Painkillers, she had all the same things as you. I end up with wet pillows at nightnever had that with Tamaxifen or in 50s. I am sorry to read that the chemo is hitting you so hard.If there is a magic answer i never found it but the things that were usefull to me were -dont eat befor chemo and walk afterwards.If you can get your body going-even if it is to the end of the road and back and you feel like **** I found it seemed to get your system going at least a bit. Docetaxel also was found to be highly effective in patients with a poor prognosis, having metastases in three or more organs (53%), and/or visceral sites of disease (47%). They had no idea, and still have no idea why her body was reacting the way it was. Hopefully this will continue for the last 2 cycles. You are not alone in this. It might also be worth checking things like iron levals-you can adjust you diet or get pills to help with that. Avoid contact sports and activities that can result in injury or bleeding. I am going to have a chat with them tomorrow ( this is Sunday ) as there must be something they can do. Its normal to feel completely wiped out when you begin this medication. The infusion will be slowed or stopped if this occurs. His consultant advised small walks to begin the process of getting the muscles going (started with walking up and down our lounge before he managed the outside!! Doreen D. (Breast Cancer, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Stage 2A,Triple Positive). Did they check your bloods in A&E?? White endeared himself to Jets fans over the last two years with his inspiring play as Zach Wilson's backup. I had to be hospitalized twice due to intractable nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. I had my last taxen (chemo) two weeks ago and felt okay the first three days and then it hits. If red meat is a problem, eat chicken, turkey, eggs, dairy products, and fish without a strong smell. I am praying for her and hope she will be up and around with new strength soon. Shower or bathe daily and perform frequent. Patients may struggle with never-ending itchiness, swollen eyelids, and an increase in "floaters." Please. Don't plan your chemo response until you've gone through your first infusion. Taxotere was my aggressive chemo, and it caused the majority of the side effects the hair loss, nausea, all these different things. I had no sleepless issues on A/C but on Taxol I did - first meds given me by my Chemo Dr did not help only gave horrible nightmares (which I don't normally have) but my PA switched me to the lowest does of another med and it worked great.It's great to ask for input of experiences BUT There are NONE of us who can tell you what your wife will experience - we are EACH so unique in how our bodies handle the onslaught of the battle - we can tell our stories but we cannot tell you that what happened to/with us will happen for your wife.Susan, I too had AC followed byI too had AC followed by taxol. xx, My consultant reduced my injection strength so I had to endure 10 injections as prescribed. Thank you for taking the time to send me such an inspirational account of your experience, reading it almost made me cry but it hit in all the right places to make me fight this and get on with the treatment. I will speak to nurses but most of what I am going through is normal side effects for the Docetaxel chemo. Nails still ok, feet and nails need constant cream sessions. The month of October 2008 was one of the worst in New York Stock Exchange history, with three of the top 10 largest single-day drops ever recorded during the month. Then i stared my 4 doses of docetaxel. Ps Voltarol Gel is good rubbed in for the lower back pain. It is used as a treatment for various cancers, most notably breast cancer. Like many have stated, I was OK for the two days following and then felt like sh*t for two or three days and then was on the mend and better until the next treatment. The ResMed machine is a medical device used to treat sleep apnea, a condition that causes pauses in breathing during Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep condition in which a person's airway is obstructed during sleep, resulting in shallow breathing Dry eye is a common condition that can range from minor irritation to severe discomfort. TAXOTERE (docetaxel) injection, for intravenous use . Docetaxel works by disrupting the microtubular network in cells, which is essential for cell division and other normal cellular functions. Fluid build-up can cause heart failure and poor blood circulation. Thats Taxotere and Cyclophosphamide. My team didn'twarn meof this painful side effect which I think they shouldand now I'm havingthe bone marrow boosting injections too which I know caused me to have severe bone pain with the FEC. xx, I'm with you on this I was the same didn't think I could go on but you do, I'm all done & back to work & back to normal (as normal as can be) good luck keep strong , Thank you for sharing your experience it help me know that it can be done. She only took that a couple of times. This medication contains alcohol and may cause intoxication. I wish I rang sooner. I am sorry that she is not feeling well. These are some of the most common or important side effects: Allergic reactions are possible with this medication. Do not use a razor (an electric razor is fine). At one point, they had to give her liquid morphine as the joint pain was so bad. I'd go around 10 days of feeling ****, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, mouth sores, joint pains, metallic taste in mouth; I hated it! Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. Because of my oncotype and how small the cancer was, my oncologist wanted to go for TC. The interval between each treatment gives your body time to recover. Only better during the third week. This medication can cause severe side effects if given to a patient whose liver function is abnormal. Severe symptoms are less common but require dose modifications. for use in the treatment of prostate cancer in the year 2004. We needed to make a spread sheet of what pills to take and when. At that time, TAXOTERE was typically used for advanced prostate cancer, after all other treatments had failed. Despite all this discomfort, I'm staying positive - I know these are the worst days, and I should begin feeling better any time now. Drugmakers developed it from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree, and researchers sometimes refer to it as a plant alkaloid. Week Three was Im actually feeling pretty good and then you go right back to Week One. This is the start of my second week and although the bone aches have settled, the stomach is at it's worst with terrible cramps and pains. Gone too far now to stop just need to finish the course. Thank you, hope you continue to be well. Brush with a soft-bristle toothbrush or cotton swab twice a day. I had my first Taxotere on Monday and am not coping at all. But I am in good health and loving life. It has now been almost exactly 4 days (96 hours) since. I need to focus on this and get back on track. I don't want to put anyone off this treatment as I know it works wonders on the tumour , we all react differently as previously advised on here, but I want understand where I went wrong and what I can do to prepare myself for the next cycle. I am scheduled to start texotere chemo shortly, however, I have MANY concerns. . Plan times to rest during the day and conserve energy for more important activities. TAXOTERE safely and effectively. Avoid drinking alcohol on the day of your Taxotere injection. My reaction to Taxol was different. My next 2 cycles went ok so, hopefully you are through the worst. I now feel more prepared for the next 2 cycles but not looking forward to it just getting it over with. I can smell but can't taste anything! (I too read somewhere that grapefruit can make the side-effects of the drug worse). The only things I could taste were sweets. Some of the chemo drugs used to treat prostate cancer include: Docetaxel (Taxotere) Cabazitaxel (Jevtana) Mitoxantrone (Novantrone) Estramustine (Emcyt) In most cases, the first chemo drug given is docetaxel, combined with the steroid drug prednisone. I asked my Oncologist if there was any alternative as the side effects are so awful, but there isn't. I have anti nausea meds that work its just the new chemo is a lot stronger. My experience was that how I felt after my following treatments was similar to my reaction after the first treatment. All patients should be premedicated with oral corticosteroids (see below for prostate cancer) such as dexamethasone 16 mg per day (e.g., 8 mg twice daily) for 3 days starting 1 day prior to TAXOTERE administration in order to reduce the incidence and severity of fluid retention as well as the severity of hypersensitivity reactions [see Boxed Warning, Warnings and . We can get through it! You will have got through it now though? Take care. Had a DIEP flap reconstruction in August 2016 and am currently waiting to get my date for another op to uplift and reduce my right boob to match the new one. due my third and and final Doxetacel next week, I am dreading it as it has taken me a whole 2 weeks to recover and I am still exhausted by 4pm!! Ranking the Cowboys backup QB options from worst to best. I stayed on top of my medicine, I rinsed my mouth with salt water to prevent mouth sores and all that. Add extra flavor to meat or fish by marinating it in sweet juices, sweet and sour sauce, or dressings. Talk to your healthcare team for helpful tips on dealing with this side effect. Had tummy issues mostly diarrhoea but managed to get a good stopper tablet. It really helps to have these words of encouragement and support. It takes the edge off the pain which means taking paracetamol with it actually works. Though chemo is officially kicking my butt, I want you all to know that I am determined to maintain my upbeat attitude and sense of humor through it all, no matter . It interferes with the growth of cancer cells, which are eventually destroyed by the body. For some people, it never completely goes away. And a bit of movement / chatting / getting out of the house helps.. A week later, I would have another dose of Gemcitabine and an hour of Taxotere. That finished months ago, but she's still whacked by the docetaxel on and off. When working in your yard, wear protective clothing including long pants and gloves. TC ( Taxotere and cyclophosphamide) is a common chemotherapy regimen given for localized breast cancers that require chemotherapy. xxx. It was neoadjuvant chemotherapy, including Taxanes (Taxotere), Carboplatin, and Trastuzumab (Herceptin). Signs of a reaction can include: feeling hot or flushed shivering itching a skin rash feeling dizzy a headache feeling breathless or wheezy swelling of your face or mouth pain in your back, tummy or chest. Actual exercise. Last night she was saying that she doesn't know how she is going to get through the next treatment, especially since they supposedly get worse each time. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice can significantly increase the blood levels of DOCEtaxel. A stool softener once or twice a day may prevent constipation. Docetaxel can cause a dose-related reversible sensory neuropathy. The end is now in sight and just keep thinking what a good job the chemo is doing getting rid of this nasty disease. Peripheral neuropathy is a toxicity that affects the nerves. as these can all increase the risk of bleeding. This can get progressively worse with additional doses of the medication. Then I had actual vomiting, first time ever, because the medications have upset my stomach. Please. Fellow sufferers, keep your hopes up. A week in hospital on IV antibiotics and fluids and I was allowed home to rest rest rest! They started to put another chemical, I dont know what it was, into my infusion bag so that it would help but I still was nauseous and diarrhea would start that day. I had constipation, diarrhea so bizarrely both, and then the nausea. The first couple really werent too bad. Itis designed to target malignant cancer cells in your body. Your Wife is unique! I followed all the advice and recommendations given by the medical team and tried to be positive about the treatment working to fight the cancer but it has been hard. I haven't been able to do anything. The Docetaxel/Taxotere is the drug causing this nasty side effect. Docetaxel is a microtubule inhibitor used to slow cell growth. I think I am coming to the end of feeling like I have hit by a bus with the chronic aches in all my joints and bones. TC. Best advice is to ring your care team/chemo unit asap and definitely before you go for your next treatment and tell them everything you are feeling/suffering from. I had the first T on Wednesday, was too sick to work come Monday, even worse come Thursday and in Hospital with Sepsis come Friday! xx, Just back from my Oncology appointment before cycle 5 of Docetaxel, they have decided to reduce the strength of the dose due to all the side effects and length of time they lasted on cycle 4. BRADY will provide the official @Hertz Team @JotaSport kit, as well . Even when carefully and correctly administered by trained personnel, this drug may cause a feeling of burning and pain. I got that too. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition. This study found that women diagnosed with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer did benefit from getting a taxane. Sometimes cold food has less of an odor. Really sorry to read that you having such a s---- time with your current chemo treatment. And that's it! My skin, when I rub my fingers or touch my face, arms, legs etc feels different, almost plastic-y! Let us know how you are all doing xx, Thank you Chrissie2 for your response. A baking soda and/or salt with warm water mouth rinse (2 level teaspoons of baking soda or 1 level teaspoon of salt in an eight ounce glass of warm water) is recommended 4 times daily. You should not breastfeed while receiving this medication or for 1 week after your last dose. Not sure this helps at all but as your op was so successful (and you must still be recoverying from the trauma of all that too) will hope that the treatment now will keep you well in the long term. I used Clariton (over the counter) to combat the bone aches from chemo and the injection. Take care. A week later and I still can't get out of bed! Search deep within yourself, you will find the strength. and Friday, Donna did too much on Saturday, taking my daughter to the mall; shopping for most of the day. Avoid smoking and chewing tobacco, drinking alcoholic beverages, and citrus juices. Stay well hydrated. Ask your oncology care team before you, or someone you live with has any vaccinations. On 9-1-09, I finished 6 cycles of Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The dosage and schedule are determined by the person's size and type of cancer. Got better on Day 6 and got better on Day 7. In fact, Taxol is the top-selling cancer drug worldwide. I thought I would need to have it for three weeks but they have said 5 days as new research has shown that it works just as well as the three weeks. Doctors may lower the dose or prescribe drugs that reduce the risk of allergic reactions to deal with these types of side effects. Good luck with your next cycle and hopefully you too will benefit from the treatment. We have each other even if we don't know each other. In the larger STAMPEDE trial (2962 patients), adding docetaxel to standard hormonal therapy significantly improved survival among men with newly diagnosed, hormone-nave advanced prostate cancer. There are a number of things you can do to manage the side effects of docetaxel. It won't be long until you to are in a position to help others with your experiences of the journey we all find ourselves on. Notify your oncology care team if your mouth, tongue, inside of your cheek or throat becomes white, ulcerated, or painful. Nicole B. Repeat cycle every 3 week. The Doctor informed me it is normal to experience these problems but they should not have continued for so long. 1. Suffering stomach cramps today probably due to upset stomach and not eating right. I did start taking codeine and paracetamol but that caused severe constipation and bowel issues. I've had all three FEC sessions and coped really well and was positive and active. As the saying goes, "Hindsight is 20/20 . It took a few months for my taste to come back. Keep reading to learn more about what to expect on your worst days on Taxotere. I've had 2, 3rd one tomorrow. I have previously been prescribed mouth wash, gel and drops to no avail this time round. I'm on my 6th Dox this week, (last one) and I mentioned to my oncologist on 3rd dose that i was awake ALL night on the steroids - I had been prescribed 8mg Dexamethasone twice daily starting day before and finishing on day after Dox. So always stay in touch with the team.. Im out now on antibiotics.. Attorneys like those at Hotze Runkle can help right the wrongs the drug has caused. Call your healthcare provider if you do not urinate for more than 12 hours, experience shortness of breath, have an unexpected weight gain, or develop swelling in your hands, feet, ankles or legs. Call your oncology care team if you are unable to keep fluids down for more than 12 hours or if you feel lightheaded or dizzy at any time. Hi Dolbycat, were in this side by sideI missed out on the mouth thrush, came away with chemo ward mouthwash not used it much. xx, I too had terrible 1st cycle and likewise was admitted due to high temp feel better now but due next cycle on we'd feeling scared I have 3 very young children am incurable breast cancer not sure can cope am now on injection to keep blood count up, Sorry to hear of your experience Jazzy, I know it's not pleasant. My tumour is responding well as confirmed by a recent MRI between cycle 3 and 4 so I need to continue to hopefully get through these last two cycles. You should let your doctor or nurse know if you experience any shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or pain in your chest. She did have both extremes of the intestinal issues. Other effects for me are tingling in feet, skin peeling off, mostly in feet, toe nails highly sensitive. Still on the journey. When meds say 'Take with food' a couple of biscuits or something similar is enough. Letrazole and weird taste on tongue? Meanwhile just keep in mind that you are going through this because you want to live and enjoy your family. Keep going with strength and positive thinking and hopefully you will see improvement in your circumstances. I tried everything and to no avail but by the time I had tried everything chemo was over. Worst Days on Taxotere: 4 Side-Effects You Should Know About, Pick the Right Online Savings Account in the UK, 5 Tips for Using Good Health Blogs to Learn More Health and Medicine, ResMed Machine for Sale: Helping With Sleep Apnea Treatment. I hope your teeth are in good condition. Days 4 and 5 were the hardest: nausea or just energy, emotions. If any nails fall off, clean the nail bed well with soap and water and cover with a Band-Aid. Your oncology care team can recommend medications to relieve diarrhea. Your doctor may prescribe medication to take before your treatment to help decrease the risk of edema. My diet is so bland in taste no matter what I try, if the mouth problem resolves and I can enjoy a varied diet maybe my stomach will settle better. All content 2023 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. I had two medications, Gemcitabine and a combination of Gemcitabine and Taxotere. She keeps telling me that she is not strong enough to do this; and I tell her that she is stronger than she thinks she is.Bob. Hi. I would have Gemcitabine on week one. Most people notice that their neuropathy gets better 2 to 4 months after chemotherapy, but it can take up to 1 year to fully go away. No cancer cells were found, and she was deemed "no evidence of disease". They get worse with each cycle. Pain starts on day 3 and lasts 6 days. I turned 52 just a few days after that first Taxotere Chemo treatment. For cycle 2 I used a great mouthwash - Difflam and have had no sore mouth problems since. Eyes watery but ok. Looking forward to a semi normal diet and tea again in a few days with a settled stomach. Hope you are all doing well with your journey and keeping well. The ninth-largest drop was . I was on taxotere, carboplatin, and Herceptin every 3 weeks. You should not drive after the infusion until you know how it will affect you. And yes, for me at least, it is cumulative and is a bit worse each cycle. Your fingernails/toenails may become dark, brittle or fall off. I was tired and took naps on my days off. Signs of a reaction can include: feeling hot or flushed shivering itching a skin rash feeling dizzy a headache feeling breathless or wheezy swelling of your face or mouth pain in your back, tummy or chest. Keep the thoughts positive. This may vary depending on whether the number of blood cells has returned to normal between each cycle. I'm just shellshocked by it all but I'm glad I was just finished my full treatment for breast cancer after 10 years. You may notice chills, a sore throat, achiness, and swollen glands and lymph nodes. I was prescribed preventative FEC-T but because I was getting married and honeymooning in July, they decided to do the Taxotere first and cycle 3 was combined with my whole radiotherapy treatment. I actually postponed Rads for a few weeks so that we could go away. All the very best for the next treatment, I will think about you when I have mine next Friday. The biggest reminder of what I went through, apart from all the physical scars, is the fatigue. Taxotere is a part of many peoples cancer journey. Docetaxel interferes with the function of microtubules, resulting in inactive microtubule bundles, causing cells to die. Taxotere is a mitotic inhibitor that interferes with your bodys cell division process. In some people, the symptoms slowly resolve after the medication is stopped, but for some, it never goes away completely. It's now a week since my 1st cycle of Docetaxel following 3 cycles of FEC, it has been a dreadful week where the treatment has thrown back every side effect possible. It helps with pain so uncomfortable in spasms but endurable if I dont climb too many stairs with lead legs, It may have helped the mouth too, the stronger dose did make me reach for the bonjella where moments before was ok. 10 days of horrible tastes and softer foods has been hard. HI Multitasker! As my next cycle came around I was a little apprehensive, however, I can say that the next one was less soul destroying. Taxol/Taxotere and Cytoxan (TC) therapy is one of the most common types of chemotherapy given to women with early-stage breast cancer. Thanks for being such a grand support for her. An analysis of several studies found that chemotherapy regimens that include an anthracycline are better than a regimen that doesn't include an anthracycline for women diagnosed with early-stage, HER2-negative breast cancer with a high risk of recurrence. Perseverance!! I just seem to get one thing in order then something else happens. Deaths within 30 days of last study treatment attributed to study drug occurred in 9 patients (2.2%) in the docetaxel+cisplatin . Bacon, ham, and onion can add flavor to vegetables. Common side effects of Tax are bone aches and pains, sore mouth/mouth ulcers, oral thrush, loss of taste. I can't say I am looking forward to next cycle but just want it over. You'll get there too. Hi, I had my 1st infusion of Taxotere on Monday. How Docetaxel Is Given: Docetaxel is given through a vein (intravenously, IV) There is no pill form of docetaxel ; Premedication with a corticosteroid pill starting a day prior to docetaxel infusion for 3 days is given to reduce the severity of fluid retention and allergic reactions. Gives your body day and conserve energy for more important activities the Docetaxel/Taxotere is the top-selling cancer drug worldwide with. Things like iron levals-you can adjust you diet or get pills to take when... Patient whose liver function is abnormal, achiness, and citrus juices breast cancer did benefit from getting taxane. Find the strength with has any vaccinations flavor to vegetables is used as a treatment for various cancers most! Top of my oncotype and how small the cancer was, my consultant reduced my injection so! And activities that can result in injury or bleeding may lower the dose or prescribe that! 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