Or is there some issue with her ability to absorb calcium as well? Iron is absorbed the best on an empty stomach. An overgrowth of bacteria such as Clostridium difficile may also be the cause. DXA only checks BMD, which is a measure of quantity. Calcium and strontium compete for absorption and calcium will always win, which is why it is recommended that strontium supplements be taken apart from when calcium is consumed. You might check with Martha Grout, MD. 2012 Jul;51(1):93-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2012.04.008. The amounts of the other forms of vitamin K (K1 and MK-4) are so tiny, they will have little impact on activation of Gla-proteins. Based on your previous response to me I should probably add to my K2 amount. Also, if your digestion is impaired or you are taking an acid-lowering drug, you will not be properly breaking down the proteins in your food, and undigested protein fragments that gain entry into your bloodstream can provoke many kinds of adverse reactions, including the skin symptoms you are experiencing. As you work your way through Your Bones, I hope you will use it to figure out how much your diet is providing for you of the nutrients essential for building healthy bones and what and how much you will need to get from supplements. Here is the link: http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/87/5/2060.full.pdf. DXA (they are now using the acronym DXA instead of DEXA) scans should be run once yearly it takes time for bone to rebuild, so running this scan sooner will not provide good information for you. So it could be that taking the AlgaeCal helps rebalance the magnesium in your body! Oncol Rep. 2012 Aug;28(2):481-6. doi: 10.3892/or.2012.1816. Heres a link to AlgaeCals product: shown in the research to be helpful. I found a number of recent papers. . By staggering your intake, you allow both supplements to be absorbed properly and effectively. Calcium and magnesium balance one another in many, many activities in our bodies. Specifically based on strontium levels and safety. coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds. Ive noticed in your previous posts that you take your strontium with lunch. The drug, strontium ranelate, has a long list of side effects, and since the drug has much more media exposure than the health supplement strontium citrate, the two are often confused. My husband, Dr. Joe Pizzorno, is approaching age 70 and still playing basketball with men half his age; I had him read my review and he has started taking strontium at a half dose as well to protect his knees as I also showed him some good studies showing strontium helps maintain healthy cartilage in the joints. You eat lots of fiber. If even after taking 4,000 IU per day and getting some sun for a couple of months, you are still not in the 60-80 ng/mL range, your genetic inheritance may like mine have resulted in poor absorption of vitmain D, so that you need more than the typical person. Fat-soluble vitamin supplements will be harder to absorb on an empty stomach, and they can also lead to an upset stomach. Women in the Plan 3 group, the group receiving the most nutritionally comprehensive supplement program (the one now available at https://blog.algaecal.com/, gained significantly more BMD than the other two groups. From Laras Comment at bottom of: Strontium Side Effects are Overblown Get the Facts: Strontium is almost twice as large as calcium, and its larger size does affect DXA readings. HERE is a link to Mayo Clinics discussion of causes of hair loss. 6. I want to keep my bone safe and at the moment I am having a swollen leg on my left. It would be very helpful if you could clarify. Accordingly, strontium has been thought to have potential in the treatment of osteoporosis. Most importantly, I want to encourage you NOT to put up with bone loss and twice hourly hot flushes both are completely fixable! AlgaeCal Plus provides more calcium than this amount of strontium and surely with your dietary intake of calcium, you will be getting quite a bit more than 680 mg. Re Drs Best strontium if it is strontium citrate, it should be fine. That said, it is always best to check with your Doctor when it comes to this, and using AlgaeCal with any specific medical conditions, as we are not medical professionals. YOU are typically getting from your diet. Since consumption of more than 1,500 mg per day of calcium is not recommended, consumption of no more than 750 mg/day of strontium is indicated. PURPOSE: To study the correlation of intestinal absorption for drugs with various absorption routes between human and rat, and to explore the underlying molecular mechanisms for the similarity in drug intestinal absorption and the differences in oral bioavailability between human and rat. Re; Robert Gouterman January 17, 2012 at 8:31 am [i.e second post above] Heres the math on this: 1.04% x .915 (100%-8.5% = 91.5) = an increase in BMD of 0.95. But if strontium is taken at the same time of calcium, our absorption of strontium is reduced to just 15-18% if its taken with calcium. Natural strontium salts are safe (at reasonable dosages, of course) and highly beneficial. Vitamin A. Vitamin D. Vitamin E. Vitamin K. For maximum absorption, the best time to take vitamin D and other fat-soluble vitamins is after you've eaten foods that contain fat. I get ours on-line from Oregons Choice it tastes so much better than StarKist, absolutely no comparison, and while the cost per can is higher, the cans are several ounces bigger. Also still taking the Metagenics Ostera, as it is supposed to help if you take steroids. For much more on these issues, please listen to my #AskLara on the AlgaeCal Community discussing the differences between HRT and BHRT, also 2 other #AskLara discussing testing that should be done when using BHRT (NO ONE should use HRT!). You should also avoid taking it with calcium supplements or calcium-rich foods or consuming these foods 2 hours prior or 4 hours after taking the medication because the calcium can decrease the body's ability to absorb the hormone. Dear Lara, This dose will help protect and maintain the long-term health of your bones. Re the high blood calcium, my first thought would be that you need more vitamin K, specifically, K2 as MK-7. Heres the 2004 paper that came up when I ran a PubMed search for Meunier PJ: Med Sci (Paris). Monitoring bone strontium intake in osteoporotic females self-supplementing with strontium citrate with a novel in-vivo X-ray fluorescence based diagnostic tool. . Perhaps the information in Lis thesis article was cited inaccurately? My question is, are there any negative side effects of taking the strontium citrate and calcium around the same time? PLEASE read up! 2004 Sep;35(3):583-8. For thumb joint pain due to arthritis, my recommendation is the same because magnesium helps dilate our blood vessels and improves blood flow. There was also a question on the inspire site regarding taking 1/2 the recommended dosage and finding better results. (Garnero P et al. Unlike other meals, we almost always eat breakfast on a completely empty stomach. That means I am getting 250 mg of calcium. or is the Strontium a must I am 56 years old left hip -2.45. Strontium ranelate the prescription drug form of strontium is associated with a very serious rash-like syndrome called DRESS syndrome, so if you were taking that, I would be telling you to head to the emergency room right away!. You can take Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil right off the spoon (it's that tasty.) (Kinetics is the study of the rate at which chemical processes occur.) (Here is the reference for this study: Ma B, Zhang Q, Wang G, et al. Does anyone have any information about the dangers to my baby? 17, no. Im also taking an EPA supplement that has 1536 mg. Im also thankful I can and I love salmon! Here are the studies I read: Beth, Thank you for your kind words, Beth! (And I disagree that dairy is necessarily bad. You have given some tips how much of dosage we have to take. Strontium citrate is not a medication and we dont anticipate that it would have contributed to the development of lymphocytic colitis. I am barely osteopenic now; my T-score went from -1.9 to -1.5. Kind regards Epub 2010 Sep 26. You have to let him go!" Maggie was adamant. Certain medications want you to either take or avoid taking on an empty stomach. Please comment about this particular test and what we should be aware of with the results. Hello, I am 69 years old and my dexa scan says I have osteoporosis. Strontium is an excellent adjunct to other promoters of healthy teeth and bones. Lastly, and to me the most important point, is that strontium does not improve bone health, resistance to fracture, by increasing BMD. Perhaps more importantly, strontium has been shown to reduce fracture risk independent of bone density scores. Thanks again and I intend to get a copy of your book, especially since Gary Null cites you and your book. So you take half the dosage of strontium (1 capsule) Do you still take the full dosage of algae cal plus (4 capsules)? A couple of months ago I saw new research suggesting that some people (a VERY few of us, obviously including the woman who wrote me) may be able to get by with less K2 these are persons with some rare SNPs that result in their keeping K2 around longer than the vast majority of us. Calcif Tissue Int. Replenish all the nutrients your bones start losing after age 40 and then some. Sorry, do not mean to hammer on you with questions. Strontium citrate is 31% elemental strontium and 69% citrate. You are a brave and intelligent woman! . If you do decide to reintroduce it, we would suggest trying a half dose (1 capsule) to start. currently doing his residency in Emergency Medicine; my daughter, who is 40 years old and an MS, RD nutritionist, and my husband, Dr. Joe Pizzorno, taking AlgaeCal Plus along with me we all take the full dose daily. In conclusion, SR therapy increased vertebral BMD and reduced the incidence of vertebral fractures. Or dont bother. What else can be done so I can still take the s booster? Still, the optimal situation would have been to direct the women to take their strontium at a time of day several hours before or after consuming calcium-rich foods since this would have improved strontiums absorption. or is 1 sufficient? I cannot emphasize this enough. "He didn't do it. A special form of strontium called strontium ranelate can increase bone formation and prevent bone loss when used in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Lara, I never wanted to tie you up while I was moderating the discussion on NOF, but feel free to ask here. Most people get somewhere around 400 mg/day or more of calcium from their normal diet (e.g., milk, yogurt, cheese, leafy greens, soymilks and yogurts, etc., also enriched with calcium in Your Bones, I provide a full listing of the foods rich in calcium, how much is in a typical serving, so you can figure out what YOU are getting). Hi Carol, Please give us a call at 1-800-820-0184 if you have any additional questions! Hope this helps, Lara. Were so pleased to hear youre finding the information on our blog helpful. These promising results led to 2 human trials, in which results were excellent. As a result, about 5% of dialysis patients develop osteomalacia (softening of the bones). Why is it challenging to predict intestinal drug absorption and oral bioavailability in human using rat model. Nowhere in the above study, is it proposed that strontium is weakening bone. Youre leading the way for people who will be effected by Osteoporosis. At this point every 2 years does not make sense. I did not put flaxseed or chia on my chart in Your Bones b/c these are not as commonly eaten, but I obviously should have done so! Are high levels indeed toxic? Shouldnt the label reflect the actual percentage? Is it safe to take it. We use Key Pharmacy here in Washington state, and we have ordered nebulized NAC for patients with COPD as far away as FLA. I feel this is safe unless a person is on an older anticoagulant medication in which case you must consult with your doctor to help you manage your drug dose so you can gradually increase your vit K without disturbing your INR because studies have been done showing that even much higher doses of MK-7 (over 800 mcg/day) not only caused no adverse effects but resulted in higher levels of activated osteocalcin. I love this holiday! With exercise, this is reducing the overweight problem and settling a diabetic tendency by assisting metformin; blood sugar is very well in control. Obviously, this is not the case. Hope you will let me know how your DXA turns out. Helpful. - Medical Director of Manhattan Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Founder of the Yoga Injury Prevention Website.. MD, PhD - Professor of Immunology, Univ. The increased density in the strontium studies (including the AlgaeCal studies) are still outright increases in bone density in older adults who should be losing bone. Human beings cannot properly fully digest gluten even if no apparent digestive upset occurs, it still is provoking at least 5 different and very nasty immune system reactions, plus causing a leaky gut. Will the strontium interfere with these medications? Hi Lara, Just curious- did you get your DXA in April? We keep hoping to have a chance to come visit him and see your lovely country. -2.4 rt. I hope this information is helpful to you and encourages you to give AlgaeCal a try. Reduce your dose of Strontium Boost to 1 capsule nightly along with 150 mg of magnesium citrate and see if this helps. The research both animal and human does not specify the precise amount of strontium that deposits in cortical bone, but clearly show that the majority of the strontium incorporated goes into trabecular bone. If you have a copy of Your Bones (which you can get via Amazonthey sell a Kindle version for about $7.00, so wireless delivery might be easiest for you), look at the section on Calcium and you will see a list of all the commonly eaten foods (at least in the US, Europe and other coutries with so-called western cultures, like New Zealand, Australia) that contain calcium, the typical serving size for each food and how much calcium it provides. If you have read my posts on strontium or listened to the #AskLaras in which I discuss strontium, you know that strontium greatly improves our ability to maintain healthy bones through MANY mechanisms not by replacing calcium in our bones so, even though your bones are now in good shape, to keep them healthy, continuing to take some strontium is a good idea. 2002 May;87(5):2060-6. Their metabolic byproducts are highly inflammatory and cause damage to the gut wall, so they can get into your bloodstream and make their way to your joints, causing inflammation and pain. Heres a quote from this paper summarizing the results of several studies discussing this: (1) Key point in the COMB paper is the where possible in this quote from the paper:Patients were also instructed to commence and maintain a regimen of daily impact exercises such as jumping jacks or skipping where possible as impact has been associated with prevention of bone density loss. For the same reason. Im now 64 and hope to be taking AlgaeCal Plus for many years to come shooting for staying here with healthy bones until Im at least 100. Strontium is a very helpful mineral it lessens osteoclast activity AND boosts osteoblast activity, so I will continue to take some even after I am no longer even osteopenic, which I expect to happen within a year or two at most. Thanks again for catching my misspelling of Dr. Genuis name and for your really great questions, Lara, Hi Lara, However, since I have been taking strontium citrate for about 3 1/2 4 years I have decided to take only 1/2 the SC dosage (340 mg) because I am not sure if there are any long term negative effects from using SC indefinitely. Pregnancy or breastfeeding: Don't take without approval from your healthcare provider. Lara, Keep working ,impressive job! Strontium is a . Thyroid medications can interact with other drugs, so always take them on an empty stomach with no other medications. 1963 Dec;12:734-44. Thank you JoAnn Rice. This being said we must ALWAYS trust our own bodies when our personal results dont match up with the research no matter how august and respected the medical journals or how many studies have been published showing something that our own unique body is not agreeing with! My last dexa scan (summer of 2011) indicated that there had not been any decline in my bone density. And remember, your intake of calcium should be balanced by an intake of about half as much magnesium, so 600-750 mg of magnesium daily. I am surprised that Meuiner didnt get back to mehis actual email address is different than the one given in the articles, in fact the one given doesnt even work, luckily I found his actual contact info. Heres what he reports from the following 2 papers he discusses that is relevant to your question: Thrombosis is the medical term for a blood clot occurring inside any blood vessel. Erratum in If you're going to take the drug long-term, then it may be worth reducing absorption slightly to better protect your stomach. But, in people whose digestive tracts are infected with unfriendly bacteria, such as Clostridia, citrate can be co-opted by these bactera and used to fuel their metabolism. After reading your blog Im so excited to be trying something natural to increase my bone density and have purchased the Garden of Life Vitamin Code Grow Bone. . Be gloriously well, Lara, Hi Lara, And is Boron safe in your opinion? How is your digestion? Curzon, P.C. Sufficient to bring your blood level of 25(OH)D into the 50-80 ng/mL range. Epub 2003 Mar 18. Hope this helps. Calcium, however, should be taken with a meal as food increases its absorption rates. Then I read your book and totally tried to follow your advice. Were so sorry to hear that you have been experiencing abdominal discomfort, bloating, and cramping this certainly could be due to the citrate if you have an infection with any species of the pathogenic bacteria Clostridia. Feel free to use the information as you need ? Also take Synthroid (77). Re their recommendation of impact exercise for the participants in this study, I believe it was reasonable and helpful here are the reasons why. Lara, where can I order this book Your Bones. When our nerves send a muscle cell a signal to fire, the muscle cell responds by allowing a flood of calcium to enter, and it is calciums entry into the muscle cell that initiates the cascade of reactions that result in making the muscle cell contract. PhD? The bone density distribution in COMB study subjects ranged from normal, although low, BMD in comparison to age-matched controls since these were premenopausal individuals (25%), through (among the postmenopausal women), from slightly reduced (5%), to osteopenia (42%), to osteoporosis (29%). Hi Audrey, This supplement supports healthy osteoblast differentiation osteoblast collagen formation and balanced osteoclast activity; all of these activities help you maintain bone tensile strength. Thrilled to have found this which appears to be so promising. The drug makes your bones stronger and lowers your chances of getting fractures. So, if your patient achieves a 5% increase in BMD in their lumbar spine, when you factor out strontiums BMD overestimation, on average thats still a 4.5% increase. And 340 mg/d is the amount of Strontium Boost I will continue to take to maintain that condition. However and this is why I am unable to tell you exactly how much strontium is deposited in cortical and in trabecular bone in real individual people the strontium signal varied widely between individuals such that after three years, the highest strontium signal observed was 28.15 for the finger (cortical bone) and 26.47 for the ankle in one volunteer and only 3.15 for the finger (cortical) and 4.46 for the ankle (trabecular) bone in another. Do you have any suggestions that might help? The results confirm both theoretically and experimentally that the effect of bone strontium on BMD measurements is different for different DXA systems. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20699129. You simply must experiment and see what works best for you. Is she able to absorb calcium effectively? 25(OH)D is the vitamin D form circulating in the bloodstream and the marker typically used to assess vitamin D levels. Metabolism 2002;51:906 11. My husband, Dr. Joe Pizzorno, and I have a great friend in South Africa, Dr. Myron Schultz, D.C.hes in Durbin at the University. Last summer (July 2011), I switched to AlgaeCal Plus as my source of supplemental calcium and to Strontium Boost for my strontium supplement. I currently agree that after taking the higher strontium dosage until the desired results (with corrections of overestimationbased on the attenuation coefficientdue to the larger ionic radius of strontiumas you said above) that a lower dosage would be desirable. We hope to hear from you! My results have convinced me that AlgaeCal is the calcium supplement I am going to continue to use. Osteogenic differentiation of rat bone marrow stromal cells by various intensities of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound. Oh myso sorry I didnt read the fine print.it was right there! Yes, do have fruits and vegetables daily, flax seed and chia seed (when I remember) and a relatively healthy diet. [] issue, there is some medication you could consider. If your kidney function is normal, then this is not an issue for you. Hope this helps, Lara. I know the label says with or without food, but that's incorrect. I did return your call did you get the message I left for you? After a week or so, you can try increasing to 2 capsules of Strontium Boost again. I will be looking for it as this would be a very useful test for those of us taking strontium. Still, there are some surprising foods that may upset your stomach first thing in the morning. In brief, check this persons credentials (where did this man get his medical training? But dont throw the baby out with the bath water. Providing them, if you are currently deficient and many people are may restore healthful thyroid function. Yes, as you will have noted in my blog on strontium, the patented/drug version of strontium, strontium ranelate has now been conclusively shown to produce numerous side effects, at least two of which, VTE and DRESS syndrome can be fatal. Both IGF-I and Runx2 levels were positively associated with the bone mineral apposition rate (MAR). is really stellar. Thank you, Thanks for reaching out with your question, Mallika! Jul 24, 2006. . Magnesium (as Orotate) 8mg Yes, my inflammation is under control. Lara. Please review the dozens of ways I share from the current research in my review of strontium via which strontium promotes healthful bone formation for all these reasons, I urge you to include Strontium Boost as part of your protocol. Our correspondence has been a total delight for me. Thank you again for your response. I have read your recommendation for taking AlgaeCal . If you are consuming a Mediterranean-style diet rich in organically grown vegetables (esp leafy greens, whole grains, nuts [eg Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium so good that you dont want to consume more than 2 Brazil nuts a day]), then this combined with AlgaeCal Plus will be providing you with a good supply of trace minerals. If you take AlgaeCal Plus, the full daily dosage will be giving you 90 mcg of K2 (MK-7). Getting adequate vitamin K2 is clearly important for maintaining bone strength but not everyone can afford to get K2 from supplements and getting adequate K2 from natural foods is not easy either. Thank you! She had test results from a strontium/serum/plasma/urine test that far exceeded the normal ranges. Also (I guess this is a 3rd question) how long do you recommend that someone should stay on these two vitamins (i.e. I sure wish I could just take 1 pill, but reality is that this would not do the job for me. I had a small fracture in the pelvic area. not writing a paper, thats for sure. You can further optimize your absorption of strontium by: Ensuring your intake of vitamin D3 is adequate. Ive been taking AlgaeCal for a few years but stopped the Strontium last November because my husband thought it might be causing the all-over body aches I was having. Unfortunately, we arent familiar with the safety of canned sardines for dogs. Hi Lara. If you are taking an aromatase inhibitor, you can safely take Strontium Boost alongside this type of medication. I think the ratio should be 2/3 as much magnesium as calcium rather than 1/2 as much and this is what I take myself 2/3 as much magnesium as calcium. My first thought would be a very useful test for those of us taking strontium ( when ran! Specifically, K2 as MK-7 take the s booster ( 1 capsule ) start. Calcium supplement I am going to continue to take so I can and I intend to get a copy your! 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