hard cast projectile @ 1,300+ fps. No browns in this neck of the woods so no need for the really big bore guns. Crossdraw holster. His wife left Houston shortly after he passed. That being said, I would carry both. P.J. pistol. A study done by US Fish and Wildlife produced the following results. Same applies to the Redhawk if you insist on a DA. They want to second guess people. No bear or cubs life is worth a human life. With those animals ranging from 30 pounds to 1200 pounds, there is no single optimum caliber/bullet combination. 400g hornady JHP on a 300lb hog shot from front, while laying prone, went through the shoulder, traveled full length of body and exited hind-quarter over 2.5 feet of thick, dense, penetration. Did they field dress and later skin it ? Let's dive right in. Hunting and slaughtering are hardly a comparison. The Freedom Arms Model 83, in .454 Casull, in a serious piece of gear. It was the first handgun I ever purchased.. Black bear common senseoptions: It is illegal to injure or kill them. Yes I admit, Im a revolver person. If you choose bear spray as your only alternative more power to you. be utilized for small game hunting: rabbit, squirrel, and grouse. OMG! This I know from personal experience! I find it odd that people who trust autoloading pistols for protection against instantaneous violent attack by humans do not trust them for bears? This may not have been a great time for firearm but it begs the questions: (1) What's a good caliber to stop a cat at 3 - 20 yds, and (2) what kind of round (solid, hollow point)? is excellent. The next stage of the disease results in paralysis. of course be loaded and kept down loaded with .38 Special ammo (modern). Sources However, should you have the misfortune of getting between a sow and her cubs, or perhaps meet a cantankerous old boar, the black bear certainly has the equipment to rearrange your anatomy, and even possibly render your birth certificate null and void. Fly fishing in AK, and knocking around the woods I often carry a stainless charter target bulldog in 44 special. Another survivalist carried a lever action .357 MAG rifle. Mountain lions have a size advantage, a power advantage, and more weapons in their arsenal to kill a wolf. I sure wanted to sit and talk to him about all the storys they brought back. BTW chest rig is way to go with X frame revolvers. May 23, 2022 / by / in . She had gone out to get water and as she left she picked up her grandfathers .22 because up there you just never leave the cabin without a gun. If that is the mountain lion in the background why is it field dressed. He said not really. Colorado Springs, Colo. The craggy mesas and sagebrush valleys of the West have a wild horse problem. the game warden. All of these four-legged animals that have attacked humans are in my state: Most rangers will tell you a $50. Grizzlies make mock charges; black bear do not or thats what the experts say. 1. A grizzly bear is a formidable foe, having no issue whatsoever proving its dominance over human beings. With speed loaders in the hands of a competent shooter, the revolver can be reloaded almost as quickly as a pistol. That wont be possible until my kids are out of college, though. on this subject is this: self defense/house protection/concealed carry is only half Get as informed as you can, and make the best choice you can. I am thinking a 9mm semi-auto handgun loaded with 115 grain hollow-point bullets for two-legged and four-legged attackers up to 150 pounds or so and the .44 Magnum revolver with 240 grain softpoint bullets for everything bigger than that. Yet I acknowledge the semi-automatic pistol and its place in certain shooting applications. A 45 Long Colt? Now before we take a look at particular models and calibers, lets get one basic premise out of the way: when the excrement hits the oscillator, any gun is better than no gun. Full size 9mm is better, a rifle/shotgun with it's longer sight radius is even better (with the .380 as a backup still). # 3. I carry a SW 500 in a chest rig as backup. So the point is simple; a wonderful collection of pistols at home wont do you any good, youll have to make do with what you have, Like the Boy Scout motto says, Be Prepared. Although lighter than what one would think of as bear protection, the authors .38 Special is extremely compact, lightweight and portable. It is the gun I used in the American Hunter Challenge Video where I make five hits at seven yards in under three seconds. @1,200+ FPS and a 300gr. The hunting part mostly Brown bear hunting. I placed a dollar bill next to the track and took a photo. not litter the landscape. 39% were found to . where do you come up with this bullshit. Practice with light loads and carry it with one of Pearces 22k psi heavy loads. Just my 2 cents for whats its worth. On average, a mountain lion killed one deer a week. The video shows the mountain lion sneaking up around a corner behind an unsuspecting deer and rapidly tackling it to the ground, before dragging it off by its neck. The second shot went CLICK. A doe once got a hoof caught in the top of a cyclone fence, near our property. I hope those guides told you that if you fire a round, bears start coming from all directions to eat the free gut pile. had the game warden not had his .357 Magnum holstered on his person the Grizzly These were not accidental sow with cubs, surprised a bear in a dumpster, etc. Yes it is a bit heavy, but as said earlier.with a charging bear 8.5lbs of 458 SOCOM feels like a down pillow . Most of the revolvers mentioned in this article are double action. The cartridge will push a 180-grain bullet to a respectable 1,300 fps, and that little Kimber has a lot to offer. You can keep the Roland! Most sheep hunts have included bear encounters. Smith & Wesson. Ultimately, some gun is better than no gun, and too much gun that youre unable to get proficient with is a problem. Can some of the huge pistols work? in bullet weight and energy. People started carrying bear spray in that area. BTW seems like shooting an elk here is like ringing a dinner bell for the grizzlies. At 50yds not much will walk away from a hit with that bullet. bullets would probably only allow one shot, one handed. Adult weight: Males range from 116-160 pounds and females, 75-110 pounds Bears, wild critters, thats all very nice and fluffy. I carry either my Ruger Alasken 44 mag, or my Ruger GP 100 in 44 Special with custom loaded 255 gr. Had that sow felt threatened, I wouldnt have known what hit me. I recently read the account of a man in Oregon who survived a black bear attack. A 629 classic 44 Mag. At least .40 caliber, 300 grains and 1,000 fps. The entire time I was a patrol officer, 5 years, I carried a revolver. The BS in this article is deep. With the exception of Mr. Shoemaker who has more experience than I will ever even hope to have bigger seems to be better. It will drive a 300-grain bullet to over 1,600 fps. It doesnt kick as much as my .44 Rem Mag in a JP Sauer six-shooter that I used to carry on remote gold mining operations, and in a M&P Shield and Glock 21, it also serves as my concealed carry. Ill stick If you choose a 9mm in bear country, you dont want hollow points but maybe something like Lehigh Defense Extreme Penetratorwith its solid copper bullet. Cork Graham (corkgraham.com) , a fellow writer, hunter, and Alaska resident not to mention an actor on the Discovery Channel had a bit of a different perspective. I took a 29 S&W 6 .44 mag. Predator animals act by instinct when challenged and hunt for food not to rob you or for the pleasure of killing you. Nope, no way. I saw one 200 yards from my home while deer hunting several years ago. If a close attack by a bear happens, I sure wouldnt want a single action revolver. In this case, the mountain lion was found to have rabies. Required fields are marked *. Of course the welfare of humans (the public) must always come last. With a 3-inch barrel and a six-shot cylinder combining for a weight of just 25 ounces, this gun was made to be both carried and shot. What would make a good companion piece [long gun] regardless of sidearm? Expert trackers look for the following to identify mountain lion tracks: Three lobes at the bottom of the pad. Mountain lions have been terrorizing livestock in Lake County over the past weeks, and this was not the first instance to be reported to authorities. While Snap decisions in day to day life are a bad idea.. They respond pretty well to people calibers without the need to go full-on hand cannon. The bfr is very easy shooting postal and extremely accurate. Oaf, that was funny! fresh kill 1994 watch online. Government paid hunters were also paid to do the same. Stay safe in mountain lion country Do not hike, bike or jog alone. Really. I have both the Governor and a Public Defender Judge, but no steel framed .45 Long Colt guns. Recoil is managable and porting helps, not like 454 casull or 460 mag, no, let me guess 500 s&w is the only option, the first pistol to come with wheels! Not to be the asshole of the crowd, but a Grizzly is an Ursus arctos horribilis as opposed to just the Ursus arctos, or Brown Bear. A Sacramento Bee investigation revealed in 2017 that thanks to that language, Californians have killed far more mountain lions since Proposition 117 passed then they did before.. Youre 100% correct. A 22 may kill a mountain lion, but a 44 magnum will kill their soul as well. Little meat damage and with a WC or Semi WC will certainly do the job. There are too many stories of people getting mauled by bears that charged right through their attempt to spray it, and they could never get to their gun in time once the bear hit. Is it a powerhouse, as a bear cartridge? Department spokesperson Peter Tira told LA Times: "It's been a day-to-day, hourly kind of situation. LAR Grizzly 45 Win Mag. I am from Houston, TX. Two young men from SoCal (where else?) The Hodgden #25 manual does show loads for a 200-grain bullet using HS6, Trap100 and HP38 powders. The 7 -inch barrel makes for a bit more cumbersome handgun, but the author feels the accuracy is well worth it. According to CPW, Colorado is home to between 3,000 and 7,000 mountain lions. Mountain lions are apex predators with the ability to kill elk, mule deer, and coyotes with ease - but they aren't usually aggressive toward hikers and their dogs. Mountain lions are a specially protected species in California. Big bears do not get big being stupid around people. .38spl are pretty light loads. Hopefully, this link will work. However, if you're going to deploy bear spray against a mountain lion, then you need to make sure of a few things. Good responses. Ill take the capacity of an auto loader in 45 Super, 10mm or Rowland any day. Perry can dispatch a coyote with a Ruger LCP you most certainly could do it with .38 Special +p or not and it will also kill a mountain lion. While hunting is one of my favorite pastimes, fishing and hiking are a wonderful means of spending time with friends and family and living in close proximity to both the Catskill and Adirondack mountains, there is ample opportunity for both of those activities. They were highly experienced survivalists. so why risk it. Put up the fishing gear and settled in for the night. Even if the game warden had survived, he News California Dogs Wildlife Pit Bull. I saw a beautiful Blond one in Glacier Natl Park a couple of years ago. More than 12,400 mountain lions were killed between 1907 and 1963 and turned in for bounties, according to the Mountain Lion Foundation. and the 45 colts are equal if used in modern stout pistols. DRT. and driving a rig your not in the Alaskan brush. I used them for too many years to be so. Before all the Eco Warriors took over the various Forrest and land agencies. I purchased the gun from the nephew of an Alaskan Guide who had to kill several large browns with this same revolver. First you start off by saying a Judge or Governor is not what you want for bear country, then end by saying you carry a Redhawk in .45 Colt for bear. If I gotta shoot something that wants to eat me ! Humans travel about 21MPH tops.. Bears.. 35mph.. Sheep and goats are the most commonly killed domestic livestock, but mountain lions also kill cattle, It would beat the pants off any .44mag for sure. Regarding my loads, Im partial to a 230 grain Federal Hydra-Shok jacketed hollowpoint staggered with 230-grain lead cast bullet, one following the other, the first round out of the magazine a Hydra-Shok. 1400+ fpm with a 140-grain FMJ bullet out of a 4.5-inch barrel. When a bear is facing you even if you penetrate the meat and skull, the skull is angled flat so the bullet would probably ricochet rather than penetrate. That said, here are my picks. For more information about Smith & Wesson, click here. Just food for thought Stay safe Brian. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This is all interesting to a curious 75 yo ..better for me to stay out of bear country. We killed about 5 hogs every week he shot them with 22 never saw any that didnt fall over dead. get of his ass and go out in the woods with his 38. In general, 10mm, .44 magnum, or better seems like the best choices (including .454 Casull). BTW the 2nd encounter was by a friend who was carrying that old M572 shots on a wounded grizzly same load did him in. Especially when you carry an extra mag. Im not against revolvers. You need to shoot a few of the +Ps every Spring to remember where they are hitting. Poisons, like these rodenticides, harm lions. 4 5/8 inch barrelpretty comfortable to carry . He put his paw on his shoulder. They dont respond the same way as healthy animals. Radically Invasive Projectile G2 ammo works! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I throughly tested a number of handguns and ammo two weeks before I had to kill a 900 # brown bear with a 9mm and I was confident I could stop a bear with it. The mountain lion also occasionally preys on domestic livestock and pets. If the mountain lion successfully ambushed a wolf, the fight is immediately over, and the wolf is dead due to a pierced skull or ripped throat. A 45 or 44 mag would be better, but i no longer care to carry the extra weight. Laboratory work several days after the attack would have indicated rabies. Are they prudent, not for me. sounds like you have too many guns and cant decide on which one to take. Mountain lions are a protected species in California. Mountain lions dont have a reputation for requiring powerful firearms to put them down. Good stuff. Hornady, I simply killed her with kindness, responding: for the same reason you dont buy bathroom tissue, one sheet at a time, MAMM. In the end the animals will lose as even the anti-hunting crowd will realize that dangerous animals cannot be tolerated around civilization as there is no room for both humans and dangerous animals or wild animals that destroy crops. And yet if you carry an effective caliber/bullet combination for coyotes and small mountain lions, you are seriously underpowered for the big beasts in the woods. If you carry an effective caliber/bullet combination for 400+ pound bears, wild boars, and feral hogs, you are carrying way too much gun for coyotes and small mountain lions. A single action handgun is not a good choice as a defense weapon in any scenario. I was charged and shot the first round at about 15 ft. 2nd followed immediately. I dont shoot them well enough, fast enough to satisfy me, 2. Plenty of good options in DA revolvers tried and true .44 mag, .454 casull, .460 S&W, etc. Same holster also. The cowboy loads are mild and fun to shoot and loaded with 300 plus grain hot loads it is very similar to a 44 mag. death by wild beast is now becoming more common. Some of the 480loads tested in wet newspaper penetrate further than 338 win mag, with a fraction of the recoil, which means quick and accurate initial and follow up shots. I have always heard, or read, that one should use heavy for caliber, hard cast lead bullets for bear. Brian M.- I also did the same thing with my Glock 21 accept I started with the 45 Super cartridge. Sure, semi-automatics have their place. I some what agree. Seriously funny ! I was hunting in Alaska well before most of your parents even drew a breath. Next In that vein, and considering the real vs. imaginary threat posed by bears, a familiar 9mm loaded with non-expanding bullets is a lot better than a heavy .44 or .500 you left at home or are not completely proficient with. From one Phil to another, sage advice. I had a face off not far from lake Iliamna with that combo and would not have traded it for the world. If I am packing meat, I carry it in a shoulder holster. We hadnt thought of that. It turned its head, but did not appear to see me growled and went into its death throes. They have great hunting senses that help them spot prey along with sharp claws and powerful bites. My gun likes the Hornady XTPs best, and I feel confident making vital hits out to 40 yards or so with this combination. I heard that some hikers on Mt. elk DRT. I have three loads that I shot, 200 gr. Mountain Lion Foundation Sep 25, 2007. carry ! What would be the minimum barrel length for any bear spanker? Buzz, Surprisingly, I had to shoot it THREE times in the head, from INCHES away before it died. A 10-year-old boy was killed by a mountain lion while hiking near Grand Lake in 1997, and an adult runner was killed in Idaho Springs in 1991. I have a CZ52 that shoots the old PPsH Tokarev LMG round. There was a Professor who during the 50s and 60s working with the US Forrest Service..spent a great deal of time studying bears and bear attacks. A glock 20 (10 mm) has 16 rounds and with the correct ammo is pushing 41 magnum range. But in advanced Industrialized Countries your a dying bread of cat. And those advanced industrial countries will collapse when their native population collapses in 20-30 years. Though it is illegal under state law to kill a mountain lion to protect a pet, CPW has decided not to press charges. But if you are hiking in territories inhabited by mountain lions, they can present a serious danger. The mountain lion known as P-56 was killed January 27, 2020. If not, always nice to have to many guns.. After wearing out a few S&W frames in 44mag, I switched to the short barreled Ruger Alaskan in 44mag. I think anybody going into bear country should read the article about bear defense guns and ammo @ garrettcartridges.com This should answer most questions on the subject. Do you have an animal or nature story to share with Newsweek? 7.62 mm (.32 cal) out of a necked-down 9mm case. In Alaska, we not only have to deal with the common two-legged variety of vermin found in every place in the world, but also the large, four-legged beasts that can either kill and trample you with their hooves, or rip you apart with their claws and teeth; its the latter which draw hunters to the Last Frontier with high-power, large caliber rifles. A large caliber handgun is a must. 8gr 800-X will put some lead into anyones pencil. Those who think they can empty their Glock into a charging bear are fools. To recap quickly, Phil and his husband and wife fishing clients were walking through some thick brush to approach the stream they wanted to fish, when they heard a deep woof and realized they had a bear close and angry. Mountain lions, also known as pumas or cougars, interact with hundreds of species and play a direct role in balancing various habitats across the state and other parts of the U.S. Carry the biggest gun you can for bears or charging moose. Sun, Jan 29, 2023. . If it was acting as weird as they say, they were idiots for not assuming that it was rabid. The best bear gun is, like the best cc gun, the one you have on you when you need it. A lion is a powerful and lethal predator and can easily kill a mule however a mule can be quite an adversary. If the mountain lion successfully ambushed a wolf, the fight is immediately over, and the wolf is dead due to a pierced skull or ripped throat. cougars The reverse is not true. Mountain lions are a protected species in California. Magnum revolver for not only armed defense against both two and four legged 8. I shot that bear in the mouth without breaking a tooth on him cause he was popping his jaws whilst standing on his back legs trying to get thru the fence. My choice is the 500 S&W. A mountain lion has slaughtered 27 lambs on a farm in Northern California but did not eat a single one. Leave bear territory, do a quick mag switch and your back to the right rounds for CCW. Ive ditch my .460 Rowland. Why dont you go out in the woods and try out some of your hollowpoints . For both wilderness/rural vs. urban/metro I cannot This is why I prefer my .460 Roland it has compensator for better follow on second shot. And ditto even for herbivorous who often destroy and damage crops. lever action 44 mag) . I just wander where his Pistol and the rigging went to. My first handgun was just that at age 18, and now I tote a Blackhawk Hunter in .45, loaded with 325 gr HC with GC and 22 grains of H-110 (Ruger Blackhawk or Thompson Contender ONLY!!!) That i shot, 200 gr or Semi WC will certainly do job! Making vital hits out to 40 yards or so with this same revolver a cyclone fence, near property... Tried and true.44 mag them with 22 never saw any that didnt fall over dead fools. And went into its death throes a man in Oregon who survived a bear! Using HS6, Trap100 and HP38 powders packing meat, i sure wouldnt want a single action is! 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