The U.S.S. What happened on Black Thursday that sent everyone into a panic? the accidental president. Alsace-Lorraine had to be returned to France. not limited by restrictions or regulations - unfettered. It made friends with Latin American leaders. According to the lesson, what were some of the early reform movements in America? Why was China able to be taken advantage of early in the twentieth century by nations who traded with her? Germany had to lose much of its industrial territory. By 1905, there was a total of about ____ miles of paved roads in America. Among those with family income less than $40,000, 36 percent went without some medical treatment in 2018, down from 39 percent in 2017. Select all that apply. Which of the following nations did NOT join NATO? Populism A policy or doctrine of supreme devotion to one's country is called_____. Which of Roosevelt's acts made an attempt to redistribute wealth? A(n) ________________ is the process allowing citizens to place a proposed law directly on the ballot by means of a petition. Submarines are allowed to attack any military transport. George Cohan people are still people, the same on the inside. In just 40 years, Americans dealt with: industrial revolution Native American wars burgeoning city populations a civil war millions of freed slaves changes in education technological advances millions of new immigrants women's suffrage movements. For comparison's sake, under then-President Donald Trump, the number of encounters was 458,088 in 2020 and 977,509 in 2019. beginning the Interstate Commerce Commission, passage of the Federal Trade Act Germany had tried to build a bigger fleet of ships than England. What did Germany offer that would make Mexico even consider the proposal? The intimacies the living had with the dead before the Civil War gradually disappeared, as funeral homes managed the care of more and more bodies. How was Rockefeller able to become so successful in the oil business? Why was China able to be taken advantage of early in the twentieth century by nations who traded with her? John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. Rate answer . Though it is impossible to sum up all of the data Abernathy broke down in his 40 minute talk in just a few sentences, here are the key takeaways from Abernathy's presentation: workers' compensation Why would European Americans still be hateful toward Japanese citizens when they returned home from internment camps? Czechoslovakia Which of the following best describes the idea that America wanted to return to a life of normalcy following World War I? According to the lesson, what things challenged the traditional religious beliefs of the times? Which of the following led to the mass deportation of Mexicans from the U.S.? The other nations were more technically advanced. not religious or spiritual in nature - secular. The ____ set a minimum wage and maximum number of hours employees could be required to work. Andrew Boxer traces the origins of a historical issue still as controversial and relevant today as in past centuries. What kind of lasting effects did the Spanish-American War have on the United States? A)The country acquired a number of different islands. Last year, Americans reported feeling stress, anger and . They protected Germany from the Ottomans. Germany was responsible for paying all the war damages. (Some sentences may have more than one direct or indirect object; some may have a direct object but no indirect object; some may have neither. Overall, 64 percent said racism remains a major problem in our society. Even though Great Britain was at odds with France over the situation involving the Suez Canal, why did it side with France as World War I began? Which of the following weapons led to the creation of a "no man's land" between the trenches? Which man once ran for the presidency of the U.S. while in prison? He sent an ultimatum to Red Chinese leaders. United States Americans are among the most stressed people in the world, according to a new survey. Mexico More than one million people living in the United States have died of Covid-19 during the past two years. Which effects were negative and which were positive? As of 2016, the median wealth for black families in America was $17,600, while the median wealth for white families was $171,000. Which of the following is NOT one of them? Mexico could take back the Southwest and Texas, Compensation would be given for its help. Morbidity. It restricted the power of Black Codes already in force. Greece Which of the following kinds of people were restricted from immigrating to America, based on a series of laws? Which sentence below best describes the concept of unrestricted submarine warfare? France had returned the canal to England before the war. collection of taxes. Russia For example, the virus has not taken an equal toll across the country. How would this combat Communism in those countries? What was President Roosevelt's main concern when he offered the Treaty of Portsmouth to end the Russo-Japanese War? The country had to dismantle nearly the entire military. It was home to much of France's long heritage. What were two issues facing America following the end of World War II? C)there was need for a navy that could cover two oceans, The Spanish-American War took place in and around three island nations. Match the following terms with their definitions. Italy For the past 500 years, Native Americans have faced genocide, dislocation, and various forms of physical, mental, and social abuse. Hitler carried what three views with him as he attempted to gain power in Germany before the advent of World War II? submarine warfare longer hours for more money poison gas, The first major offensive of the Great War took place when Germany invaded Belgium on its way to France. The enduring understanding for this unit is: Choices made by people and nations impact and shape ____ history. The vocabulary word, ____, describes the use of arms as a tool of diplomacy. launched the first woman into space - Soviet Union. Jane Addams and Ellen Starr were the women who founded ____ House in 1890. Select all that apply. Julia Howe and Lucy Stone were responsible for the founding of the ____ Women Suffrage Association in 1869. Who was the founder of Christian Science? Even in the face of fairer policies of the last 40 or 50 years and numerous laws that are designed to correct past injustices, there are a myriad of ways that the past still works against Indigenous peoples, and this article covers just a few of the most harmful instances. lowering tariffs for more competition Benito Mussolini initiated a form of ____ for his government. Cuba Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were two ____ immigrants accused of robbery and murder during the Red Scare of the 1920s. Which politician below wanted to confiscate family fortunes valued over $5 million while guaranteeing a new car, yearly income, and college? What did they do to go about defending their positions to one another and the world? Three ships were sunk off the Eastern seaboard. Collectors paid him large amounts for the artifacts. Even though Great Britain was at odds with France over the situation involving the Suez Canal, why did it side with France as World War I began? A famous painter, ________________, painted pictures for the covers of the Saturday Evening Post. well-trained and experienced What was the name of this future organization? The last imperial dynasty in Chinese history was the _____. The American public is significantly more likely to identify as conservative or moderate than as liberal, leaving a situation in which about 4 in 10 Americans call themselves conservative, 4 in 10 call themselves moderates, and only about 2 in 10 call themselves liberal. Germany What American educator was partially responsible for the creation of the NAACP? President ____ was the last president to have been a Civil War veteran. Why were the Balkans so important to Germany's war effort? Germany sent the Zimmerman telegram to Mexico for the purpose of seeking an alliance. According to the lesson, what were some of the early reform movements in America? Emily Dickinson Portugal. repealing the Sherman Antitrust Act As immigrants arrived from many nations, why did it become necessary to restrict who and how many came to America? Death during a pandemic is obviously different from death during a civil war. Which individual below was the premier black entertainer during the first part of the twentieth century? The official beginning of the Great Depression was October ____, 1929. France had lost it to Germany in a previous war. What could a potential Senate filibuster have done for a bill attempting to desegregate the military? Why did you choose those poems? Gary Laderman, Goodrich C. White Professor of American Religious History and Cultures at Emory University, recently published Don't Think About Death: A Memoir on Mortality (2020). Czechoslovakia Which nation was able to broker an armistice agreement between North and South Korea, ending the fighting? Verdun, Which of the following weapons finally broke the stalemate on the Western Front? The procedure permitting voters to remove an official from office before the term expires is called a(n) ___________. Despite rates being less than the overall U.S. population, major depressive episodes increased from 9 percent-10.3 percent in Black and African American youth ages 12-17, 6.1 percent to 9.4 percent in young adults 18-25, and 5.7 percent . Embalming was an innovative method of preserving bodies that allowed some Northern families to have their war dead retrieved from the mostly Southern battlefields and brought back to be buried in Northern soil. The Pendleton Act helped to relieve the issue of corruption in government. Austria-Hungary took issue with Serbia over the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand because he was from _____. During the 1920s, why did so many people heavily invest in the stock market? Percent of adults aged 18 and over with regular feelings of worry, nervousness, or anxiety: 11.7%. (4/5 correct), the literacy test requirement which prevented many blacks from voting, a state of being where something has reached its conclusion or outcome - fruition. America would not interfere with already established Latin american colonies. The ERA is wildly popular: 83 percent of Americans believe it should be ratified and incorporated into the U.S. Constitution. Serbia millions of new immigrants In 1911, a mob of over 100 people hanged a 14-year-old boy, Antonio Gmez, after he was arrested for murder. Which of the following do NOT describe a typical flapper? What organization did the Pendleton Act establish? Samuel Gompers, What are two ways the U.S. government financed the war effort? Mexico would receive the rights to nearby Cuba. What is a second-generation Japanese American called? he became President? Which sentence below best describes the concept of unrestricted submarine warfare? Robert Frost. What two things made it possible for the West to be settled so quickly? In both cases, however, it is difficult for a divided country to experience unity in the face of an enormous loss of life and to agree on what those deaths mean for the nation. owners in the Deep South Support for US involvement in the war still remains high, with an Associated Press and NORC poll showing that 75 percent of American adults believe that the US should . According to the lesson, what actions got General MacArthur fired from his position as commander during the Korean War? Currently, there are twenty-eight countries that are members in NATO. Which of the following were the key changes made to the economy by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? (That account . As a result of isolationist desires, U.S. Congress __________ the charter to the League of Nations. The Nuremberg Trials lasted for ____, and ____ German high officials were sentenced to death. Denmark, The Zimmerman telegram was a huge diplomatic mistake by _____. Maria Montessori first used her teaching principles on ____. The construction of the Suez Canal was a joint effort between _____. Who was responsible for inventing the first working four-stroke engine? The term "Second Middle Passage" refers to which of thefollowing? According to the lesson, what helped blacks begin to make a mark on the business world during the 1920s? In just 40 years, Americans dealt with: industrial revolution Native American wars burgeoning city populations a civil war millions of freed slaves changes in education technological advances millions of new immigrants women's suffrage movements According to the lesson, what were some of the early reform movements in America? Beginning in the 1940s, however, deep demographic and economic change, accompanied by a marked shift in white racial attitudes, started blacks down the road to much greater equality. Due to the Red Scare, immigrants from these two regions of Europe were strongly opposed by many Americans. In just 40 years, Americans dealt with: a civil war millions of freed slaves industrial revolution millions of new immigrants changes in education women's suffrage movements Indian wars burgeoning city populations technological advances 1 See answer Advertisement alwaytoxicxx President Benjamin Harrison was responsible for creating government policy with regard to Central and South America. The U.S. Supreme Court case of _____ enforced the policy of "separate but equal" in this country. Which nation did they win this region from? . How did Public Schools change, what did this lead to?, what were the negative effects that his trade had on the societies at africa. While there have been a few moments of public remembrance700,000 white flags placed on the National Mall, and President Joe Bidens brief words noting the one million empty chairs around the dinner tablethe country is only beginning to grapple with the shared grief of so many deaths. a civil war millions of freed slaves industrial revolution millions of new immigrants changes in education women's suffrage movements Indian wars burgeoning city populations technological advances. Factors that led to the establishment of Jim Crow Laws included which of the following? Few regulations protected the prices of crops. According to the lesson, what things kept working conditions so poor in factories? psychologyYou are preparing to do a hard task, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, By the People: A History of the United States, AP Edition, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen. How did this act accomplish this goal? According to the lesson, the ____ were the lowest level of workers in a political machine. lotteries, This 1918 piece of legislation made it illegal to publicly denounce the war, verbally or on paper. Americans relationship with their dead would never be the same. A(n) ____ is the process allowing citizens to place a proposed law directly on the ballot by means of a petition. Germany finally surrendered, or ____ , in 1918. The law also made possession and sale of crack rocks. Which of the following inventors made important strides in the field of electricity? It supplied much of the oil and gas. The sailors dragged young men out of their seats tore and burned their clothes. A famous painter, ______ painted pictures for the covers of the Saturday Evening Post. The clause needed to be added on a state level, not just Federal. A (n) ____ takes an act of two-thirds of Congress and ratification by three-fourths of the states. The term "Jim Crow" most likely came from _____. According to Lord Acton, power tends to corrupt, and ____ power corrupts absolutely. Match the tune with the artist(s) who made it famous. It was most recently raised . What two events or circumstances drastically changed the demographics of larger, industrial cities? The procedure permitting voters to remove an official from office before the term expires is called a(n) ____. fear, alarm, or anxiety about a situation - consternation. Why would only the nisei be allowed to work? France John O'Sullivan coined the phrase ____ to describe America's right to expand to the Pacific Ocean. abolition A recession in 1937 supported whom in regards to the New Deal's success? Who were the prominent African American writers during the Harlem Renaissance? They found a way to marry men who were already in America. According to the lesson, education is knowledge and knowledge is ____. The American public wanted to turn away from world affairs. My first book, The Sacred Remains, looked at the conflicts impact on Americans attitudes toward death, during another period of extreme division and overwhelming loss of life. This is due by tomorrow and I have so much other work to get caught up on! What was the significance of building the Panama Canal to America? workers' compensation According to the lesson, what did the American Industrial Revolution give rise to as far as its citizens were concerned? The 40-something year old American Live Streamer in Japan acting like an edgy teenager, disrespecting the Japanese people and screaming at them that they need to learn English Or the fact that it could actually be a viable way to earn a living these days (if he has enough viewers etc) Millions of people were returning home from the war, needing jobs. When Hitler came to power, how was he perceived by many of the German people? . Currently $23 EACH at Walmart, Target and more! Around 750,000 people died during the conflict2.5 percent of the countrys population at the time. Select all that apply. When the Great Depression began, the ____ administration did little to nothing, hoping things would right themselves over time. ! In fact, Americans now see the U.S. as more of an economic powerhouse than China by roughly two-to-one (59% vs. 30%). Answers 1 to the Question:In just 40 years, americans dealt with which of these? Hertzs studies focused on death in small societies in Borneo. He did not want to be responsible for starting a war. The practice of ____ emphasizes a doctrine that returns to rigid principles. He knew it would require the use of a strong navy. According to the lesson, the two nations that suffered the least from the Great Depression were: had to take sole responsibility for the war; Great Britain borrowed money from the U.S. to finance the war; France lost its two main sources of income following World War I; Coming out of a revolution, the Russian economy remained self-contained, which kept it from suffering much from the depression. possessing enough cash to meet debts or expenses - solvent. Roughly 750,000 people died in the Civil War, or 2.5 percent of the countrys population at the timethe equivalent of seven million Americans dying today. As embalming became more common, it helped legitimize a new class of professional experts: funeral directors, whose homes became a mix of business, mortality, religion and their own domestic life. a person who strongly supports an organization or ideal - partisan. How did Public Schools change, what did this lead to?, what were the negative effects that his trade had on the societies at africa. Meanwhile, there were over 2.3 million migrant encounters during the 2022 fiscal year, up from 1.7 million in 2021. Eddie Rickenbacker Although circumstances and technological advances may be new within eras of history. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, In just 40 years, Americans dealt with which of these? For many white Southerners, the battlefield dead did not signal that God had abandoned their cause, but rather illuminated his support for values associated with the Confederacyvalues the United States is still grappling with today. Case of _____ enforced the policy of `` separate but equal '' in this country to much. 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