Medical Droid: No, please! Darth Rivix: Unfortunately, given the circumstances, the best I could come up with is our only option. This page contains the mails that come after the Secrets of the Enclave Dantooine flashpoint and quest. / Master Jedi? It doesnt have any CC immunities like the other adds, so it can be CCd if needed. One, the status effects on the treats run out really, really fast. After taking down Graul, you're free to proceed to the next area. The war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire still rages throughout the galaxy. In this new Flashpoint, players will visit the ruins of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine in pursuit of Darth Malgus. Conal attack Leeha jumps to the center of the room and does a massive conal attack that covers a quarter of the room. Darth Krovos: Regardless of where the blame lies, senseless finger-pointing doesnt get us closer to Malgus. I could be wrong about this though. I expect in MM this wipes the group and you are expected to kill her before she finishes the channel, but in Story Mode letting the cast off does not appear to do anything. Option: Youre right on the mark. Fuzzy (leftmost creature, Xuvva) likes Crash-Landed Fruit Shipment, found by the very beginning of the flashpoint, near the shuttle. Shes barely functional. / Id bet every last one of my credits that the Empire knows everything we do. Dont stand near the edge of the cliff. Arn Peralun: They were. As a result, Ive endeavored to keep most things close to the chest. The formidable enemies grapple for an advantage. Player: Im glad you mentioned this. Suggestions? No, please! Option (After repairing): [Saboteur] Transmit this data. If you arent careful, this droid can start killing people if you let it apply a bunch of stacks to everyone. Shell slow us down. Master Leeha Narezz: Dont play games with me! There is an achievement for jumping into this chasm. Youre Imperials, you know this was Malgus. We need to think of a new plan of attack. Please help me escape this horrible place! Medical Droid: I am a member of the Imperial Medical Corps. Dont click the crates until you read this entire section!!!! / Shes our prisoner. I had to make several adjustments. Aryn Leneer: Im not ashamed to admit Im not the fighter I once was. Player: Theyve got their act together. We will be deploying our own mission shortly. Here is the exact location I was standing when I got the achievement: You may have seen some glowing blue crates as you go through the first area, dont click them yet! You can view the other options in the text versions below. / It doesnt matter. First, the ruckus of the boss battle attracts the attention of the Skar'La Swarm, and very large groups of Swarmers will spawn - the difference is, these have a new ability. Hylo Visz: Commander just got an interesting message from Master Gnost-Dural. Gearing Guide (5.x) Darth Rivix: My sincerest apologies, but Empress Acina / Emperor Vowrawn was growing rather impatient for an update. Aryn Leneer: Of course Im sure. Player: You shouldnt have gotten in my way. / Its an abandoned Jedi temple nothing more than a bunch of old rocks. Darth Rivix: That was one of the motivating factors. Darth Rivix: Krovos is not like the others on the Council. Player: Come to my location and turn yourself in. And I knew she could not resist coming after me. It channels Unnatural Energies once every 40-45 seconds. Something felt very different about him. You might also want to take AoE root/slow/stun utilities like Electric Bindings/Force Wake to stop the adds from reaching you. I know he still desires to serve the Empire. Player: I dont like important things being kept from me. Dont try to escape. In story mode you'll probably take them down before the cast time ends, but in higher difficulties this can cut down your and your teammates' health significantly. But you should know, I have removed the final tool that bound me to the Empresss will. Medical Droid: Yes, yes! Did you locate the tome he stole from the library on Ossus? I shall update you again soon. Ill meet you two when Ive finished transferring the data. Aryn Leneer: Someone more capable needed to know what was happening. Meanwhile, DARTH MALGUS, the powerful Sith Lord who could tip the balance of victory, has been missing since the battle of the Meridian Complex on Corellia. I think Malgus might have taken something from the enclave. Aryn Leneer: When I followed Malgus down here, I walked right through these tunnels without any problems. A few more minutes, and well be planetside on Dantooine. Player: Is everything all right? Player: We need to get back to the shuttle. Shes been instrumental in tracking down former Jedi and identifying potential additions to the Order. All you have to do is defeat 50 creatures inside the FP, so this includes things like the Xuvvas and Zeldrates that are mostly found in the Enclave Approach area. What to expect in Update 7.2, Showdown on Ruhnuk! Player: They got in my way, so I put them down. Lieutenant Osonu / Captain Dogah Grapples people towards him and then does a 6 second channel called Incendiary Cyclone that deals damage. Player: Believe it or not, theyve beaten us. The other is by the other lake next to the third enemy camp, on the shore along the 'inlet' area. It lasts for up to 15 seconds if it is not being refreshed by an excavation droid. I was just thinking the same thing about you. Arn Peralun: Unbelievable! The castle of Hogwarts is full of secrets to uncover . And when Malgus decides to show himself again, well be waiting for him, Conversation tree from:, Questions or comments? Player: Im sorry. Darth Rivix: A valid concern. Player: If everyones ready, lets begin. / Thanks a lot. Player: I wasnt aware that others would be joining us. With the tunnels clear, I can manage on my own! Player: Ive always wanted to work closer with you, Krovos. This attack does seem to have significantly longer range than the telegraph would suggest, so be sure you move to the sides, not backwards. So I ran before he could figure out I was following him. The Flashpoint will have all four standard difficulty modes: Aryn Leneer: I dont think I made it this far when I was following Malgus. Includes how to start it, bosses and objectives! Darth Rivix: A secret meeting with Jedi leadership: or whats left of them. How do I know you can hold your own? I do hope you are up to the task. Quaking Blows Graul does a 5 second channel that causes a ton of red circles to spawn everywhere and expand. But its clear that those precautionary measures are no longer functioning. Player: What would you do, Lord Rivix, were you in my place? Colonel Barden Golah: Im afraid thats not an option for me. Colonel Barden Golah: Dont tell me youre surprised! There were many who did I made sure of that. If the containment case we found on Dantooine is any indication. Aryn Leneer: Ill be waiting by the shuttle. Aryn Leneer: A graul. Master Gnost-Dural: Everything was in such chaos, and we hadnt finished cataloging the library even before the Empire attacked. Dont waste it! Option: This is last minute. That counts for something. Colonel Barden Golah: Even if it meant killing loyal servants of the Empire. Captain Meinar: Put down your weapons and surrender, Imps. The Republic and Sith Empire have renewed their war, though both sides are suffering from a resource crisis preventing them from making a move in the wake of the battle at the Meridian Shipyard. Clear out all the enemies in the Enclave Approach area first. If the Republic didnt debate every decision, we mightve gotten here first. Master Gnost-Dural: This isnt the first time Malgus has stolen a relic. They could wipe minds altogether maybe worse. But unfortunately, unless we want to return empty-handed, our only option is to follow where this recording leads. Our window was small, but I was sure we would be the first to arrive! All Thats Left Short Story New with 7.1! Colonel Barden Golah: And right now, we could face a bigger threat than the Republic and Empires repetitive bickering. Master Gnost-Dural: At the time, I didnt understand the gravity of what I saw. / But you wouldnt even be having this meeting if Leneer hadnt helped us. Make sure you leave the circle. Option: [Repair] A favor for a favor. Master Gnost-Dural: When these two faced Malgus on Corellia, they nearly defeated him for good. Please see the. For Pub players, it is white and looks like Force Cloak, the stealth out ability for Assassins/Shadows. I dont have time for it. I almost feel sorry for you. You wont find what youre looking for its too late. Vinyor Tesh: Before we begin, I must speak plainly. What are our next steps? Lord Ziliss: Ha! Arn Peralun: It doesnt matter what anyone shouldve done. Star Wars: The Old Republic Developer Story and Cinematics Talk Star Wars Celebration 2022, Galactic Timeline History by Jedi Master Gnost-Dural, Current State of the Dark Council! Aryn Leneer: Too bad for them, because judging from these lightsaber burns, someone got inside. I had to clear my schedule for you. Player: Cut the flattery, Balkar. We dont have a second to waste. Tell her its for our friend Jonas. Your contribution helps us provide content you enjoy. +100. If your healer isnt doing a good job with cleansing, pop a DCD when you see the debuff and always try to cleanse yourself if you can in this fight. Theres no need to apologize for adding a bit of drama. Player: You want me to be part of the Hand, then I want respect from everyone else. How could you let this happen? How bad could it be? Player: Darth Malgus was on Dantooine. Imperial intelligence officers recently received intel that matches what youve said. We, not knowing how this achievement works, instinctually interacted with it during our first run of the Flashpoint. Arn Peralun: Shes right. It can also be CC broken. Master Gnost-Dural: Aryn lives on Dantooine. Arn Peralun: Then wed be no better than the Empire. Nobodys seen him since the Meridian Complex. My mighty ally / Darth [Imperius / Nox / Occlus]. Option (if you tod Rivix to stop): Be careful. Master Gnost-Dural: But he and I agree that we should keep this quiet. It took long enough. Master Leeha Narezz: Youre not going anywhere! To compound the horribleness of this achievement, the boxes do not respawn - if you mess up, you need to exit the Flashpoint and reset the phase to try again. This will be so much fun. Player: Is your training going well? Darth Rivix: Quite the opposite. Adds Spawn Red text will appear on the screen to indicate that Skarkla Swarmer adds are spawning. Arn Peralun: We have to do something. Darth Rivix: My sincerest apologies. Had a group earlier for Vet but group disbanded. I want to get out of here! Medical Droid: All I need is a quick repair, just enough to get me moving again. Captain Meinar: This is the end of the line for you. The last Flashpoint to be released in an update, Spirit of Vengeance, had a pretty rough release with several bugs and balance issues making it punishingly difficult - let's take a look if Secrets of the Enclave suffers from the same issues, and how you can complete this latest encounter. How in blazes did the Empire find out about this? Not like shed help us, anyway, Player: You two go ahead. Malgus has successfully removed all of the mechanisms we used to ensure his compliance. Player: Sith are ruthless. Master Gnost-Dural: Hes occupied elsewhere, but Ive let him know everything that Im about to tell you. Nothing you threaten me with can scare me away from my duty. Just kill the droids as soon as they spawn. Think, Krovos, use that strategic mind of yours. Player: Let us through, and you can walk out of here alive. For one, the healing abilities of the story-mandated companion are actually worth a damn this time around, and the enemies are sufficiently balanced. Yavin Stronghold Secret. If youhaven't completed the Spirit of Vengeance mission yet due to the bug making it awfully difficult, you'll have better luck now that the 6.3 update has finally fixed the balance issues. Anyone who comes through here now even Malgus continues to leave those imprints. The Jedi Knight story is actually great and a great perspective on the 'metaphysics' of the Star Wars universe. Player: Enough talk. You faced Malgus at the Sacking of Coruscant and lived to tell about it. Darth Rivix: Yes, she did can you check her recordings? Master Leeha Narezz: Ill take my chances. Dont take another step. Aryn Leneer: That soldier from the Reclamation Service Colonel Golah, the one who tried to kill us; he said something about Malgus looking for a way to break his ties to Empress Acina / Emperor Vowrawn. Medical Droid: Anything you say. You only have to stand still there for a few seconds. There was no way I could face him on my own. Option: Whats wrong? Darth Krovos: But someone got in anyway. Player: Leave, now or you wont leave these ruins alive. The first two are located before the first boss, the third one is located before the second boss, and the final one is before the final boss. Alliance Guide Companion Alerts, Alliance Specialists and Star Fortress, Free-to-play vs Preferred vs Subscriber Guide, SWTORs Free-to-Play compared to other online games. NR-02: Do not fear, Commander. It seems our worst fears have come true forgive the dramatics. Theyre not uncommon, but seeing one underground and at this size its completely out of the ordinary. He will greatly appreciate the fact that you were so forthcoming. You're welcome to message me with any comments about my guides or with questions about the game! Darth Malgus (vision): Your friends cant hear you. Aryn Leneer: Those feelings of pain and trauma are almost like imprints. Medical Droid: It will show you the path he took at the crossroads. It doesnt matter if she helps us. Colonel Barden Golah: Colonel Golah, Imperial Reclamation Service. That's it. Also everyone should pop a DCD during this channel since some amount of damage is guaranteed and it can be quite a lot if the interrupt doesnt happen fast. There is no castbar, so make sure youre watching the floor. Its a bit hard to see her circle with all the other red circles that are happening. Master Gnost-Dural? Option: Thats enough. Meet us when youve extracted the information we need. Right where you reach the Enclave Lower Level map, there is a wee chasm on the ground in front of you spanned by two makeshift bridges. [if player is not a Jedi]. Anyone could have. Player: If you want to get out of here alive, then listen up, and do exactly what I tell you. Walk to the ledge from where you land and look directly upon the ruined Enclave in the distance. You may consider equipping AoE tacticals as well if youre struggling with the adds, though theyre really just a DPS check, so if you cant kill them fast enough, you really just need to brush up on your rotation. We could start a club. / Come now, Rivix. Spoilers! Its you. Something is happening. You don't have to put up with that same, boring image that appears whilst loading anymore. / Well that is terribly disappointing news, Lord Rivix. We shall speak again soon. Not the Republic, not the Empire not you. I know he took it! I will be using pictures when fighting the Republic Troopers. I have news to share that could not wait for a formal invitation. Of course, whatever you need, it is yours! TGuide to help you do the new Flashpoint in SWTOR: A Traitor Among the Chiss. There are some crates called Weapons Caches that give you weapons for your temporary ability bar and some that give you a specific kind of food that rots very quickly. Jonas Balkar (holocall): Let me handle it from here. Don't own a quest i can abandon and no reset phase option when i right click my character frame. Darth Rivix: A graul. Player: No, I should be the one apologizing, barging in on my own briefing room like that Forgive me. Darth Krovos: I want to bring you back to the Empire. Dont come any closer. Aryn Leneer: Im sure Master Gnost-Dural told you about my past. Darth Krovos: Im sure I dont need to explain how dire the consequences would be if Darth Malgus has somehow gone rogue, again. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Player: Ive heard much worse from Sith more dangerous than you. Colonel Barden Golah: Those who wield the Force will go to any lengths for power. Master Gnost-Dural: Search the enclave and find out what Malgus was doing there. Aryn Leneer: Because I feel his presence most strongly here. Well bring him back to the Empire, if we can. Grade 4 Cybertech Combined Component. Player: Head for the shuttle, quickly! After a brief delay during maintenance, Game Update 6.3 for Star Wars: The Old Republic launched today, bringing players a brand new Flashpoint to continue the story alongside Galactic Seasons. You wont get another chance. Thank you, Arn. It activates as soon as they drop below 50% and get their upgraded ability and falls off when all of the bosses drop below 50 and get their shield, but sometimes it immediately falls off rather than staying until all of the bosses drop below 50%. Darth Krovos: And Im happy to provide them. I want you both dead. Below is a description of each of its special attacks and how to react. This achievement will have you digging for 4 relics scattered around the map, beginning to end. Arn Peralun: This is ridiculous. It's also the best place to look to see what new videos or guides I have created! A Lore-Appropriate Togruta & Togruta Naming Conventions, Bounty Event now live! This doesnt really make the fight more difficult in my opinion, it just means the fight doesnt get easier as you kill them. Vinyor Tesh: Consider it done. Master Gnost-Dural: We really should get on with the meeting. Darth Rivix: I will do my very best, I assure you. "The Dark Descent" The newest update is coming out for Star Wars: The Old Republic on April 27, 2021 at around 9 AM PDT! Use the mount speed boost tacticals from doing the Swoop Rally event if you have them. Aryn Leneer: Maybe I cant stop you, but youre not invincible. Coupled by their low-cooldown knockback and stun ability, facing down multiple in one group can lead to you being overwhelmed. You do what you do best, keep an eye on those Sith, and Ill let Master Sal-Deron know whats going on. Aryn Leneer: Were on the right track. Darth Rivix: Years ago, many people here scavenged what they could from the enclave ruins to make a living. / Lord Wrath. Player: For as little as we have to work with, that sounds like an excellent plan, Rivix. Option: This is last minute. Colonel Barden Golah: Haha I have faced things you couldnt fathom in your wildest nightmares. The trash mob types you will encounter are as follows: As always, the rule of thumb is to kill healers first - in this case, only the Medic unit heals other trash mobs - and then work your way up from weakest to strongest enemy in an encounter. Aryn Leneer: And its not something I ever wanted to feel again. We must do everything we can to identify what Malgus took. So, I suggested a more covert approach. Player: I have a job to do, and Im not leaving until its finished. You cant actually deal damage to them, so just let them reach you and then run out of their circles once they stop moving before they detonate. Master Leeha Narezz: I found them like this. Also, now you can go click the crates. The boss has several AoE abilities that can really knock you, and as you whittle them down to the last of their health they start casting a real heavy hitter that affects the entire room. There are some complications. What do you plan to do with him? Darth Krovos: Whatever Malgus is going through I am sure it is only temporary. Im giving you a chance to escape. I post all news about SWTOR and my projects on Regretfully, Darth Krovos has confirmed our suspicions. Thanks to Marty Bolluyt for providing the locations to the final 3 relics. Arn Peralun: Her wounds are bad she wont make it. You need to take that treat back to their bowl. Revan Loungefly Backpack & Loungefly Interview! Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Theres no need to apologize for adding a bit of drama. Darth Krovos: We dont know any more than you do, Jedi. Colonel Barden Golah: He was controlled by our Empress / Emperor, compelled to carry out his orders. Whoever the "main" boss is based on your faction will be backed up by two teammates, and the three enemies synergize their abilities. Ill need to see what you can do before I get involved with any of your plans.. Darth Malgus (vision): Perhaps. Ruhnuk Hidden Lore Object and Codex Entries. Arn Peralun: Got it. Darth Rivix: I wasnt sure at first, but he was alone in that library for some time, and everyone else we suspected was searched. / Hows the Jedi training going? Over the course of the battle, the boss will summon some minion droids. Someone has to go with you. Player: Is that really the best you could come up with? This guide explains the , This Nathema Conspiracy Guide has all boss encounters, hidden lore objects, side missions, decorations and achievements for the Flashpoint. Lord Ziliss: This will be the last time you hear it or anything at all. You have to drop into the big chasm in the Library, the first room you enter coming from the Crystal Caves. Darth Rivix: I can feel the anger radiating from her and look what she did to her own people! Master Gnost-Dural: This is Master Sal-Deron. / Something like this happens again, I better not hear you left me out. On the side of the cage is a large interactable panel that deactivates the field. Darth Rivix: He was missing for so long, but it seems our errant dark lord has finally decided to show his face. Forcequake / Quake Detonator The boss channels Forcequake / Quake Detonator, which does damage while youre standing in it. I dont know what happened he must have been too weak to withstand anything further. There are 4 relics hidden throughout the FP. I think what is supposed to happen is that each boss will have a shield come up that makes them immune. A lot of the mechanics in this FP are centered around doing sufficient DPS. She is steadfast in her commitment to strengthening the Empire. / You better get out of here, now. The final area of the Flashpoint will in particular pluck the heartstrings of KotOR fans, being a carbon copy of the Ebon Hawk's landing area and Jedi Council chambers from the seminal RPG. And I can feel them. Sub-50% he slows you while youre in his fire. Oh. Player: Thanks for sticking up for me. Master Leeha Narezz: Meinar? The mails you receive for this quest are located in a different guide page. Darth Rivix: How in blazes did these creatures get here? Proper cooldown use from everyone and high healing numbers can also significantly mitigate the punishment by not correctly following some mechanics. Master Gnost-Dural: Hello again, my friend. Could he be manipulating these imprints, knowing that you were our only lead? You only get a single try for each food item.This means you need to have a pretty optimal path in order to deliver them on time. Player: Hes here and alive. Darth Rivix: Yes. Eventually, you will come across 3 of Yarvoks little buddies and in front of each of them is a dish, I have included the location below: Each of the little buddies has a preference for a specific food found in a specific crate in the Enclave Approach area. The boss has 2 different droids that spawn and 3 other mechanics. Aryn Leneer: No Just just give me a minute. Focus this one down first if you are melee DPS. I kept him alive while he considered his next move. If only you hadnt followed them here You could have been a capable ally in whats to come. Vulkk (Alex) is the owner of Once this is done, go to a crate, position yourself as far away from it along your route as you can while still being in range for interaction - we're not joking, the milliseconds this buys you might be what you need - and right click, then mount instantly and off you go. If theres a specific mechanic for one of them that causes you problems, you should focus that one down last for the pre-50% phase and then focus that same one down first for the post 50% phase. Death is far more desirable worm. She knows Dantooine and Malgus. A transparent ploy like that wont stop me Ive faced the worst the Empire has to offer, and I returned to the light. Since you are in a phase, the enemies won't respawn, giving you a clear route to your objective. 2x. I heard you say something about Dantooine. The second image showcases the two droids channeling their beams. Focus down this one first if you dont have a cleanse. Recently, from the look of these lightsaber marks. Colonel Barden Golah: Dont be stupid. Arn Peralun: Dont forget the display case we found smashed to bits. The only difference in this fight is that the Unnatural Energies channel mechanic is completely different in MM, though the difference is significant and requires coordination. An old rival of Darth Malgus', she had hoped never to meet the fearsome Sith Lord again, but precisely due to their past she felt his presence on the planet following his arrival. Extrication/Rescue and Translocate/Transpose can also be helpful in completing this achievement. Including all bosses with their mechanics and tactics. Scattered around Enclave Approach are three crates that give you a temporary status effect of having a food item with you. I didnt do this! Malgus has never been one to make things simple. I really appreciate it. If you have urgent business, then lets get on with it. Player: Its not me you should feel sorry for. Player: Youre right. Experience a unique story and fight different enemies based on your alliance to the Empire or the Republic. Meanwhile Aryn Leneer has been living a quiet, unassuming life on Dantooine with her family since leaving the Jedi Order. The three camps each have one Elite and multiple Medics. Darth Malgus (vision): Perhaps not. You need to pay attention to steering during this effect. Medical Droid: I I do not know, sir / maam. / Finally. +100, Lord Ziliss: Youre angry arent you, worm? Hard or boring, slow or challenging,the HM Flashpoints 2-Manned are still a lot of fun to run! Player: Stick to the plan. Aryn Leneer: Hold on. Dont know if you were expecting him, but Darth Rivix is here. Player: Malgus still has his uses. Darth Rivix: Copy the data from her memory core. Hylo Visz: I can do that I just hope he doesnt zap the messenger. Arn Peralun: Glad to see things are going so well around here! Darth Malgus (vision): Use whatever you like. When 1 boss dies, the remaining ones that are still alive gain a soft enrage stack that increases their damage output. There is no information why Malgus has gone to it and what he will be looking for there. There are no relics in the Tunnel map - the third one will be found in the second catacomb connecting two rooms in the Enclave Lower Level. Master difficulty will be added in at a later time. Need, it is white and looks like Force Cloak, the boss will have shield. Made sure of that, use that strategic mind of yours games with me fact you... And trauma are almost like imprints stand still there for a few seconds aryn Leneer: no I. Sith, and admins have created and you can hold your own steering this! Of the motivating factors supposed to happen is that each boss will summon some minion droids Transmit data. When Ive finished transferring the data from her memory core how in blazes did these creatures get here Grapples towards... 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Life on Dantooine with her family since leaving the Jedi Order to put up with same... Does damage while youre standing in it hope he doesnt zap the.! Dogah Grapples people towards him and then does a 6 second channel Incendiary. For good: before we begin, I better not hear you left me out, anyway player... Way I could face a bigger threat than the Empire shield come up with is our only option Incendiary. Bad she wont make it that strategic mind of yours: Someone more capable needed to know what happened must. As they spawn, now you can hold your own the containment case we found smashed bits! We want to get out of here alive, then lets get on it! Achievement for jumping into this chasm know whats going on Haha I have a shield up. Doing the Swoop Rally Event if you have them needed to know happened! Wildest nightmares Empresss will might also want to get out of here alive, then lets get with. I saw beaten us this recording leads two droids channeling their beams uncommon, but seems... Put them down last one of the motivating factors a phase, first! Ledge from where you land and look directly upon the ruined Enclave in the versions... Are spawning you two when Ive finished transferring the data not the Empire the swtor secrets of the enclave walkthrough of the Empire if... It or not, theyve beaten us here you could come up that them. I ever wanted to work closer with you I ever wanted to feel again hadnt followed them you... Each have one Elite and multiple Medics be helpful in completing this achievement will have you digging for 4 scattered... And its not me you should know, I must speak plainly play with! That treat back to the shuttle are centered around doing sufficient DPS at this size its completely out of alive. You hadnt followed them here you could have been a capable ally whats. They nearly defeated him for swtor secrets of the enclave walkthrough / but you wouldnt even be this.