Thick, Slimy, Pinkish, Vaginal Mucus Discharge? Almost every woman who undergoes a colposcopy, especially when accompanied by a biopsy of the cervix, will experience some type of discharge. THANK GOD FOR THE INTERNET LOL. over a year ago. Conization is most commonly performed to examine such areas and then take a biopsy for microscopic examination. The discharge may be dark-coloured if a solution was put on your cervix. Some people feel a little dizzy or nauseated right after the colposcopy. Help!!!! Guest So thankful to find this post and read that it's normal. Take a pain reliever for cramping as recommended by your healthcare provider. Because if someone else had to deal with or come in contact with the stuff happening to me as a result of the test.. oh my God. The procedure did leave me feeling very violated and like some other people I've seen mention in their posts, I cried when I was alone in the room after. If you have a biopsy, your provider may apply a yellow-brown solution to your cervix.This acts as a liquid bandage. Hey all, I've had two colposcopys and this always happens, it's completely normal. I hope to get good results today and just wanted to send my thoughts out to all of you because i know how unnerving this whole experience has been for me sothoughts and prayers! i couldn't tell at first where it was coming from. And I'm just starting my period (I feel the back cramps already) so this should be an experience. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. Cried and felt super crampy and sick afterwards. I WAS GIVEN NO WARNING NOT TO INSERT THINGS INTO MY VAGINA. I was so horrified that I immediately douched- the homemade hot water bottle type, with a gentle dilluted mix of hot water, hydrogen peroxide and a little vinegar (it's an effective DIY douche for vaginal infections, but research the recipe &/or ask your Dr. before trying). On the third day I noticed a weird bad odor coming from my vagina, and as I was showering I reached a finger inside (sorry if too much info!) After a biopsy, your health care team completes several steps before the pathologist makes a diagnosis. vaginal Tissue discharge after Colposcopy and biopsy, Swollen vagina post colposcopy and I had brownish discharge, chunky discharge 1 1/2 weeks following LEEP procedure, Post colposcopy appearance: my vagina looks like minced meat and my cervix is sticking a little. The closest thing that it resembled to me was almost like discolored chicken skinsuper gross. Is it normal for chunks to come out after a colposcopy? Whether patients are referred to us or already have a Cleveland Clinic ob/gyn, we work closely with them to offer treatment recommendations and follow-up care to help you receive the best outcome. You may feel a slight burning or stinging when the solution comes into contact with your cervix. Get useful, helpful and relevant health + wellness information. Most woman already have alot of body issues, and are partly freaked out by our "va-jay-jay's" as it is, so we could really use the support of knowing what's within the wide range of NORMAL. Now three days later, after going to the restroom, I began to feel like I needed to pass something from my girl bits/va jay jay whatever term you are comfortable with. OMG!!! Is it normal to have watery discharge after colposcopy? called the doctor and he said as long as i am not soaking a pad an hour i should be okay and that i could be starting my cycle early due to the stress to my cervix from the biopsy. ( to monitor any changes). that I just wiped and threw it in the toilet. thanks! All they warned me about after was to maybe wear panty liners for a few days because there might be some bleeding. Thanks ladies! Thank god for the internet, I had my colposcopy done almost a week ago and I still have a little smell down there no matter how much I wash ,I also have the same dark blackish clumps when I go to the bathroom it's kinda scary. :D, Hi after reading what's going on feel I little better as just been freaking out my self but not found anyone who's said same as what's just happened to me had my biopsy 6 days ago and only had a very little light brown discharge not had any bleeding or clots till now but it was a slimy and grey in Colour looking abit like the grey shiny skin you get on fish it's alarmed me but should I panic or do you think it's the gel which a few people have said. Have a PAP, all things seem normal. chunky discharge 1 1/2 weeks following LEEP procedure, Comments and reviews on article "Endometrial Biopsy Procedure", Heavy bleeding and clots following colposcopy - doctor suggested period. The chances are good that you dont have cancer. Isn't it frustrating that our gyn dr's DON'T tell us what to expect after? ( i had a biopsy two years ago and this didn't happen so I thought something went wrong this time. Oh yeah and to top it off we just wait and wait for our results to come in. You have had a biopsy of your cervix, which means that a very small sample of tissue has been removed from your cervix. My doc told me there'd be coffe ground like discharge and soreness, but I started experiencing some weird fleshy clots that freaked me out, like the large one that fell on my foot in the shower after sneezing. During the procedure, a special lighted microscope called a colposcope magnifies the tissue that lines your cervix and vagina. If your doctor took a biopsy sample during the colposcopy, a thick yellow paste was put on that area to stop the bleeding. What Should I Expect During And After A Colposcopy (With Biopsy)? Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography: Why And When? Your provider will look for these cells in your cervix, vagina and external genitals (vulva). There should be an entire manual or handout that you are given when you go get a colposcopy. Guest I had the coffee grind discharge beforehand, but when I came back there was this mucus plug thing attached, and had just been working out (after not eating any yogurt for a few days and a delicious onion filled burger the night before, so hello onion vag) and I was freaking out because I'm so used to that during my period (but obv, you know, bloodier!) My cervix sits father back then most. If you feel this way, tell your provider and lie down until the feeling goes away. But all these posts really helped me describe what it looks likealthough gross, I know. I assume you had cervical biopsy during the colposcopy. After the Colposcopy It is important to note that this type of discharge is normal and nothing is left in the vagina. My doctor told me to expect mustard colored discharge and "coffee grounds" but didn't mention the discharge would look like I was losing huge chunks of tissue! Weird looking tissue, previous misscarriage and colposcopy. The metallic smell is from ferric subsulfate solution (Monsel's paste), orange cream for prevention bleeding. You should be able to resume normal activities immediately following your appointment. Some vaginal bleeding or discharge is normal for up to a week after a biopsy. Colposcopy While On Period is a typical solicitation considering that it is of concern when contemplating Colposcopy While Pregnant, Colposcopy Why Do I Need One, and Colposcopy Without Biopsy. If your physician took tissue samples, you can expect thick, dark, somewhat gritty vaginal discharge for a few days. Slight pain in your vagina that lasts a few days. Gross, a bit scary but totally normal. I have the same thing. I think it's just the reaction from the vinegar-based spray they use. It can be a white, gray, yellow, brown, and/or dark red. Discharge after colposcopy exams may occur, which may be normal or an indication of infection, based on appearance and other factors. It was also what I considered a lot (like the my entire hand aprox.) . People designated female at birth (DFAB), including cisgender women, transgender men and nonbinary people with vaginas, may need colposcopy to investigate test results that may indicate abnormalities. Same thing begin happening to me today too, twice. How Do They Do A Colposcopy is a prevailing supplication on the grounds that it appertains to How Is A Colposcopy Done, How Is A Colposcopy Done, and How Long Do Colposcopy Results Take. What to expect from an endometrial biopsy, Sigmoidoscopy for irritable bowel syndrome, Using Vinegar in the Fight Against Cervical Cancer, Using The LEEP Procedure To Diagnose And Treat Cervical Cancer, Cervical Cancer: Treatment, Symptoms and Causes. After the biopsy, you may have some bleeding for up to a week. It's been 3 days since my biobsy and I've experienced skin like discharge. I also have a funny smell and have been told not to have hot baths, use tampons or have sex. Learn how we can help. Thank you, ladies! To reduce the risk of infection during this time, you should avoid sexual contact or wearing tampons. But then as things went on I could feel a lot of really irritating and painful sensations. HPV Colposcopy Side Effects is a commonly mentioned matter due to the concern that it is crucial when thinking about HPV Colposcopy Side Effects, HPV In Women Colposcopy, and HPV Test Colposcopy. This itself was kind of scary because THE REASON I had the procedure was because I had bled frequently during and after sex. Is it normal to have tissue discharge after a biopsy? You should be able to go home the same day of your procedure. And if you do have precancerous cells, theyre not likely to become cancerous while youre waiting for your appointment. over a year ago. Taking over-the-counter pain relievers before the exam can help with the pain. When I started reading about the procedure it sounded like my cervix would just be examined under a microscope and maybe I would have samples taken if something didn't look right. the thing is that i am not due for my period until the 28th. I did NOT expect it to look like I was having a dang miscarriage in my shower, and especially days after a kinda scary procedure, you're already feeling a little nervous and whatnot. I just wish I knew that this was something to expect. The third day after the procedure a 2 inch wide and 4 inch long flat ribbon of tissue looking material was sticking out of me, so naturally, I pulled that thing out! The first 4 days after your procedure, you may have vaginal discharge that looks like menstrual bleeding. Swollen vagina post colposcopy and I had brownish discharge, Brown discharge that keeps coming after I had a colposcopy done. Performance of a colposcopic examination, a loop electrosurgical procedure, and cryotherapy of the cervix. im guessing it is from the vinegar solution ? Wentzensen N, Massad LS, Mayeaux EJ Jr, et al. Is this bleeding normal after colposcopy biopsy? What to expect from an endometrial biopsy, Wegener's granulomatosis biopsy diagnosis. It sounds exactly like what the rest of you posted. alot of the same symptoms occur. I am very small down there and the speculum itself hurts. But nothing about this. Help!!!! Thank you naomi21 What Should I Expect During And After A Colposcopy (With Biopsy)? When I pulled that cheap dry tampon out about an hour later, it did have what looked like coffee grounds or maybe dried blood on it, and had soaked up what little yellowish discharge there was, and I unknowingly assumed that was all there was to it. Cervical cancer thats diagnosed and treated early can be cured. Of course they wouldn't candidly tell me, oh yeah, P.S. over a year ago, ugh.. thank goodness.. i have had little pieces of what looked like wet light brown paper inside my vagina (and yes, i freaked out so bad, i was trying to pull it out ew, i know). Return To Fertility After Abortion: How Soon After A Termination Of Pregnancy (Abortion or Miscarriage) Can You Get Pregnant Again? However, I had no bleeding or cramping. Both times I have discharged a tissue-like substance about 3 days after the procedure. When they said this I was already concerned. over a year ago, I'm so happy I came across this. You can use a sanitary pad for the bleeding. Care guide for Colposcopy (Discharge Care). A colposcopy and biopsy will not make it more difficult for you to become pregnant, or cause problems during pregnancy. Irregular Pap Colposcopy is a typically identified proposal simply because it pertains to Irregular Pap Smear Colposcopy, Irregular Pap Smear Colposcopy, and Is A Colposcopy A Biopsy. What should you watch after a colposcopy? Smell will gone when all pieces go out. A colposcopy can allow your provider to identify and treat precancer cells early so that you dont have to worry over a cancer diagnosis. Why I need Colposcopy after a hysterectomy? I thought I had miscarriaged until I read all these posts. After that, the watery discharge may turn yellow. It is important to note that this type of discharge is normal and nothing is left in the vagina. Guest After reading all of these previous posts, it seems that we were all very uninformed of the whole process. Thank you ladies for sharing the info. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography: Why And When? I hoped this was normal and just a result of the Monsel's. A colposcopy is relatively painless. Now I can relax a bit. If you need a biopsy, you may feel a sharp pinch or a sensation like a period cramp when the tissue sample is excised. She only mentioned the "coffee ground" discharge. Colposcopy can help your healthcare provider identify any cancer or precancerous cells early so that you get the treatment you need. Can Men Remain Fertile Even After Vasectomy? I just had my colp and biopsy two days ago. chunky discharge 1 1/2 weeks following LEEP procedure, Comments and reviews on article "Endometrial Biopsy Procedure", Heavy bleeding and clots following colposcopy - doctor suggested period. I thought maybe I had lazily left toilet paper up there (weird) I kept expecting coffee grounds but then kept getting thin paper looking bits. In the two days that followed I saw a small amount of dark grainy things coming out of me, which I assumed was the blood they warned me about. ( The next two days I didn't have any discharge, and actually felt like my vagina was kinda "dried up" and irritated feeling from all that invasive activity. It can last for 2 to 3 weeks. tests and cervical dysplasia. Atypical Cells Colposcopy. Thank you to all of you for your input now I feel better about learning that this is normal and common. Thick, Slimy, Pinkish, Vaginal Mucus Discharge? Thank goodness for the internet and you guys! Call your doctor or nurse if you have: bleeding thats heavier than spotting unless you think its your period. After Colposcopy Tissue Discharge With safe natural methods, effortlessly get rid of HPV infections and issues, . You may be told not to douche, use tampons, or have sex for 1 week after a biopsy, or for a period advised by your healthcare provider. I cannot look at a Biopsy Punch without wanting to get sick (ugh), Tami There was some really bad odor for the first week but now it's tapering off. Ive set in hot baths hopin it would help. over a year ago. Policy. Over the next 2 to 3 weeks after your procedure, your vaginal discharge will become clear and watery and then will stop. After Colposcopy Tissue Discharge The insightful expositor explains how she naturally eliminated the signs and symptoms of HPV virus and entirely healed her very own body of the human papilloma virus infection by reinforcing the body's immune response. Ask your provider about how long you should avoid these activities to ensure adequate recovery time. over a year ago, Jenn Thanks for posting these experiences. If you feel like this, contact your GP or the colposcopy clinic where you had your treatment. over a year ago, missdanamarie09248793 colposcopy and then tissue-like discharge. You're shares have been very helpful! The doctor also was unable to take any sample from my uterus as I was already in so much discomfort. Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. Your provider will look through the colposcope to take a closer look at your vagina and cervix. What comes out after a colposcopy biopsy? it is the weirdest. Allow your cervix time to heal by avoiding penetrative sex, tampons or douching. If I get any procedures or tests in the future, I will treat them the same way I treat medicines I'm prescribed, and read about them at length online. LOL:). So wht is it when.u have a foul discharge wit lil dark oily lookn spots&brownish lookn discharge? I started to freak out wondering if I had a tumor or something but thanks to all of you ladies in this forum I now know its normal and that I don't have to worry myself sick over it any more, especially since I'm STILL waiting for my doctors nurse to call me back about it (three hours after calling). Swollen vagina post colposcopy and I had brownish discharge, Brown discharge that keeps coming after I had a colposcopy done. The inside of my vagina feels like it's on fire. I don't know what's normal anymore. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2012. Don't they know that people will start to freak out when odd and random things start expelling from their bodies?! The discharge is thick and gritty because doctors apply a special paste to the areas they biopsy to slow and stop bleeding. balled up wet paper looking stuff ? Colposcopies primarily check for cancer cells or cells that could become cancer if not treated (also called cervical dysplasia). After she was done she told me to expect coffee grounds and to wear pads. Additional fears are not needed. I looked into the toliet to see what looked like (thank god for these forums) what I would expect to be a 5in long to half an inch wide miscarriage, chicken skin, alien like brain mass, va jay jay poo, speckled with coffee grounds. I immediately asked how many samples would be done (4) and if she had any pointers for decreasing pain (I did not take midol before and now regretted it). What should I expect during and after a colposcopy bodies?, orange cream for prevention.... Very small down there and the speculum itself hurts or nauseated right the... Is n't it frustrating that our gyn dr 's do n't they that! Can help your healthcare provider identify any cancer or precancerous cells, theyre not likely to Pregnant! An endometrial biopsy, your vaginal discharge that keeps coming after I had brownish discharge Brown... 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