According to a lecture at the National Endowment for Democracy (established under Reagan), the speaker said that, when big corporations own the government, the politics and the working class move towards the Conservative Right. Here is Nostradamus' prediction in the 10th quatrain of Centuria III: Of blood and hunger greater calamity / Seven times appreciate to the marine beach / Monech of hunger, place taken, captivity.. This is an optimistic and idealistic transit that is focused on building your belief systems. Find out the horoscope, zodiac sign traits and astrological predictions for Russian President Putin in 2022 and lifetime. It's June, the month of the Summer Solstice. What scholarships are you aiming at? Fascism is not about a political party at this time. Website by. However, this article is based on astrological predictions, thus, it can be concluded that: At the time of US Presidential Election 2020, Biden would be influenced under Jupiter-Rahu . For thousands of years, people have looked to the stars for answers and we do yet again. If you are experiencing strong Neptune transits, the Bach Flower Remedy, Clematis, will be extremely helpful in making you feel more grounded and connected to your body. On April 6, 2020, Ray Merriman wrote a long article for ISAR and this is a part of his article that rings in accord with Alice Howell: The concept of a new era for humanity is now being realized by those outside of our discipline.'s monthly horoscope detects the luckiest days of the 12 zodiac signs in March 2023. In this 13-year cycle, the veil between the conscious and unconscious will be very tenuous. -A.C., GTA Member, It keeps you abreast of current events and strategies for bringing abundance and information/understanding into life. Record of the Previous Senate Projections here. He was saying this just before Barack Obama was elected. Globalization is inevitable if not, find yourself a nice museum society that lives in the past. Yet, these souls are being condemned to exist in the old forms, medicated or medicated with technology. The earthquake would therefore occur in the middle of the day. Earth Wobble is caused by the oceans. We saw this with the spontaneous conversions into radical Islam in the poor communities in the world. Why? During the Mini-Ice Age, there was a mass migration to the United States to escape the weather and its subsequent famines. Were already marching toward Gilead. Typically, people are less charitable during the hard times but this changed as Neptune in Pisces peeked into our consciousness. But all things being equal, it does appear that the Democrats are in for what Obama would term, a shellacking. SATURN IN AQUARIUS 2021 through early March 2023. In the cycle 2000, this conjunction returned to an Earth sign, forming a Grand Earth Cross that impacted the presidency. The next time Saturn was in Aquarius was in the early 1960s and it was quincunx Uranus in Virgo minor aspects do work with outer planet transits. Williams predictions for the outcome of the U.S. The transits involve a process of adapting to challenges in our lives. The year 2022 can be considered a year of the apocalypse if we take into account the predictions of the famous prophets, or it can be viewed with a dose of optimism if we choose to be guided by the movement of the planets. The March 5 2022 conjunction occurs near the New Moon at 14 Pisces. Yet, many will not do this since they refuse to fact-check because it is something that they want to believe. Each year, there are conjunctions with other planet combinations. There are thousands of languages spoken in the world. Eating healthy and meditation is the need of the hour. Don't expect life to be the same as it was before the pandemic for several years. You will not miss this shift you will FEEL IT! This means that globally, well be seeing major shifts around the themes of wealth, economics, banks, stock markets and real estate. On his way to the place where the assassination later took place, Caesar passed the seer and joked, "The Ides of March have come," and the seer, Spurinna, replied, "Aye, Caesar; but not gone.". For the Democrats who, as the Party holding the presidency, historically will lose seats in the Midterm, we have asteroid Demokritos, a nice, straightforward celestial referent. This page lists the predictions for the party to control the Senate and House after the 2022 U.S. #astroladaofficial PREPARE for a MAJOR World EVENT! The veil between the Seen and Unseen will become more tenuous. It is very painful. One of the most exciting astrological omens we have to look forward to in 2022 is Februarys Pluto return. Politics and economy From January to July, things will be serene and predictable. I advise people not to ignore any health issues or take current health situation lightly, mentioned Vig, offering a word of caution. Pushing a vaccine sets some people up to resist and resist at all costs. I remember this period when I sensed the speeding up of the vibration of the Earths etheric body and this is happening again with Neptune in Pisces. Of course Saturn & Uranus are the battle between the established old ways & the new & revolutionary, which sums up the battle perfectly with Saturn representing Conservatives & Uranus the progressives. They are now turning 18-24 and going out into the world. The New Souls can create this. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. GMO crops grew out of the agricultural revolution of the 1960s, when we were told that there was a world feminine and we need to grow more efficiently and abundantly, regardless of health concerns. Going back in time when Neptune was in Capricorn, President Reagan was very nave about big business. This is rare. This conjunction occurred in Libra so there was a theme of changing relationships personal and global. I only have one this year Sun conjunct Mercury R at 0 Libra. The astrology prediction for the Midterms 2022 shows a split. Learn what time American schools start, the reason why and how starting school later is better for students right now! While he has predicted a 'diabolical increase' in the period of March 21-May 7 in. This is a month where we feel like we can get "back to life." It's a Lucky Month as well. The next clean-up on Earth will be by Fire radiation from Pole Shift magnetic storm and Van Allen Belt will break down. If it does not come to light, we cannot eradicate it. When changes are blocked, Uranus will explode unexpectedly so that the change can ultimately flow through, like breaking up a dam. Christeen Skinner: Between 2023-26, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto change signs, triggering major global changes, especially in 2026 when the Saturn-Neptune conjunction occurs at 0 Aries, a World Point. The plot of the hacker is to infiltrate the private e-mails of powerful people and expose these communications. Times are changing rapidly, and none of us are exempt from the chaos . He will return one final time from Oct. 28, 2022, until Dec. 20, 2022. During the Great Depression and WWII, we had polio. If youve been feeling tension around your home or finances, this transit could help ease the stress. In her lectures, Jeanne Mozier used to make a prediction for each of the signs. Haitians are now going into the Brazilian Amazon. Nostradamus predicts that seven times as many migrants will wash up on the beaches of Europe. The Republicans were very different in the past so it is ruled by Jupiter. Scientists do not see this as a cataclysmic event but something that happens gradually. Mars enters Taurus/Mercury enters Cancer (July 5). Yes, asteroids can have retrogrades as well, and they can be powerful! Pluto will be in Aquarius near the Sun in the inauguration of 2025 and 2029. It should be noted that astrology does not run on a calendar year cycles begin with an outer planet enters a new sign. It was researched by an astrologer in England. Aries 2023 Horoscope you will be challenged by: Healing from past wounds, setting healthy boundaries in your relationships 2022 vs. 2023 for Aries In 2022 you wanted moreindependence In 2023 you'll want moresecurity Read about Aries love, career and more in 2023 2022s inaugural Mercury retrograde kicks in January, potentially complicating efforts to get organized in the new year (something you might want to consider when youre making those New Years resolutions). Astrologers predict that 2022 will bring "enlightenment, glow . Richard Tarnas said that Pluto intensifies the sign it is in. People living along coastal regions should consider taking extra precautions to prepare for spring floods. Saturn, the planet of life lessons, will continue its trek through Aquarius in 2022. June Predictions 2022 I have been walking you through 2022, almost month by month. A win at the first World Cup 2022 match for sure is Messi's goal. The anti-government theme is prevalent with the rebellion against being told to get the vaccinations. Her quote from the article. Not only because of the destruction of the United States but because, as a consequence, it seems that China will crown itself as the great superpower worldwide. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. May it be Trump, or Putin, or Kim Yong Oon, or Hitler: They all had this kind of link to the group soul of the masses, articulating its fears, and seemingly having a remedy to cure it. One of Nostradamus' prophecies for the coming year directly concerns Paris, which would be under siege. Expect major situations with governments and people in power to fall from grace due to these themes in the second half of 2022. With this transit, those who have a very tenuous grip upon reality may very well lose it. Your email address will not be published. Record of the Previous House Projections here, as of November 8, 2022 I responded: I have observed this planet is fundamentally positive but only recently I have seen its involvement with health issues. 2022 Predictions PANORAMIC VIEW OF 2022 . . Explore to find out and make the most of your month. Mars retrograde is more uncommon than some other planets (it happens about once every 2 years), which gives it a particularly powerful punch. Graduations. The world's largest container ships play a significant role in world shipping. Read Now. It is a cycle that favors Labor and now workers can demand better pay. The new forms will not manifest until after 2015 especially in 2019-20, the midpoint of the Neptune transit. And, as Naomi Bennett stated the Saturn-Uranus opposition in 2009 triggered a change in the political party in the president elected. The worst earthquake for this country will involved the New Madras fault that, if triggered, will portend the Edgar Cayce predictions that the Great Lakes will eventually flow into the Mississippi and divide the U.S. with a great waterway. However, in doing so, the corporate policies work against its workers. 2022 U.S. The last time Mercury went direct at this time was during the election of 2000. Luckily, Venus will be ending its retrograde on January 29th (just before Valentines Day, no less). Even with the 4th Harmonic aspects (conjunction-square-opposition), Eris acts as a benefic only if you are willing to grow and learn and integrate the lessons acquired. There is an interesting pattern when Uranus enters the sign of Gemini in 2026. There is an abundance of delusional thinking and, with Uranus in Taurus, this thinking cannot be budged! When Pluto transited Scorpio, the crisis was AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. Now that Saturn is in Aquarius for the first time in the 21st century and it is square the rigid, unyielding Uranus in Taurus. ), two Funai Media events in Tokyo, Japan, the United Astrology Conference (2018), for the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NYC, Long Island, New Jersey, San Francisco, Milwaukee chapters), American Federation of Astrologers (Los Angeles), the Astrological Society of Connecticut, the San Francisco Astrological Society, and in Europe (Munich and Bucharest) and Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama). I realized after attending lectures and concerts that saluted the Greatest Generation of the Age. After being retrograde since August of 2021, Uranus will station direct soon into the new year. The third quatrain of Nostradamus' Centuria III forecasts a very large earthquake in the land of the rising sun, during 2022: Towards midy extreme siccity / In the depths of Asia they will say earthquake.. By the way, elections in a democracy are totally based on people's votes and people's trust in their representative and it matters the most. I will give astrology predictions about 2022 mid term election in April 2022. In the 1700s, when Pluto was last in Capricorn, Earth Changes ravaged havoc upon world events. Finally, Mercury goes retrograde one last time on December 29th, closing out the year with one last whisper of confusion to make its presence felt. Facsism failed in 1934. Neptune entering Pisces brings the dissolution of boundaries and the awareness of Leaderless Mobs, devoid of logic and reason (no Air signs). the rebellion of the people, natural disasters and scandals purposely created to cover up political corruptions. The Classical Rulerships of the two parties is that the Democratic Party is ruled by Saturn and the Republican Party is ruled by Jupiter.. First, the American Revolution; Second, the American Civil War; Third, World War II. Within a year, 9/11 changed everything, especially regarding travel, security and even the airline industry. Record of the Previous House Projections here. Read on for a detailed account of what astrologers have said about 2022! Baba Vanga and Nostradamus of the Balkans, the two blind mystics, have caught attention again recently thanks to their accurate predictions about the Queen Elizabeth IIs death and her successor King Charles III. The eclipses well be experiencing in 2022 fall on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The Neptune in Libra folks (born in the 1940s) can prepare the way for these new souls. It seems illogical to apply Nemesis potentially dire, ruinous effects as regards Roe v Wade to Democrats if anything, national ire about the controversial decision should invigorate their base and boost their turnout. Neptune in Pisces will herald new types of medicine alternative medicine is more popular than ever. Those who do not die will be imprisoned Under the opposite Babylonian climate / Great will be without the outpouring.. as of November 8, 2022: Nationalism, as we have now, manifested in the 1930s with Pluto in Cancer and the rise of Fascism. In Saturdays Wall Street Journal, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wrote a column titled The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order. In it, he writes: The U.S. must protect its citizens while starting the urgent work of planning for a new epoch. But of course, its not just the United States that must prepare for a new epoch. We add and update the list of the most beautiful and attractive boys in the world in 2023/2024. Some astrologers predicted that the U.S. would fall from being a major power. There will be safe and unsafe areas. As it happens, this lunar eclipse will be just 1 degree from exact . We always recover but it marked a recessive period. We are now confronting the Shadow energies of Pluto will we transform or choose a most difficult path of avoidance of the Shadow? William Stickevers, 2009-2019. It is interesting that the current pandemic, because it is global, works best with the Sibley chart. In this decade, the least number of Bills have been passed by Congress in the history of this country (US Capitol Historical Society Round Table Discussion in Washington DC). Q-Anon! "Other critical periods to watch this year are May to the first half of July and December to January 2022. Too many politicians are in the pockets of corporations. Transition to 4th dimension: Ouspenskys book each dimension is perpendicular to the next. Join this article of KnowInsiders to know the young faces who promise to "step into the light" in the world football village in 2023. In the Summer of 2001, the famous mundane astrologer, Nick Campion, said that he had been researching the Gemini and Sagittarius charts and he has observed that the Gemini chart works best. Another well-known fault line is located in New York City. You will have to meet every jot and tittle of your actions. Body may be more florescent. When people are too afraid to adapt, when they are too rigid to understand or they are unwilling to make a compromise in their life, they can become ill. Another example of a friend whose Eris opposes his Mercury: I get upset when confronted with very new ideas and I am forced to change or re-examine my opinions.. More information onConsultationsandForecast Webinarsare at his In the news, My Gentle, Intelligent Brother Is Now A Conspiracy Theorist And His Beliefs Are Shocking While other family members refuse to engage, Im triggered into a primordial rage by the videos he texts me because he loves me and wants to help me wake up before its too late. So, I now know to voice truth when people are falsely critical of others.,, THE STELLIUM 4 or more planets in the same House (updated April 2021), Retrogrades in the Natal Horoscope (update), ERIS THE CHALLENGE TO TRANSFORM OUR LIVES, Intercepted Signs in the Horoscope and Their Impact upon the Physical Well-Being of the Individual, Great technological developments and inventions (cars that can drive themselves inventions are a monthly occurrence), Unification of the Islamic World (becoming a threat to the western world), Focus upon Mental Health resulting from the madness of the shootings globally and the fears around political and societal revolutions. With the Dark coming to the surface, strike and turmoil will manifest in the world. Since its discovery, there is a great battle for Democracy. You can see the wrangling over abortion in the American horoscope from September 2 nd 2024 until November 19 th 2024 - though Republican anti-abortion states will begin to push back, from May 26 th 2024 until June 9 th 2025. Of the hour each year, 9/11 changed everything, especially regarding,., Earth changes ravaged havoc upon world events Summer Solstice policies work against its workers Libra folks ( in. Spoken in the past experiencing in 2022 and lifetime an abundance of delusional thinking and, as Naomi stated... To meet every jot and tittle of your month attending lectures and concerts that saluted the Generation. Return one final time from Oct. 28, 2022, until Dec. 20,.. 29Th ( just before Barack Obama was elected the weather and its subsequent famines start the... In Pisces peeked into our consciousness, offering a word of caution since they refuse fact-check. Going back in time when Neptune was in Capricorn, President Reagan was very nave about big.! 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