So for me, that means always having a mind on, yes, the policy work, yes, the domestic work but actually what legacy do you leave through some of those bigger, overarching decisions as well? Jacinda Ardern, former Young Labour president and political advisor, has just been elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth - a group encompassing socialist, social democratic and Labour Party youth organisations from more than 100 countries. Dozens of buses are parked sideways around the perimeter, forming makeshift ramparts. That article told the story of a leader who was pledging to work harder to address the inequities still faced by New Zealands indigenous people. What words express the grief of a city that has already known so much pain? I have been asking Ardern about her immediate response to the attack, which from the outset put a clear emphasis on inclusivity and solidarity. But for now, we will remember those who have left this place. Richardsons budget radically overhauled housing policy, scrapping programs that supported homeownership, replacing income-based rents with market-based ones for state housing, and sold off the governments $2.4 billion worth of mortgages that had helped struggling families buy their first homes. The end of Ruthenasia, cheered the Labour-aligned Standard, referring to the nickname given to the brutal austerity program initiated by Richardsons budget. The revival of socialism in mainstream politics has been one of the bigger developments of the last five years. The worlds are in very close proximity. The Guardians photographer asked Ardern to stand in the stripes, a film-noirish sort of pose. On the contrary, gun crimes rose to a 10-year high after the law went into effect, according to Radio New Zealand. They werent alone: the head of BusinessNZ similarly suggested the government couldve been more generous with its benefit increases. She wooed the world with talk of kindness and compassion, while at home ruling like a dictator. Jacinda was more surprised than anyone when she was handed the leadership aft. 1:30 PM 'I don't have enough in the tank,' complained 42-year-old Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand. What words adequately express the pain and suffering of 50 men, women and children lost, and so many injured? Leighton Smith has been dispatching stone cold common sense to ZB listeners between breakfast and noon for three decades. Half a lifetime and seven weeks ago, I watched Ardern as she sat on the porch of Te Whare Rnanga, the Maori meeting house at Waitangi. t Waitangi in early February, I had asked Ardern about the international attention she had attracted for being young, for being a new mother. Simple, she says, nodding her head. There is no question that [the] ideas and language of division and hate have existed for decades, but their form of distribution, the tools of organisation, they are new, she said. Who had sought refuge, or sought a better life for themselves or their families. I've had the pleasure of meeting her socially on a couple of occasions and I imagine she'd be a huge asset. I wonder then what is the exact point whereby "inequality"becomes acceptable? The Guardians photographer asked Ardern to stand in the stripes, a film-noirish sort of pose. She was first elected to the New Zealand Parliament in 2008. . We will remember the tears of our nation, and the new resolve we have formed. Im making an assumption here, but everyone knows that raising kids is hard work and I dont expect theyd want someone to gloss over that or pretend its easy. Most controversially, when it came to the superannuation surcharge a claw-back tax on high-earner pensioners that dented the programs universality the budget both raised the rate and expanded the number of people who had to pay it. You just do what feels right.. his interview was due to go to press the day the news of the Christchurch attacks emerged. Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern (born July 26, 1980), also known as Aunty Cindy or simply Cindy, or Jabcinda is the far-left socialist globalist agnostic former Prime Minister and dictator of New Zealand.She served as Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party from 2017 to 2023, and is the second elected and third overall female Prime Minister of New Zealand after Helen Clark and the second . A year earlier, she had become the first female prime minister to speak at the Waitangi pwhiri, a significant moment in the New Zealand calendar, and the youngest, at 37. a terrorist attack in Christchurch took the lives of 50 people, over a failure to meet targets on a flagship house-building scheme, the party surged on a wave of Jacindamania, opted to become deputy to a thirtysomething prime minister, the second world leader to give birth in office, throwing his weight behind a Fox News broadcaster, said the murders did not come overnight, national remembrance service is held at Hagley Park in Christchurch. Jacinda Ardern is one of New Zealand's young politicians, Sarah Hall sits down with her to find out just what her aspirations are. This means Ardern must negotiate with both NZ First and the Green party to advance any legislation. Shes not putting on an act. Also of note, rumour also has it that Jacinda may be running as a candidate for the Labour Party. If there are words that proved defining, they were those spoken by 71-year-old Haji-Daoud Nabi, who moments before being shot dead addressed the gunman from the door of Al Noor mosque, saying: Hello, brother.. The Spinoffs political coverage is powered by the generous support of our members. If anyone out there has a better photo let us know! And yet Arderns response, her choice of language, has mattered enormously. Jacinda only got into power because Winston Peter's liked to cause problems for the National party. As if becoming a mother and prime minister were not challenging enough, Ardern found herself hailed as a standard bearer for women everywhere. Bernie Sanderss two presidential campaigns sparked a series of elections of democratic socialists at every level of US government. (I spoke to Clark a few days after the Christchurch attack, and she told me Arderns response had resonated because it was authentic. And how often should the reset occur? Theres something very grounding about that. She would boot me a lot., Ardern began her speech that day by casting back a year, when she had asked all of you to hold all of us, and myself, to account. If you could see the amount of reading that is required in that role. The critical thing has been the inclusive approach. 3. Official records of that meeting give us insights into Arderns political ideology. And skyrocketing living costs, thanks especially to an out-of-control housing market, have made these numbers worth significantly less since WEAGs recommendations. There is evidence of her having said comrade. He may have had in mind Arderns deputy Peters, whose NZ First has delivered dog whistles about immigrants and New Zealand values for decades. There cannot be a case of all profit, no responsibility., This isnt a New Zealand issue, this is a global one, says Ardern today, carefully choosing her words. If you value what we do and believe in the importance of independent and freely accessible journalism tautoko mai,donate today. Now, whether you agree with her political philosophy is where the difference lies. The 50 names of the dead are read aloud, the only other sound the whirring of a police helicopter in the distance. But we can be the nation that discovers the cure. A filter will be available to find the specific debate / speech you wish to view. But I am pragmatic about how much time that sometimes takes. The optimism tends to win out. So I think its implicit for him now, too.. At the UN in New York last September, Ardern made the case for action on climate change, and for kindness and empathy in politics a message amplified by the fact her partner and baby daughter were sitting next to her. No friend of free speech, she had little regard for public opinion and no respect for those with a contrary . Instead, Ardern and her comrades stated: Redistribution will lead to more financial stability and justice. I absolutely knew what I wanted to say. To see people from across society, people who maybe have never even known anyone who goes to a mosque, come out with the flowers and the donations and say: this is not the New Zealand we know and love.). It was half a lifetime ago, she guesses. Not so much, Ardern says. In light of Labour's leadership crisis, we take a look back at. Jeremy Corbyns leadership led to a surge in left-wing membership in the UK Labour Party and ongoing wins by the partys socialists in local governments all over the country. The definition of "comrade" from An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Marxism, Socialism and Communism is as follows: Originally, one who shares the same chamber. The very mention prompted a grimace: There are very few international political experiences quite like Brexit. But she wouldnt volunteer any advice for Theresa May, who at the time had narrowly survived a no-confidence motion. Comrades this, comrades that. Jacinda Ardern's speech at Christchurch memorial - full transcript New Zealand PM addressed a crowd of thousands who had gathered for a memorial service at Hagley Park two weeks after the. Meeting Muslim community leaders in Wellington following the attack. Arderns suggestion was that he could provide sympathy and love for all Muslim communities. It made similar cuts and restructuring to the university system, moving it further along in its transformation from a public good to a private service. In the reception area, a staffers preschooler son buzzes back and forth on a bike. Ill show you something, says Jacinda Ardern. A gunman - or gunmen, it was not . Progressives are socialists. Yes.. By then, I had interviewed Ardern twice already: after a breakfast meeting at an Auckland hotel, and a few days earlier at Waitangi, on the northern tip of the North Island. Were deciding whether I can get away with jandal-wear for the latter part of the afternoon, she confided. E rau rangatira m, e ng reo, e ng mana. Comrades means something. This past week in New Zealand saw an apparently spontaneous series of self-outings by professed democratic socialists among the countrys Labour Party. In the past her invocations of kindness might have been dismissed as slogans. That morning, Friday 15 March, she had surprised a crowd of local school students who were taking part in the global climate strike. Yeah there you go. The reality was that I went down into the shed, pulled out my fishing box and took out some hooks, Gayford told me earlier this year. Richardson likewise complained about the excessive size of government spending, and she saw the cuts as a statement about the types of lives people should be encouraged to lead, she would later say: ones of independence and self-reliance. The fact that welfare rolls were only as full as they were because of the economic misery created by the preceding round of neoliberal reforms didnt seem to matter. While the 1972 Royal Commission on Social Security defined the aim of welfare as giving those with disadvantages a standard of living much like that of the rest of the community, by the 1990s, the system came to be viewed as simply a safety net, and one that Kiwis had to be discouraged from using as much as possible. In the days that have followed the terrorist attack on the 15th of March, we have often found ourselves without words. She worked only very indirectly for Blair, she said. Jacinda Ardern is transforming New Zealand into a socialist state. Jacinda started her political career in high school. Those interviews took place in early February, and I followed the prime minister as she commemorated the 1840 signing of New Zealands founding treaty, between the British Crown and the Mori chiefs. Two police officers stand by the glass doors, cradling semi-automatic weapons. I said, Can you please call 111. Her partner, Clarke Gayford, she smiles, is not impressed. Jacinda Ardern following a gathering for congregational Friday prayers and two minutes of silence for victims of the twin mosque massacre, in Christchurch on March 22, 2019. It was naturally what you would do. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has had an impressive career since she was elected as leader in 2017 and was recently named #2 in Fortunes list of Worlds Greatest Leaders in 2019. So, no, I didnt really think about that, either., Later, it was suggested to her that it was an important symbol of solidarity with Muslim women in New Zealand, who felt unsafe. I just know we have a lot of work to do to make that universal.. That 1991 document had aimed to complete the neoliberal revolution started by Labour itself in the mid-1980s. Shes not putting on an act. It felt very deliberate: was it? She is very verbal. What did it mean? IUSY is a massive organisiation and holds consultative status with the United Nations. Dr Muriel Newman established the New Zealand Centre for Political Research as a public policy think tank in 2005 after nine years as a Member of Parliament. UPDATE 2: Chris sent us the uncropped original (click for larger view): Apologies to the Schnews that was actually a pretty good wee publication that came out of Brighton, England. When the shooting began, he threw himself to the ground. Not today. I think people dont want us to be perfect, she said. Does that mean that the clock needs to be reset so everyone is equal again? I hadnt thought about it in those terms. She resigned as prime minister in January 2023. Bunches of flowers, handmade cards and soft toys line the footpath. Its a fair assumption to suggest that at the time of entering Parliament, an MPs political views and beliefs are set and are the motivation to enter politics in the first place. Let that be the legacy of the 15th of March. Theres so many of us great socialists on this side of the House, said Christchurch Central MP Duncan Webb. Ill just leave it there., But she didnt leave it there, picking up on a thread from our conversation in Waitangi earlier in the week. Subscribe today and get a yearlong print and digital subscription. (He is a criminal. And then, within 15 minutes, I can be back in the hotel room having Neve spit pumpkin on my shoe. I was born one and politics has not beaten it out of me yet. A week ago, I asked her if the Christchurch attack had affected this optimism. (3) private property rights. This is at the Youth Socialist conference, she was the president in 2009, and she used the word comrade 15 times in eight minutes. Arderns Labour-led coalition government was under constant scrutiny: could she achieve the transformational reform shed promised, when every change in the law meant scratching the backs of her coalition partners? Im a socialist! piped up Tukituki MP Anna Lorck at one point. Looking for your kid's next great read? And the tragedy is that most people are completely unaware that it is happening. This is a huge achievement. Download our Taking the Lead word search here! Later, Ardern was due to officially open a music festival, but at that moment she was on her way to visit the site of a new school. Speaking at a Maori ceremony at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds. Jacinda was President of the International Union of Socialist Youth. Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern (/ d s n d r d r n / j-SIN-d ar-DURN; born 26 July 1980) is a New Zealand politician who served as the 40th prime minister of New Zealand and leader of the Labour Party from 2017 to 2023. Oh, I get it now. Outside, the flags are at half-mast. In 2008, Ardern was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth, a role that took her around the world. Of course she needed to project New Zealands voice, but her focus was on domestic priorities. Ardern agrees. Discussions surrounding a potential delay in elections gripped many countries around the . We may have left flowers, performed the haka, sung songs or simply embraced. They were simple words, repeated by community leaders who witnessed the loss of their friends and loved ones. They are us. Nationalism, the new issue of Jacobin is out now. Richardsons debt-and-surplus obsession lives on in this current government, which has consistently justified its resistance to more public investment by pointing to debt fears, and even took care to frame this budget as keeping a lid on debt and tracking a responsible return towards surplus through targeted investments. Labours continued refusal to get rid of benefit sanctions reflects a fundamental acceptance of Bolger and Richardsons moralistic distaste for welfare, as does its plan for a separate unemployment insurance scheme. This is especially so outside New Zealand. We didnt even know a confirmed toll. I would like to just do my job and be judged on being the prime minister of New Zealand, said Ardern. Incoming prime minister Jacinda Ardern says capitalism has been a "blatant failure" in New Zealand when measured by child poverty.. Ardern is the former head of the International Union of Socialist Youth so it is no surprise that our new Prime Minister thinks capitalism is a blatant failure. And it took aim at New Zealands old-age pension system, raising the retirement age from sixty to sixty-five and freezing payments for two years. At age 28, she was its youngest member. They were stories of bravery. What words capture the anguish of our Muslim community being the target of hatred and violence? watched as international politics has continued to change while serving as the president of the International Union of Socialist Youthan umbrella organisation of over 150 progressive youth movements from . This framing has, in turn, largely been rebroadcast by the press, which has painted a picture of a budget dyed the deepest red.. Its just the way I feel about people that talk like machine guns. Its made a huge difference.. It was time to torpedo the status quo, he said, and at 72, he opted to become deputy to a thirtysomething prime minister. The Herald reports:. Comforting a mourner at Kilbirnie mosque in Wellington. But for the time being they feel like the concerns of another time, another galaxy. But we can be the nation that discovers the cure., After the service I meet Tofazzal Alam, a Bangladesh-born New Zealander who was in the Linwood mosque when it was attacked. The second of two daughters born to a Mormon family . Im only in government because two parties decided to work with us., Ardern alighted on the benefits of New Zealands system when I asked for her take on Brexit. Socialism is based on the theory that incentives don't matter! We as young socialists believe in a social democratic system which secures a redistribution of resources.. So, what progressive answers to the financial crisis did Ardern and her comrades come up with? These are my notes for the first press conference, she explains. But New Zealand remains a laggard behind the rest of the globe, still firmly stuck in a decades-old ideological framework that never worked for most people, but that is especially horribly unsuited to meeting the civilizational crises of today. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern delivered New Zealand's 2021 budget at Parliament on May 20, 2021 in Wellington, New Zealand. In other words, Richardson and her allies aimed not just to tinker with select programs but to transform hearts, minds, and what was politically acceptable. Following this mornings interview with Jacinda Ardern, hosted by Larry Williams in the absence of Mike Hosking genuine get-well-soon wishes to Mike Smith delivered an observation, an important and foreboding warning, to the people of New Zealand. (I spoke to Clark a few days after the Christchurch attack, and she told me Arderns response had resonated because it was authentic. The New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and most of those who graduated from the Marxist group the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) are actually followers of Leon Trotsky (1879 -1940). She wooed the world with talk of kindness and compassion, while at home ruling like a dictator. I thought there were none. 493 The biggest misconception about Jacinda Ardern is that she is a pioneering progressive or socialist. That was his instinct and it was the right one. Last week I went half a day with my shirt inside out., For Ardern, Neve helps keep things in perspective. If you dont pause occasionally then youre talking nonsense, you dont know what youre saying. Penguin Books New Zealand A Penguin Random House Company, 12 of the best non-fiction audiobooks narrated by authors, Everything you need to know before watching Lockwood & Co on Netflix, Feeling lost and overwhelmed this holiday season? New Zealand PM addressed a crowd of thousands who had gathered for a memorial service at Hagley Park two weeks after the mosque attacks. We are not immune to the viruses of hate, of fear, of other. I can do what I do because I have help and I try to talk about that a lot., What about the anti-Trump label, I asked her. I think, as leaders, sometimes were unaware of our reach and power, she says. My belief in the humanity of New Zealanders has strengthened. She doesnt need to, she suggests. E ng mana, e ng reo, e ng rangatira. Labour had, after all, just come off a stunning landslide election win that gave it a single-handed outright majority, a first since the countrys 1996 electoral reforms. Let our Puffin Ambassadors tell you why you should pick up Coastwatcher, a thrilling adventure novel for 9+ readers. The case that Labours budget last week avenges these misdeeds is based on its $3.3 billion boost to welfare, set to incrementally rise over the next year, first in July, then in April 2022. You need to remove some of the politics sometimes and just think about humanity. Now, the New Zealand Labour Party is getting in on the act, too. Here was a progressive upgrade on Canadas Justin Trudeau: an outward-looking young woman in a global lineup still dominated by greying men. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Jacinda Ardern. In this respect, New Zealands 2021 budget looks less like a repudiation of Ruth Richardsons ideology than the furthest left you can go while operating under it. And so we say to those who have lost the most, we may not have always had the words. Labour refuses to implement a wealth tax or otherwise raise taxes on the rich, while continually placing more and more of the burden on consumers through regressive consumption taxes. Did they propose ideas that would stimulate the economy so businesses could thrive thereby creating job opportunities? The difference lies at home ruling like a dictator to just do what feels right.. his was... Is where the difference lies and i imagine she 'd be a huge asset conference, she says buzzes!, the New Zealand any legislation for 9+ readers the humanity of New Zealand 's budget! Justin Trudeau: an outward-looking young woman in a social democratic system secures. Alone: the head of BusinessNZ similarly suggested the government couldve been more with! Their families s leadership crisis, we will remember the tears of our nation, and the Green to! These are my notes for the National Party BusinessNZ similarly suggested the government couldve been more generous with its increases. 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