Dulag 135/1 Athens Greece Location N/E 38-23, Dulag 377 Gerolstein (TL 71) Rheinland, PrussiaLocation N/E 50-06, Dulag Luft POW Camp Chalons-Sur-Marne FranceLocation N/E 49-04, Dulag OB Chartres France Location N/E 48-01, Dulag Wetzlar (Transit) Klosternald, Rheinland, PrussiaLocation N/E 50-08. 47083 (5191 British) POWs with 927 officers held here. In September 1939 it was used to house British civilian internees and Polish prisoners from the German September 1939 offensive. 172 officers held here as of February 26th 1943, opened originally in June 1941. Originally opened in March/April 1941 the camp reported having 920other ranks on 26th February 1943. There were 20 officers and 4570 other ranks held here according to reports of 26/2/43. Interesting new book looking at the history of Colditz when it was home to various different POW's during WW2 and the characters involved some well known others not so. What a refreshing book. Using cigarettes, watches, rings or whatever they had to trade with the farmers along the way, for food. As a sub-camp of Ilag VII, it was designated Ilag VII/Z. Guests staying there get a three-hour tour of tunnels and hidden rooms used by the . 1 -Household Cavalry, Combermere Barracks Windsor, Berks, 3 - RAC and Reconnaissance Corps, The Drill Hall, Barnet, Herts, 6 - RA (LAA) Ibex House, The Minories, London EC3. A simple list of (mostly) British or Commonwealth war films about prisoners of war. For this item, that is: If you would like to use IWM collections materials in a way that is not covered above, require a commercial licence, high-resolution copies, or have manipulation requests, please contact theMedia Sales & Licensing Team. The Germans sometimes provided a wagon for the sick. Jack Lee Civilians who were officially attached to military units, such as war correspondents, were provided with the same treatment as military personnel by the Conventions. Stars: Stalag II-A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg location N/E 53-13. There was a Military Hospital nearby at Ascoli(Piceno) Old Palace with Colonnade and gardens, situated in the town itself. The exact date of the escape is not known, but many sources quote it as occurring during the Whitsun weekend. I devoured this book. 'Under construction' on USSME reports of late 1943 it appears this camp was relocated possibly from Bolzano to Acquapendente (Viterbo) at some point. Skelton ("Skelly") Ginn fused the perimeter floodlights, 41 prisoners carrying four 12-foot (3.7 m) scaling ladders made from bed slats rushed to the barbed-wire fence and clambered over. Polish prisoners from the German September 1939 offensive were placed in Stalag II-A. This is an amazing book full of incredible true stories of escape, or many attempted escapes of prisoners of war from the notorious castle prison of Colditz. Soon after their arrival the senior Canadian officer, Brigadier W.W. Southam, convened a conference which compiled an after action report on the Raid. The Senior Officer on Liberation was Colonel Hubert Zemke of the US army air corps. The buildings were solid brick structures with cement floors and tar/felt roofing. Feigned heart disease by smoking heavily and drinking concentrated black coffee prior to medical examination and was repatriated. Returned to Spangenberg, the three were each sentenced to fifty-three days in solitary. On 5 February, Polish General Tadeusz Br-Komorowski, deputy commander of the Armia Krajowa (Home Army) and responsible for the Warsaw Uprising, arrived with his entourage. He was killed during an air test flying a Hawker Typhoon on 26 March 1944, and is buried at Durrington Cemetery. | Neave was the author of a number of books concerning his wartime careers including Saturday at MI9 referring to his nomme de guerre at the organisation. Sandbostel lies 9 km south of Bremervrde, 43 km northeast of Bremen. All were prefixed and numbered with the exception of the 2 Dulags and 1 Stalag within Italy which were German controlled transit centres for POWs being transferred to Germany. Between 1939 and 1945 1 million POWs of 46 nations passed through. They crossed a bridge over the river Oder on 21 January, reached Goldberg on 5 February, and were loaded onto a train. Oflag VI-A Soest Prussia Location N/E 51-08. Gabriel Regnier, a French prisoner, describes his failed attempt with a French companion on 23 March 1942. The rescue was organised by the island's priest, Don Ottavio Posta. Prisoners lived in the soldiers barracks, equipped with 1-2 tables and a few stools, cupboards (one for two people) & mattresses. A very unique window into WWII, as well as into prison life. Jack Hawkins, Stalag Luft VII Bankau (Moved to Moosburg & Nuremberg) Upper Silesia Location N/E 51-18. Stalag XI-B Fallingbostel Prussia (Work Camps) Location N/E 53-09. It was intended to hold up to 20,000 Soviet POWs and was one of three such camps in the area. This camp has been noted as both Oflag 68 and 88 so there appears to be some confusion over the numbering. Others were sent to work on farms. 88 min Capt E.W. Tunstall very interesting recollections. The maps were taken from Wikipedia for the German camps only Wehrkreis and from publications, which can be seen in our historical documents collection on this site. The major subcamps were Thorn and Elbing. Listen. As with Neave and Fowler, for his escapes and actions while in activity he was awarded gallantry medals. P.G. Men of all nationalities were brought to Colditz from 1941 on. In the south-western corner of the camp, separated by a barbed-wire fence, were two hospital blocks, the shower/delousing block, and the detention block. As allied P.O.W.s prepare for a soccer game against the German National Team to be played in Nazi-occupied Paris, the French Resistance and British officers are making plans for the team's escape. Through hole in park wire, intended as diversion for Hans Larive and Francis Steinmetz escape. The captured Polish soldiers arrived first, then the French and Belgians in June 1940. The camp was liberated 26 March 1945 by the United States Army. A barracks 'under construction' according to USSME reports from 1943, actually an old orphanage. The camp was built in late 1939 by Polish prisoners of war. Work on the camp began in October 1939 when 500 Polish prisoners from the September campaign arrived to build the camp, and who lived initially in tents. The first Soviet prisoners arrived in October 1941, and were housed in a separate enclosure. A large number of the inmates made their way to the Swiss frontier and were interned when the Italian guards abandoned their posts after the armistice in 1943. However there seldom were horses available, so teams of POWs pulled the wagons through the snow. In the same year, its residual successor the Allied Prisoners of War Claims Screening Commission was also closed down. All the recaptured escapers were well treated, and after serving their solitary confinement as punishment for the attempt were all transferred to Stalag Luft I. Stalag XIII-C Hammelburg Om Main Bavaria Location N/E 50-10. 00:00. Physical and sanitary conditions were very poor, and of the estimated 200,000 Soviet prisoners who passed through the camp, about 40,000 died of starvation, mistreatment and disease. The men had hot showers, and their clothes were steamed and fumigated to kill the lice that were an ever present threat of typhus. Fort 12 (XII) named after Wladyslawa Jagielty. A Lazarett (hospital) cared for prisoners that were sick or had been injured in industrial accidents or air-raids. That day the Kommandant, Hauptmann Steiner, had handed over control of the camp to the Senior British Medical Officer and the "Men of Confidence". A few of these orderlies had been assigned as batmen to senior officers and were incarcerated along with them, however, most were assigned by the Germans once captured and many disliked their new role intensely and suffered because of it. Nigel Stock, Tous Public This march was one of the "Long Marches". Many escapes, evasion and liberation reports (see below) include one or more Appendices. On 17 April 1945, the camp was evacuated in the face of the approaching Red Army. If you are researching a particular POW camp it is well worth completing a Google web search for the camp name: try this method - both in numbers and in roman numerals with the abbreviated camp name and also the camp name and location as search text. At the end of 1943 it was evacuated and renamed Oflag 64 - & was probably the only German POW camp set up exclusively for U.S. Army officers. Became a branch camp of Stalag IIIb in June 1942. After the Fascist authorities left Perugia and the British arrived at Sant'Arcangelo on 19 June they were eventually rowed to safety by the island's fishermen, to whom a monument has been erected in the open space next to the Lace Museum. This camp was moved to Hammelburg in April 1943 under the same designation. Consequently, additional documentation is sometimes attached. Other inmates/patients were Italian military internees from August 1944 and, following the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising in October 1944, around 1,000 members of the Polish Home Army were imprisoned in a separate section of the POW camp. Later they were replaced by Army reservists. The camp Dulag Nord was located between Marlag and Milag. Also listed as 'Gavi-Serravalle Scrivia Piedmont'. French and Italian soldiers were also kept here (from the end of September 1943 to March 1944). It reopened as an other ranks Stalag Luft and officers were transferred in October 1942. I found this account so interesting; The daily lives of these officers (who were treated fairly well, and according to the Geneva Convention and it's international humanitarian law) and particularly their numerous and imaginative escape attempts.many ultimately unsuccessful but a number that were "home runs". Although individuals are rarely mentioned by name, a speculative search of files in these record series may still prove fruitful. From the end of February 1944 until 18 June 1944 the castle was used as an internment camp for Jews and political prisoners, sent there for their own safety by the Fascist Prefect of Perugia Armando Rocchi, who was under German instructions to send them instead to a concentration camp at Fosssoli, Carpi di Modena. Despite these precautions, Upham bolted from his little courtyard, straight through the German barracks and out through the front gate of the camp. When the offensive of the Soviet Red Army resumed in 1945, all inmates were marched westward on 28 January 1945. The camp was supposed to be closed completely late in 1944 when most of the camp were transferred to Sagan (Stalag Luft III) but a few of the sick remained to be liberated by the Soviet a few months later. It was then used as a temporary camp for French and Serbian officers. Their disappearance went unnoticed the next day, so the next night another group escaped, a total of 132 men altogether. Andrew V. McLaglen Stanislau camp, also known as Stalag 371, was a POW camp during World War II. | They slept on the bare bunks, without blankets, in unheated areas and in very cramped conditions. In some, the Italian Commandant refused to hand over control to the SBO or his equivalent; others opened the gates and disappeared along with the guards. Director: 25052 (7792 British) with 1310 officers, work detailed to coal mines locally. Stars: Initially it was Stalag XXI-B for Polish soldiers until December 1940. Some of the French officers held at Colditz 1943: In May, the Wehrmacht High Command decided that Colditz should house only Americans and British, so in June the Dutch were moved out, followed shortly thereafter by the Poles, the Belgians, and the French; with the final French group leaving 12 July, 1943. The prisoners were liberated there by units of the British Army on 5 May 1945. However, not all Germans were hated - the guard Shorty was carried by several prisoners after he couldn't go on. Over 900 POWs died in the camps in this location. But then the train stopped in Stettin for unloading, they switched to another car loaded with sacks of barley destined for Aachen in western Germany, which they reached four days later. 106 US POWs here on the road to Falkenburg. In Rommel's second offensive on Tobruk in June 1942, most of the South African 2nd Division was captured. | Oflag IX-A/Z Rotenburg An Der Fulda Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 51-09. Stalag X-B was a World War II German Prisoner-of-war camp located near Sandbostel in north-western Germany. Marlag und Milag Nord was a World War II German prisoner-of-war camp complex for men of the British Merchant Navy and Royal Navy. There was a hospital located near here at Saandhof & Stolzenberg and 350 British & US and 200 other ranks were there on March 17th 1945. The Prisoners of War and Internment Files in the Admiralty and Secretariat Papers ADM 1 (code 79) contain documentation on many aspects of the Royal Navy's involvement with the capture and internment of the enemy and Allied POWs, naval and other services. If the person you are searching for is an officer then its likely he was held in an Oflag (Officers camp) however many officers were also incarcerated into Stalags (other ranks camps) and particularly at the very beginning and end of the war you may find an officer in a stalag or an airman in a stalag rather than a stalag luft and vice versa. 50,000-55,000 of them were buried in 500 mass graves at the Sudwa cemetery located nearby. These magazines were published monthly and sent to prisoners families. It was this version that Germany and Italy, amongst 53 other countries, signed. Stars: On April 27, 1942, all the Poles were transferred to other camps, mostly to Oflag VII-A Murnau. The location listed for this hospital in the SHAEF report of February 1945: 53 degrees 45 minutes north, 14 degrees 2 minutes east. The sentry was not satisfied with their gate pass, so Stevens marched his party back into the camp. April 1943: Part of the camp was turned into a hospital for POWs. 10 - Royal Signals,Caversham, reading, Berks, 11&13 - Grenadier Guards/Scots Guards, 25/28 Buckingham Gate, London SW1, 12 - Coldstream Guards, 75 Ashley Gardens, London SW1, 14 - Irish Guards, 71 Ashley Gardens, London SW1, 15 - Welsh Guards, 16 Wilton Crescent, London SW1, 18 - Infantry, The public hall, Lune Street, Preston, 23 - Infantry & APTC, Stanwell road school, Ashford, Middx, 28 & 37 & 38 - Pioneer Corps/Intelligence Corps, Non-Combatant Corps,The Dunholme Manor, Bournemouth, 30 & 31 - RAMC & ADC, Colet Court, Hammersmith, London W6, 32 - RAOC, Atlas House, Blackwells Court, Granby Street, Leicester, 33 - RAPC, F9 The War office, 18 Finsbury Circus London, EC2, 36 - Small Arms school Corps, Bisley Camp, Brookwood, Surrey, 41 & 45 - AAC & ACC, Drill Hall, East Claremont Street, Edinburgh 9, 43 - RA (HAA), St Maries Hall, Dunchurch Road, Rugby, 44 - REME, 2a Tichborne Street, Leicester. All of the numbers are in roman numerals: the normal designation, you should prefix them with an O for Oflag for the shortened version when researching elsewhere. Located at Ebenrode (Nesterov) in USSR, opened 1941. Downloading audio-visual for non-commercial offline listening or viewing. Campo PG 66, on a flat stretch of ground on the outskirts of Capua, had been in use as a prisoner-of-war camp since early 1941, when a medical officer reported favourably on its food, water supply and sanitation, and the men stated that they were being well taken care of.. Located at 53 degrees 9 minutes North and 12 degrees 10 minues east this camp held 1727 Yugoslav, 583 Italians and 2414 French the Red cross visited it in early 1945. The dormitory huts were made of double wooden walls located on concrete foundations, with a felt roof, and one heating stove, although there were reports fuel was never supplied. At 07.30 the escape party left the store, timed to be shortly after the change of the German sentries the idea being that the new sentries would be unaware of who had already entered the store. Thinking back, she recalls the Australian man who made a great sacrifice to aid her and her fellow prisoners of war. Peter Parker, Newly released documents at The National Archives show the three remarkable and successful escape attempts made by three British-born Officers - Flight Lieutenant Hedley S Fowler, Lieutenant. Six were built of brick, while the seventh was wood. On November 8th 1940 all French were then transported to Oflag IIa in Prenzlau, however later in 1942 the camp became almost all French with transfers from other officers camps. Many local Poles assisted the POWs with food and other supplies during their time at Stalag 369, often at huge risk to themselves. These were work battalions formed from the other ranks camps i.e. The camp was liberated by Combat Command B of the U.S. 14th Armored Division on 6 April 1945. Unfortunately, as the tunnel was within a few feet of its end it was discovered. The POWs left in the camp were liberated by the Soviet army on 8 May 1945, however this liberation like many other camps meant they were simply robbed of anything valuable by their allies and locked back up until the Soviets allowed them to return home later. In February 1942 the prisoners were transferred to Oflag VII-B in Eichsttt, and the castle was then became an internment camp (Internierungslager) for men from the British Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey. Food was very scarce and below starvation rations. In 1942 the first Soviet prisoners arrived at the camp, and in 1943 after the armistice, Italian prisoners arrived. | Laurence Fox, 50 min Clothing was misfit being the most dominant, gathered from what they could; the German government provided no clothing. Records concerning war crimes committed against Allied POWs have mostly been preserved in WO 235, WO 309, WO 310, WO 311 and WO 325 with other material in FO 371, WO 32 (code 94), TS 26 and among the Foreign Office records of the Control Commission for Germany (CCG). The first to arrive were 403 men from the Allied campaign in Norway. Government Licence v3.0. This was a work camp, making roads and operating a stone quarry. It was designed to hold 10,000 men, was the largest in the 3rd Military District, and was considered a model for other camps. As of 2012 the site of the camp is occupied by the barracks and training school of. This camp near Arezzo was designed upon opening in August 1942 to hold6,000 prisoners, although accounts vary on it's capacity upon the armisitice in September 1943 where reports are that 50% escaped when the armistice was announced, some state up to 8,000. All Jewish prisoners were killed on 4th November 1943 by systematic shooting carried out by the SS guards (ex Belzac KZ). Part of the wages earned was transferred to a Mutual Fund . In February 1945s SHAEF report it had 2750 POWs all Belgian. His job was to keep them imprisoned and their job was to escape. 247,302 In general, the German Army complied with the provisions of the Geneva Convention regarding the care of officers of the armies of the western Allies, including Poland. The author himself narrates the audiobook - I truly enjoyed listening to the tales of this strange Nazi castle and the many brave men who were so determined to escape. Official position given is 43:14N - 13:41E Records of some 125,000 captives with surnames A-L can now be fully searched in our catalogue, Discovery, and you can see when we expect to fully catalogue the remaining pieces by looking at this page, under arrangement. Most of the men were moved by train to Stalag XX-A in West Prussia, but some 900 were taken to the port of Memel, where they were put aboard the merchant ship Insterburg for a 60-hour journey to Swinemnde. Ascoli ( Piceno ) Old Palace with Colonnade and gardens, situated in the face of the escape is known... 'S second offensive on Tobruk in June 1941 was Stalag XXI-B for Polish soldiers until 1940! June 1942, all the Poles were transferred in October 1941, and were loaded a. Are rarely mentioned by name, a French prisoner, describes his attempt. These magazines were published monthly and sent list of british prisoners in colditz prisoners families were hated the... 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