If you will be living on campus for the summer, contact the Residential Mail office at 540- 231-4085 to request a hold on your mail. Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the other two species are both candidates for listing. Meet the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine students who currently conduct research in our labs, Medical Student, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine '24, Medical Student, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine '23, Medical Student, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine '22, Medical Student, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine '27, Medical Student, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine '25. Pick up or drop off documents and other materials in person Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Room 120, Graduate Life Center (GLC), Graduate Life Center at Donaldson Brown coeacademicdean@vt.edu Research Interests: By combining citizen science, big data, and elasmobranch macroecology, my research attempts to structure large clouds of unstructured data. Classes, workshops, and events to prepare for careers in or outside of the academy. Phone: 540-231-5712, Amanda Morris, Department Chair (f)540-231-3380. Emails will be sent to borrowers from both the Bursar's Office and the billing servicer Heartland ECSI.If you transfer to another University, drop below half-time hours at Virginia Tech or graduate, you will need to complete an exit. Blacksburg, VA 24061 There are Phone:540-231-2334, Michael A. Research Interests: Broadly, I am interested in environmental justice, social-ecological systems, and policy implementation to support stewardship of the environment and human well-being. jamesn@vt.edu, Alice Noble, Advisor | Alice.noble@vt.edu, Dr. Juan David Ortega Alvarez, Collegiate Assistant Professor |jdortegaa@vt.edu, Dr. Marie Paretti, Professor |mparetti@vt.edu, Dr. Nicole Pitterson, Assistant Professor |npitters@vt.edu, Dr. Sarah Rodriguez, Associate Professor | srodriguez@vt.edu, Dr. Susan Sajadi, Assistant Professor | ssajadi@vt.edu, Dr. Michelle Soledad, Collegiate Assistant Professor |soledadmm@vt.edu, Lucinda Shewchuk, Grant Support Specialist |lucindas@vt.edu, John Tilton, IT Systems & Support Manager | tiltonj@vt.edu, Catherine A. Twyman,M.Eng.,Instructor |catwyman@vt.edu, Dr. Natalie Van Tyne, M.S., M.B.A., P.E, Associate Professor of Practice |nvantyne@vt.edu, Dr. Cassondra Wallwey, Collegiate Assistant Professor | cwallwey@vt.edu, Dr. Bevlee Watford, Professor |deuce@vt.edu, Dr. Qin Zhu, Associate Professor | qinzhu@vt.edu, 345 Goodwin Hall (MC 0218) Research Interests: I am interested in the human dimensions of wildlife and conservation communications. Student clubs and organizations. WebShop. Email:drwo@vt.edu 320 Stanger Street VT Search: 2.5.1. Please feel free to contact us! Web880 West Campus Drive. spangler@vt.edu Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA. Miami, FL33155 Blacksburg, VA 24061. fraticelli@vt.edu. My research interests are fish migration ecology, isotopic ecology, and population genetics. Main campus includes 216 buildings, 2,600 acres, and an airport. Specifically, I am interested in quantitatively modeling populations within the context of climate change to inform fisheries management. WebDirectory | Business Information Technology | Virginia Tech. (f) 540-231-3380. Phone: 540-231-5643, Senior Director of Communications & Marketing Location. Research Interests: My research is focused on the complex community level interactions of stream fishes. Email: wstevenh@vt.edu My research interests focus on understanding these mysterious and cryptic creatures, always with a link back to conservation and effective wildlife management (Advisor: Ford). Mahatub Khan Badhon. Research Statement: I am broadly interested in the conservation of threatened species with respect to climate change. 103 Ware Lab Before coming to Virginia Tech, Joe worked as a Habitat Biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, mapping the distribution of freshwater fishes across Alaska (Advisor: Angermeier). with your mobile device. Research Interests: I am interested in using science to inform on the ground conservation and management actions for rare reptiles and amphibians, particularly in the southeastern United States. William Hopkins. Email:ascarpa@vt.edu For any questions related to undergraduate student affairs (forms, resources, advising) please contact us by emailcosadvising@vt.eduor phone540-231-5422. My research addresses the threat of human disturbance to shorebirds along the Atlantic Flyway by implementing Community Based Social Marketing strategies (Advisor: Dr. Ashley Dayer). Position. Phone:540-231-2581, Director of Alumni Relations 14:1 student-faculty ratio. Weve curated some of the most important items for you here. Research Interests: My interests revolve around wildlife conservation and management, specifically with in coastal ecosystems. I am studying the factors that drive American Oystercatcher and Piping Plover breeding success on Virginias barrier islands and how geomorphic changes on the islands affect their populations (Advisor: Karpanty). Blacksburg, VA 24061. Phone: 540-231-7289, Assistant Dean for Inclusion and Diversity -- On the morning of April 16, 2007, 32 people died at the hands of a mass shooter at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg. Phone: 540-231-2615, Paul Carlier, Director My interests also generally include sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, stakeholder engagement, and environmental education (Advisor: Kindsvater). We are. At Virginia Tech, we're reimagining how education and technology intersect. This approach transforms the ways we teach and learn, perform research, and engage with communities around the world. Hokies collaborate with diverse team members and cross the traditional lines between fields and disciplines to tackle global-scale problems. All rights reserved. Blacksburg, Virginia. Research Interests: work with three freshwater mussel species in the controversial genus Villosa: V. ortmanni of the Green and Red River systems in Kentucky, and V. iris and V. vanuxemensis of the Upper Tennessee River basin. Additionally, I will assist in the organization, curation, and digitization of the department's mammal specimen collection. Graduate School Email: pleim@vt.edu Email:alhanlon@vt.edu At Virginia Tech, my research will focus on the effects of climate change on the breeding activity of flatwoods salamanders and the breeding wetlands that they depend on. WebAssistant Circulation Supervisor. Research Interests:Occupancy, density, and co-occurence of a number of predators and prey in Bale National Park in Ethiopia (Advisor: Kelly). Facilities across the state and around Research Interests: My primary research interests are wildlife ecology and conservation with focus on mammals. Research Interests:My research interests generally center around the ecological role of sharks, particularly risk effects and predator-prey dynamics, and investigating the ecosystem consequences of removing large sharks from the ocean. 2023 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. contact this location. The Senate, formerly the Graduate Student Assembly, is the governing body for graduate students. 4141 S Tamiami Trl Ste 23 Phone: 540-231-9219, College of Science / Virginia Tech (0405) 2023 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Research Statement: I am interested in the human dimensions of natural resources. Email:gracou@vt.edu All rights reserved. 540-231-9171, Research and Innovation contacts WebBroadly my research interests include predator-prey dynamics, carnivore ecology, and wildlife-habitat interactions (Advisor: Kelly). Student Affairs /. Research Interests: Hello, everyone, I am in Dr. Marcella Kellys lab. Jennifer Phillips Email:jorzolek@vt.edu 460 Turner Street, Suite 306 ehutch@vt.edu Email: lon@vt.edu For any questions related to undergraduate student affairs (forms, resources, advising) Ware Labwebsite Research Interests: I am studying the predation and scavenging ecology of black bears, bobcats, and coyotes as well as potential impacts these carnivores may have on white-tailed deer populations in the western mountains of Virginia. 540-231-5837, Ware Lab and Advanced Engineering Design Labcontacts My main interests revolved around using data analytics, including remote sensing and big data analysis, to optimize the decision-making process regarding ecosystem management and climate change adaptation. Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area. Email:strej@vt.edu 215 Hancock Hall Assistant Professor of Finance. Email:furrowcl@vt.edu Software Sales for Personal Purchase - List of software available for faculty to purchase for personal use. Email: cvictoria@vt.edu WebCobbleStone - List of approved software for Virginia Tech. Advisor: Yan Jiao. Read a story and watch a video about the project Learn, Discover, Explore. (e) cosadvising@vt.edu. I am also interested in effective outreach and engagement that is beneficial to conservation efforts. gscales@vt.edu Dr. Diana Bairaktarova, Associate Professor |dibairak@vt.edu, Nick Bedard, Lab Manager |bedardn@vt.edu, Dr. Jennifer Benning, Instructor |jennifer.benning@vt.edu, Dr.Jenni Case, Department Head | jencase@vt.edu, Dr. Ben Chambers, Collegiate Assistant Professor | bdc0112@vt.edu, Matt Cheatham, Career & Academic Advisor | mattc5@vt.edu, Jennifer Chin, Academic & Career Advisor |jchin@vt.edu, Rockwell Clancy, Research Scientist |rfclancy@vt.edu, Dr. Tameka Clarke-Douglas, Collegiate Assistant Professor |tcdouglas@vt.edu, Tiffany Cunningham, HR & Operations Coordinator | tiffanyc@vt.edu, Margo Currie,Fiscal Coordinator | margoc@vt.edu, Jessica Elmore, Academic & Career Advisor| jejohns@vt.edu, Devin Erb, Academic & Career Advisor| devinerb@vt.edu, Dr. David Gray, Collegiate Assistant Professor | dagray3@vt.edu, Maia Greene-Havas, Advisor| maiagh@vt.edu, Dr.Jake Grohs, Associate Professor| jrgrohs@vt.edu, Monte Hager, Business Manager | hagermb@vt.edu, Niki Hazuda, Director of Communications & External Relations | nhazuda@vt.edu, Mariah Henderson, International Programs Administrator | mehenderson@vt.edu, Hope House, Administrative Assistant | hopeh5@vt.edu, Dr. Mark Huerta, Assistant Professor |markhuerta@vt.edu, Matt James, P.E., Associate Professor of Practice |mjames@vt.edu, Dr. Andrew Katz, Assistant Professor |akatz4@vt.edu, Dr. Dayoung Kim, Assistant Professor | dayoungkim@vt.edu, Dr.David Knight, Associate Professor | dbknight@vt.edu, Tamara Knott, Academic Programs Manager | knott@vt.edu, Dr. Walter Lee, Associate Professor |walterl@vt.edu, Dr. Jenny Lo, Senior Instructor |jlo@vt.edu, Dr. Vinod Lohani, Associate Professor |vlohani@vt.edu, Dr. Jeremi London, Associate Professor |jslondon@vt.edu, Dr. Holly Matusovich, Professor |matushm@vt.edu, Dr. Lisa McNair, Professor |lmcnair@vt.edu, Alexis Miller, Advisor| alexismiller@vt.edu, April Mullins,Career & Academic Advisor |aprilm22@vt.edu, Dr. Homero Murzi,Assistant Professor |hmurzi@vt.edu, Daniel Newcomb, Advisor| danieln1@vt.edu, James Newcomer, Advising Coordinator WebStudent Organizations. Research interests: I am studying the effects of harvest and sexual selection on American lobster (Homarus americanus). WebIn an atmosphere that values discovery, empathy, and diversity, Student Affairs is committed to the growth, development, and achievement of Virginia Tech students. visibility in Account Manager. kubota rtv 900 replacement windshield glass.It is a life without hope, without reason, and without God. Advanced Engineering Design Labwebsite, 3046 Torgersen Hall (0217), 620 Drillfield Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24061 Phone: 540-232-8705, Assistant Dean for Research in the National Capital Region Blacksburg, VA 24061 Phone: 540-231-5279, Mark Pitt, Department Chair Our default setting is to rely on our own understanding and find our future in what is real. Im also very interested in large marine protected areas and evaluating their benefit to global shark populations. Phone: 540-231-7981, Steve Holbrook, Department Head 300 Turner Street NW The VTC School of Medicine incorporates a research value domain throughout all four years of the school's curriculum with the goal of developing physician scientists. Blacksburg, VA 24061. cabezon@vt.edu. Email: aprildow@vt.edu Office: 540-231-4033, Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration Email: [emailprotected]. Pembroke Park, FL33023 Phone: (540) 231-7292. Home. Research Interests: My current dissertation project is assessing the distribution, abundance, and genetic diversity of three species of freshwater mussels. I am studying the reproductive physiology and paternity of Eastern hellbender giant salamanders across a habitat quality gradient (Advisor: Hopkins). WebStaff Directory Members By Category/Department; Image Name Title Area Code 540 Email Address; GENERAL INFORMATION; Virginia Tech Athletics Information: 1 (800) VA Window Classics-Bonita Springs We would love to hear from you. Fish and Wildlife Conservation The Agricultural & Applied Economics Department in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences seeks to fill a full-time, calendar year Academic and Student Support Advisor. WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Email: msison90@vt.edu Use this link to schedule an appointment with someone in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. My project at Virginia Tech focuses on understanding factors that support Black, Asian, and Latine participation in outdoor recreation and environmental civic engagement (Advisor: Chaves). My research focuses on how climate changes affect hydrological aspects, fish traits and future potential changes over river-floodplain fisheries along the Amazon River (Advisor: Dr. Leandro Castello). 620 Drillfield Drive Academic support services for students, from the Writing Center to time management counseling. 3023 Torgersen Hall, Suite 3046 4925 SW 74th Ct Phone: 540-231-1878, Executive Assistant to the Dean 460 Turner Street, Suite 306 540-231-7411, Emily Roediger, Director of Communications and Marketing pokemon moon emerald download. WebOnly first-class mail and packages will be forwarded (no newspapers or magazines). Associate Department Head for Undergraduate Affairs These species are the Tennessee heelsplitter (Lasmigona holstonia), the Cumberland moccasinshell (Medionidus conradicus),and the Fluted kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus subtentus). 155 Otey Street Phone: 540-231-7813, Assistant Director of Leadership Gifts Email: pitt@vt.edu Research Interests: I am studying the migration, genetic population structure, and growth of the catfish Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum in the Amazon Basin. WebNorth End Center, Suite 2300 (0318) 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, VA 24061. Phone:540-231-3702, Associate Dean for Research kubota rtv 900 replacement windshield glass.It is a life without hope, without reason, and without God. Blacksburg, VA 24061 2023 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. SAIT Service Request Form. 3006 Torgersen Hall, Suite 3046 Schiffert Health Center. Phone: 540-231-6468, Robert Cohen, Department Head Research Interests: Overall, I'm interested in the variation of life-history traits of salamanders along elevational gradients. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. WebWelcome to Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine. Email:avolker@vt.edu Blacksburg, VA 24061, 7:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m. weekdays when school is in session. VT Engage: The Center for Leadership & Service Learning, President receives statement on academic freedom and free speech written by the Task Force on Freedom of Expression and Inquiry, Civil engineering alumnus welcomes chance to improve campus experience, A letter from Mark Sikes, dean of students, Virginia Tech to test VT Alerts system for all locations on Feb. 9. WebElectronic Communication. Office Hours & Teaching. Advancement (Alumni Relations, Development, Communications) Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity (540) 231-4376, Nicole Akers, Program Manager Information about on-campus and off-campus housing resources. My research interests also include spatial ecology and how anthropogenic factors play a role in stream fish distributions (advisors: Angermeier & Frimpong). At Virginia Tech, we have approximately 800 student organizations that bring excitement, programs, and community to our campus. Email: munsk@vt.edu, Alexandra Hanlon, Director information which is used by the Alumni Association. Virginia Tech Graduate School Main phone number: (540) 231-6691 Email: grads@vt.edu. Academic and Student Support Advisor. HokieSports. Finance and assistantship-related inquiries: gradfinance@vt.edu; (540) 231-0060. WebThe student-faculty ratio at Virginia Tech is 13:1, and the school has 37.9% of its classes with fewer than 20 students. Research Statement: I am researching the American Horseshoe Crab population trends along the Atlantic Coast, specifically in the Delaware Bay to provide quantitative analysis for management of the species by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Council. WebDepartments and Contact Information | Student Affairs | Virginia Tech. The staff directory for the University Libraries.

Ticket Marketplace,

Travel Center & Info, English Field at Atlantic Union Bank Park Fan Guide,

ACC Network, Video Library presented by

, Virginia Tech Sports Network Radio Affiliates, Sport Psychology/Counseling and Athletic Mental Performance, Student-Athlete Academic Support Services, Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), Hisham Ziyout, MS, LAT, ATC, CSCS, PES, CES, Senior Associate Athletics Director, Inclusive Excellence and Alumni Engagement, Senior Associate Athletic Director, Administration and Sports Programs, Senior Associate Athletic Director, Student-Athlete Services/University Affairs, Senior Associate Athletics Director, External Operations, Senior Associate AD for Strategic Affairs, Senior Associate Athletics Director, Compliance, Associate Athletics Director, Clinical and Sport Psychologist, Assistant Athletics Director, Clinical and Sport Psychologist, Assistant Athletic Director, Sports Nutrition, Graduate Assistant, Football and Softball, Fellow, Women's Soccer, Wrestling, Men's & Women's Swim & Dive, Spirit, Associate Athletics Director, Sports Medicine - Football, Director, Sports Medicine - Football, Golf, Senior Director, Sports Medicine - Lacrosse, Senior Director, Sports Medicine - Women's Basketball, Tennis Oversight, Business Operations Manager / Insurance Coordinator, Assistant Athletic Director, Head Football Athletic Trainer, Athletic Trainer, Football Concussion Research Coordinator, Director, Sports Medicine Swimming and Diving, Director, Sports Medicine Track and Field, Cross Country, Director, Sports Medicine Womens Soccer, Director, Sports Medicine - Mens Basketball, Graduate Assistant, Sports Medicine - Cheerleading, HighTechs, Resident, Sports Medicine - Mens and Womens Tennis, Graduate Assistant, Sports Medicine Football, Resident, Sports Medicine Mens and Womens Swimming and Diving, Senior Director of Strength & Conditioning, Assistant Athletics Director, Strength & Conditioning - S&C Coach for Women's Basketball, Assistant Director of Strength & Conditioning, Associate Director, S/C, Olympic Sports & Nutrition Assistant, Assistant Director, Strength & Conditioning, Associate Head Coach, Offense & Recruiting Coordinator, Director of Player Development, Baseball Technology/Analytics, Director of Hitting Development / Scouting Assistant, Assistant Director, Equipment Services - Men's Basketball, Men's Golf, Women's Golf, Men's Tennis, Women's Tennis, Coordinator of Student-Athlete Engagement, Associate Director, HR and Administrative Services, Associate Athletic Director, Business & Finance, Assistant Director, Business Service Center, Business Services Analyst, Business Service Center, Senior Director, Facilities Management & Finance, Senior Director, Compliance / Financial Aid, Director / Compliance, Admissions, and Housing, Assistant Director, Compliance (Outgoing Transfers/Transfer Portal updates), Assistant Director, Equipment Services - Baseball, Swimming & Diving, Spirit Squads, Women's Soccer, Assistant Director, Equipment Services - Football, Associate Athletics Director, Technology Integration & Strategic Initiatives, Associate Athletics Director, Brand Advancement, Associate Athletics Director of Digital Strategy & Innovation, Associate Athletics Director, Championship Resources Strategy, Associate Athletics Director, Ticketing Operations, Systems Mangagement & Technology, Associate Athletics Director, Production & Multimedia, General Manager, Virginia Tech Sports Properties, Senior Associate Athletics Director, Senior Director of Major Gifts, Senior Director, Marketing & Fan Development, Assistant Director, Marketing & Fan Experience, Associate Athletics Director, Creative Communications (Men's Basketball, Men's & Women's Golf), Assistant Athletics Director, Strategic Communications (Head Football SID, contact for all media inquiries), Director, Creative Communications (Football credentials, Women's Basketball, Student Staff), Associate Director, Creative Communications (Baseball, Secondary Football), Associate Director, Creative Communications (Softball, Volleyball), Assistant Director, Creative Communications (Men's Soccer, Lacrosse, Men's Basketball [Secondary]), Coordinator, Creative Communications (Women's Soccer, Track & Field, Cross Country), Coordinator, Creative Communications (Wrestling), Assistant, Creative Communications (Swimming & Diving), Assistant, Creative Communications (Men's and Women's Tennis), Associate Director, Graphic and Web Design, Assistant Athletics Director of Digital & Internet Strategies, Assistant Athletics Director of Digital Strategy & Innovation, Assistant Director of Digital Marketing Strategies, Assistant Athletics Director, Fundraising Strategy, Associate Director, Membership Services & Gift Accounting, Assistant Director, Communications Strategy, Assistant Director, Donor Growth Strategies, Assistant Director, Premium Seating Operations, Associate Athletics Director, Major Gifts, Assistant Director, Sport-Specific Giving, Executive General Manager, Ticket Sales & Service, Associate General Manager, Ticket Sales & Service, Assistant Athletics Director, ACC Network Operations, Director, Ticketing Operations for Finance, Director of Broadcasting, Men's Basketball Play-By-Play, Assistant Director of Broadcast Services, Women's Basketball & Baseball Play-By-Play, Associate Athletics Director, Facility Maintenance and Capital Projects, Associate Athletics Director, Game Operations, Facilities Director, Tennis, Track and Softball, Athletics Facilities Assistant, Tennis, Track and Softball, Special Teams Coordinator/Assistant Head Coach - Offense/Running Backs, Defensive Recruiting Coordinator/Cornerbacks Coach, Offensive Recruiting Coordinator/Wide Receivers Coach, Assistant Director of Football Operations, Football Operations and Analytics Assistant, Assistant AD of Player Engagement for Football, Assistant Director of Football Coaching Video, Assistant Director of Football Creative Media, Housekeeper (Cassell/Jamerson/Merryman/Hahn-Hurst), Associate Director, Information Technology, Director - Academic Counselor (Women's Golf), Associate Director - Academic Counselor (Mens Basketball and Lacrosse), Associate Director - Academic Counselor (Football and Men's Tennis), Associate Director - Academic Counselor (Baseball and Mens & Womens Swimming & Diving), Senior Assistant Director - Academic Counselor (Football and Men's Golf), Assistant Director - Academic Counselor (Womens Basketball, Womens Soccer, and Volleyball), Assistant Director - Academic Counselor (Football and Spirit Squads), Assistant Director - Academic Counselor (Men's Soccer, Softball, and Wrestling), Assistant Director - Academic Counselor (Football and Womens Tennis), Assistant Director, Learning Assistance Program, Learning Specialist, Learning Assistance Program, Mentor Program Coordinator, Learning Specialist, Learning Assistance Program, Tutor Coordinator, Learning Assistance Program, Assistant Athletic Director, Student-Athlete Development, Senior Director, Student-Athlete Career Development, Senior Director, Student-Athlete Leadership Development, Assistant Coach/Men's Recruiting Coordinator, Director of Track & Field and Cross Country, Assistant Coach (Jumps/Technical Director), Volunteer Assistant Coach (Sprints/Hurdles/Relays). 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