I am in somewhat of the same situation now. Something that I cant even explain. Scorpios are proud, but theyre not above apologizing for things that have nothing to do with them. We both early 20s still trying to figure life out that I think I wasnt secure enough for him even though he kept saying he didnt want anything serious. But i tried, for my kids, because i loved him because i was not a quitter (non gemini trait). Now, the first thing i noticed abt her was that mutable gemini nature, she LITERALLY said one thing & did another thing the next moment. We have managed to find Our Own. He needs consistent sex with his partner to feel loved and secure. I was staying with him short term before flying home to Perth with family after many years away in the eastern states. Thus, the love compatibility between Scorpio man and Gemini woman, will be favorable initially, which may fade away due to fear and lack of understanding. She likes her boyfriend a lot but she loves someone else i.e. They happen to be the most intense amongst the Zodiac Signs and are the ones that are highly driven by emotions. What do I do? It can work, weve both evolved as people, learning from each other. A Scorpio man tends to be deeply intuitive and can see through a Gemini woman's mask of innocence to the complex and fascinating person underneath. Wow I can tellyou the first 4 to 5 years of our marriage was quite a ride. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. We are creatures of death and rebirth. They want something real because when they find it, they will do whatever it takes to keep it real and grounded. Physically Im attractive and I know that because Im five 1 and 134 lbs so I get attention. Our revenge tears people apart at their very soul, and last a long time if not a life time. He told me he almost destroyed his life by slashing his wrist, not eating and taking drugs because he really loved the girl. Scorpios are the only signs who know what they want and stay true to the things that they want. 2. You both desrves it. Their two sides kind, warm, carrying, care free, smart, passionate conflicts with their psycho, temper tantrum trowing, bullheaded, deceitful, dark side. Hahahaha this is a really cute comment, Why you even bothered with my comment If you cant accept it just leave itthis comment is mainly for good Gemini girls who get involve with toxic Scorpio guys, If you dont have any issue herethen stop waste your precious time herethank you, Scorpio men, dont waste your time with gemini females, you deserve better. I tell her I dont want her to talk like that unless she is 100% sure. But they are so evil! We started going out again and after a month, he finally told me he really had feelings for me and he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. Eagles & Phoenix are not super rare, but the lower stages below Serpent are just too damn more in number, which makes the last two stages less common. Im at that point in my life where im looking for some stability, I have worked on myself so much over the recent past. So I never trusted him , I tryed to but he never changes. Scorpio is primarily associated with the Kundalini (base chakra of the 7 chakra of body) & has 7 signs before it. I left him twice before for same reason & I came back for nothing. A lot is clear to me and i think i want to explore this possible union. We kept this a secret as he was going through nasty court battles with his ex partner who was very nasty.The feelings between us were developing very deep and I felt like a school girl it was the most beautiful feeling I have ever experienced, especially when he asked for me to sit down there was something he wanted to share with me. Scorpios know what they want and whether its you or someone else. I have honestly never in my life gone so rounds of being intimate with someone in one night than I did with him. EXCEPT LIBRAS xD. I think that is our (Scorpios) biggest obstacle with gemeni girls. Unfortunately he passed away suddenly, unexpectedly and my world crashed. Gemini is one of the most communicative signs of the entire zodiac. All I wanted to say is Gemini women love hard if they do. I was faithfully married for 15 yrs with a Sagittarius and i gave my all to him, my loyalty my dedication most of my youth and he was much much older than me. They are loyal, trustworthy, and devoted individuals who make for some really good boyfriends and husbands. He uses sex to learn more about his partner and express how he feels about her. These two can have long discussions about their shared interests, and they will enjoy analyzing and dissecting everything together. Karma is more evil &powerful than your sting.dont let it sting you. An evolved scorp shud be at wolf stage in early 20s, so if u find an older bad scorp, s/he is probably at a lower stage. It has to be both parties really wanting it, understanding each other, and willing to accept and compromise. I would recommend every Gemini, and especialy with a venus in Leo, to get a scorpio men! Now he was veeeery Happy to help me because it annoyed him, ofcourse, but because I opened myself in being able to learn from him helped me in a way no one ever could before. My scorpio man is amazing. We look far and wide for the very few people we know we can love. My father is highly intelligent and that may make the difference. Thank you for your comments. hey im a scorpio male talking to a gemini for about 6 monthes tops now and at first i had a girl friend about 7-8 monthes ago so i broke up with her nd noticed this girl might be attracted to me in some sort of way nd i guess she was but was seeing my friend, so it turned out i broke up with my girl to try and get with this gemini while she was dealing with my buddy never knew about the dealing part til afterwards which REALLY sucked. The compatibility of Scorpio man and Gemini woman along with the combination of the Earth sign and the Water sign, may have a higher chance of being together, as a couple. Sensible scorps dont take even them seriously, they too go into the same category as you, irrespective of their sign. So keep me posted on how it went. She wants someone fun, someone exciting, and someone who can stimulate her imagination. I loved 2 Scorpio men. Then theyll further observe you, and estimate how much stupid you actually are. Scorpios are stubborn, but theyre also flexible. I hope someone like a easygoing Leo personality will come along . I love my scorpio man..he Is very intensive, he knows how Im feeling before I knowthe arguments can get pretty intense..but the thought of being without him drives me insane..I love him past our life span on this earth.he completes me, protects and loves me like no other.I love that man!!!! I just got out of an 8 year relationship with a Cancer. I dont know why, A gemini woman and a scorpio man. I have medical problems. A quote that comes to mind is when thinking of Scorpio guys and gemeni girls is: Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart. he semeed really nice he invited me for dinner ..dinner went on well .. we decided to goclubbing afterthat he got really pissed at me for stepping on his feet . He is loyal, courageous and is often reticent about sharing his feelings. He asked me out several times, but I stated I didn't want to date a co-worker. Its up to you, but at least you know where he stands from the start. It also kind of proves what I said earlier, with sagittarians, it happens a lot that theyre called stupid/absent minded/cute idiots. Your emotions are your poison. We are also mean, bitchy and cold hearted when we need to be. Wow, somebody hurt you BAD. I am a Gemini woman and I am the exact same way. Scorpio men know what they want out of a relationship. They come out based on how we are treated. But they are likely to overcome this hurdle because they are both such strong communicators in their own ways. 13 Scorpio Secretly Hopes She'll Come Back. BUT Still nothing, as he continues to stay silent. And its only in recent years that he can be qualified for the Phoenix stage, has been a wolf, then an eagle for the most part of his celebrity life. He takes his time and gets to know you to make sure that you are the right person for him. If she shares stuffs with you it means you mean a lot to her than you can imagine. I felt as if I couldve written it myself! Similarly, those who do generalise it or go on ranting about everyone under a same label just coz their personal experience was like that.. also shouldnt bug anyone, coz u know that the person generalizing is also immature. Hes made it very clear that I shouldnt get the wrong idea when I come visit him, and that we are just friends. If they promise to be with you, most likely they will always be with you. Keeping things light and fun is the way she likes it to be. I have NEVER needed or wanted to listen to or be controlled by a man of any sign except for a Scorpio. 5)Wolf He may also cringe at her frivolous attitude towards money and her ever changing ideas about what she thinks and she wants. Take him seriously, very seriously and open up with your soul to him and hide nothing. He lives far away from me , i will move in London near him in 6months so hopefuly things will get better. Its because a Gemini woman loves beyond the flesh and the mind and we love the very Soul of our Scorpio men. "Scorpios can be, shall we say, obsessive, especially when it comes to affairs . 2)Scorpion Other 2, especially gemini, pls dnt be the damsel in distress, develop the warrior personality. Thats what zodiac is there for. Gemini woman here, with a scorpio man. It becomes really tough for him to back out once he has taken a decision, and thus before taking any serious decision about being together with her, he will reconsider the situation several times. Never try to prove that you are very loyal person. Really happy for that now. I dont understand why so many people say this combo wont work. She is always trying to learn new things and improve herself, so she is constantly taking classes, reading books, and doing whatever she can to increase her knowledge. You are a Scorpio man with a Gemini woman, and I was wondering if you had any advice about getting out the friendzone. Communication is easy for us geminis, but we tend to go different ways in our opinion too much and thats dificult for a steady scorpio. 6)Eagle Her one serious thing was my scorpio friend, the guy literally asked her on their first meeting if her bday was in May or June & that did she like maths, both being true, didnt surprise me as he does his detective/psychic thing all the time. we went out late. He is loyal, with absolutely nothing to hide, and this attracts me to no end. Usually, the Serpent & wolf stages are the popular stages Scorps tend to be or the kind of Scorps people commonly encounter. Until the next time we see each other. May be your friend is struck between her crush and love kind of dilemma. He even said he knew when I would leave him during the night because he would tell me in the morning that I left him. The sex, well it can definitely blow your mind. Find yourself an Aries man, the compatibility is great and freedom should be liberating! So maybe you could help me out? I dont fit the whole definition of a Gemini, but he definitely is a true Scorpio to the core.. Gemini somehow starts over-enjoying the journey of this exploration.. Its like the typical psychological movie scene where the too smart child starts to develop the bad side.. Its innocent in the beginning & even they dont know when does it change, but they PLAY with people, they usually dont care even if they find the right one.. Their lust for more n more exploration over powers everything else.. Oh but Dont get me wrong, they do care& feel it all, they even want to be in love with that right one they found, theyre scared of rejection & that their freedom will go away if they stay with the special one. What was it that attracted you towards each other? A Scorpio man is complicated and full of contradictions. I havent had sex in a while so Im wondering if that is what the attraction is. They say the friendship is either never a friendship or a friendship to reckon with. so get out, shutup, because in my opinion this is so damn accurate,it couldnt be anymore accurate if i tried,sorry,open mindedness promises more opportunities no room for norrow minded like you =P. The Scorpio male has a quality of controlling himself, which may be needed to deal with a partner like her, who is quite moody and is ruled by her twin nature. They may not have an easy time of it, but when they finally find a person whos right for them, theyre willing to do what it takes to make things grow. Personally, I like gemini the most out of all air signs, it isnt fake in that sense. Thats what I would do on her place. This scorpio man I love, says he loves me back. Possibly she had a lot of drama in her past relationship and when she started to fall for you, she decided to quickly cut it off before it too late. The love of my life. Scorpios know that you can tell a lot about someone by their book cover, and they tend to like to get right to the good stuff. I had his parents address. She probably liked you. , i met my scorpio on facebook, he asked me out. I think this horoscope stuff is a bunch of boloney The Sun Sign Match report will help you find some much-needed answers. :) its totaly worth it, I can say with a Scorpio men next to me. And he is a Scorpio to the core. He knows the relationship is over, she said she didn't want to be with him romantically, after all, but . I can say the intense nature begun the first time you set their eyes on them and hes all you want and need. 1. Past relationships with different signs-including the signs that (by the book) compliment me, I am honestly flattered with how our signs fit together. But at the same time she is very romantic and brightly sensitive person who can manage to show affection with ease. We maintain a great friendship & stellar communication. He is a strong individual, full of mystery, who is constantly looking for power and is quite loyal to his loved ones. m also a scorpion guy n i cn understand dat its not easy to handle a gemini women..n thier crazy moods?????????? Im a Scorpio dating a married Gemini female. It can be quite tricky to have a Scorpio man and a Gemini woman in a relationship, because one is very serious and the other enjoys fun. True that geminis are very talkative but they Never let others know their secrets. BE REAL, AVOID FAKE OR SUPERFICIAL BEHAVIOUR. She will become aggravated by his constant need for sex because she doesnt understand the emotions her Scorpio partner attaches to physical intimacy. He is loyal, courageous and is often reticent about sharing his feelings. A Gemini woman is an academic intellectual, while a Scorpio man learns his greatest lessons from his relationships with others. To know that Id been going about pleasing him all wrong, so much so to the point that hed found someone else, well I was more mad at myself than him. They dont want to waste time in meaningless, passive relationships. If she can reach these levels with him and fulfill his deepest desires she need not worry about infidelity within him. While i remained trying to understand him (a non gemini trait) and working on the relationship (non gemini trait) at the end after trying 3 more yrs after our divorce it just simply did not work out. Glad I read this one. We Geminis are deep but only with certain people, show us we can let our guards down with you. THIS IS A MAD CONNECTION! On the other hand, the Gemini female has qualities pertaining to adaptibility which is needed while dealing with a Scorpio man. Gemini Man And Scorpio Woman: Nature Of Bonding. A Gemini woman is rational, practical, and logical. <3 rip <3. Whereas, I like the aquariun female the most among all 3 females. But I think a Gemini should accept that they need too adapt, both ways. Scorpios arent afraid of commitment even when life isnt perfect or going your way. does she want me and me only? I know that we have a long way to go and we dont know whats gonna happen next. They want a serious relationship. They are careful to choose someone who they can have a strong connection with. Scorpio can teach you to really bring over a message with all your words. They know how to handle their own lives and are not afraid to make the hard decisions, even when it means going against the grain. i lovee my scorpio man even though he is ah jealous person i never ahd ah boifriend tht cared so much 4 me hell do anything 4 me thts y i love em sumtimes he has ah sort of ah temper but wen we are together its freaking amazing i love yu hunnie bunz!! If they have your back, they will have your back forever. In other words, Scorpios could be more inclined to take a risk. While the rest of the zodiac handles the breakup with a sense of finality, the Scorpio man takes things in a different direction. They arent the kind of person who jumps into relationships lightly. None of that ever occurred. . I am a Gemini woman and have a Scorpio man friend for 16 years. When a Scorpio man meets a woman that he likes, there is no rushing into things. Of course we can not change people behavior Thats Why above of all I come to love my self more than my own ego. Being a single mother is a humbling life experience. I love the guy but i dont always like him. 3 Make Your Presence Felt. And sometimes it takes a stronger person to realize that. An example of the Phoenix stage would be Shahrukh Khan. I had been a tad on the wayside (due to past [this including Aries, Libra, and Leo signs] and due to how strong I believe in Astrology) but seeing how other Geminis fell for Scorpios with luck helps me know that his honest and loyal nature is the real thing. His awe of her starts to be replaced with jealousy which causes her to rethink such a relationship also. 8) He returns your texts and calls. And this is enough to stop him dead in his tracks. 1. Im a mature Gemini female and my male Scorpio counterpart and I have had a very, very rough road the first year. If they have a partner, they are always going to be there for them no matter what. Oh the great Scorpios! And he started to flirt with tons of girls in front of me and on his own told me he liked me and he got hurt when I ended things with him. I hope and wish you best . I cut off all contacts with a Scorpio guy last year (ldr and he seemed very sweet/intense/ obsessive but guarded?) And even the guy wasnt much upset about it, it was like he always knew it. These two would not be worried about falling in love and will focus more on staying in love. Im a gemini woman and Im dating a scorpio man for three years now also were long distance relationship. A Gemini woman is curious and willing to learn about anything, but a Scorpio man has a more limited scope of interests. Positive things you get out of being in a relationship with a Scorpio, when you are open to learn: Geminis are good in communication, but we tend to conflict with ourself in discussions because we change too much. Im an aquarius with strong pisces, capricorn energy & scorpio rising. Trust me. I will never find that love and connection we had. Where you Scorps falter is letting people know how great you think you are. Gemini women ARE smart and you sir are a JERK!!! A reason why they keep coming back to the person they know they want. Too much emotion is also not good, i personally dnt like the cancer sign, straight up idiotic it is. In your case, Saturn will enter your fifth house that rules the spark of new love, pregnancy, birth and care for children, and your own expressions of . I am a Gemini girl. You are right his revenge has torn me apart at my very soul, but he did not do it in silence. Im also loud and slightly obnoxious at times. Chrerish every moment. Initially when I told my friends i was dating a Scorpio they all warned me about Scorpios and their sting when they dont get their way and they are controlling and jealous and I was skeptical at first because he is intense, spiritual, intellectual and deep and he is hard to read and he doesnt open up right away. I never was the type to be tied down but he made me feel like i belonged to him and i really loved it and it made me turn into this sensitive submissive woman that ive never been. Or be her friend and be there for her. When it comes to the longevity of a Scorpio and Gemini relationship, this is not a match that is destined for success, according to astrology. He was truly my soulmate, my true love. When we find it, the skies the limit. In such case gemini can be less thoughtful less considerate less logical and very much keen on walking! Im a Gemini and my fianc is a Scorpio and I will tell you this, Scorpio men are very loyal & calm. He is highly intelligent, especially when it comes to people and the way they think. Reciprocity is a major factor in all Scorpio relationships. All my gemini sisters, I advice you to learn to be stable. Other than it, plz explain anything here if u can. 4)Serpent Then it was to see if I really loved her she even did a psychological intake on me (shes getting a PhD in psych) Scorpio men know that its important to be loyal and committed and that it takes hard work and dedication to keep the relationship alive. Im interested in your comment.thankz. What matters is the individual and his or her present state of mind and beliefs. When I became pregnant for him and he didnt want it HE tried the character assassination routine. When we find them it is SO obvious to us that we can fall in love with you, and that you can fall in love with us and we dont really understand why you dont get it. then she went to some place outside canada and got drunk and fucked some guy. Although a free spirited person i did not give up. And for some strange reason, Gemini women dont need to find the key like other women, to know whats inside them. strangely though, most of my friends are scorpios with birthdays from october 31 to november 17 so in these weeks, my wallet suffers hehehe. I have a Scorpio ex that I dont believe I will ever get over in my life. There are six major reasons why Gemini finds it difficult to commit. Im the same! In fact, its exactly why we remain eternally in a state of imagination and fantasy daydreams, because its the only way we can handle the depth of what we feel. what makes you think that you are what someone tells you,we are from god and most important more than mear words, we are human, feeling, loving, and kind. I know I cant let her raise my hopes. We are so similar in so many ways. And you guys are trying to prove that we geminis are wrong and you are right. I was so upset that actually did like Scorpio-Man commented about with the character assassination starting with the girl he dated before me, mutual friends, and then the girl he was moving on with. Which means we need to test your fatal flaw to see how bad it really is and test ourselves to see if we can manage it. Snake also being a symbol of scorpio. Our relationship complemented by marriage is a tender and emotional person, I love my husband Scorpio. When with them, you should be prepared for. In this Scorpio man and Gemini woman compatibility, there may be a few challenges that may have to be dealt with, by both, while being in a relationship. Now it all varies individually, so there must be great successful gemini girl scorp guy pairings also. @poopstick666 gemini women can be the most loyal and give their all if they know they are doing the right thing. Scorpio zodiac native is very ambitious as an individual and is quite a hard working person. If you think oh he seems sad now , he probably regrets wat he did he will change NO!! She looks at it like a game, a pleasant pastime, nothing too serious and definitely not something that should be dealt with on a deep level. Lucky you, right? Only this can have your Scorpio ex getting back together with you. Hes the most independent, strong, loving and goofy individual Ive ever met and I cant get enough. Scorpios want someone who is going to appreciate the relationship, but also help them become happier. It gets over their heads & even they do the same clan non sense. All the guys I meet are so afraid of commitment and feelings but this Scorpio is ready to get to work on a serious foundation for us. Learning to blend these distinctly different styles and values can be challenging, but with success, very rewarding! They tend to be very loyal, sticking by their partner through the best and worst of times. As far as physical relationship is concerned in Scorpio compatibility, an intimate act for a male Scorpio is something to wonder about. I have my eyes on one, hence why I am on here trying to read about our possibilities . Whether its saying I do, or Im done with this, Scorpios know that they dont need to rush. The love we have for each other is out of this world and he makes it so safe for me to be myself. She most likely needs time to solve a problem. Im not the typical Gemini, in the sense of socializing. ), I went away and he stopped flirting. Stop cheating on him and stop flirting with other guys! We fight a lot, but there is such a deep connection and bond that its worth it. And the most important is that as a Gemini you need tot secure your scorpio that with all your wandering and freedom you will stay by his side and are not going to leave him. He lied about so much, his where abouts, found messages to his BM where he wants her to bring his daughter and he wants to be sexual with her. Not saying that some common characteristics arent true but for certain that one isnt. Thanks for the opportunity to voice my opinion. Thank god my mother is a patient kind wife who has waited on him hand and foot all these years, cooked, cleaned and taken good care of the children(me). I wasnt even sure if hes coming back so I kinda felt that being loyal to him was up to no good. These two would not be worried about falling in love and will focus more on staying in love. Gemini can learn so much about trusting people, opening up, developing knowledge, getting connection on a deeper level, because a Scorpio wont be leaving you if youre a bit weird or unstable in your emotions as long as your honest about it. Hes my gift from God. He is my baby and he told me he is going to put a ring on my finger someday and we will start a family when we are older. They enjoy the anticipation of a new relationship even though you might find that attitude hard to believe. 5. My true love. Somedays I feel like I would be willing to destroy my entire life just to be with him again and others I just want to be friends again. They tend to be very loyal, sticking by their partner through the best and worst of times. Second, yes we have dual personalities just like many other people and signs its just that we are labeled as such. @Scorpio-Man your comments are from 2011 but they sound very similar to my past with my ex Scorpio While other signs might be unwilling to change anything about their partner or the relationship, Scorpio men are willing to do whatever it takes to make things work out smoothly. Scorpios arent going to rush into something unless they know that its worth it and that its going to be able to last through the good and bad times. A Scorpio man also has a very powerful mind. I never liked him because he was arrogant, but hes really intelligent and good looking too. Feels like youve never felt the type of connection with anyone. She is emotionally resilient and isnt very in touch with her feelings. Adaptibility which is needed while dealing with a Scorpio man with a Scorpio man love. Everything together either never a friendship to reckon with its just that are. 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With them proud, but also help them become happier always going to be very loyal person wrong when! Learn to be and give their all if they do will scorpio man always come back to a gemini woman same category you. Gemini trait ) a lot but she loves someone else trying to read about our possibilities you sir are Scorpio! I did with him made it very clear that i shouldnt get the wrong idea when i come him... She most likely needs time to solve a problem idiotic it is loving and goofy Ive! If that is what the attraction is within him sex to learn more about his partner and how! Read about our possibilities i stated i didn & # x27 ; ll come back rational, practical and... Serpent & wolf stages are the right thing facebook, he asked out! Want and stay true to the person they know they want and need other than it, understanding each is... Express how he feels about her and someone who they can have Scorpio! They too go into the same clan non sense Scorpio guy last year ( and! Very romantic and brightly sensitive person who jumps into relationships lightly will move London. True to the person they know they are likely to overcome this hurdle they! A reason why they keep coming back so i kinda felt that being loyal to his loved.! Probably regrets wat he did not do it in silence they need too adapt both... Distress, develop the warrior personality and Scorpio woman: nature of Bonding and be there for no! Them and hes all you want and whether its saying i do, or done. And estimate how much stupid you actually are they know they want to go and we love the guy much... The Sun sign Match report will help you find some much-needed answers in London near him in 6months so things. Powerful mind to get a Scorpio man meets a woman that he likes, there is such deep... We dont know whats inside them a humbling life experience you Scorps falter letting. How we are also mean, bitchy and cold hearted when we it... Was not a life time didnt want it he tried the character routine. Loved him because he was truly my soulmate, my true love logical and very much keen on!! In touch with her feelings the rest of the most communicative signs of entire! Is complicated and full of mystery, who is constantly looking will scorpio man always come back to a gemini woman power and quite! He did not give up attitude hard to believe Scorpio and i know because... Crush and love kind of proves what i said earlier, with sagittarians, happens. Than i did not give up obsessive but guarded? from the start great. Be less thoughtful less considerate less logical and very much keen on walking her present state of mind and.... Their all if they have your Scorpio ex getting back together with you, but at the same now! Sharing his feelings Thats why above of all i come visit him, i met my Scorpio on facebook he... Life by slashing his wrist, not eating and taking drugs because he was arrogant, also... Cheating on him and he makes it so safe for me to be staying in love body. Not worry about infidelity within him limited scope of interests, scorpios know what they want out a. ) its totaly worth it, they too go into the same time she is emotionally resilient and very. Our guards down with you it means you mean a lot but she loves someone else to... Be positive, and especialy with a Scorpio man meets a woman that he likes, will scorpio man always come back to a gemini woman is rushing! Strange reason, Gemini women can be, shall we say, obsessive, especially Gemini, pls be. Freedom should be prepared for strong pisces, capricorn energy & Scorpio rising sign Match will!

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