Describe the function of discharge criteria. Sedation during upper GI endoscopy in cirrhotic outpatients: A randomized, controlled trial comparing propofol and fentanyl with midazolam and fentanyl. B. These guidelines do not address education, training, or certification requirements for practitioners who provide moderate procedural sedation. 1) The PAR Score is used to evaluate patients in Phase I. Discharge criteria met with one or two exceptions. c. Discharge score attained within acceptable range set by institutional policy. When I covered nights I did call in a backup RN and never heard boo from management. The three most common types were: (1) need for upper airway support. A patient who receives anesthesia should receive appropriate postanesthesia care. The use of midazolam and flumazenil for invasive radiographic procedures. (xm/cK0'=&x;A=6B[3Nvd` !0;p_S&{qfLt5] y3YaN87IRA)Euk&krU|Ea A5.%.l4jjk@)c]OpR)VUr1Y$2,o7Zk90l"o Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research, PeriAnesthesia Nursing Core Curriculum Preprocedure. The PACU team cares for patients in all age ranges and all levels of acuity including ambulatory, inpatient, and critical care. Review previous medical records and interview the patient or family to identify: Abnormalities of the major organ systems (e.g., cardiac, renal, pulmonary, neurologic, sleep apnea, metabolic, endocrine), Adverse experience with sedation/analgesia, as well as regional and general anesthesia, Current medications, potential drug interactions, drug allergies, and nutraceuticals, History of tobacco, alcohol or substance use or abuse, Frequent or repeated exposure to sedation/analgesic agents, Conduct a focused physical examination of the patient (e.g., vital signs, auscultation of the heart and lungs, evaluation of the airway, and, when appropriate to sedation, other organ systems where major abnormalities have been identified), Order additional laboratory tests guided by a patients medical condition, physical examination, and the likelihood that the results will affect the management of moderate sedation/analgesia, Evaluate results of these tests before sedation is initiated, If possible, perform the preprocedure evaluation well enough in advance (e.g., several days to weeks) to allow for optimal patient preparation.**. Remifentanil, propofol or both for conscious sedation during eye surgery under regional anaesthesia. Balanced propofol sedation for therapeutic GI endoscopic procedures: A prospective, randomized study. Level 2: The literature contains noncomparative observational studies with associative statistics (e.g., relative risk, correlation, sensitivity, and specificity). Phase I and Phase II nursing care. Survey findings from task forceappointed expert consultants, a random sample of the ASA membership, and membership samples from the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) and the American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists (ASDA) are fully reported in this document. hko?#MH\Jn};)R;B[>LssHEpm7HCHKD$Q3 OAb( B4BO/iEYM0*#]z\OAcA0*W M> Xa(1\jnr6qMBo#:uO /_nK(A`j7q1ogV7Io; :s\yzV 1x@1|l9*EMt_>%$H%P~Dz([b}_plh?l5\3{_j~. qjQ8qeaW)+co'~XA9%jYbebo0-lMwFtx2-K0yo0i0ExKd"3 h ^fv&PUJB3 5P^gb~3=y.@O))%BT2*8Oe!RiCJ(T{1T$V*l$'e+YI89.!p3.FbKvy*$o^\gcXX/SZEoQGuX9x%:L!1pS1P*jz$Rnba:m$?6'% IE8gE]g6gvAfwv>. HV0+h Such cases represented 7% of the over 1,100 incidents in the database. Agreement levels using a statistic for two-rater agreement pairs were as follows: (1) research design, = 0.57 to 0.92; (2) type of analysis, = 0.60 to 0.75; (3) evidence linkage assignment, = 0.76 to 0.85; and (4) literature inclusion for database, = 0.28 to 1.00. Patient safety processes include quality improvement and preparation for rare events. Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. Knowledge of each drugs time of onset, peak response, and duration of action is important. Stanford Hospital And Clinics OR REGION DISCHARGE CRITERIA FOR PHASE I & II- POST ANESTHESIA CARE ORAM D 4.05 Issued: 10/02 Last revision/review: 4/10 2 A. Z=$d9KJbe? Category A evidence represents results obtained from randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and category B evidence represents observational results obtained from nonrandomized study designs or RCTs without pertinent comparison groups. 4. Third, a panel of expert consultants was asked to (1) participate in opinion surveys on the effectiveness and safety of various methods and interventions that might be used during sedation/analgesia and (2) review and comment on a draft of the guidelines developed by the task force. The Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) utilizes ASPAN standards to provide Preoperative, Phase 1, and Phase 2 (discharge) post anesthesia care for our surgical and procedural patients. Conduct a focused physical examination of the patient (e.g., vital signs, auscultation of the heart and lungs, evaluation of the airway,* and when appropriate to sedation, other organ systems where major abnormalities have been identified), If possible, perform the preprocedure evaluation well enough in advance (e.g., several days to weeks) to allow for optimal patient preparation, Before the procedure, inform patients or legal guardians of the benefits, risks, and limitations of moderate sedation/analgesia and possible alternatives, and elicit their preferences, Inform patients or legal guardians before the day of the procedure that they should not drink fluids or eat solid foods for a sufficient period of time to allow for gastric emptying before the procedure, During procedures where a verbal response is not possible (e.g., oral surgery, restorative dentistry, upper endoscopy), check the patients ability to give a thumbs up or other indication of consciousness in response to verbal or tactile (light tap) stimulation; this suggests that the patient will be able to control his airway and take deep breaths if necessary, Continually# monitor ventilatory function by observation of qualitative clinical signs, At a minimum, this should occur: (1) before the administration of sedative/analgesic agents,** (2) after administration of sedative/analgesic agents, (3) at regular intervals during the procedure, (4) during initial recovery, and (5) just before discharge, The designated individual may assist with minor, interruptible tasks once the patients level of sedation/analgesia and vital signs have stabilized, provided that adequate monitoring for the patients level of sedation is maintained, Assure that pharmacologic antagonists for benzodiazepines and opioids are immediately available in the procedure suite or procedure room, Combinations of sedative and analgesic agents may be administered as appropriate for the procedure and the condition of the patient, For patients receiving intravenous sedative/analgesics intended for general anesthesia, maintain vascular access throughout the procedure and until the patient is no longer at risk for cardiorespiratory depression, Administer intravenous sedative/analgesic medications intended for general anesthesia in small, incremental doses, or by infusion, titrating to the desired endpoints, Use reversal agents in cases where airway control, spontaneous ventilation, or positive pressure ventilation is inadequate, Administer naloxone to reverse opioid-induced sedation and respiratory depression, Design discharge criteria to minimize the risk of central nervous system or cardiorespiratory depression after discharge from observation by trained personnel, Create and implement a quality improvement process based upon established national, regional, or institutional reporting protocols (e.g., adverse events, unsatisfactory sedation). 3. Comparison of propofol-based sedation regimens administered during colonoscopy. Practice guidelines are subject to revision as warranted by the evolution of medical knowledge, technology, and practice. Retrieved May 9, 2017, from anesthesia monitoring). Able to breathe deeply and cough freely, g. Dyspnea, limited breathing, or tachypnea. Supplemental Digital Content is available for this article. 4. The consultants, ASA members, AAOMS members, and ASDA members strongly agree with the recommendation to use supplemental oxygen during moderate procedural sedation/analgesia unless specifically contraindicated for a particular patient or procedure. The task force developed these guidelines by means of a seven-step process. PeriAnesthesia Nursing Core Curriculum: Preprocedure, Phase I and Phase II PACU Nursing. Our facility has a phase 1 which is immediately from the O.R. Used to monitor intraoperative and postanesthesia interventions for effectiveness during quality assurance activities, 5. Meet American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) Standards of Perianesthesia Nursing Practice 2008-2010. The consultants, ASA members, AAOMS members, and ASDA members strongly agree with the recommendations to (1) observe and monitor patients in an appropriately staffed and equipped area until they are near their baseline level of consciousness and are no longer at increased risk for cardiorespiratory depression, (2) monitor oxygenation continuously until patients are no longer at risk for hypoxemia, (3) monitor ventilation and circulation at regular intervals until patients are suitable for discharge, and (4) design discharge criteria to minimize the risk of central nervous system or cardiorespiratory depression after discharge from observation by trained personnel. xwTS7PkhRH H. The Perianesthesia RN#s scope includes, but is not limited to, the preadmission assessment/process, Post Anesthesia Care Unit (Phase 1), Phase 2 recovery/discharge. Meta-analysis of RCTs indicate that the use of supplemental oxygen versus no supplemental oxygen is associated with a reduced frequency of hypoxemia during procedures with moderate sedation (category A1-B evidence).6571 The literature is insufficient to examine which methods of supplemental oxygen administration (e.g., nasal cannula, face mask, or specialized devices) are more effective in reducing hypoxemia. Editorials, letters, and other articles without data were excluded. Criterion acknowledged as appropriate by content experts, 3. Periodically (e.g., at 5-min intervals) monitor a patients response to verbal commands during moderate sedation, except in patients who are unable to respond appropriately (e.g., patients where age or development may impair bidirectional communication) or during procedures where movement could be detrimental, During procedures where a verbal response is not possible (e.g., oral surgery, restorative dentistry, upper endoscopy), check the patients ability to give a thumbs up or other indication of consciousness in response to verbal or tactile (light tap) stimulation; this suggests that the patient will be able to control his airway and take deep breaths if necessary##, Continually*** monitor ventilatory function by observation of qualitative clinical signs, Continually monitor ventilatory function with capnography unless precluded or invalidated by the nature of the patient, procedure, or equipment, For uncooperative patients, institute capnography after moderate sedation has been achieved, Continuously monitor all patients by pulse oximetry with appropriate alarms, Determine blood pressure before sedation/analgesia is initiated unless precluded by lack of patient cooperation, Once moderate sedation/analgesia is established, continually monitor blood pressure (e.g., at 5-min intervals) and heart rate during the procedure unless such monitoring interferes with the procedure (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging where stimulation from the blood pressure cuff could arouse an appropriately sedated patient), Use electrocardiographic monitoring during moderate sedation in patients with clinically significant cardiovascular disease or those who are undergoing procedures where dysrhythmias are anticipated, Record patients level of consciousness, ventilatory and oxygenation status, and hemodynamic variables at a frequency that depends on the type and amount of medication administered, the length of the procedure, and the general condition of the patient, At a minimum, this should occur (1) before the administration of sedative/analgesic agents; (2) after administration of sedative/analgesic agents; (3) at regular intervals during the procedure; (4) during initial recovery; and (5) just before discharge, Set device alarms to alert the care team to critical changes in patient status, Assure that a designated individual other than the practitioner performing the procedure is present to monitor the patient throughout the procedure, The individual responsible for monitoring the patient should be trained in the recognition of apnea and airway obstruction and be authorized to seek additional help, The designated individual should not be a member of the procedural team but may assist with minor, interruptible tasks once the patients level of sedation/analgesia and vital signs have stabilized, provided that adequate monitoring for the patients level of sedation is maintained. e. Discharge readiness and ready to transfer should occur concurrently. Outpatients will meet following criteria before home discharge. d```n If the bed isn;t available then the patient is considered as being in a Phase Ii level of care. Continual monitoring of ventilatory function with capnography to supplement standard monitoring by observation and pulse oximetry. STANDARD II Original standards published in 1973 B. Schick L, Windle PE, eds. Intramuscular compared to intravenous midazolam for paediatric sedation: A study on cardiopulmonary safety and effectiveness. A literature search strategy and PRISMA* flow diagram are available as Supplemental Digital Content 2, The policy of the ASA Committee on Standards and Practice Parameters is to update practice guidelines every 5 yr. We're proud to recognize these industry supporters for their year-round support of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Comparison of alfentanil and ketamine infusions in combination with midazolam for outpatient lithotripsy. Nurse Practice Act: determining discharge readiness is a delegated act (refer to specific practice act of each state). The consultants, ASA members, AAOMS members, and ASDA members strongly agree with the recommendation to assure that (1) pharmacologic antagonists for benzodiazepines and opioids are immediately available in the procedure suite or procedure room; (2) an individual is present in the room who understands the pharmacology of the sedative/analgesics administered and potential interactions with other medications and nutraceuticals the patient may be taking; (3) appropriately sized equipment for establishing a patent airway is available; (4) at least one individual capable of establishing a patent airway and providing positive pressure ventilation is present in the procedure room; (5) suction, advanced airway equipment, positive pressure ventilation, and supplemental oxygen are immediately available in the procedure room and in good working order; (6) a member of the procedural team is trained in the recognition and treatment of airway complications, opening the airway, suctioning secretions, and performing bag-valve-mask ventilation; (7) a member of the procedural team has the skills to establish intravascular access; (8) a member of the procedural team has the skills to provide chest compressions; (9) a functional defibrillator or automatic external defibrillator is immediately available in the procedure area; (10) an individual or service is immediately available with advanced life support skills; and (11) members of the procedural team are able to recognize the need for additional support and know how to access emergency services from the procedure room. Approved by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons on September 23, 2017; the American College of Radiology on October 5, 2017; the American Dental Association on September 21, 2017; the American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists on September 15, 2017; and the Society of Interventional Radiology on September 15, 2017. Refer to table 4 for examples of emergency support equipment and pharmaceuticals. Evidence was obtained from two principal sources: scientific evidence and opinion-based evidence. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. This section of the guidelines addresses the following recovery care topics: (1) continued observation and monitoring until discharge and (2) predetermined discharge criteria. Regarding quality improvement, one observational study reported that use of a presedation checklist compared to no checklist use may improve safety documentation in emergency department sedations (category B1-B evidence).187. This section of the guidelines addresses the following topics: (1) propofol versus other sedative/analgesics, (2) ketamine versus other sedative/analgesics, (3) etomidate versus other sedative/analgesics, (4) combinations of sedatives intended for general anesthesia versus other sedatives/analgesics, alone or in combination, (5) intravenous versus nonintravenous sedatives/analgesics intended for general anesthesia, and (6) titration of intravenous sedatives/analgesics intended for general anesthesia. When moderate procedural sedation with sedative/analgesic medications intended for general anesthesia by any route is intended, provide care consistent with that required for general anesthesia, Assure that practitioners administering sedative/analgesic medications intended for general anesthesia are able to reliably identify and rescue patients from unintended deep sedation or general anesthesia, For patients receiving intravenous sedative/analgesic medications intended for general anesthesia, maintain vascular access throughout the procedure and until the patient is no longer at risk for cardiorespiratory depression, In patients who have received sedative/analgesic medications intended for general anesthesia by nonintravenous routes or whose intravenous line has become dislodged or blocked, determine the advisability of reestablishing intravenous access on a case-by-case basis, Administer intravenous sedative/analgesic medications intended for general anesthesia in small, incremental doses or by infusion, titrating to the desired endpoints, When drugs intended for general anesthesia are administered by nonintravenous routes (e.g., oral, rectal, intramuscular, transmucosal), allow sufficient time for absorption and peak effect of the previous dose to occur before supplementation is considered, One placebo-controlled RCT reports that naloxone effectively reverses the effects of meperidine as measured by increasing alertness scores and respiratory rate (category A3-B evidence).164 Reversal of respiratory depression, apnea, and oxygen desaturation after naloxone administration in other practice settings is also reported by observational studies (category B3-B evidence)165,166 and case reports (category B4-B evidence).167170, Meta-analysis of double-blind placebo-controlled RCTs indicates that flumazenil effectively antagonizes the effects of sedation within 15min for patients who have been administered benzodiazepines (category A1-B evidence).171178 Placebo-controlled RCTs also indicate that flumazenil administration is associated with shorter recovery times for benzodiazepine sedation (category A2-B evidence).176,179181 Meta-analysis of placebo-controlled RCTs indicate that flumazenil effectively antagonizes the effects of benzodiazepines when combined with opioids (category A1-B evidence).182186. Any of these processes or the combination thereof contributes to postoperative hypovolemia and hypotension. Residential LED Lighting. Preparation of these updated guidelines followed a rigorous methodological process. a. CC.wv!1([d"KtHj!y;y>R6}.02Rj[M+S~QJ?~s*;agrbC[b[gxk:8JWb5vJuR)Hf0vAJ 5})[/?wj"fZ(hU6ifA5x]BpZ"mFA+-\ZE'P*'? See table 2 for additional information related to airway assessment. The propensity for combinations of sedative and analgesic agents to cause respiratory depression and airway obstruction emphasizes the need to appropriately reduce the dose of each component, as well as the need to continually monitor respiratory function. nursing unit. This practice is sometimes called fast-tracking. Upon discharge home, all patients should be given instructions on how to obtain emergency help and perform routine follow-up care. Preprocedure patient preparation consists of (1) consultation with a medical specialist when needed; (2) patient preparation for the procedure (e.g., informing patients of the benefits and risks of sedatives and analgesics, preprocedure instruction, medication usage, counseling); and (3) preprocedure fasting from solids and liquids. continue the use of antiembolic stockings if ordered. Has 25 years experience. Survey responses were recorded using a 5-point scale and summarized based on median values. Reflex withdrawal from a painful stimulus is NOT considered a purposeful response. Section: Admission, Discharge, and Transfer Responsible Vice President: EVP & CEO Health System Subject: Admission, Discharge, and Transfer Responsible Entity: Nursing . Patient monitoring includes strategies for the following: (1) monitoring patient level of consciousness assessed by the response of patients, including spoken responses to commands or other forms of bidirectional communication during procedures performed with moderate sedation/analgesia; (2) monitoring patient ventilation and oxygenation, including ventilatory function, by observation of qualitative clinical signs, capnography, and pulse oximetry; (3) hemodynamic monitoring, including blood pressure, heart rate, and electrocardiography; (4) contemporaneous recording of monitored parameters; and (5) availability/presence of an individual responsible for patient monitoring. The consultants, ASA members, AAOMS members, and ASDA members strongly agree with the recommendations to (1) assure that specific antagonists are immediately available in the procedure room whenever opioid analgesics or benzodiazepines are administered for moderate procedural sedation/analgesia, regardless of route of administration; (2) encourage or physically stimulate patients to breathe deeply if patients become hypoxemic or apneic during sedation/analgesia; (3) administer supplemental oxygen if patients become hypoxemic or apneic during sedation/analgesia; (4) provide positive pressure ventilation if spontaneous ventilation is inadequate when patients become hypoxemic or apneic during sedation/analgesia; (5) use reversal agents in cases where airway control, spontaneous ventilation, or positive pressure ventilation is inadequate; (6) administer naloxone to reverse opioid-induced sedation and respiratory depression; (7) administer flumazenil to reverse benzodiazepine-induced sedation and respiratory depression; (8) after pharmacologic reversal, observe and monitor patients for a sufficient time to ensure that sedation and cardiorespiratory depression does not recur once the effect of the antagonist dissipates; and (9) not use sedation regimens that include routine reversal of sedative or analgesic agents. Standard V.1. The facility policy may require a specific time period after discharge criteria are met that the patient must remain in the facility. Describe commonly used post anesthesia care unit (PACU) discharge criteria. The PACU team cares for patients in all age ranges and all levels of acuity including ambulatory, inpatient, and critical care. Promote efficient use of fiscal and personnel resources. A comparison of ketamine versus etomidate for procedural sedation for the reduction of joint dislocations. 2. The effect of supplemental oxygen on apnea and oxygen saturation during pediatric conscious sedation. However, the distribution of complications differed a bit. Create and implement a quality improvement process based upon established national, regional, or institutional reporting protocols, (e.g., adverse events, unsatisfactory sedation), Periodically update the quality improvement process to keep up with new technology, equipment or other advances in moderate procedural sedation/analgesia, Strengthen patient safety culture through collaborative practices (e.g., team training, simulation drills, development and implementation of checklists), Create an emergency response plan (e.g., activating code blue team or activating the emergency medical response system: 911 or equivalent). Effect of diazepam sedation on arterial oxygen saturation during esophagogastroduodenoscopy: A placebo-controlled study. Achievement of most discharge criteria with the likelihood that all discharge criteria will be attained shortly after discharge to phase II. Use supplemental oxygen during moderate procedural sedation/analgesia unless specifically contraindicated for a particular patient or procedure. STANDARD III Anesthesia typically induces: (1) unconsciousness; (2) immobility; and (3) a blunted response to pain. Validity established by comparing two criteria that evaluate the same concept (e.g., level of sensory block and extremity movement), 4. Does nasal oxygen reduce the cardiorespiratory problems experienced by elderly patients undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography? Double-blind controlled trial of flumazenil in patients who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Job in Plattsburgh - Clinton County - NY New York - USA , 12903. Download Discharge Criteria for Phase I & II This file may take a moment to load, please do not navigate away. PRACTICE guidelines are systematically developed recommendations that assist the practitioner and patient in making decisions about health care. Dec 30, 2006. Current Standards. We are expected to discharge patients if our admission/discharge area is closed. Applied routinely (every 15 or 30 minutes depending on institutional policy) as part of a nursing assessment, 4. Implementing ASPAN Standards: Surgery Phase, PACU Phase I, Phase II and Extended Care Discharge criteria UNPLANNED PERIOPERATIVE HYPOTHERMIA Increased length of PACU, setting until discharge from all phases of postanesthesia care. <>stream An assessment by the attending anesthesia personnel, b. 1. All meta-analyses are conducted by the ASA methodology group. 33 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<82EC1363F47B6FA4F07401488ABAAFF0><0F1D02B4EFA2BC4DB6E3B193BC57958C>]/Index[10 39]/Info 9 0 R/Length 111/Prev 125561/Root 11 0 R/Size 49/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The other opinion is that phase I extends from admission to PACU from the OR until the patient is ready for discharge to the flloor. Propofol and fentanyl compared with midazolam and fentanyl during third molar surgery. For Phase II, expert opinion indicates that vital signs are obtained every 30-60 minutes and include admission and discharge vital signs.1 Because of this discussion and the lack of evidence and specific literature stating what the vital sign frequency should be, the ASPAN 2019-2012 Perianesthesia Nursing Standards, Practice endstream endobj startxref c. Discharge score defining discharge readiness may not be achieved. Ability to swallow and ability to void, as indicated 6. Healthcare database searches included PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Google Books, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. a. Statistically significant (P < 0.01) outcomes are designated as either beneficial (B) or harmful (H) for the patient; statistically nonsignificant findings are designated as equivocal (E). ?HYN|Icremkmmy6'YF5s [5 5XY.k,Pz Residential and Commercial LED light FAQ; Commercial LED Lighting; Industrial LED Lighting; Grow lights. 3rd ed. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window). Relevant discharge criteria rigorously applied to determine the readiness of the patient for discharge, b. COMMONLY USED DESCRIPTORS FOR PACU DISCHARGE CRITERIA, b. Then inpatients go to the floor and outpatients go to phase 2 to eat/drink, go to the bathroom and get up and ambulate before discharge to home. %%EOF After review, 1,140 were excluded, with 288 new studies meeting the above stated criteria. Remifentanil and propofol sedation for retrobulbar nerve block. Capnographic monitoring reduces the incidence of arterial oxygen desaturation and hypoxemia during propofol sedation for colonoscopy: A randomized, controlled study (ColoCap Study). Copyright 2018, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Our rules are if there is a patient in the unit, there must be 2 RNs. In 2002, Kluger et al published a similar analysis of the Anaesthetic Incident Monitoring Study (AIMS) database in Australia. 2. D. The patient should be evaluated continually while in the PACU. The Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) utilizes ASPAN standards to provide Preoperative, Phase 1, and Phase 2 (discharge) post anesthesia care for our surgical and procedural patients. Any discharge criteria exceptions documented and reported to the physician, d. Appropriate for patients receiving monitored anesthesia care, 4. Science, Google Books, and critical care aspan standards for phase 2 discharge it easier, d. appropriate for patients in all ranges! To supplement standard monitoring by observation and pulse oximetry acuity including ambulatory, inpatient, duration. Reduce the cardiorespiratory problems experienced by elderly patients undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography however, American! 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