Why America had the Best Year Ever in 2022, Could Britain End the Monarchy & Become a Republic? Young people should not be allowed to vote at all, only +25 year olds should be able to vote. . No one person can be an expert in everything so we create videos to make the world around you simpler. Support MBFC Donations Please be patient as this often takes time. As a Gen Z person, I'm very afraid of what the future holds for me after Uni. Informationlike this helps! Everyone just kinda gets that things are fucked and well be poor. With 16 years of conservative government in the last 18 years. tldr news bias. Its measure of the tldr news bias world Herald | AllSides < /a > media bias Chart AllSides! If it's already like this right now, i really worry for my own kid when it's time to enter the adult world. Regardless, it's annoying to see boomers completely dismiss our problems and constantly vote conservative when they have financial security and own more properties then they know what to do with. interesting, do you still have sources for that, Im glad that we are being heard after years of making noise and being called snowflakes. Conservative parties tend not to champion those but must move slowly accepting the change in due time or simply not mentioning them again. If conservative politicians enacted laws that helped maintain property values at the expense of limiting home ownership, for example, it is warranted cause housing is a human need, and even the more basic homes are priced outside the financial reach of most young adults. Leaving less money to enjoy life and spend at local businesses. This is why you often can't see comments. I think the one good thing I'll commend the internet age on is that it has kind of fully exposed the fact that it's crap for everyone everywhere, so people have two ways of reacting to that- they either completely shut down & can't emotionally handle the fact that there is no perfect escape from all their problems, or they finally get motivated to force things to be better for themselves, right where they are, often completely losing the common fear prior generations have had of being ostracized from society at large, or dying alone (which is probably also partly an effect of the greater personal freedoms we've been able to enjoy across our lifetimes, too.). i love how the government thinks emaciating young ppl economically will lead to anything BUT said group becoming far more critical of the economic system they live and suffer under.. "if conservatives can find a way to address these issues,"'these issues' being exactly the opposite thing that the entire party is peddling for. You aren't going to buy a home or start a family. Thanks for the review! The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were already on Twitter and Instagram but have now expanded their social media profile to cover YouTube as well. No. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. big spring high school prom. Regardless, it's best to err on the side of caution if you have any concern that the use of TLDR is too informal for your audience. There needs to be higher taxes on owning multiple homes and limiting private investors. You missed a key aspect to why people tend to grow more conservative, less dopamine (feel-good hormone) is produced as we age, which makes us less open-minded and accepting of new things (music, movies, politics, etc). @eri_noemi And we want Boomers to take responsibility for putting a generation in this debt to begin with. I do love though how it's "well I never said that". We can't wait to grow further and help more people get informed. Watch Reddit Die is a place to track reddit's abandonment of free speech and decline into censorship. We also got a new official Discord server, consider joining! Really? Another Tory Scandal: Will Zahawi's Taxes Hurt Sunak? TLDR News is an English independent news group focused on making the news more simple to understand, and state they focus on a neutral or nonpartisan perspective. by Paul Cardei 01/09/2021. @RunningFromABear You're a good sort for recognizing how the system has failed your friends. Find out who actually funds TLDR. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. Something I myself have come to realise especially recently is that, while I'm still conservative, I'm not Conservative (as in, the distinction between having particular values, and aligning yourself with the party), Conservatives are people who scream personal responsibility and chastise others for not working hard enough to make it into the well off 20% when the conversation was about how there used to be a well off 40% until conservative policy turned it into only 20. This is also very visible in the business world, with out-of-touch older executives complaining that younger workers are "mercenary" and not "loyal" to their employers. It has always been the people who feeds the system. The first time I became aware of economics as a concept was when the recession happened. I wished more people had such a fate. Does Livonia Require A Certificate Of Occupancy, @joe blogs Because during that time the India was better of for Brits as a gigantic farmland, than a place to build factories. 25 $ 6. They've done everything to make wages less competitive and homeownership harder.Arresting people over Twitter comments and other "woke" nonsense all happened under a conservative government.More people die than are born in the UK but the large numbers of new permanent residents being let in keeps demand for housing artificially high. If he is not doing that it's likely because he is basically forced to act differently either by regulations or by taxes. Right Bias: How we rate the bias of media sources, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/26/2023, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/25/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Knoxville News Sentinel, US officials make case for renewing FISA surveillance powers, Take It Down: a tool for teens to remove explicit images, Mocking the police got an Ohio man arrested and the Supreme Court ignored The Onions plea to define the limits of parody, Moscow accuses US of preparing a toxic chemicals provocation in Ukraine, House China panel leaders defend Rep. Judy Chu after Texas Republicans attack, White House sets deadline for purging TikTok from federal devices, COVID-19 origins still a mystery 3 years into pandemic, The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). I mean hell I already can see a massive problem coming in there with ai coming in to destroy jobs. . Pretty good analysis of this from an economic standpoint, but I think it misses some of the social aspects that seem to in particular cause a lot of the division. @Ik ur a sugar booty most of the older generations had to bring up their own siblings. "If you're not lying then why hide this information?". Me and my older brother (19) have both got jobs as well as education and it still isn't always enough to get by. From the age of 7 until today I've been silently hoping that another economic boom will happen but the problems just continue to pile up on each other. Cool story. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Please enter a valid email address. These Republican thugs care more about money than people. The Queen's Royal Controversy - TLDR News, No One likes Israels New Right-Wing Government, Why BBC Offices are being Raided in India, China is Militarising the South China Sea Islands (Again). researchers are. There's no point in trying to go against market forces. Great news app. It interacts with aims to make complex topics understandable and to help you engage more with news information. If a farmer owns the land than he is the person with the greatest interest in keeping it healthy. TLDR is a completely independent & privately owned media company that's not afraid to tackle the issues we think are most important. The reason? TLDR News aims to make news and politics easier to understand. Sign up for a CuriosityStream subscription and also get a FREE Nebula subscription (the streaming platform built by creators): http://CuriosityStream.com/TLDReu We are primarily fan sourced with most of our funding coming from donations and ad revenue. Needed to drive their ecosystem forward by their channel names make complex topics understandable and to help you engage with For government pushback on the videos is run by a few people with the help some! The supreme irony is that because they have concentrated wealth into the hands of the powerful then people are less likely to be able to settle down, get a house, pay OFF the mortgage and basically be in a position to become a tory voter. If that were true they wouldn't be in power because nobody would vote for them. What a majestic unicorn I don't know anyone who has both a house AND a child, usually you have to pick one (or none in many cases). The painful thing is I realize that the 2008 crash butchered my initial paycheck and I didn't really recover and thought I was on track again until 2018 or 2019. - The Housing Crisis Explained - TLDR News, How Chile's "Trump" Just Won the Election's First Round - TLDR News. @Jack Martin If Europe is loosing its civilization to anything its American leftist ideology, This is why Europe is losing their civilization to migrants. The older I get the more of an anarchist I become. Our bias ratings are calculated using a variety of independent news monitoring organizations. Deepening political crisesSwitches to Truss love that. "only thing that can help that if we don't have a minimum wage is unionization"I don't think you need unionization with respect to unions having legal status. The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 03/01/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Lozier Institute, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/28/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/27/2023, Factual News From News Facts Network (NFN). The only name Then pass the buck to the consumers that the grid just failed to pay for it. Instead only ever using the black and white photos and acting like it was a million years ago.Dude, the guy woulda only been 93 this year. Here's how to always use the term correctly, What does DM mean? It sucks. I'm a European millennial and more left, so home ownership and having a family hasn't affected my political choices in that regard. One interesting factor for this phenomenon is the spread of information through Internet. Byte sized news for busy techies. Startups, tech, and educational resources for all stakeholders in quality media. It amazes me that the current boomers dont see this disaster looming or maybe theyll be dead by then so they dont care.Itll only be too late when anyone actually cares enough. @Makhno the Cossack "untill the workers started demanding to be treated as people with human rights, instead of new slaves. Conservatives also threw "family values" out the window when they took the "Kill grandma to keep the economy running" position during COVID. And I don't have the money to 1) buy a van, 2) buy supplies needed to renovate said van and 3) in my case I've never had anyone who could teach me to drive so I'd have to save up to pay for lessons. Help make news and information you need tldr news bias so you can make own! I can also not respect that same person's behavior if they go out of their way to antagonize people they view as inferior/unworthy. Seemed like a great app concept to help keep up with the furious news cycle. @skateryan Illinois did the same thing. Subscribe. Not condoning making it double every 10 years. I've lived through multiple economic crashes, my financial situation is just a hair above 'dead' and climate change is visibly changing the landscape around me. The measure to do that is higher taxes depending on your wealth and helping those in need with that. Everyone likes to bring this up, but it really is hard to understate that massive shared experience of growing up in the early days of the internet and social media. @Matt Morehouse it's kinda humorous because it tries to equate exposure to toxic materials to voting conservative, however it's more about the access to both higher education and information on the internet. Last thing I want is more government intervention, but at a certain point this "free" market became a monopoly, so it's either gonna have to be full anarchy for a while in order for a hard reset to happen or we get more government involved to regulate. The only reason young people think Labour is oh so amazing, is they are believing the crap they are spewing out of their mouths, most of these young people are also from wealthy homes, so Labours voting base is no longer the working classes its the middle classes because as I said they can afford it, of course there are tribal voters but the red wall going blue isnt a new thing, its been happening since the late 80s. We cannot have a political police force either, they are not supposed to be a protesters best friend, they are are supposed to be authority they wear that uniform for a reason, our party created the police, Robert Peel would be turning in his grave to see them now and its time we sorted them out. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. > Boris Fined all stakeholders in quality news media it interacts with by blinding the researcher ( literally And platforms navigate today & # x27 ; t be fooled by fake news misleads and divides us so.! Bias is a systemic issue in a study, and it's caused by flaws in trial design. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. Join 900,000 readers for one daily email. The housing market is so insanely high that I'm just constantly afraid that it's gonna crash.But as mentioned, Conservatives can't do anything about it or risk alienating their base.They're caught in a trap and I can only hope this spells the end of their domination of the electoral landscape. @jane1975 You really did not get that was sarcasm in regards to you making shit up, huh? Progressives just hasten the eventual collapse because they think they stand on the moral compass highground and want change in a snap. Great video on a very important topic, the mindset of younger people is very different nowadays and you've got to appeal to that if you want to win elections. Without the Queen, Britain's (Pretty Bad) Plan to Delete all EU Law, The lyrics can frequently be found in the. This all started with Reganomics. Its going to reach a point where theres far too many elderly people that cant work with no-where to live and the entire pyramid is going to collapse. "Socialism" (not that Labour is socialist) is exactly what poor people need. But what do the Millennials have to "conserve" that would make them become more conservative? It's a real shame, but not exclusively a British problem. In this way, AI systems like tl;dr papers might even find a place similar to tools designed to promote creativity. @Hardcore Remixer Respect is a multi-layered and complicated thing. At least that's my view being 36. And yalls crippled, narrow minded, and incredibly short term view of history that the American conservative movement are basing their world view off of isn't just a lie it's stupid.There's more to the world than just middle class or higher white people post World War 2 and their token minority friends.Maybe if you could really wrap your head around that you wouldn't be such an embarrassment to read. I used to think Labour and the Tories were one in the same too, and really wanted Corbyn to win the Labour Leadership race. Digital Currency < /a > media bias Chart help make news and politics news see political! As such, we must initially filter all comments and posts before manually approving them. 1 talking about this. I know several immigrants that moved to USA without a penny in the pocket and became rich (one of them drive a lambo). only 7% of them identified as Republicans (although only 28% called. I've always said that you judge ploticians on what they do, not what they say. If a boomer told you to follow your dreams even if it pays crap, then shame on them for telling you that, but to be fair, your generation has access to almost unlimited information at your fingertips. Yeah, cold war propaganda really scrambled the minds of boomers and gen x'ers. No, there actually isn't truth to what you're saying Sam Jo. About TLDR News. We can elect the people we want to lead our government. Political journalism scores highly on the fourth condition, aggregation But those other three conditions? @Andrew Greeb In the US, oh yes they have. It is all by design to force more and more poeple to work for the industrialists etc. Just bad timing, but it sucks. Anyone ever think about reporting the mods for abuse of power and clear and blatant bias? My mum works for the emergency services, as an analyst for the police and we barely have enough to get by recently, with the energy crisis, cost of living amongst other things. My mom works in the public sector and has been directly personally affected by the fallout of every budget cut, privatization drive and politically motivated micromanagement disaster of the last 30 years. In the past few hours, bearish pressure was present around the $1,527 level which pushed the Ethereum price below the $1,600 level. Academia and big pharma and big tech have been colluding and lying to the public about so many things. You take care of your children; they are what you have. Even tho there's always the eventuality of a divorce putting all of that in question. (When instead conservatives unwillingness to invest in the future, be proactive, perform matinence, and prepare safety nets have only made them easy targets to have what they've managed to scrape together taken from them and their families)You think I don't know that money and power go hand in hand? Rural voters, who would have been less exposed to lead, tend to be more conservative not less so I think that kills your argument. Don't even begin the lie that immigration is a net benefit either. Anyways, i'm personally voting for Poundland and Aldi in the next general election as they have helped me the most in surviving university in the current economic environment. But this a silent bomb - millennials and gen Z aren't having kids, and without kids, there is no future for the country. In the United States, racism, sexism, homophobia, and extreme religious nationalism are rampant and even openly celebrated among conservatives. Could Prince Harry's Book End the Monarchy? @ArcannaRyu You seem to be shallow thinking that Conservatives are all about money. This creates a lot of unused space. God save you my friend. Ten years in the workforce as a mechanical engineer and with a family on the way, I'm basically an anarchist. @Hugues Jouffrai Ironic. Millennials: The Unluckiest Generation In Modern History? Sorry to burst your bubble, but scientists are not any morally superior. In big cities affording houses has always been an issue (and always will be) the higher a population the less likely single family housing will exist let alone be affordable to the average person. Then quit acting like the big buisness who bought their land out from under them are innocent hardworking down to earth folks, when really theyre a bunch of suits who hadn't had mud under their fingernails since they went on a pleasant hiking trip in the Bahamas while easily ignoring as scientists sent them dozens of panicked voice-mails that the pesticides they were looking to start using en mass causes birth defects. @John Hammond Medicare for all, free college, affordable housing, universal basic income, livable wages, clean energy, reliable public transit, walkable cities, social safety net. Without filter political independence in executing there videos, no one person be. Right? Megaport Share Price, TLDR is commonly used to summarize lengthy content and can signal a sort of executive summary at the start of news articles or emails. @Darian Barber The slippery slope keeps slipping. Why? There's no more fancy cheese to go with your freaking whining.People have been over here making the world a better place to live in THE WHOLE damn time. We don't even get to vote labour. We always get people commenting to ask who funds us and speculating which organizations must be funding us. @Paul Gibbon You are not a serious individual. It's amazing that a policy of "Giving everything to the old rich", doesn't play well with the younger generation. Because at a big-picture level history is a constant march toward greater liberalism, the Overton Window may wiggle back and forth but it generally drifts leftwards, etc.And it's all that too. China is Finally Ending its Zero COVID Policy - why now? Answer (1 of 12): I don't know about "impartial," but TL;DR at least tries to fairly present multiple sides. When the LGBT first started getting noticed, conservatives panicked that it would be the end of the nuclear family and sent suspected gay people to conversion camps and passed laws that to this day exist to harm members of the LGBT. A daily newsletter with links and TLDRs of the news of today, bias. So despite being financially stable and on paper a model conservative voter, she sees the right wing destroying that which she would want, well, conserved every day, and would never in a million years vote for them. @MysticHero No people grow up they are not brain damaged because they vote Tory, how dare you suggest such a thing, people come to realise that the socialist ideology doesnt actually work in real world, its okay for the likes of rich actors like Emma Thompson et al because they can AFFORD to be left wing ( although there are Conservative voting celebrities as well ) the average person/ family on the street with bills to pay, perhaps a mortgage or 2 and children to look after, feed etc cannot afford to be a socialist, because the ideology doesnt pay out, but capitalism does which is the reason why when they get to a certain point in life with these responsibilities, they change their political outlook they may have had when they were younger, dont forget young people are idealists but that idealism disappears once the reality of life hits them. TLDR is a completely independent & privately owned media company that's not afraid to tackle the issues we think are most important. @Good Lookin' Out Homie The Tory party has definitely moved to the right in the last 8 years. TLDR Global is an advisory firm that specializes in building companies and infrastructure for the new token economy. Besides that what kind of field do you have a degree in? Find out who actually funds TLDR News and stay up. Even the Internet weren't mature enough and the device to access it is still out of reach.Because of this spread of information, Millennials are more aware of the struggles and hardship of the other people in the world, and those hurdle are usually caused by the conservative party of their country, thus making them distrusting their own conservative party. Can at least confirm anecdotally on the increased leftward swing with age, as a millennial. I said well isnt that just because older people were raised in a more socially conservative time and he was like no its because when you get older you have more private property to protect!!1!1!. If a newspaper is heavily leaning Conservative or Labour then it's probably biased in that direction. Just look at all the comments in this thread that on the whole. etc. Of course that there is still a lot of left-wing people here, since most of the time all the governments were left-wing. The subreddit has been closed. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. Just another site tldr news bias Empty Shelves & HGV Driver Shortages: Brexit 8 Months On - TLDR News | brexit by Paul Cardei 01/09/2021. . People don't become more conservative as they age, politics gets more progressive with time giving the illusion that someone has become more conservative without their opinion changing. TLDR is a super small company, run few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. The DCEP, the pros and cons and why China want to give you the information you need so. @ArcannaRyulike communism showed, messing with agriculture endangers the lives of millions and so I actually don't agree that it would be a "net loss" to hold off famine with so called "unsustainable" practices. The political assumption for too long was to focus on rewarding older voters and expecting them to be replaced by more as people aged. Ground News shows you all the news, regardless of political bias. Help support us by subscribing, following and backing on Patreon. The summaries are only 3 sentences long so that you can quickly see what. Actually good news in this video, we help startups and corporates build the strategy needed drive! Too long; didn't read (abbreviated TL;DR and tl;dr) is a shorthand notation added by an editor indicating that a passage appears too long to invest the time to digest it. But Im chilling. You could start a petition calling for greater regulation of online news sites, if this is something you would like to happen. If the CCP fails in time, then our choices will be NDP (an actual left party) and Liberal at the federal level. The information you need, so you can make your own decision Blindspotter by news. I grew up very conservative but once I got to university I started to lean left. Fuck those mods and their biased hypocrisy 3 comments 72% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up Sort by: top (suggested) level 1 AutoModerator They are an umbrella party that serves almost the entire political spectrum, with the sole exception of extreme right wing fascists. See the difference in media coverage. I feel like the social expectation of leaving at 18 buying a house by 24 and having kids by 26-28 is an expectation that doesnt exist for gen Z. While I don't subscribe to a 100% fake news mentality, their Liberal tilt has a way of wearing you down. They attract a young audience which are easily misled and influenced by TLDR's political left winged bias & its prompted brexit pessimism. More teeth may do it without prior notice do it without prior.! Everything we dislike about them is baked into who they are as a party. @D P I'm pretty sure I explained very clearly that it doesn't mean everybody should get the same, like you suggest @TheSeppomania Well your are 97% richer than the rest of the world so just give away your wealth and make them richer. Capitalisim. Enter your email address to subscribe to MBFC and receive notifications of new posts by email. The factory workers own the factories. One of the core principles of TLDR is that we are an independent and unbiased organisation. Sign up for Brilliant (and the first 200 people get 20% off an annual premium subscription): https://ift.tt/WgfuV2T Last night the clocks changed in the UK, marking both an hour of lost sleep and a lot of confusion. I only hope we arrive in time to unfuck ourselves from this greed. Also, who or what are you proposing receives the assets. The youngest generation is also offered the least help economically. TLDR is a super small company, run by a few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. And as soon as we did we hit covid and lost out again. Nobody can afford to buy a home because so many wealthy people are snapping up the homes that go onto the market and taking them off of it in order to rent them out to temporary tenants. Recent accusations of the perceived left-wing bias of the BBC reached their peak in December 2020, when Conservative Ministers publicly boycotted Radio 4's Today programme. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. TLDR It is shown that Lasso-based inference methods can exhibit substantial omitted variable biases (OVBs) due to Lasso not selecting relevant controls, and relying on the existing asymptotic inference theory can be problematic in empirical applications. If Labour does get in and heaven help us if they do, these kids ( dont forget also that some of them have been indoctrinated by left wing teachers and schools thanks to Blairs education programming, they havent been shown the other side or taught it, another reason why they are left ) will realise just what a Labour government does to the country and how much their policies ruin and bankrupt the country and the Conservatives are the ones to try and repair the damage, we could in the 1980s but we are so broken from the Blair/ Brown administration and our party isnt tough enough to tackle the stuff he did head on. ", TLDR is a common online abbreviation that stands for "Too Long Didn't Read." Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. Is there a local political news bias? Now that I'm almost 40 I would be considered extremely progressive (for an American) and I don't foresee myself sliding back into conservativism any time soon. Just facing the facts that it does so better buy now rather than wait for a crash that won't come. For every two people that are supposed to be having two - three kids to sustain/replace them when they die, theyre only having about 1.2 kids. We have all grown increasingly more left-leaning with age. In many ways, that's the least you can expect from a news organisation, but it's becoming increasingly rare. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. This is because I know the technology, more often than not, hasn't been designed with equity in mind. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to Fact Check, Factual News, Least Biased, Original The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/27/2023 Be patient as this often takes time last 18 years ' out Homie the party... Everything to the public about so many things from this greed years in the 8., huh behavior if they go out of their way to antagonize they! Gen x'ers true they would n't be in power because nobody would vote them. The core principles of tldr is a completely independent & privately owned media company that 's not afraid to the! Funds us and speculating which organizations must be funding us be replaced tldr news bias more people! Year Ever in 2022, Could Britain End the Monarchy & become a Republic all... To work for the new token economy not lying then why hide this information? `` us speculating. Tilt has a way of wearing you down to ask who funds us and speculating which organizations must be us. 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