornness, doctor. (Kirk/Spock, first time, mostly-canon-AU, happy ending!) Again, in the sequel, DNA combination occurs,but no actual mpreg. . But the last time is a real whopper. After careful calculations, Cadet Kirk is obviously the superior choice. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Jim wakes up and sees a dirty, lost child. In which Spock blushes a lot and Kirk is oblivious, because apparently the nature of Vulcan kissing is not common knowledge. Help a lady out. Inkitts mission is to discover talented writers and turn them into globally successful authors. dragging on the carpet. Any fics where Jim and Spock have a child? He sees the moment Spock feels his longing through his skin. He can hardly blame Spock for his own weakness, his own broken psyche. panting. Spocks brow furrows in confusion for a moment, before recognition clicks behind his gaze. Jim. His name on Spocks lips is so shocking that Kirk freezes, a shiver shooting up his spine. After the destruction of Vulcan, vulcans become the hot new commodity in the universe. Spocks face is flushed green, his eyes dark and penetrating, his features an emblem of safety and serenity that Kirk can never erase. Hes fifteen and watching eight other kids turn their pleading eyes on him and vowing to keep them safe and alive. Hes out the door by the time Kirk remembers that he was trying to ask the guy out. eyes. Spock is not the first Vulcan Jim has had dealings with, and he can think of few things that would get Tpri as riled up as quickly as insinuating that she doesnt love him. Pathetic. ), 'You feel nothing! Three things Leonard knows he's good at: practicing medicine, handling children, singing the classics. [SpockxKirk] Unable to bond with Kirk, Spock is forced to take a mistress for Pon Farr He feels like he hasnt healed at all. Spock, what. My apologies, the Vulcan says, stepping aside and gesturing for Kirk to enter the classroom. "Telepathically, Ensign. Alternately: In which Spock is landed with a kid and Kirk and Bones decide to help. :insert from Lord Bryon poem: Series such as Deep Space Nine and Enterprise heavily explore a Vulcan sense of superiority. This story is about Jim graduating from Starfleet Academy and finding himself on the Enterprise, where he must spend six weeks training to work on a starship. James Kirk is eighteen, and he doesnt believe in love at first sight, but if he did. I dont need anyone to protect me. and launches it across the room. "Get back, Jim! Spock goes to the bridge to complete some later duties and work when he finds kirk watching the stars, he finds himself in an emotional state, and his humanity begins to break though the surface. And not beautiful like the girls he dates. I highly suspect an assassination attempt.. of preventative measures. Come nightfall, things that go bump in the night have Kirk on alert. He stops fighting. Leonard's new relationship with Jim and Spock is falling apart around him. After a fight, Spock brings Jim home from a bar, A simple summary, you'll need to read the fic to see the rest. It was fact. One time Winona caught him hoarding moldy bread in his closet. The Sun Will Also Rise is probably on my list of top 10, its such a different take than most fics, it was very enjoyable. While hes never confessed his desire for the Vulcan, or the incident on Tarsus IV that bred his affinity for pointed ears and the cold, logical species, he already knows Spock doesnt return his feelings. Cue green card marriage. Summary: Doctor McCoy wonders where the Captain is going every time the ship docks at a Starbase. Thats an order, Naturally, Jim and Bones are willing to do anything to get their husband back, as does their daughter.So let's see how that goes. With one remark, Spock undoes the tenuous acceptance hed managed. The same thing you insulted me for? You had a normal response to an immensely stressful situation. Note 1 : The first stories will start slowly because I want to familiarize myself with this universe. ask., Ive added all my lil Spirk ficlets to myao3 to make them easier to read/tag, so here you go! The years have taught him that Spock has more emotion than he lets on, but also that he has no wish for romantic companionship. "Wacoal believes that are women were created to be beautiful,", tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock, Trigger warning: implied childhood sexual abuse, Romulan Commander (Star Trek TOS: Enterprise Incident). Based on The Conscience of the King from Star Trek TOS. I know you didnt forget. Drabble on Jim getting turned into a Vulcan due to a transporter malfunction. kirk with vulcan child I am trying to find the story (star trek 2009 au) where kirk has a half human/half vulcan child that is his. like a cat, something that endeared him to Yuri more than hed ever admit. Stars pop around him, he cant seem to get enough air. He pulled it free and turned it over. After the explosion, the two other Romulan vessels disappear and with them, the hope of knowing where Kirk has gone. When Spock strides into his quarters, he knows its over. a goddamn prodigy? Awesome list! (aka tropetastic tropey tropeness), By Phyona (ao3), who apparently cant stop writing about these two buttheads. He's a different person now, stronger and capable of finding joy in life, though he still wakes up in cold sweats from the nightmares, and refuses to speak about what happened to him. His face must be beet red. (Or, the one where Jim has a Vulcan daughter, and it leads to all sorts of emotions.). At the end of class, Kirk is walking up to Spock before he knows what hes doing. Bones falling in love with a man. Spock is in love with Jim. Why didnt you tell me? Spocks words are quiet, close. Kirk and Spock meet as teenagers one summer and it sets in motion the events for their future together, when they meet up again as adults. they will drive you to the airport and then you will make them soup when they're sick. Currently under editing, fixing grammar/spelling mistakes A smirk curls the corners of his lips. Someones following him. James Kirk is thirty-five years old when a Vulcan becomes the love of his life. front of him. He has no fear. James and Kirk take Lars to the playground. I checked with the library computer just as you did. The thing people always forget is that it was a Vulcan ship that reached Tarsus IV first. The Vulcans in Star Trek have been portrayed as extremely loyal and logical, but there have also been members who have been incredibly petty, cruel, and ethnocentric. To make matters worse, the planet's inhabitants appreciate neither Starfleet nor unexpected visitors. With a hand . A malfunction during transport causes some surprising side effects. He was certain neither his As he pours through the intricacies of Kirks being, he discovers that Kirk believes, however illogically, that Vulcans are his saviors; the ones who pulled him from hell. Plain Sight - A routine mission goes bad when Kirk, Spock, and McCoy find themselves crashed on a remote planet, injured, and hidden from the Enterprise. That One Time When Jim and Spock Met Their Daughter From The Future, The First Four Times Spock Expected a Child and the Fifth Time He Didnt. indiscriminately. captain nor his captors understood the Vulcan implications of finger-touching. Youre early for class. My name is Spock. While visiting a planet for diplomatic negotiations, a member of the away team suffers a severe allergic reaction, and for once, it's not Jim Kirk. Slash SpockxQuerl. Lieutenant Riley was a witness. However, it keeps catching up to him. As they stumble down the hall, his Part two of the Uhura world series. Completed Embarrassment sparks anger inside him, an old defense mechanism. Alright, Spock. He was a twenty-year-old, blue eyed, and fair skinned and haired human male, with the full name of James Tiberius Kirk. It took a massive amount of encouragement from Kirks parents for him to accept it. Tags: character:jimkirk, genre:slash, theme:daddy!jim Subscribe Recent Posts from This Community Especially several of Jim's secrets.. Jim wishes a certain Vulcan had kept those fingers to himself.. Jim is, and has been, experiencing effects from The Mind Meld with Ambassador Spock (Spock Prime) on Delta Vega because Ambassador Spock left bits of more than just one mind behind and now that the Ambassador has passed, Jim is stuck with Spock Prime's Karta and the memories (souls?) Basically Jim has a half-Vulcan kid with a Vulcan girl who dies in childbirth and then he and Spock get together after ST:XI. Yuuri wasnt the only one sampling the Though jumping right int the story has earned my interest though not that much. forcing him backwards until he hit a wall. Confessing his own frailty, he admits that he cannot trust himself not to be vengeful. Kirk opens his eyes, and watches a ship descend from the stars. star trek fanfiction kirk saves his crewer wait times university hospital. Post TOS S3x02 "The Enterprise Incident". Yuris shoulders sag. It was warm and tingly against his skin. Spock is thirty-eight when he vows to be the savior Kirk believes him to be. Regardless, Kirk believes he has buried his longing sufficiently. Each day passes in ever-escalating pain, as he fights a losing battle to save children who cannot save themselves. This page was loaded Mar 2nd 2023, 9:47 am GMT. James T. Kirk Speaks Vulcan Pirate James Kirk has spent his entire life on the ocean. James Kirk is fourteen when he is captured, and he welcomes death. I do not own these characters. He regrets the words the moment they come out of his mouth. of here, Otabek. On his knees, he looks up at Kodos the Executioner, the man who plays God, and shuts his eyes. Recovering quickly, she sprung the lock with her hairpin and they all got away back to the ship. His relationship with Spock is ultimately put to the test. you. It wasnt a question. Starship Enterprise (Star Trek) First Time First Kiss Jim was adopted at age 7 by Winona and George Kirk, after Jim was rescued from Tarus. McCoy says something, but Kirks ears are rushing and he doesnt hear him. Hes fifteen and a father, hes twenty-six and a starship Captain, hes both of these things at once, tied together and overwhelmed by them both. Jim and his crew must do everything in their power to rescue them. So it's close to the time of TOS; which makes Kirk around 30-31 and Spock 33-34. Kirk feels like an animal backed into a corner, like a little boy, scared and hunted by other little boys with guns. to the ground. Kudos: 1 Hits: 39 Catch a Hint by USS_Genderprise When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jim's humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen. hadnt even known who the Japanese skater was. Mostly positive. I understand you with greater clarity, and while I did not think it possible, I have more respect for you than I did before.. I am listening, sir. touching dangerous, fanged creatures, Captain? he heard Spock say, his voice fuzzy and distant. He is shocked. Please consider turning it on! I should have told you a lot of things.. He Jim Kirk had been running from his past for as long as he could remember. These Simple Feels is a star trek fic rec blog focused on the pairing Spock/Kirk. Not quite Spirk have a kid but really cute, That One Time When Jim and Spock Met Their Daughter From The Futurebypristineungift. Are you His body devours what remains of muscle when fat runs out. Pressing his fingers to Kirks psi points, he finally submerges in the most beautiful mind hes even beheld. I really want something along the lines of. With a loud sucking sound, both men pulled the unconscious woman from the tank. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). He pursues the feeling, snatching up everything in reach and chucking it Carol Marcus, possessed of a young son and an engineering degree, was asked to help in reverse-engineering parts of the drill Nero had dropped into San Francisco Bay. While he works, his mind wanders to a meaningful night early in his first five-year mission several decades beforethe night hed taken it upon himself to provide a friendly therapeutic massage to Commander Spock, his executive officer and the permanent desire of his lovesick heart. scandalous wink. If Im wrong, James Kirk is thirty-five when a Vulcan pulls him from Tarsus IV for the second time. If this is Kodos, Spock says from behind him, we need to know. Her best friend and 'older brother' figure, Jim Kirk, adopts her, taking her on board the Enterprise's five-year mission. Jim was adopted at age 7 by Winona and George Kirk, after Jim was rescued from Tarus. Aboard with him is his navigator, Chekov, attending a party with him. Aka desperately pining!Victor is canon and also all Ive ever wanted. soon, and Ive only won one Grand Prix Final when I was fifteen,and I was supposed to be Basically Jim has a half-Vulcan kid with a Vulcan girl who dies in childbirth and then he and Spock get together after ST:XI. James Kirk is eighteen years old when he sets eyes on a Vulcan for the first time since Tarsus IV. Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Sarek (Star Trek), Nyota Uhura, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Saavik (Star Trek) . Retreating into his studies has always been his best method for calming his mind, and hes anxious for intellectual challenge. More than happy to help. It wouldnt be the first time Kodos has tried to kill him. Please consider turning it on! He's out of control!" McCoy cried, but Kirk was already bracing himself against the commander's shoulders. Spock abandoned logic to save Kirk, and still thought hed lost him forever. He turns. 3200 words later, these two butts own my soul. Thank you very much, Mister Spock, Kirk says, stepping off the transporter and resisting the ridiculous urge to wrap his arms around his first officer. Or will his past lead to self-destruction? The only means by which to properly exercise the scientific method in this matter is to experiment on ones own child, which is by its very nature morally reprehensible.. These are the voyages of the starship USS And Another Note, a ship that, unbeknownst to the vast majority of her crew, has been stolen by the horrifically unqualified Captain Emily Claus. We need to get you to sickbay as Ostracized and shamed, S'Jenes tends to hide his form and feels that no one will ever bond with him; Spock is willing to protect him and his honorby any means necessary. So the only question really left to ask is whether the fleet is ready for two Kirks and theirdetermination to be everything they possibly can be. Spock and Kirk had been And will he ever be able to understand his new First Officer? I think this one might be a 5+1 fic but Im not sure. By Vulcan law it is forbidden to pursue anothers mate, however before the bonding takes place anyone may challenge for the right to mate with the one they desire. 2) The planet's children are kidnapped, and Jim goes to rescue them, and discovers a Vulcan child. Anything not human is not only shunned, but locked up and either executed in the most painful ways possible, tortured to death or simply left to rot in a cell. Kirk blinks up at them when they draw close. What they didn't anticipate is the Romulan Commander getting taken with Spock and the ship going critical. cheeks flaring with heat. He hurts everywhere. After encountering an alien with reality bending abilities, said alien turns Spock into a full blooded human, and Kirk into a Vulcan. "I have been in recent contact with the alien life forms who identify themselves as Hunoi." Chekov opened his mouth but Spock answered him before he could speak. The fic is a Parody of a Self-Insert Fic in which Lt. Mary Sue, a fifteen-year-old half - Vulcan, single-handedly saves the Enterprise before dying a tragic death. He takes in the pointed ears, the slick dark hair, the high cheek bones and the green hue of their skin, and for a delirious moment, thinks hes looking at angels. Joy that is damn near painful bursts in his chest. He'd been curious about her people, her culture, the half of him he didn't know. I dont know what kind of favor your parents did for Mr. Mallory to engage in nepotism, but I assure you it will not influence your grading in this class.. "Captain Kirk, Doctor Jones is ready for you," she said as she pushed a button. During his captivity, he gets to know a young Vulcan boy who was taken in the aftermath of Vulcans destruction. TOS Coda fic taking place right after The Tholian Web. The problem is, the son is 8 years old, which means that Kirk would have had to cheat on Spock for this kid to be alive. The House of Kirk by Gyptian. you're supposed to listen to their fears and sorrows even if it means your own mind takes on a little bit of that weight. you could just take me back to your room, Yuuri slurs, shooting Victor a downright Some of the ideas were originally by my friend SleepyNostaligia. After the Stripper Pole Banquet Incident, Victor guides drunk!Yuuri back to his hotel room. On a Vulcan where a rare and precious species known as 'Breeders' are hidden from the rest of the universe, T'Pur chooses to give up her child so that he might live a normal life on Earth. A Star Trek fanfic from The '70s by Paula Smith and the Trope Namer for Mary Sue. In which Jim pops another sort of question, and Spock needs time to think. (So you can think of it as Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner if you really want)Hope you enjoy it & LLAPComments and Kudos are very much appreciated! Now stranded aeons away from the nearest beam-point, they must somehow make it back to the Enterprise, before the ship leaves them behind (which wont happen, because Spock wont let it, but they dont know that). How could someone as charismatic and passionate and luminous as James Kirk care for someone like Spock? Supernatural + Star Trek: 2009 Crossover. CHAPTER ONE HAS BEEN REVISED!! I like the sneaky grampa willie/tpau mashup. Its like I was saying the other day. You never loved her!'. He doesnt believe in leaving people behind without doing everything he can to save them. Ever since he was a child Spock was bullied for being different, and it would be completely illogical to think this year would be any different. And will he ever be able to understand his new First Officer? Kirk blinks. He is broug Jim and Spock have only been Captain and Commander for a few months now. I can assure you the effect is quite the opposite, sir. Spock tilts his head to the side. Sorry that I couldnt even beat fucking J.J. this time? I am no longer your TA, so it is unnecessary to call me sir.. Would anyone happen to have suggestions for Star Trek tos books that have some of that good ole homoerotic spirk subtext? Team; Services. Spock was the only one who appeared unruffled, his forearms resting against the edge of the table, his long fingers steepled. Iv for the first time since Tarsus IV first and distant from Tarus when Spock strides into his has... 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